Study of Symbolism The feminine sybols in and brown's the vinci code

B. Study of Symbolism

Literary symbols, in addition to having the same associations as conventional symbols, literary symbols may derive additional associations through their use in a particular literary work. Often a character, place, action, event, or object is used to suggest multiple meanings in a particular story. For instance, a watch or clock denotes time; as a literary symbol in a particular work, it might seem to suggest just the passing of time, or it might convey anything from a character’s inability to recapture the past to the idea of time running out—or, it might suggest more than one of these ideas. Thingking about an object’s possible meanings can suggest a variety of ways to interpret a text. Actually, you should not concentrate on finding the one true equvalent for a symbol; in fact, this kind of search is very limiting and not very productive. Instead consider the possibilities, the different meanings as symbol might suggest. The consider how the various interpretations enrich the other elements of the story and the work as whole. 15 In recognizing symbol, Kirszner explains, considering an image is used, how often it is used, and when it appears will help you to determine whether or not it functions as a symbol. While the purpose of symbols, symbols expand the possible meanings of a story, thereby heightening interest and involving readers in active participation in the text. In “The Lottery”, for example, the mysterious black box has some symbolic significance. It is mentioned prominently and repeatedly, and it plays a pivotal role in the story’s action. Of 15 Laurie G. Kirszner, op.cit, p. 249 course, the black box is important on purely literal level: It functions as a key component of the lottery. But the box has other associations as well, and it is these associations that suggest what its symbolic value might be. 16 In that context, the black box, has a significant symbol and important on purely literal level. In other words, symbol encourages readers to probe a story for values and ideas, to consider and weigh the suitability of a variety of interpretations. It serves as a hot spot that invites questions and exploration. The answers to these questions reinforce and enrich the story’s theme. 16 Laurie G. Kirszner, op.cit, p. 250 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

A. Objective of the Research