Tampil Kartu Keluarga ?php

35. Tampil Kartu Keluarga ?php session_start; Memulai Session if ISSET_SESSION[username] { ? DOCTYPE html html head titleKelurahan Titi Rantai Medantitle link rel=stylesheet type=textcss href=stylestyle.css meta charset=UTF-8 meta name=viewport content=width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 link rel=stylesheet href=..csscss_table.css --[if IE]-- style Max width before this PARTICULAR table gets nasty This query will take effect for any screen smaller than 760px and also iPads specifically. media only screen and max-width: 760px, min-device-width: 768px and max-device-width: 1024px { Force table to not be like tables anymore table, thead, tbody, th, td, tr { display: block; } Hide table headers but not display: none;, for accessibility thead tr { position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; } Universitas Sumatera Utara tr { border: 1px solid ccc; } td { Behave like a row border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid eee; position: relative; padding-left: 50; } td:before { Now like a table header position: absolute; Topleft values mimic padding top: 6px; left: 6px; width: 45; padding-right: 10px; white-space: nowrap; } Label the data td:nth-of-type1:before { content: First Name; } td:nth-of-type2:before { content: Last Name; } td:nth-of-type3:before { content: Job Title; } td:nth-of-type4:before { content: Favorite Color; } td:nth-of-type5:before { content: Wars of Trek?; } td:nth-of-type6:before { content: Porn Name; } td:nth-of-type7:before { content: Date of Birth; } td:nth-of-type8:before { content: Dream Vacation City; } td:nth-of-type9:before { content: GPA; } td:nth-of-type10:before { content: Arbitrary Data; } } Smartphones portrait and landscape ----------- media only screen and min-device-width : 320px and max-device-width : 480px { body { padding: 0; margin: 0; Universitas Sumatera Utara width: 320px; } } iPads portrait and landscape ----------- media only screen and min-device-width: 768px and max-device-width: 1024px { body { width: 495px; } } style --[endif]-- head body div class=bingkai div id=kepala div id=logo img src=..logologo.png div div id=judul h1Kelurahan Titi Rantai Medanh1 div id=subjudul h1Jalan Bahagia No 89 Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesiah1 div id=subjudul2 h1Nomor Telepon : 061 8211292, Kode Pos : 20156h1 div div div div div class=menu ul lia href=main.phpAdminali lia href=input_datapenduduk.phpInput Data Pendudukali lia href=tampil_datapenduduk.phpData Pendudukali lia href=tampil_ktp.phpData KTPali Universitas Sumatera Utara lia href=tampil_kartukeluarga.phpData Kartu Keluargaali lia href=tampil_bukutamu.phpPesanali lia href=logout.php?logout=yesKeluarali ul div div id=page-wrap h1Permohonan Pembuatan KARTU KELUARGAh1 br table thead ?php include..koneksi.php; query=SELECT FROM `tbl_kartukeluarga`; eksekusi=mysql_queryquery; ? tr thNoth thTanggalth thNama Lengkap Pemohonth thNIK Pemohonth thNama Kepala Keluargath thNomor KKth thAlamatth thNama Keluarga Lamath thAlamat Keluarga Lamath thAlasan Pemohonth thJumlah Anggota Keluargath thNomor Teleponth thHAPUSth thEDITth tr ?php whiledata=mysql_fetch_arrayeksekusi{ ? tr td?php echo data[id]; ?td td?php echo data[tanggal_daftar]; ?td td?php echo data[namalengkap]; ?td Universitas Sumatera Utara td?php echo data[nikpemohon]; ?td td?php echo data[namakk]; ?td td?php echo data[nomorkk]; ?td td?php echo data[alamat]; ?td td?php echo data[namalama]; ?td td?php echo data[alamatlama]; ?td td?php echo data[alasan]; ?td td?php echo data[anggotakeluarga]; ?td td?php echo data[telepon]; ?td tda href=hapus_kartukeluarga.php?id=?php echo data[id];?Hapusatd tda href=edit_kartukeluarga.php?id=?php echo data[id];?Editatd tr ?php } ? tr tbody table div div class=footerKelurahan Titi rantai Medan copyright copy 2016 by: Juffryson Pasaribu 132406017 div div body html ?php } else headerlocation: login.php; ? Universitas Sumatera Utara 36. Tampil KTP ?php