An Analysis Of Moral Values In Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics






REG.NO. 110705002








REG.NO. 110705002


Dr.Siti Norma Nasution,M.Hum Drs.Siamir Marulafau,M.Hum NIP : 19570720 198303 2 001 NIP: 19580517 198503 1 003






Approved By Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan As a Thesis For The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, Ms Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D NIP : 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP: 19750209 200812 1 002



Accepted by the Board of Examiners in Partial fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The Examination is Held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on May 25th, 2015.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners (signature)

1. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ... 2. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D. ... 3. Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. ... 4. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum ...





Signed :














First of all, i would like to thank to the Almighty Allah SWT for the blessing and mercy, so that i can finish my study, which is titled An Analysis of Moral Values in Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics. Blessing and salutation upon the most honorable Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgment.

By this chance, i would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. Then to Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS the Head of English Department, and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D the Secretary of English Department, for their advice and support to me as the student of English.

I also want to thank to my Supervisor, Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum and my Co-Supervisor Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M. Hum, for their guidance to make better my study. And all of my lecturers in English Department , especially to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum, for his help in sharing ideas when i got some blocks in my mind.

On this special occasion, i want to express how grateful i am for my beloved father, Suardiman and my lovely mother Dasimah, who have pray to me and supported me, thanks for the love, may God bless them, and this is what my parents are waiting for, so this thesis is the specially dedicated for my parents. And for the support and hard times we had, i also would like to thanks for my siblings, my lovely sister Yeni Novika and my brother Sahri Rezeki, for their love and give me strength when i am down. For my younger sister Eka Ulan Dari, thanks for your joking, noising and sometimes make me strength (you are such a great friend for me, too) and Pastiana, my very little sister who likes bothering me but has given me joy also.



Then not forget my thankful to my families in Takengon, my friends in lodging Irma yanti, Asmalinda, fitra Umami S, k’sri , & k’fitri, i will remember the times we have, also thanks for my friends Evy K, Hanna, dj, asep, Runi, Aya’, Irma C, Pyut, Rani, and Vivi Anggreni she always accompanies me to campus and give me ideas and support. And All of my friends in English Department 2011 that i can not mention one by one, thanks for everything, guys. The spacial thanks for my beloved Adham Lisa Putra, S.Pd, who has supported me, thanks for the love, attention, help and understanding, that makes me safe to complete my study.

After all a lot of thanks to my relatives and friends around me that i can’t mention one by one but also have much contributions for me in finishing my study. May allah SWT bless you all, amin ya robbal’alamin.

Medan, May 25th, 2015 The writer

Maya Sopa Reg.No.110705002



This study is entitled “An Analysis of Moral Values in Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics”. The study is aimed to describes the moral values and the significance of moral values in life portrayed in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics. The research method used in this study is Descriptive Analysis method. The source of data are tenth lyrics from Maher Zain’s album. Method of collecting data is the documentation method. The data of this study were analyzed by following steps : Reading tenth lyrics from album Maher Zain.Understanding the contents of Maher Zain’s song lyrics, and analyzing kinds of moral values and the significance of moral values in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics. After analyzing the moral values, it can be concluded that Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics is an interesting song. It concerns with some parts of human’s life true experience that is about religious teaching, which reflected to believe, love, loyalty, sincerity, thankfulness, steadfastness, humbleness, peace loving, brotherhood, and respecting others. The significance of Moral Values in human’s life portrayed in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics is religious teaching. A man without religion is a man who does not have purpose in life. In religion, man is guided in order to worship the God and do good in life, both for human being and a nature. Human are taught by religion to help each other, mutual tolerance in accepting human’s diversity. So, religious teaching can lead people to live happily in the world and hereafter. In addition, the depiction of moral values found in the song lyrics are usually close from the singer’s life. From the case, it can describes the society’s behavior, which is good or bad. Furthermore, moral value refers to what is good or bad. People may communicate to each other with the standard of morality. So, moralism is the good way to get a good behavior to be evaluated in life.



