The Representation of opus in dei in the da vinci code















A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata 1 (S 1) Degree















A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

the Strata 1 (S 1) Degree

Junaedi 102026024525

Approved by Advisor

Inayatul Chusna, M. Hum NIP 150 331 233











A thesis entitledThe representation of Opus Dei in the Da Vinci Code,has been defended before the Adaband Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on,September 3, 2009. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Strata 1 (S 1) Degree in English Letters Department.

Jakarta, September 3, 2009

The Board of Examiners

Chair Person, Secretary,

F. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd Drs. Asep Saefudin M.Pd

NIP.150 299 480 NIP.150 261 902


Examiner I Examiner II

Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum Moh. Supardi M.Hum NIP. 150 317 725




I hereby declare this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge and belief. It contains no material previously published or written by another neither persons nor material, which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma of other universities or institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, September 03, 2009



Junaedi, The Representation of Opus Dei in the Da Vinci Code . Thesis. Jakarta: Strata 1 Degree (S1), Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, 2009.

This research discusses Dan Brown’s novel entitled “The Da Vinci Code”, focusing on analyzing representation and the Ideology which emerge in that novel.

The objective of this research is to know howOpus Deiis represented in theDa Vinci Codeand to know the ideology of the novel’s representation through from the action of the characters. This research uses qualitative method and followed by representation theory and content analysis.

The researcher uses the data collected about Opus Dei representation to analyze howOpus Deiis described in the Novel and find resources to complete the research references. And the unit analysis of this research is the novel entitled “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown.

The novel attempts to present the real organization sectOpus Deiin his story. The representation ofOpus Deiin theDa Vinci Codebrings controversy because in the novel gives negative image towardOpus Dei. From the actions, behaviors, and nature ofOpus Dei itself. besides, the novel also presented bad image towardOpus Dei.

Throughout TheDa Vinci Code,Opus Deimembers represented doing something negative like murdering, stealing, injuring people, and so on. Besides their members the novel also describe about this organization doing something negative like Bribing, to gain the holy purpose. In related to gender,Opus Deidescribed as an organization which differentiated male and female. The organization also described as having rituals of mortification to hurt oneself for the sake of god.

The negative descriptions ofOpus Deiemerge an ideology that although the purpose of the organization is honorable. Those who are the members of the organization choose a wrong way to gain the purpose. It then creates a very destructive, cruel, and dangerous organization.



In the name of God, the infinitely good, the All- merciful

First of all the writer would like to thank to ALLAH SWT, the lord of the universe, who has created heavens and earth, who has created mankind and all that we perceive. Peace and blessing be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW, his fellows and followers.

Second, the writer would like to express his gratitude to Hj. Mardiyah and H.Napih, for the useful advice and the financial support, he also thanks to his grandmother for the prayer and hope. And the unforgettable thanks to his beloved Mom, Dad, Nuraini, Murniyanti, Yazid, Mutoharoh, Rabiah, and my litlle sister Suhaibah in azziyadah and for all the contribution that he needs until the end of his study in this university. The writer thanks to his friends, Andri and Nursyal.

Next, the writer would like to thank his advisor Miss. Inayatul Chusna for the great patient and contribution to finish this thesis and for all her advice that has been given to him. May Allah responses her deeds with thousand kindnesses.

Consequently, the writer also thanks to these following people;

1. Dr. H. Abdul Chair, MA, the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty, Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

2. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M. Pd and Drs. Asep Saepudin, M. Pd, the Chief and the Secretary of the English Letters department.

3. All the lecturers of English Letters Department, who has taught and educated him during he studies at the campus.

4. All the employers of UIN Jakarta Center Library.

5. All his friends at campus; Budi Prasetyo Nursyal, Andri, and M. Indra Perkasa, who always accompany and support the writer to finish his thesis from the beginning.

Jakarta, May 2009











A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Focus of the Research ... 3

C. Research Questions ... 3

D. Significance of the Study ... 4

E. The Methodology of the Research ... 4


A. Representation ... 6

B. Content Analysis ... 9

C. Ideology ... 14

D. Opus Dei ... 16


A. Data Descriptions... 20

B. Data Analysis... 20




A. Conclusion ... 33

B. Suggestion ... 34



A. Background of the study

Literary works are means of expression for writers to communicate their ideas about conditions in a society. Though considered imaginative products among the society, literary works actually reflects social tendencies in the people surrounding. “Literature is one of the great creative and universal means of communicating concerns of mankind.” The artists use literary works to express their ideas, imaginations and feelings and to communicate social issues happening in society. As imaginative products, these literary works cannot be separated from life because they reflect society with certain social, philosophical, religious values as norms in the society.

Literary works are parts of social life. As imaginative products, literary works are resulted from observations that are arranged by values and norms in society. The artists adopt them for the purpose of inspiring people for better life. They hope that people understand the conditions in their society and make some changes in their social life; in literary works there are lives of individuals that involve relations among humans and even among groups of society.

Literature1 gives a lot of benefit to public. It will inform about social condition, moral, and history of society where the literature is published to public

1The term literary is a”acquaintance with letters” as in the first sense given in the oxford English Dictionary from the Latin “littera” meaning “an individual written character (letter)”.The term has generally come to identify a collection of texts of work of art, which in Western culture are mainly prose, both fiction and non-fiction, drama and poetry. Anonymous,Literature,Literature. Accessed on April 11, 2007., p.1


through author’s idea. So public can learn more about the past, present and future prediction by wandering in the literature.

Sometimes public can not catch the author’s mean and it can create

misunderstanding. Therefore public need more research in literature to clear the misunderstanding and explain what the author wants for his work. Meanwhile, there is an argument that literary work is an autonomy structure. It is a unit which elements built it has relation each other, that way to understand literature; literary work must be analyzed based on its own structure, without correlating it with historical background, author’s mean and readers.

Literary work is used to describe what the author catches about life in his surrounding. It reflects the condition of a certain society. However that reflection is not exactly the same. The author expresses his/her own opinion & view of that society based on his/her understanding which may be different from the real one.

Novel, as parts of literary work often represent a certain society which are not similar from the real one. For example Da Vinci code2, as a historical thriller novel, is one kind of those novels which represent a certain condition in society.

