Collection Metadata UML XML

Copyright © 2012 Open Geospatial Consortium 82 Time, Metadata, Options GetPathMap Retrieves areas of interest AOIs from one or more collections of WAMI data as one or more images or images + metadata, in supported standard formats. The information about the collection, time periods and bounding AOIs is supplied as a path3. Service, Request, Version, Format, Accept Languages , Disposition, CRS , Width, Height, Styles, Transparent, Bgcolor , Metadata, Options, Path Optional GetPathMapInfo The request is similar to the GetPathMap request except that instead of images + metadata it retrieves metadata only. Service, Request, Version, Format, Accept Languages , CRS , Width, Height, Metadata, Options, Path Optional

24.2 Request UML XMLKVP

Figure 13shows in detail the root XML elements representing all possible IS requests. All UML attributes represent XML and KVP request parameters, their data-type, and multiplicity. There are complex element relationships which differ in the XML and KVP request encoding. See the specific request Parameter section to see KVP encoding for the following fields: ViewPort Time BBox Option The ‘Path’ element relationship is retained as URL encoded XML for a ‘Path’ KVP parameter.

24.3 Collection Metadata UML XML

See [WAMI CS], version 1.0.2 document 3 A path is defined as a single track of key frames in one collection and a track evaluation method. The AOI area of interest is referenced using a known coordinate reference system. Copyright © 2012 Open Geospatial Consortium 83 Option 0.. GetCapabilitiesRequest acceptVersions [0..] : ows:VersionType sections [0..] : xsd:string updateSequence [0..1] : xsd:string acceptFormats [0..] : xsd:string GetHelpRequest topic [0..] : xsd:string IS_GetMapRequest CID [1..] : xsd:string styles [0..] : xsd:string bgcolor [0..1] : xsd:string transparent [0..1] : xsd:boolean disposition [0..1] : Disposition Type FrameRange «type» start [0..1] : xsd:integer end [0..1] : xsd:integer step [0..1] : xsd:integer recurringInterval [0..1] : xsd:integer TimeRange «type» start [0..1] : xsd:dateTime end [0..1] : xsd:dateTime recurringInterval [0..1] : xsd:integer resolution [0..1] : xsd:duration IS_GetMapInfoRequest CID [1..] : xsd:string IS_GetPathMapRequest disposition [0..1] : Disposition Type styles [0..] : xsd:string bgcolor [0..1] : Color Type transparent [0..1] : xsd:boolean PathMapType «type» PathMapTrackType «type» CID [1..] : xsd:string method [0..1] : xsd:string IS_GetPathMapInfoRequest PathMapTrackAoiType «type» FrameOrTimeSpanRequestType «type» frames [0..1] : xsd:integer duration [0..1] : xsd:duration FrameOrTimeRequestType «type» frame [0..1] : xsd:integer time [0..1] : xsd:dateTime CommonAbstractGetMapRequestType crs : CRSType metadata [0..] : xsd:string FrameOrTimeRangeRequestType «type» Disposition Type «enumeration» ordered unordered replace CommonAbstractRequestType service : ServiceName request : xsd:string exceptions [0..1] : xsd:string acceptLanguages [0..] : xsd:language AbstractRequestType version : ows:VersionType format [0..1] : xsd:string BinaryAbstractGetMapRequestType NameValuePairType «type» name : xsd:string Option 0.. DimensionType «type» width : xsd:integer height : xsd:integer ViewPort BBox Time Time BBox Path Path Track 1.. Aoi 1.. BBox TimeSpan 0..1 Time 0..1 0..1 BoundBoxType «type» crs : CRSType minx : xsd:double miny : xsd:double maxx : xsd:double maxy : xsd:double resx [0..1] : xsd:double resy [0..1] : xsd:double TimeList BODY : xsd:string 1 0.. anyType «type» IS Request Figure 13: IS Request UML

24.4 Response UML XML