Penelitian ini berjudul “An Analysis of Moral values in Maher Zain’s selected Song Lyrics”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai moral dan manfaat dari nilai moral tersebut dalam kehidupan yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Maher Zain. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Analisis. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah album Maher Zain yang berjudul “Thank You Allah” yang terdiri dari 10 lagu. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data ialah teknik analisis dokumenter.Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yaitu dengan melakukan beberapa langkah, antara lain (1) membaca dan mendengarkan 10 lirik lagu Maher Zain dalam album Thank You Allah, (2) memahami isi dari lirik lagu Maher Zain, dan (3) menganalisis nilai-nilai moral serta manfaat dari nilai moral tersebut dalam kehidupan yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Maher Zain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lirik lagu Maher Zain adalah lagu yang menarik untuk diteliti. Lagu Maher Zain ini menyangkut pengalaman kehidupan manusia yang di cerminkan melalui ajaran agama, yang mengacu pada kepercayaan, cinta dan kasih sayang, kesetiaan, ketulusan, rasa syukur, ketabahan, rendah hati, cinta damai, persaudaraan, dan menghormati orang lain. Nilai moral yang bermanfaat dalam kehidupan manusia yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Maher Zain adalah nilai moral agama. Manusia tanpa agama merupakan manusia yang tidak memiliki tujuan. Dalam ajaran agama, manusia dituntun agar beribadah kepada Allah dan melakukan kebaikan dalam hidup, baik antar sesama manusia maupun dengan alam. Manusia diajarkan oleh agama untuk saling tolong menolong antar manusia, saling toleransi dalam menerima keberagaman manusia baik berdasarkan suku, agama, ras dan kelompok. agama juga mengajarkan manusia untuk tidak melakukan hal yang merugikan orang lain maupun lingkungan sekitarnya. Selain itu, penggambaran nilai moral yang ada dalam lirik lagu Maher zain tidak jauh dari lingkungan kehidupan pengarang, dari sanalah digambarkan bagaimana prilaku kehidupan masyarakat tentang penggambaran baik buruknya akhlak manusia dalam bertingkah laku. Nilai moral juga mengacu pada sesuatu yang baik atau buruk. Seseorang dapat berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya dengan standar dari moral/etika. Jadi, bermoral adalah cara yang baik untuk berprilaku baik dalam hidup.











1.1 Background of the Study ...1

1.2 Problem of the Study ...5

1.3 Objective of the Study ...5

1.4 Scope of the Study ...5

1.5 Significance of the Study ...6


2.1 Literature ...7

2.2 Values in Literature ...8

2.2.1 Cultural Values ...9

2.2.2 Religious Values ...9

2.2.3 Moral Values ...10

2.3.4 Social Values ...10

2.3Definition of Moral Values ...11

2.3.1 Moral ...11

2.3.2 Moral Values ...12

2.4 Song Lyric ...13

2.5 Hermeneutic Theory and Sociology of Literature ...16

2.5.1 Hermeneutic Theory ...16

2.5.2 Sociology of Literature ...18

2.6 Thank You Allah Album ...19




3.1 Method of the Study ...24

3.2 Object of the Study ...25

3.3 Sources of Data ...25

3.4 Method of Collecting Data ...26

3.5 Technique of Analysing Data ...27


4.1 Analysis ...28

4.1.1 An Analysis of Moral Values ...28

4.1.2 The Significance of Moral Values Portrayed in the Lyrics .. ...44

4.2 Finding ...49


5.1 Conclusion ...50

5.2 Suggestion ...51


1. Maher Zain’s Biography



This study is entitled “An Analysis of Moral Values in Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics”. The study is aimed to describes the moral values and the significance of moral values in life portrayed in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics. The research method used in this study is Descriptive Analysis method. The source of data are tenth lyrics from Maher Zain’s album. Method of collecting data is the documentation method. The data of this study were analyzed by following steps : Reading tenth lyrics from album Maher Zain.Understanding the contents of Maher Zain’s song lyrics, and analyzing kinds of moral values and the significance of moral values in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics. After analyzing the moral values, it can be concluded that Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics is an interesting song. It concerns with some parts of human’s life true experience that is about religious teaching, which reflected to believe, love, loyalty, sincerity, thankfulness, steadfastness, humbleness, peace loving, brotherhood, and respecting others. The significance of Moral Values in human’s life portrayed in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics is religious teaching. A man without religion is a man who does not have purpose in life. In religion, man is guided in order to worship the God and do good in life, both for human being and a nature. Human are taught by religion to help each other, mutual tolerance in accepting human’s diversity. So, religious teaching can lead people to live happily in the world and hereafter. In addition, the depiction of moral values found in the song lyrics are usually close from the singer’s life. From the case, it can describes the society’s behavior, which is good or bad. Furthermore, moral value refers to what is good or bad. People may communicate to each other with the standard of morality. So, moralism is the good way to get a good behavior to be evaluated in life.



