Preliminary Design of Butyl Oleate Plant of Oleic Acid and Butanol Capacity of 15,000 TonsYear 79 • Implement matters relating to the welfare of employees. 2. Public Relations Division, with the task : Set the companys relationship with the outside community. 3. Security Section, which is in charge of : • Maintain all plant buildings and facilities that exist in the company. • Supervise the entry and exit of people, both employees and are not of the corporate environment. • Maintain and maintain confidentiality related to internal company. F. Head of Marketing Responsible to the director of the production in the field of raw materials and marketing of products. This section chief in charge : 1. Purchasing Section, in charge : • Implement the purchase of goods and peraiaran needed company. • Knowing the market price and the quality of raw materials and regulate the entry and exit of materials and tools and storage. 2. Sales Section, in charge : • Planning the sales strategy of production • Set the distribution of goods from the warehouse

5.3.7. Head of Section

Is executing the work in accordance with the environmental part plan that has been set by the head of each, in order to obtain maximum results and effective during the production process. Each section chief in charge of each section head in accordance with the sexy.


Butyl oleate plant is planned to operate for 330 days in a year and the production process lasts 24 hours per day, the rest of the day is not a holiday used for repair and maintenance shutdown. While the distribution of working hours of employees are classified into two categories, namely : 1. Employees non-shiftdaily. Non-shift employees are employees who do not handle the production Preliminary Design of Butyl Oleate Plant of Oleic Acid and Butanol Capacity of 15,000 TonsYear 80 process. Which includes daily employee is a Director, Advisor, Head of Section, Head of Section and Subordinates in the office. Daily employee in one week would work for 6 days with the division of labor hours as follows : Hours : • Monday-Thursday : At 08.00 - 12.00 hours At 12.00 – 13.00 break At 13.00 – 16.00 hours • Friday : At 08.00 - 13.30 hours At 11.30 – 13.00 break At 13.00 – 16.00 hours • On Saturday, Sunday and Major holiday. 2. Employee Shift Shift employees are employees who directly handle the production process or manages certain parts of the plant that are related to security issues and the smooth production. Which includes employee shift among others: production operator. the majority of engineering parts, parts warehouse and parts of security. The shift employees will work alternating day and night, with the setting as follows : • Shift the morning : hour 07.00 - 15.00 • Shift afternoon : hour 15.00-23.00 • Shift the night : hour 23.00 - 07.00 For this shift employees were divided into 4 teams A, B, C, D where 3 teams and 1 team work breaks and worn interchangeably. Each team will have a turn 3 business days and 1 day off each shift and enter again for the next shift. Preliminary Design of Butyl Oleate Plant of Oleic Acid and Butanol Capacity of 15,000 TonsYear 81 Table 5.1 Schedule shift group division DayHour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 08.00 – 16.00 A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D 16.00 – 24.00 B B B B C C C C D D D D A A A 24.00 – 08.00 C C C C D D D D A A A A B B B HOLIDAYS D D D D A A A A B B B B C C C Information : A-D is the name of the team Smooth production of a plant is influenced by factors discipline employees. For that to all employees enforced absences and attendance problems will be used as the basis for corporate leaders in developing the careers of employees.