That novel represent Opus Dei3 their activities and rituals. The sect is existing in catholic religion; however the description of that sect in the novel is different from the real one. The different representation ofopus Dei in the Da Vinci codewith the real one raises many questions of what the novel actual intention is.

2The Da Vinci Code, is thriller history written by Dan Brown which is essentially uncover the marriage of Jesus and his descendent.


Opus Dei is a catholic organization with around 85,000 members world wide and about 500 members in the UK.


By analyzing how the Opus Dei is represented in the novel, it reveals the ideology of the book which represent such description.

TheDa Vinci Codeis thriller history essentially uncover Vatican conspiracy for centuries which hidden about the marriage of Jesus and Maria Magdalena and his descendent.

Based on the view, The Da Vinci Code which is believed as literary work that has controversial issues ofOpus Dei, So the writer is interested towardOpus Dei

sect to be used as object of this research in writing his thesis.

B. Focus of the study

The writer analyzes an issue of TheDa Vinci Code that connecting with a field of the literature namely Opus Dei, which is recognized controversial religion sect, included in the novel.

C. Research Questions

To make more convenient and simply in analyzing the novel; the writer focuses on the content of the novel which is dealing with Opus Dei and construct it into the following questions:

1. How isOpus Deirepresented in theDa Vinci Code? 2. What kind of ideology carried by the novel?


D. Significance of the Study

Through this research, the writer hopes this research can develop our knowledge in literary work, so that more variety and change than before. Besides that, the writer hopes this research can be used and gives the detail information about the representation of Opus Dei and also the reader understand about the ideology of the novel The Da Vinci Code. Then, it will stimulate us in learning literature and also make everyone think that the novel are exciting thing to analyze.

E. The Methodology of the Research

1. The Objectives of Research

The research has the following objectives: a. To know how the novel representOpus Dei.

b. To know what ideology is carried by such representation. 2. The Method

The research applies the qualitative method in analyzing the novel. The writer tries to describe the data analysis having correlation with the method and research questions.

3. The Technique of Data analysis

The writer attempts to describe The Representation ofOpus Dei in the Da Vinci Codewith the following steps:

1) the writer reads the novel accurately 2) noting the contents or messages that deal with research data, 3) concerning to the representation of Opus Dei that


become the core of the data, 4) the completed data are analyzed by correlating it with the contexts and the relevant theories

4. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of the research isThe Da Vinci Code, written byDan Brown




A. Representation

A. The concept of representation has

come to occupy a new and important place in the study of culture. Representation means using language to say something meaningfully about, or to represent the world meaningfully, to other people. Representation is an essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a culture. It does involve the use language of signs and images, which stand for or represent things.

The word ‘represent’ have three possible meanings:4

1. To ‘represent’ meaning to stand in for, as in the case of singing a nation’s anthem

in the Olympiad 2008 where every nation’s anthem will be sung to indicate that country is in participated.

2. To ‘represent’meaning to speak or act on behalf of. A person who represents a

group in this sense may also serve a symbolic function. An example might Soekarno - Hatta, who speak and act on behalf of the Indonesia community.

3. To ‘represent’ meaning to re-present. In this sense, an artist can re–present a

society in a novel, film, drama

B. The writer uses the last definition

‘represent’ which meaning is presented again. There are two systems of representation, involved. First, there is a ‘system’ by which all sorts of objects people


Hall, Stuart.Representation Cultural Representation and Signifying Practices, Sage Publication, 1997, P. 57


and events are correlated with a set of concepts or mental representations, which the author carry around in the reader’sminds. Without them, we could not interpret the world meaningfully at all. In the first place, then, meaning depends on the system of concepts and images formed in our thoughts which can stand for or ‘represents’ the world, enabling us to refer to things both inside and outside our heads. The example is simple enough to see how the author might form concepts for things we can perceive-people or material objects like chairs, tables, and desks. But we also form concepts of rather obscure and abstract things, which we cannot see in any simple way, feel, or touch. Think, for example of our concepts of war, or death, friendship or love.

C. The second system of representation

is language involved in the overall process of constructing meaning. Our shared conceptual map must be translated into a common language, so that the reader can correlate the author’s concepts and ideas with certain written words, spoken sounds or visual images. The general term the author use for words, sound images which carry meaning is signs. These signs stand for or represent the concept and the conceptual relations between them which the author carry around in the reader’s minds and together they make up the meaning system ofthe reader’sculture.

D. There are three approaches relate to

the representation; reflective approach, intentional approach and Constructionist approach. The writer uses Constructionist Approach which has purpose to construct the meaning of Opus Dei in the Da Vinci Code novel. Constructionist


meaning, using representational system–concepts and signs. It is social actors who use the conceptual system of their culture and the linguistic and other representational system to construct meaning, to make the world meaningful and to communicate about that world meaningfully to others.5

E. Representation of social groups

raises political questions about oppression and dominance. Who represent whom, where and how determines the representations available for us to look at and read, but people do not necessarily make sense of these representations in terms of the preferred or intended meaning. As Dyer points out,

The Prestige of high culture, the centralization of mass cultural production, the literal poverty of marginal cultural production: these are aspects of the power relations of representations that put the weight of the heterosexual. Acknowledging the complexity of viewing/reading practices in relation to representation does not entail the claim that there is equality and freedom in the regime of representation.6

F. The relation of representation to the

lives and experiences of people in the real social world is complicated as Dyer insist, How social groups are treated in cultural representation is part of how they are treated in life, that poverty, harassment, self-hate, and discrimination (in housing, jobs, educational opportunity and so on) are shored up and instituted by representations.7

5Ibid. p. 25 6


G. From the explanation above is concluded that representation is the production of meaning through language. In representation, Constructionist argue, the author use signs, organized into languages of different kinds, to communicate meaningfully with others. Language can use sign to symbolizes, stand for or reference objects, people and events in the so-called ‘real’ world. But they can also reference imaginary things and fantasy world or abstract ideas, which are not in any obvious sense part of our material world. Meaning is produced by the practice, the ‘work’ of representation. It is constructed through signifying-i.e. Meaning-producing-practices.