Penelitian ini berjudul “An Analysis of Moral values in Maher Zain’s selected Song Lyrics”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai moral dan manfaat dari nilai moral tersebut dalam kehidupan yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Maher Zain. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Analisis. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah album Maher Zain yang berjudul “Thank You Allah” yang terdiri dari 10 lagu. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data ialah teknik analisis dokumenter.Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yaitu dengan melakukan beberapa langkah, antara lain (1) membaca dan mendengarkan 10 lirik lagu Maher Zain dalam album Thank You Allah, (2) memahami isi dari lirik lagu Maher Zain, dan (3) menganalisis nilai-nilai moral serta manfaat dari nilai moral tersebut dalam kehidupan yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Maher Zain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lirik lagu Maher Zain adalah lagu yang menarik untuk diteliti. Lagu Maher Zain ini menyangkut pengalaman kehidupan manusia yang di cerminkan melalui ajaran agama, yang mengacu pada kepercayaan, cinta dan kasih sayang, kesetiaan, ketulusan, rasa syukur, ketabahan, rendah hati, cinta damai, persaudaraan, dan menghormati orang lain. Nilai moral yang bermanfaat dalam kehidupan manusia yang digambarkan dalam lirik lagu Maher Zain adalah nilai moral agama. Manusia tanpa agama merupakan manusia yang tidak memiliki tujuan. Dalam ajaran agama, manusia dituntun agar beribadah kepada Allah dan melakukan kebaikan dalam hidup, baik antar sesama manusia maupun dengan alam. Manusia diajarkan oleh agama untuk saling tolong menolong antar manusia, saling toleransi dalam menerima keberagaman manusia baik berdasarkan suku, agama, ras dan kelompok. agama juga mengajarkan manusia untuk tidak melakukan hal yang merugikan orang lain maupun lingkungan sekitarnya. Selain itu, penggambaran nilai moral yang ada dalam lirik lagu Maher zain tidak jauh dari lingkungan kehidupan pengarang, dari sanalah digambarkan bagaimana prilaku kehidupan masyarakat tentang penggambaran baik buruknya akhlak manusia dalam bertingkah laku. Nilai moral juga mengacu pada sesuatu yang baik atau buruk. Seseorang dapat berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya dengan standar dari moral/etika. Jadi, bermoral adalah cara yang baik untuk berprilaku baik dalam hidup.


1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study

Globalization brings both positive and negative effect. It gives great development in science, technology, economy, education and art. The development of art runs fast and music or song is one of the branches of art that has big influence for the people. Music is an entertainment that tells a story by mental image that giving the illusion and it is necessary because it becomes part of human life in this modern era. As William (1824:2) said “The only reality in music is the state of mind which it induces in the listener”. Music may represent the bad or good of human feeling; it is able to express their thoughts, experiences, emotions, and faith. Besides that, music also invites the hearer to come into the new world or new life, when they are listening to the lyrics of the songs. The effects of the music are not only influencing the people’s emotion but it is also changing brain waves and make the brain more receptive in learning.

In addition, music is a part of literary work. Literary work is the art of written work. Literary work is commonly classified into two major forms; fiction and nonfiction. The kind of literary works are poem, song lyrics, novel, movie, drama, and etc. Music and literary works are very useful since they have various values such as moral, religious, educational, and sociological values. As Goode (1977:4) has stated that values are:

The standards that people share. These standards are used to judge whether something is good or bad, beautiful or ugly, right or wrong moral or immoral. .... Values are typically supported by specific norms, that is, more detailed directions for proper behavior. Norms are the more specific rules or definitions of how we are supposed to act in a given situation.



