Background Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S,M.A


A. Background

We are now in globalization era and English becomes one of international language in the world. We need to learn English more because mastering English is important for us and English is needed in work places. For those reasons above, English should be learned as early as possible. The children will usually master it easier and better. Therefore, Kindergarten and elementary school are the right place to teach and to learn English. In learning a new language, students of elementary school are introduced with vocabularies and how to read the vocabulary or to pronounce and to understand the meaning of vocabulary. Students are also given reading text or reading dialogue, games, and songs or role playing as the interesting media to learn English. In teaching and learning process, the teacher should be sure that students can understand what the teacher said and they can say what they want to say. The writer was interested in having job training in Elementary School as one of the academic requirements of English Diploma Program Letters and Fine Arts Faculty, Sebelas Maret University. Therefore, the writer has job training at commit to user SD Negeri 03 Puron, Sukoharjo to describe the teaching and learning process of English especially teaching speaking. In this school, English lesson has been given to students from the fourth until sixth grades. But the writer wanted to focus in fifth grade students for the final project because they are very interactive although some of them sometimes are quiet. They cannot speak English well. They should be given an instruction to speak in English. And they need help from the teacher to practice their speaking individually or inpairs. Teaching speaking in fifth grade students of SD Negeri 03 Puron, Sukoharjo has some problems. For example, when the writer asked the students to practice dialogue in pairs after she gave the example they feel ashamed. Another problem is the limited time to teach and to learn English in this school. The time is allocated for other lessons such as Indonesian language, IPA, IPS, and Mathematic. English lesson was scheduled at 10.25 until 11.35 am only on Wednesday. During the job training, the writer focused on teaching speaking, because their ability in speaking should be improved. The writer found some difficulties in teaching speaking the students. Therefore, the writer entitles the final report: Difficulties of Teaching Speaking in 5 th Grade of SD Negeri 03 Puron, Sukoharjo. commit to user

B. Objectives