B. Content Analysis

1. The Content Analysis

Suwardi Endraswara states three aspects essentially should be in the contents analysis,8in order to make the methodology maximally reach the core of the problem and reveal the hidden facts into a surface:

a. The Rationality of the Content Analysis

The content analysis is the new model of literary study. The newness can be viewed from an object and a focus which will be explored. Thereby, the researcher to reveal, understand, and catch the message of literary work applies the content analysis. The understanding priors a rigid interpretation of literary work, in other word, the researcher has constructed a concept which will be revealed and then practiced it into literary work.


Suwardi Endraswara,Metodologi Penelitian Sastra:Epistemologi, Model,Teori dan Aplikasi, (Yogyakarta : Pustaka Widyatama, 2003), p. 160-165


Basically, the content analysis of literature field includes the understanding of works from the extrinsic aspect perspective. The aspects of the outside are discussed and explored deeply to know the objective of content analysis which is especially connecting with religious values and historical values. So that, the researcher can applies the content analysis when he is going to reveal the content of particular values of literary works.

It due to the several views of that brilliant literary work is a work ought to reflect positive messages to its readers. Even though the dialectic of literary work often lifts up the black sides of the lives as a comparison, so the researcher will not be trapped in the troubles of black or white values. At the substantial, the messages that consisted are understood throughout. The substances of literary work have the magnificent meaning which in the form of representation. The duty of the content analysis is to neutralize and uncover the representation in the literary work. It means, the more genius author on playing representation, the more challenging research will be held.

Although, the content analysis is running with the substance, it does not mean the aspects of literature should be left behind. The content analysis remains in good treatment of the literary work as the art, in spite of quoting the values to reinforce the message revelation. The essential aspect of the content analysis is how the achievement of analysis can be applied by whoever needs the meanings, messages and values. The messages of literary works ought to be associated with any community that practice and use the result of the research.


b. Characteristic of Content Analysis

The content analysis is a strategy of catching the messages of literary works. The content analysis orientation is to achieve an inference. It is achieved through the both interpretation and identification which based on the contexts around the literary works, to lead the researcher having a concrete target, for instance he wants to know the values of recent literature. However, he is to construct a concept of the values of recent literature. The concept gains next apparent steps, taking a data, an analysis and inference.

The content analysis research of literature’s domain is started from axiom that the author will deliver the message concealed to the audience. The message is recognized as the meanings or contents of literary work which can be estimated. This research is the strategic way to reveal and understand the phenomena of literature, primarily to break down barriers of literature constituted as the symbols that are used to apply in the plays of language.9

The content analysis of literature is dependent on three significance assumptions: the literary works is a phenomenon of communicating a hidden message which inside contains valuable substance for audience. The kind of this study epistemologically, constitutes mostly the positivism research. The analysis is applied on principles; objectivity, systematic, and generalization. Realizing the objectivity through a building of theory or construct of a sharp


Nyoman Kutha Ratna,Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004), p. 64


analysis systematically means the apparent steps and the generalization through contexts of literature massively to gain the inference.

Almost the content analysis contains the qualitative data which consulates with a particular theory. So that, the requirements of literary works have to comprise about values and moral, religious message for developing the lives. The procedures of content analysis are to include the following stages: a) a literary work is analyzed systematically and combines with the relevant theory; b) the text is diagnosed and categorized to be units of analysis; c) the work ought to dedicate a message of lives; d) the process of analysis is dependent on the description, and; e) it is analyzed qualitatively.10

c. Domain of Content Analysis

One of content analysis goals is catching the meaning of literary works. Among the functions of literary works are to build right and wide understanding, increase the human’s standards of lives. It due to an attached assumption that literary works is to uncover and reveal the moral messages and values. The item of delivering moral messages and values is used to be explicitly, because the author never is similar with the politician who has a work agitating his ambitions.

The content analysis can be applied elastically, the researcher might use the other approaches such the philosophical, the historical and the religious approach. Through the religious approach, the researcher will be able to shoot the spiritual aspects of the works at deeper. The religiosity and the literary


work are formed in smooth expressions which stressed by the researcher as a focus.

The materials of content analysis study are often imposed in literary works dealing with public’s interest, prophetic and doctrinal issues. The kind of works voices the nobility of moral values. These works are written the religious literary work, the philosophical literary work, and the advised literary work.

C. Ideology

H. First of all, ideology can refer to a

systematic body of ideas articulated by a particular group of people. For example, we could speak of ‘professional ideology’ to refer to the ideas which inform the practices of particular oppress ional groups. We couldalso speak of the ‘ideology of the laborparty’. Here we would be referring to the collection of political, economic and social ideas, which inform the aspirations, and activities of the party.

I. A second definition suggests a

certain masking, distortion, concealment. Ideology is used here to indicate how some cultural texts and practices present distorted images of reality. They produce what is

called ‘false consciousnesses. Such distortions, it is argued, work in the interest of

the powerful against the interests of the powerless. Using this definition, we might speak of capitalist ideology.

J. A third definition of ideology

(closely related to and in some ways dependent on, the second edition) uses the term



to refer to ‘ideological forms’. This usage is intended to draw attention to the way in which texts (television fiction, pop song, novels, feature films, etc.) always present a particular image of the world. This definition depends on a notion of society as conflict rather than consensual. Texts are said to take sides, consciously or unconsciously, in this conflict. The German playwright Bertolt Brecht summarizes the point: Good or bad, a play always include an image of the world ...There is no play and no theatrical performance which does not in some way affect the dispositions and conceptions of the audience.

K. A fourth definition is one that was

very influential in the 1970s and early 1980s. It is definition of ideology developed by the French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser. Ideology is encountered in the practices of every day life and not simply in certain ideas about everyday life.

L. A fifth definition of ideology is one

associated with the early work of the French cultural theorist Roland Barthes. He argues that ideology operates mainly at the level of connotations, the secondary often unconscious meanings that texts and practices carry, or can be made to carry. Ideology (or ‘myth’ as Barthes himself calls it) is the terrain on which takes places a hegemonic struggle to restrict connotations, to fix particular connotations, to produce new connotations.