The staement above exlains that the sense of values are related to man’s belief of what is good or bad in the sense of moral behavior. Therefore, to decide which one is right or wrong is the man himself. It can be found out in one of the fragment of song lyrics by Maher Zain entitled “Insya Allah”. The lyrics are;

Every time you feel like you cannot go on You feel so lost That your so alone All you is see is night And darkness all around You feel so helpless

You can`t see which way to go Don`t despair and never loose hope Cause Allah is always by your side Insya Allah (3x) you`ll find your way

The fragment lyrics “Don`t despair and never loose hope, Cause Allah is always by

your side, Insya Allah (3x) you`ll find your way” show that there is a sense of moral value

which reflects the belief. The standars of belief are patient, struggle, and believe in Allah. Because if we are in trouble, we have to ask for directions to God earnestly , as God the Almighty will give us the way out. As Allah swt in Surat Al-Baqara: 286 says “Allah tidak

membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya(Allah does not burden a

person but according to his ability). Generally, every writer has plenty of imagination stated in the lyrics. The message contains many ideas, such as social, satire, prise, motivation, education, till a romantic. Literature is also one of media to show some of the meaning, one of them is moral value that presented by author. By the songs, poems, movie, or the other literary works, the author tries to teach and deliver good moral for the people.



People have to improve and maintain their good moral. Morality is a common word to say, but it is very difficult to imply in human’s daily life. Since people were born, they have been taught about morality, however as the time goes by, the morality is decreasing. Morality is something that must be owned by human because without morality human will not be respected by other people. It will be easy for people to socialize with other and they will be accepted in the community. As Hurlock (1985 ) (in Niken, 2014:14). says “Moral refers to what is good or bad people’s relation to others”. Moral values can not only be obtained by discussion in formal situation or books, but also people can use songs to deliver the moral message of the songs. In this case, people will get bored when they get moral values from textbooks and the advice from their teachers or parents. Moral values can be well delivered by using music, because many people use song to express their feeling at the moment. It can give enjoyment, fun, and pleasure in studying. As Ursery (2002:1) stated “moral values are the people beliefs about what is important in life”.

As already be known, every song must have lyric. Lyric as quoted from the

speaking or singing”. The word of “lyric” derived from Greek “Lyricos” meaning “singing to the lyres”, “the rhythm of the entire globe written out like poetry”. It contains the message that is used to express human feeling and experiences. It has imaginative quality and specific characteristic of language used in, such as denotation, connotation, figurative and symbol. In this study, the writer would like to please the reader by presenting the message that can be found in the lyrics of a song suggested the moral for many people who like listening to music.

In the music industry, there are many bands or solo singers. One of the solo singers is Maher Zain. He is the new star of Modern Islamic Music with his meaningful values of songs



that aim to inspire and entertain people and send a message of peace and hope to the world. He has many popular songs and now he has two albums, Thank You Allah and Forgive Me. In january 2009, Maher Zain began to work on an album at Awakening Records. His first debut album was “Thank You Allah” 2009, with 10 songs and second debut album was “Forgive Me” was released in 2012.

Maher Zain has released two albums where both are well know all over the world. The hearers also want to memorize the songs and sing the songs anytime in every place. Because every song has many words which have power to influence people. He always presents moral values or message in his songs.

From discussion above, it is very challenging or interesting to do a research about the moral values in song lyrics. Therefore, the writer takes the title of this study as “An Analysis of Moral Values in Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics”

In addition, related to the contents of literary work, Zerrafa (in Escarpit, 1971:32) said that “the novelist seeks to reveal the essential disorder within the individual and society;” it means that, the writer tries to make sense of our lives and makes us more human, to do what is good in our live, to follow and practice our religious teaching, and to live more peaceful in the world. In other hand, in analyzing the values, it is also important to apply the theory of Hermeneutic, as according to Schleiermacher, (in keserci 2013:2) Hermeneutics was generally understood as techniques for understanding passages of a text that may be difficult to understand. It means that Hermeneutics is a practical art, which is used in things such as lecturing, interpret other languages, describing and explaining the texts, and as the basis of the



art of understanding ; an art which is specifically required when the meaning of something (text) is not clear.

1.2 Problem of The Study

In analyzing Moral values in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics, the problems will be centered into two questions.

The questions that are relevant to the problem are :

1. What are the moral values found in Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics ? 2. What is the significance of Moral values in life portrayed in the lyrics??

