Research Site Population and Sample

Yuniarti, 2015 TEACHING ORAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES IN EFL SPEAKING CLASSES Indonesia | | independent variable. In this study, it was speaking ability. Then, independent variable is the variable which is selected, manipulated, and measured by the researcher. In this study, it was OCSs. This study itself aimed to reject the H where there was no difference in speaking ability between experimental and control group after the treatment. The detail characteristics of this study are shown in the following table. Table 3.1 The characteristics of the study Null Hypothesis H There is no difference between speaking ability of experiment and control groups. Research Hypothesis H 1 There is a significant difference between speaking ability of experimental and control groups. Significant Level 0.05; two tailed Design Pre-test – posttest control group design Dependent Variable Speaking ability Measurement Score interval Independent Variable Oral Communication strategies Measurement 1. Treatment to the experimental group 2. Treatment to the control group Statistical Procedure Independent t-test

3.2 Research Site

This study was conducted in a private university in Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia. It is one of two universities in Kuningan that has English Education Program. There are three classes in each year, except for 2013, 2014 academic year which have only two classes. The data was taken in this site because the researcher works there, so the access was easier. As what Alwasilah 2009 said that convenience factor should be taken into consideration to support the researcher to carry out the research.

3.3 Population and Sample

Population can be defined as a group to whom the results of the study are generalized Fraenkel Wallen, 2007. The population was English Department of a private university in Kuningan. For sampling method, it took purposive Yuniarti, 2015 TEACHING ORAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES IN EFL SPEAKING CLASSES Indonesia | | sampling because this kind of sampling method helped the researcher to gain expected result. Fraenkel and Wallen 2007 stated that: On occasion, based on previous knowledge of a population and the specific purpose of the research, investigators use personal judgment to select a sample. Researchers assume they can use their knowledge of the population to judge whether or not a particular sample will be representative. Fraenkel and Wallen, 2007, p. 100 The data was taken in the first year students’ speaking class. Actually, first year students were only distributed into two classes and it was taken as the sample of this research. Before taking this speaking class, the students had completed 6 years of English study in their junior and senior high school. However, they were still considered as low proficiency learners. Each class consisted of 25 and 28 students, so the sample was 53 students in total. It was in line with what have been recommended by Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun 2012 that, in quasi-experimental study, a minimum number of samples is 30 individuals per group, although sometimes experimental studies with only 15 individuals in each group can be defended if they are very tightly controlled.

3.4 Research Instruments