M. Here the writer uses the third


draw attention to the way in which texts (television fiction, pop songs, novels, feature films, etc) made the negative image.11


D. Opus Dei

Opus Dei in Latin word it means “the work of god”, officially be grouped as the only “representative of church (prelature) personally” in catholic church, it means the leader Opus Dei at present time is occupied by bishop Javier Echevaria Rodriguez who has privilege towardOpus Deimembers in cases dealt with internal life ofOpus Dei, while for the cases which dealt with catholic sect generally,Opus Dei members should be obedient under bishop locally privilege however, usually

Opus Dei is viewed as a part of victory decade organization and the organization outside of church catholic in twenty century. Opus Deigain success internationally at period of Vatican board.12

Opus Deiis founded on October 2nd, 1928 by Jose Maria Escriva which has teaching essence to purify of life daily for adherent that practice of bible and church wholly.13

In the meaning that life of anyone to be pure not always in church and to know god, anyone can through in anywhere and any profession they have. Besides that Its teaching are encourage to promote their faith through their professional


John Storey,Cultural Theory and Popular Culture,(Pearson Education Limited, 2001), pp. 2 - 5 12

John L. Allen, Jr,Opus Dei, (Jakarta: Pustaka Alvabet, 2007), p. 3 13


work and their everyday lives. Opus Deidescribes itself as “a personal prelature of the catholic church that helps people seek holiness in their work and ordinary activities”. In other words, they try to help others through their regular work and their day-to- day life.

There are three types of members of Opus Dei–numeraries, associates and supernumeraries. Associates and numeraries make up about 25% to 30% of members. They are celibate, live with other members and, on occasion, practice corporal mortification- the most controversial of Opus Dei traditions. Corporal mortification is the practice of physically enduring a minor amount of suffering. Some of the celibate members of Opus Deisometimes practice traditional catholic penance such as using the cilice ( a light metal chain with prongs which is worn round the thigh) and the discipline (a woven cotton strap). These are practices which Opus Dei states Catholics have used for centuries. The Opus Dei website states the motivation for these voluntary penance is to imitate Christ and to join him in his redemptive sacrifice (cf. Matthew16:24), and that they can also be a way to suffer in solidarity with the many poor and deprived people in the world. The majority of Opus Dei members are supernumeraries. They account for around 70-75% of members and they are usually non –celibate, married manor women structure. The fact that Opus Dei was designated a personal prelature in 1982 by pope john Paul II has meant that some critics have referred to its position as being similar to that of a “church within the church”. Admittedly this is a unique position to be in –it is the only personal the Catholic Church. However Opus Deimembers argue that this unique position does not in any way mean that its members are held


in a specifically high regard by the Vatican, or given any special treatment.

Personal prelatureis a canonical term meaning that the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church over Opus Dei covers the member of Opus Dei rather than a geographical area like a diocese. A personal prelatureoperates in a very similar way to religious order; however, there are no geographical limits, and its member are lay people rather than monks or nuns, Those Catholics who belong to Opus Dei also continue to be part of the congregation at their local church. Unlike members of religious orders, the members of join Opus Dei by means of private contracts and not vows. In order to join a member must ask to do so, and they must also be convinced that they have received a vocation. Opus Dei is seen by many to be a fairly wealthy organization. Members have to donate a significant part of their income to Opus Dei. It is a decentralized organization and does not publish its general accounts so it is difficult to be precise over the state of its finances. The organization has sponsored a network of institutions across the UK, such as Netherhall House and Keltson Club for boys in Wandsworth. Some estimates put the number of centers and charitable ventures owned byOpus Deiat more than twenty-five.

History ofOpus Deias follows: in the year 1928,Josemaria Escriva’, a 26-year-old Spanish priest, creates Opus Dei. His vision is to extend the Sunday religiosity of working people into their everyday lives. He is initially seen as a heretic by the church hierarchy.

In the year 1933 The first Opus Dei center opens in Madrid, an academy teaching law and architecture. In the year 1936, the Spanish civil war unleashes anti-clerical persecution and Escriva goes into hiding. In the year 1939, Escriva


supports General Franco’s victory and starts to proselytize throughout Spain. In the year 1946 Opus Deiextends to Britain, Portugal and Italy. Escriva regularly visits

Britain and calls it a “crossroads of the world”. In the year 1950, Opus Dei

secretive constitution is published. It states: “No one must reveal to anyone that they themselves belong to Opus Dei.” Opus Dei is given final and complete approval by Pope XII. In the year 1975, Escriva dies, leaving behind a thriving and affluent movement with about 60,000 members. In the year 1981, Revelations in The Times about Opus Dei’s practices, such as corporal mortification, prompt Cardinal Basil Hume to announce he is against the recruitment of members into

Opus Dei who under 18 in Britain. In the year 1982, Pope John Paul II establishes

Opus Dei as a personal prelature, confirming its growing status in the Catholic Church. In the year 2002, John Paul II canonizes the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, in a ‘fast track’ process only 27 years after his death. Thousand of supporters pack St Peter’s Square for the canonization. In the year 2003, The Da Vinci Code is published. In the year 2006, Opus Dei uses the movie to promote its work. A website competition offers the chance to meet a genuineOpus Deimember.




A. Data Description

In this chapter the writer attempts to describe the facts in this novel, which are formed into some lists that consist of representation of Opus Deicontained in Dan Brown’sThe Da Vinci Code” as follows:

1. The list of negative representation of Opus Dei inDan Brown’s“The Da Vinci


No. Corpus chapter/ page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A voice spoke, chillingly close. ‘Do not move.’

Only fifteen feet away, outside the sealed gate, the mountainous silhouette of his attacker stared through the iron bars.He was broad and tall, with ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His irises were pink with dark red pupils. The albino drew a pistol from his coat an aimed the barrel through the bars, directly at the curator.

‘You should not have run.’His accent was not easy to place.‘Now tell me where it is.’

‘You are lying’the man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes.‘You and your brethren possess something that is not yours.’

‘Tonight the rightful guardians will be restored. Tell me where it is hidden, and you will live.’ The man leveled his gun at the curator’s

head.‘Is it a secret you will die for?’

The man tilted his head, peering down the barrel of his gun.

When the curator had finished speaking,his assailant smiled smugly.

‘Yes. This is exactly what the others told me.’

‘I found them, too,’the huge man taunted. ‘All three of them. They confirmed what you have just said.’