1.3 Objective of the Study

The writer has some objectives in writing this study, they are as following: 1. To describe the moral values in Maher Zain’s Selected Song Lyrics. 2. To describe the significance of moral values in life portrayed in the lyrics. 1.4 Scope of the Study

The writer limits the study only in the moral values from Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics. The moral values that are going to be discussed in this context are the standards that Maher Zain wants to share. These standards are covering the belief to judge what is right or wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral stated in the lyrics of the song. Thus, the writer restricts the analysis of moral values in terms of struggle, sacrifice, and attention from the composer as a person or an individual. Maher Zain has tens lyrics, so, it is important to select the song lyrics that reflect the values. The writer chooses 10 hit songs from Maher Zain’s albums, They are (1) “Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah)” , (2) “Insya Allah”, (3) “The Choosen One”. (4) “Freedom”, (5) “For The Rest Of My Life”, (6) “Number One For Me” ,



(7) “Forgive Me”, (8) “Open Your Eyes”, (9) “So Soon” And (10) “Love Will Prevail”. Because those selected songs contain several values which is the background and the reason why the writer chooses this study.

1.5 Significance of The Study

The writer hopes that the result of this study will be beneficial both theoretical and practical.

1. Theoretical

The writer expects the result of this study can be advantageous to the world of literature as complement the study of song and contribute the development of moral values as reflected in

Maher Zain’s album.

2. Practical

1. To build the appreciation for the people towards the song lyrics and the moral values contained in it

2. To widen the horizon of students about values and other aspect from lyrics

3. To get inspiration from the moral values for all students, and to build good character in each person.




literature is one of the greatest creative and universal meaning in communicating the emotional, spiritual or intellectual concerns of mankind. In this book, Understanding the Elements of Literature, Taylor (1981: 1) says that “ Literature is essentially an imaginative act, which is an act of the writer’s imagination in selective ordering and interpreting life experience.” literature is an art of living together communication language. Without language there would be no literature. Through language, it can manifest itself in the form of oral and written literature. Abrams (1981) (in Selidik, 2013:1) Says “literature is seen as a means to convey a specific purpose, such as values or teachings to the reader”. The definition above, it means that literature is an art form both oral or written that contains values and other elements that are imaginative.

There are three major divisions of literature. They are prose, drama and poetry. Delisle (1971:147) defined poetry as “a form of literature deriving its particular effects from unusually specific words arranged in unusually precise language patterns. Poetry has its own uniqueness, different from other two divisions of literature”. It is written in unusual words, and specifict diction that are arranged in unusual patterns. It is the shortest from among the three divisions, but conveys the message as well as other two. Poetry has two major types which are the narrative poem and lyric. Lyric is made by the author to offers his own direct response to some aspect of experience, different from narrative poem that is made to tell the story. Peck (1984 :41) in his book Literary Terms and Criticism says that, lyrics is “a poem in which the poet writes about his thought and feelings. The basic type is the song”. It means



that, the lyric as the type of poetry and the lyric as made by the song writer are the same, because the song is the type of the lyric, and nowadays the words content in a song called the lyric. Delise (1971:149) added that “originally the lyric was a poem composed if being sung, or at least so constructed as to be appropriate for singing”. It expresses the personal feelings of the one who wrote it, translated into words and word patterns that would effectively communicate those feelings.

2.2 Values In Literature

The theory of value begins with a subject matter. It is hard to specify in some general way exactly what counts, but it certainly includes what people are talking about. According to Ursery, (2002:1) states that “value is belief or attitude about what is good, right desirable, worthwhile and value system the ways people organize rank, prioritize, and make decision”. The writer concludes, people beliefs about what is important in life. Some values refer to how one should act. Other values refer to what one wants to accomplish or obtain in life. Schroeder, (2012:2) gives some distribution of value in daily life, he explains pleasure is good or bad; it would be good or bad if people did that. He gives another examples of value those are too much cholesterol is good or bad for health; it is better or worse for it to end now, than for us to get caught later. “Value are guidance to act or behave which coming from ourselves, principles about to live a life and to make a decision” Buzan, (2003:28). Values are moral and nature of behavior which desides for ourselves, involved the concept of universal truth, honesty, fair, justice and honor.

According to Earle (1992:297), value is positive quality of anything whereby it is desirable, useful, interesting, good, and important. Only a few of the terms is available for the expression of positive values. Whether values are part of the intrinsic nature of things or



simply a matter of how humans respond to things is controversial. It is clear that, the values influence what people will determine as ethical

Related to the contents of literary work, Amir (in Rahayu, 2005:7-8) said that “a good literary work should have the integrity and alignment, such as an aesthetic (cultural Values), ethical (moral values), philosophical (educational values) , and the sense of religious (religious values)”.