The attacker aimed his gunagain. ‘When you are gone, I will be the only one who knows the truth.’

The gun roared,and the curator felt a searing heat as the bullet lodged in his stomach. He fell forward……struggling against the pain. Slowly, Sauniere rolled over and stared backthrough the bars at his attacker.

The man was now taking dead aim at sauniere’s head.

The man glanced down at his weapon, looking almost amused. He reached for a second clip, but then seemed to reconsider, smirking

Prologue/p. 17 Prologue P17-18 Idem Idem Idem Idem Idem Idem Idem


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

calmlyat sauniere’s gut. ‘My work here is done’

“One mile away, the hulking albino named Silaslimped through the front gate of the luxurious residence on Rue La Bruyere. The spiked cilice beltthat he wore around his thigh cut into his flesh, and yet his soul sang with satisfaction of service to the Lord.”

His red eyesscanned the lobby as he entered the residence.

Silas knew the information he had gleaned fromhis victimswould come as a shock.

The knots were caked withdried blood.

Finally, he feltthe bloodbegin to flow.

Hewhippedit over his shoulder again,slashingat his flesh.

All true followers of the way wore this device- a leather strap, studded with sharp metal barbs that cut into the flesh as a perpetual

reminder of Christ’s suffering.

Two months ago, an Opus Dei group at a Midwestern universityhad been caught drugging new recruits with mescaline in an effort to induce a euphoric state that neophytes would perceive as a religious experience. Another university student had used his barbed cilice belt more often than the recommended two hours a day and had given himself a near lethal infection.In Boston not long ago, a disillusioned young investment banker had signed over his entire life savings toOpus Deibeforeattempting suicide.

Of course, the ultimate embarrassment had been the widely publicized trial of FBI spy Robert Hanssen, who, in addition to being a prominent member of Opus Dei, had turned out to be a sexual deviant, his trial uncovering evidence that he had rigged hidden video cameras in his own bedroom so his friends could watch him having sex with his wife. ‘Hardly the past time of a devout Catholic,’ the judge had noted.

‘Does God’s work necessarily include vows of chastity, tithing and atonement for sinsthrough self-flagellation and the cilice?’

“Many callOpus Deia brainwashing cult,’ reporters often challenged. ‘Others call youan ultraconservative Christian secret society. Which are you?’

She had been shockedto learn that female numeraries were forced to

clean the men’s residence halls for no pay while the men at were at

mass; women slept on hardwood floors, while the men had straw mats; and women were forced to endure additional requirements of

corporal mortification…allas added penance for original sin. Drying his wounds, he donned his ankle-length, hooded robe. It was plain, made of dark wool, accentuating the whiteness of his skin and hair. Tightening the rope tie around his waist, he raised the hood over his head and allowedhis red eyesto admire his reflection in the mirror.

Idem C2/P.27 Idem C2/P.28 C2/P.30 Idem

C2/ p. 30


Chapter 5 / P.51

Chapter 5 / P51


19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 25. 26. 27

The wheels are in motion.

Knowing he was alone in the great church, Silas untied his cloak and slipped it off his body. As he removes it, he felt a sting as the wool fibers stuckto the fresh woundson his back.

His blood pounded as he knelt down before it. Raising his pale bare arm, he reached inside.

His broad, pale back was soaked with blood-red slashes.

Not only had Silas killed the only four people who knew where the keystone was hidden,he had killeda nun inside Saint-sulpice.

Silas lay prone on the canvas mat in his room, allowing the lash wounds on his backto clot in the air.

Our battle, like allbattles, will takesacrifice.

Winding down narrow hallways. Silas snaked through a kitchen, past

terrified workers, who left to avoid the naked albino as he knocked over bowls and silverware, bursting into a dark hallway near the boiler room.

As ifsome kind of demonwere controlling his body, the boy walked to the kitchen and graspeda butcher’s knife.

Without a word, the boystabbedhim in the back.

The girl found herselfpummeledto within inches of her life.

A ghost, they would say, their eyes wide with frightas they stared at his white skin.A ghost with the eyes of a devil!

54/chapter 5




C. 96/ P 516




B. Data Analysis


The novel begins its story in theDa Vinci Codewith a tragedy of murder which is done by one of the members of Opus Dei whose name is Silas. He kills Jacques Sauniere which is identified as one of members ofPriory of Sion.In this tragedy Silas uses a gun to kill his victims.

The novel representsOpus Deiin theDa Vinci Codefull of horrific and terrible story like murdering, kidnapping, coercion, torture, drugging, stealing, lying, brain washing and ritual of mortification.

As a member of Opus Dei, Silas is described as a person who has horrific physical appearance. He is portrayed as a man who is “broad and tall, ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His irises were pink with dark red pupils”. (Page 17-18) The use of broad and tall to describe his body gives a terrify description of how big his body is.

The use of ghost to describe his pale skin gives a vivid description of how pale his skin is. Readers will only imagine a skin as pale as ghost. This goes the same with the description of his eyes and at the same time limit readers’ imagination. This description is also strengthened by another description “ghostly eyes”. Here, the novel using the word ofghostly eyesfor Silas if we analyze this word so we will understand that the novel gives a bad description for Opus Dei’

member. The concept of ghostly eyes itself is very frightening and scary people is given by the novel for Silas for the purpose give negative image forOpus Dei.Those descriptions give negative image for Silas.

Besides the physical appearance, Silas’ voice is also described horrible. The novel uses the word “chillingly” to describe his voice. These words construct/build an image of emotionless and frightening. Silas has a chill voice that frightens his victims. This word also limits readers not to imagine the other thing of his voice but the voice which chillingly. This description of his voice supports his horrific physical appearance.

In his actions Silas is always describe to carry a gun. Every mission he takes there’s a gun accompanying him. He uses the gun to demolish his victims. Besides Silas, other Opus Dei members mentioned in the novel, Remy and Teabing also carry gun. This description of the three people carrying deadly weapon give negative image and dangerous image.


Opus Dei’s member presented as people who harm other people and even Silas is presented as person who commits serial murder. In pursuing Holy Grail the Novel even uses the word “monster” to describe Silas because of his physical appearance which is very scary people. It then bring negative image to him and other member ofOpus Dei. Those words used to describe Opus Deimembers construct negative, frightening and destructive image of the members.

As result readers will have certain knowledge is constructed through the negative words the novel use. Besides that, the novel also illustrate about Silas past experience which is full of horrible and terrible story. At that time he was born he didn’t accepted by his parents so there was a turbulent in that family between his mother and his father and then Silas stab his father because his father has been killed his mother.

“As if some kind of demon were controlling his body, the boy walked to the kitchen and graspeda butcher’s knife. Without a word, the boystabbedhim in the back”(C.10, p.84)

This description about Silas’ past experience is very horrible. HowOpus Deimember is presented as a person who has bad background of life. He becomes cast away in his family. And it gives a bad image forOpus Deimember.

‘You are lying’the man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes. ‘You and your brethren possess something that is not yours.’ (Prologue, pp. 17-18)

This a description of Silas’ eye which is very horrible and terrified when he Wanted to kill his enemy. And it adds the negative image ofOpus Dei.

2. Opus Deias an Organization

Besides members of Opus Dei who are described negatively, the organization itself is presented as an organization that will do anything to achieve their goal. Such as bribing and destroying churches and everyone against them.

In order to be accepted by Vatican as a legitimate organization. Opus Dei transferred almost one billion dollars into the Vatican bank. As we can see in this quotation:

Suspiciously, Opus Dei’s elevation occurred the same year the wealthy sect allegedly had transferred almost one billion dollars into the Vatican’s institute for


religious works-commonly known as the Vatican Bank-bailing it out of an embarrassing bankruptcy.

It is a description of how the action ofOpus Deiis very negative which is given by the novel. Here it is explained thatOpus Deidoes bribing to be accepted as a legitimate prelature of church in Vatican. The organization also decides to destroy churches to reach their goal. Those actions are needed to achieve their holy grail.

On another part the novel presents that

“the sins committed today had been holy in purpose.” (C. 2, p. 27)

The word “sins” which refer toOpus Deiactions is contrasted with “holy purpose”. This builds an image that in order to gain the holy purpose the organization commit destructive action. It once again builds a negative image of the organization.

Besides describing the image of the organization, the novel also describe the organization in relation with women. The novel explains:

[….]female numeraries were forced to clean the men’s residence halls for no pay while the men at were at mass; women slept on hardwood floors, while the men had straw mats; and women were forced to endure additional requirements of corporal mortification…all as added penance for original sin ( C. 7, p. 68)

Here the novel presents Opus Dei organization as an organization which discriminate women by saying that female were forced to clean the men’s residence, sleep in hardwood floors, and endure additional requirements of corporal mortification. All of this is taught as penance for original sin of Eve. Those descriptions are opposed with male’s description. Male are described praying at mass whilewomen clean men’s residence; men are sleeping at straw mats while women are at hardwood floors; men do not have to go through extra mortification while women are forced to. This opposition expresses howOpus Dei discriminate women. It is another bad image of the organization.

3. Opus Dei’sRitual

Besides organization and their members presented inthe Da Vinci Code, the novel also presented the ritual ofOpus Deiis very horrific and terrible. In his story it tell us that the practice in recruiting its new member using Drug


Two months ago, an Opus Dei group at a Midwestern university had been caught drugging new recruits with mescaline in an effort to induce a euphoric state that neophytes14would perceive as a religious experience.(Dan Brown, p. 51)

The uses word “drugging new recruits” refers to something badly and negative but the novel also uses “would perceive as a religious experience” it refers to something positive. So the writer makes a conclusion Opus Deiis represented doing something negative for their purpose. And it will constructOpus Deias something dangerous.

Here the novel presented howOpus Dei when recruits its new member uses something negative. He also describes that Opus Dei doing aggressive recruitment.

Besides that the action of attempting suicide is presented by Dan Brown if we have join theOpus Deiof course it is very something negative forOpus DeiRitual.

In Boston not long ago, a disillusioned young investment banker had signed over his entire life savings toOpus Deibeforeattempting suicide.(Dan Brown, p51)

Here the novel describes the ritual is full of horror by doing suicide. This representation for public will give certain knowledge thatOpus Deiritual is very dangerous.

The Da Vinci Code makes it appear that Opus Dei members practice bloody mortifications. Bloody mortification means doing something that hurt our self for the sake of God, for example we can see in this portrayal in TheDa Vinci code:

One mile away, the hulking albino named Silas limped through the front gate of the luxurious residence on Rue La Bruyere. The spiked cilice beltthat he wore around his thigh cut into his flesh, and yet his soul sang with satisfaction of service to the lord. It is a description howOpus DeiMember doing something horrible and terrifying. Here it is explained thatOpus Dei’smember using cilice in their thigh. Cilice is a device- a leather strap, studded with sharp metal barbs that cut into the flash. This aggressive attitude is conducted on basis of serving once again; a holy purpose is done in a negative deed.

In practice of this ritual, the novel paints it full of horror story.

The Vatican prelature known as Opus Dei is a deeply devout Catholic sect that has been the topic of recent controversy due to reports of brainwashing, coercion and a dangerous practice known as ‘corporal mortification’. Opus Dei has just completed construction of



a $47 million National headquarters at 243 Lexington Avenue in New York City. (Dan Brown, preamble, Fact)

Here, the novel says with statement fact thatOpus Deiis real organization which full of reports of brainwashing, coercion, and practice of corporal mortification. In the beginning of this story the novel tries to confirm thatOpus Deiis real dangerous organization. So it is obvious that novel has given negative image towardOpus Deiorganization.

Here to support his story ofOpus Deifull of horror and terrify he included the statement fact inthe Da Vinci Code.

C. The ideology of the novel carried aboutOpus Dei

In a novelThe Da Vinci Code, it describes about the real organization sectOpus Dei.Inside this novel it represents about their members, organization, and rituals.