2.2.1 Cultural Values

The values associated with the customs / traditions prevailing in the society. As the complexity of values, culture includes various types of values. for example: truth, goodness, and beauty. Culture is also inner perfection. It can be interpreted that, the cultural values guide a person to reach the perfect life. Perfect in question is the perfection of human life as God's creatures, both religious dimensions, social and human person.

2.2.2 Religious Values

Lathief, (2008) (in Santoso 2011:6) argues that all literature is religious. The word religious taken from Latin “Relego”, intended to “scale back” or are “concerned about (something)”. A religious can be interpreted as a human, which means, that conscience serious, devout, conscientious, and full of spiritual discernment. Religiosity is seeing aspects 'in my heart', moving in the deep hart, ripple vibration personal conscience, personal attitude a little much a mystery to others.



Moral refers to what is good or bad people’s relation to others. In other words, understanding the morality is good or bad and right or wrong. Social relationship can be judged by standards such as efficiency or produce (Sternberg,1994:938).

2.2.4 SocialValues

Social value is the value of the underlying, guiding and the goal of human action and social life in the hold, retain and develop human’s life Amir (1992) (in wardani, 2011:4). Social values are norms that govern human relationships in groups of life. Social norms are rules of human relationships, which according Goeman (1992) (in Wardani, 2011:4) is a principle which underlies the human to adapt to the geographical environment, human beings, and cultural environment. It is understood that the social value is the general guidelines in the community.

From the explanation obove, the writer can conclude that values is close relationship between right or wrong behaviours and how the people evaluate the behaviour of others base on the social , religious, cultural and moral values. So , literature is one of media to show some of the meaning, one of them is moral values that presented by author. By the songs, poems, movie, or the other literary works, the author tries to teach and deliver good moral for the audiences.


11 2. 3 Defition of Moral Values

2.3.1 Moral

Moral comes from Latin word “Mores”, it has meaning of custom and folkways. Moral behavior means behavior in conformity with the moral code of the social group. Moral development has both an intellectual and an impulsive aspect, people must learn what is right and wrong and given explanation of why this is right and wrong Hurlock (1985:386). Sternberg (1994:938) says that, Social relationship can be judged by standards such as efficiency or produce.

According to Barcalow (1994: 3), moral issues involve a way of behaving and having character, they are unavoidably coming in all shapes and sizes. Fundamentally, moral issues arise when the choice that people take will affect the good attitude of other by increasing or decreasing. For example, when other people are watching news in program television about criminal, it is can be a source to be more careful and getting on the ball with criminal. The negative or decreasing attitude is when the other people make it to be the source of their criminal.

Edward (1967:151) says, there are three kinds of motives which lead men to act morally, that is, to obey the moral rules of their society, enlightened self-interest, respect for rules, and other regarding motives. Morals are the standards by which behaviours are evaluated for their morality – their rightness or wrongness. Morality is something that must be owned by human because without morality human will not be respected by other people. They will be easy to socialize with people around them and will be accepted in the community. Someone who has moral should have the ability to consider good and bad behavior because no one can live without other person.


12 2.3.2 Moral Values

Moral values has been learned and taught since childhood. It is the first step to be a good person. Behavior is the way of behaving. Good behaviors is shown by how someone presented the politeness, for example speaks politely, dressed politely, and walks politely and etc. Ursery (2002:2) says, moral values are the people beliefs about what is important in life. Some values refer to how one should act such as become honest, altruistic, self-discipline while other moral value to what one wants to accomplish or obtain in life. Moral values are quite or not specific about what should be done. It is general beliefs or attitudes about something the people desire or like.

Moral value is value that can’t be separated with other values. Bertens (1997:142-147) says, every values will get quality if it has relation with other values, Moral values are characterized:

a. Responsibility

Moral values related to the human person who is responsible. A moral value only is realized in actions that are fully the responsibility of the person concerned. Humans themselves become a source of moral values.

b. Conscience

Value always contains some sort of invitation or appeal. Moral value is that only raising the value of the voice of conscience that accused persons when underestimate or against moral values and praised us when realizing moral values.