This group is represented by certain condition of linguistic situation that gives negative image toward it. The certain condition of linguistic situation that is used by the novel we can see in the representation of Silas as a member ofOpus Deihe is represented as a person who has “broad and tall, ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His iriseswere pink with dark red pupils”. (Page 17-18) The use of broad and tall to describe his body gives a terrify description of how big his body is. It then, as Fowler and friends explained, limits readers’ visualization of Silas’ body. Readers will only imagine how big his body and not the other. The use of ghost to describe his pale skin gives a vivid description of how pale his skin is. It then, as Fowler and friends explained, limits readers’ visualization of Silas’ skin. Readers will only imagine a skin as pale as ghost. This goes the same with the description of his eyes and at the same time limit readers’ imagination. This description is also strengthened by another description “ghostly eyes” those description give negative image for Silas

Besides the physical appearance, Silas’ voice is also described horrible. The novel uses the word “chillingly” to describe his voice. These words construct/build an image of emotionless and frightening. Silas has a chill voice that frightens his victims. This word also limits readers not to imagine the other thing of his voice but the voice which chillingly. This description of his voice supports his horrific physical appearance.


In his actions Silas is always describe to carry a gun. Every mission he takes there’s a gun accompanying him. He uses the gun to demolish his victims. Besides Silas, otherOpus Dei members mentioned in the novel, Remy and Teabing also carry gun. This description of the three people carrying deadly weapon give negative image and dangerous image.

Opus Dei’s member presented as people who harm people and even Silas is presented as person who commits serial murder. In pursuing Holy Grail the Novel even uses the word “monster” to describe Silas because of his physical appearance which is very scary people. It then bring negative image to him and other member ofOpus Dei.

Those words used to describe Opus Dei members construct negative, frightening and destructive image of the members.

As result readers will have certain knowledge constructed through the negative words the novel use. Even to support its entire story, the novel makes statement fact in the preamble that saying Opus Deiis full of controversy like this quotation:

The Vatican prelature known as Opus Dei is a deeply devout Catholic sect that has been the topic of recent controversy due to reports of brainwashing, coercion and a dangerous practice known as ‘corporal mortification’. Opus Dei has just completed construction of a $47 million National headquarters at 243 Lexington Avenue in New York City.(Dan Brown, preamble, Fact)

Here, the novel says with statement fact that Opus Dei is real organization which full of reports of brainwashing, coercion, and practice of corporal mortification. In the beginning of this story the novel tries to confirm thatOpus Deiis real dangerous organization. So it is obvious that the novel has given negative image towardOpus Deiorganization.

Meanwhile from the other literature that the writer findsOpus Deiin Latin word it means “the work of god”, officially be grouped as the only “representative of church (prelature) personally” in catholic church, as explained in chapter IIOpus Deiis a catholic institution and adheres to catholic doctrine, which clearly condemns immoral behavior, including murder, lying, stealing, and hurting people. The Catholic Church teaches that one should never do evil, even for a good purpose.

John L. Allen’s description ofOpus Deiis contradictory with Brown’s. It then indicates that the novel gives a new image of that organization, a negative one (dangerous, cruel, and destructive). This unpopular image offers new perspective of the sacred organization to the readers. Moreover, it


shows that the organization is a controversial one. This is what the book tries to say. Despite of positive description in several books,Opus Deiis an organization that is closely related with human deeds that sometime the deeds are corrupt. Although the purpose ofOpus Deiis honorable the ways in which to gain the purpose are wrong. These are shown in the first part of this chapter which analyzes howOpus Deigains the holy purpose. This is then the ideology of the novel in related withOpus Dei.




A. Conclusion

The novel attempts to present the real Opus Dei as something negative, destructive, dangerous, and bad image that can be seen from its story and languages. The languages which are involved in its story makeOpus DeiBecomes an organization which is full of horrible and terrible for the readers and public.

Throughout TheDa Vinci Code,Opus Dei members represented doing something negative like murdering, stealing, injuring people, and so on. Besides their members the novel also describe about this organization doing something negative like Bribing, to gain the holy purpose. In related to gender,Opus Deidescribed as an organization which differentiated male and female. The organization also described as having rituals of mortification to hurt oneself for the sake of god.

The negative descriptions of Opus Deiemerge an ideology that although the purpose of the organization is honorable. Those who are the members of the organization choose a wrong way to gain the purpose. It then creates a very destructive, cruel, and dangerous organization.

B. Suggestion

Analyzinga novel must be based on the facts within; sometimes the novel’s writer does not directly show his ideology. So, we have to observe more seriously, in order to catch it as good as possible. The role of the approach and theory should be match with the analysis, and the novel texts must be understood as good as possible to make easy the writer in the research.

Coincidently, this research is dealing with the representation, which analyzes the language’s element is used to represent it. In the novel, there are some description of real Opus Dei which performed the organization’s activities.


So we can understand in these representation ofOpus Deihave many things negative from the actions, behaviors, and nature of Opus Dei itself. Moreover, the novel presented bad image toward Opus Dei.


Two months ago, an Opus Dei group at a Midwestern university had been caught drugging new recruits with mescaline in an effort to induce a euphoric state that neophytes14would perceive as a religious experience.(Dan Brown, p. 51)

The uses word “drugging new recruits” refers to something badly and negative but the novel also uses “would perceive as a religious experience” it refers to something positive. So the writer makes a conclusion Opus Deiis represented doing something negative for their purpose. And it will constructOpus Deias something dangerous.

Here the novel presented howOpus Dei when recruits its new member uses something negative. He also describes that Opus Dei doing aggressive recruitment.

Besides that the action of attempting suicide is presented by Dan Brown if we have join theOpus Deiof course it is very something negative forOpus DeiRitual.

In Boston not long ago, a disillusioned young investment banker had signed over his entire life savings toOpus Deibeforeattempting suicide.(Dan Brown, p51)

Here the novel describes the ritual is full of horror by doing suicide. This representation for public will give certain knowledge thatOpus Deiritual is very dangerous.

The Da Vinci Code makes it appear that Opus Dei members practice bloody mortifications. Bloody mortification means doing something that hurt our self for the sake of God, for example we can see in this portrayal in TheDa Vinci code:

One mile away, the hulking albino named Silas limped through the front gate of the luxurious residence on Rue La Bruyere. The spiked cilice beltthat he wore around his thigh cut into his flesh, and yet his soul sang with satisfaction of service to the lord. It is a description howOpus DeiMember doing something horrible and terrifying. Here it is explained thatOpus Dei’smember using cilice in their thigh. Cilice is a device- a leather strap, studded with sharp metal barbs that cut into the flash. This aggressive attitude is conducted on basis of serving once again; a holy purpose is done in a negative deed.

In practice of this ritual, the novel paints it full of horror story.

The Vatican prelature known as Opus Dei is a deeply devout Catholic sect that has been the topic of recent controversy due to reports of brainwashing, coercion and a dangerous

practice known as ‘corporal mortification’. Opus Dei has just completed construction of 14


a $47 million National headquarters at 243 Lexington Avenue in New York City. (Dan Brown, preamble, Fact)

Here, the novel says with statement fact thatOpus Deiis real organization which full of reports of brainwashing, coercion, and practice of corporal mortification. In the beginning of this story the novel tries to confirm thatOpus Deiis real dangerous organization. So it is obvious that novel has given negative image towardOpus Deiorganization.

Here to support his story ofOpus Deifull of horror and terrify he included the statement fact inthe Da Vinci Code.

C. The ideology of the novel carried aboutOpus Dei

In a novelThe Da Vinci Code, it describes about the real organization sectOpus Dei.Inside this novel it represents about their members, organization, and rituals.

This group is represented by certain condition of linguistic situation that gives negative image toward it. The certain condition of linguistic situation that is used by the novel we can see in the representation of Silas as a member ofOpus Deihe is represented as a person who has “broad and tall, ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His iriseswere pink with dark red pupils”. (Page 17-18) The use of broad and tall to describe his body gives a terrify description of how big his body is. It then, as Fowler and friends explained, limits readers’ visualization of Silas’ body. Readers will only imagine how big his body and not the other. The use of ghost to describe his pale skin gives a vivid description of how pale his skin is. It then, as Fowler and friends explained, limits readers’ visualization of Silas’ skin. Readers will only imagine a skin as pale as ghost. This goes the same with the description of his eyes and at the same time limit readers’ imagination. This description is also strengthened by another description “ghostly eyes” those description give negative image for Silas

Besides the physical appearance, Silas’ voice is also described horrible. The novel uses the word “chillingly” to describe his voice. These words construct/build an image of emotionless and frightening. Silas has a chill voice that frightens his victims. This word also limits readers not to imagine the other thing of his voice but the voice which chillingly. This description of his voice supports his horrific physical appearance.


In his actions Silas is always describe to carry a gun. Every mission he takes there’s a gun accompanying him. He uses the gun to demolish his victims. Besides Silas, otherOpus Dei members mentioned in the novel, Remy and Teabing also carry gun. This description of the three people carrying deadly weapon give negative image and dangerous image.

Opus Dei’s member presented as people who harm people and even Silas is presented as person who commits serial murder. In pursuing Holy Grail the Novel even uses the word “monster” to describe Silas because of his physical appearance which is very scary people. It then bring negative image to him and other member ofOpus Dei.

Those words used to describe Opus Dei members construct negative, frightening and destructive image of the members.

As result readers will have certain knowledge constructed through the negative words the novel use. Even to support its entire story, the novel makes statement fact in the preamble that saying Opus Deiis full of controversy like this quotation:

The Vatican prelature known as Opus Dei is a deeply devout Catholic sect that has been the topic of recent controversy due to reports of brainwashing, coercion and a

dangerous practice known as ‘corporal mortification’. Opus Dei has just completed

construction of a $47 million National headquarters at 243 Lexington Avenue in New York City.(Dan Brown, preamble, Fact)

Here, the novel says with statement fact that Opus Dei is real organization which full of reports of brainwashing, coercion, and practice of corporal mortification. In the beginning of this story the novel tries to confirm thatOpus Deiis real dangerous organization. So it is obvious that the novel has given negative image towardOpus Deiorganization.

Meanwhile from the other literature that the writer findsOpus Deiin Latin word it means “the work of god”, officially be grouped as the only “representative of church (prelature) personally” in catholic church, as explained in chapter IIOpus Deiis a catholic institution and adheres to catholic doctrine, which clearly condemns immoral behavior, including murder, lying, stealing, and hurting people. The Catholic Church teaches that one should never do evil, even for a good purpose.

John L. Allen’s description ofOpus Deiis contradictory with Brown’s. It then indicates that the novel gives a new image of that organization, a negative one (dangerous, cruel, and destructive). This unpopular image offers new perspective of the sacred organization to the readers. Moreover, it


shows that the organization is a controversial one. This is what the book tries to say. Despite of positive description in several books,Opus Deiis an organization that is closely related with human deeds that sometime the deeds are corrupt. Although the purpose ofOpus Deiis honorable the ways in which to gain the purpose are wrong. These are shown in the first part of this chapter which analyzes howOpus Deigains the holy purpose. This is then the ideology of the novel in related withOpus Dei.




A. Conclusion

The novel attempts to present the real Opus Dei as something negative, destructive, dangerous, and bad image that can be seen from its story and languages. The languages which are involved in its story makeOpus DeiBecomes an organization which is full of horrible and terrible for the readers and public.

Throughout TheDa Vinci Code,Opus Dei members represented doing something negative like murdering, stealing, injuring people, and so on. Besides their members the novel also describe about this organization doing something negative like Bribing, to gain the holy purpose. In related to gender,Opus Deidescribed as an organization which differentiated male and female. The organization also described as having rituals of mortification to hurt oneself for the sake of god.

The negative descriptions of Opus Deiemerge an ideology that although the purpose of the organization is honorable. Those who are the members of the organization choose a wrong way to gain the purpose. It then creates a very destructive, cruel, and dangerous organization.

B. Suggestion

Analyzinga novel must be based on the facts within; sometimes the novel’s writer does not directly show his ideology. So, we have to observe more seriously, in order to catch it as good as possible. The role of the approach and theory should be match with the analysis, and the novel texts must be understood as good as possible to make easy the writer in the research.

Coincidently, this research is dealing with the representation, which analyzes the language’s element is used to represent it. In the novel, there are some description of real Opus Dei which performed the organization’s activities.


So we can understand in these representation ofOpus Deihave many things negative from the actions, behaviors, and nature of Opus Dei itself. Moreover, the novel presented bad image toward Opus Dei.