Moral values that is required for granted unconditionally. These values apply to humans as humans. Expected and even demanded that everyone uphold moral values and practice. Moral obligation does not come from the outside or institutions but is rooted in people's own humanity.

d. Religion

Religion also gives manycontribution in moral values development. Someone who has religion, they should control their act and attitude because in the Holy Qur’an, there are prohibitation, commands, and punishment. Many people appeals to God’s Law the ultimate test of right and wrong. It can be understood that religion is a foundation of moral values. e. Formality

Moral value is not stand-alone without other value. Moral values did not separate with other values. Moral values are nothing without other values. It is form of formality. Max Scheler mentioned in Bertens that moral values “get a lift” to other values.

2.4 Song Lyric

According to Little (1970:174) lyric derived from Greek “Lyricos” meaning “singing to the lyres”, “the rhythm of the entire globe written out like poetry”. The song lyric is specifically intended for singing. This intention affects diction, content and stanza form. The song lyric is particularly unified and simple. A tune has its own emotional character, and it is words will need to be of words and music. Human is the creature that knows how to react not only in the physical environment but also in the symbols that they made”.

According to Risdianto (2011: 32) there are five element of poetry which to be a good poem, they are figure of speech, imagery, rhythm, rhyme, and tone.


14 1. Figure of Speech

Figurative language or figure of speech is a poet’s expression of his imagination. According to Perrine (1963: 54) figurative language is broadly defined as any way of saying something other than ordinary way. Figure of speech is a deviation from the usual form of expression or common way of thinking in an effort to obtain a more intense effect of disclosure. Figurative language consists 12 kinds, they are: simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, hyperbola, understatement, irony Risdianto,( 2011:33-36).

2. Imagery

Imagery is one of the literary elements that also important in the poetry. The clear explanation of imagery is in below: Imagery is a peculiarly effective way of evoking vivid experience, and since it may be used by the poet in such a way as to convey emotion and suggest ideas as well as to cause a mental reproduction of sensations, it is an invaluable resource of the poet (Perrine, 1963:48)

3. Rhythm

Rhythm refers to any wavelike recurrence of motion or sound. In speech it is the natural rise and fall of language. All language is to some degree rhythmical, for all language involves some kind of alternation between stressed and unstressed syllables (Perrine, 1963:162). 4. Rhyme

Risdianto (2011: 42-43) stated that rhyme is two words that sound alike, the vowel sound of two words is the same, but the initial consonant sound is different. A rhyme is a



repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, most often at the end of lines in poems or songs.

5. Tone

Tone may be defined as the writer or speaker attitude toward his subject, his audience, or himself. It is the emotional coloring or the emotional meaning, of the work, and is an extremely important part of the full meaning. A correct interpretation of his tone will be an important part of understanding his full meaning. In poetry tone is likewise important (Perrine, 1963:135). Tone also can be defined an abstraction the singer make from the detail of a poem language, the use of particular of words and sentences pattern, of imagery and figurative language.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that song lyric is symbolic reaction of human. It is a response of everything that happened and felt by their physical environment and it is influenced by common sense and rationality. Symbol is used by human to understand a reality cannot be seen directly, but it can be seen and felt by human senses. This stimulus is processed and created by mind. Then, the concept or the specific interpretation will be formed a specific meaning appropriate with what will be pronounced.



2.5 Hermeneutic Theory & Sociology of Literature 2.5.1 Hermeneutic Theory

Schleiermacher (1969) (in Keserci 2013:1) Hermeneutics is a methodology for interpretation of all texts. Hermeneutics, the art of interpretation, was firstly used for the definition of Scripture and other texts by ancient Greek philosophers. In this sense, hermeneutics has a long history, reaching back at least as far as ancient Greece. In ancient Greek mythology, Hermes was the messenger of God who interpreted messages from the God to human and explained wishes of God to them. So, the word Hermeneus “hermeneutics” or the art of interpreting hidden meaning.

By Schleiermacher, the philosophy of modern hermeneutics has been developed. Hermeneutic was generally understood as techniques for understanding passages of a text that may be difficult to understand. Schleiermacher challenged this assumption and presented differences between the author and the reader-interpreter with respect to their personal histories, the use of language, culture, worldview, and stressed misunderstanding, rather than understanding in textual interpretation. Schleiermacher transformed hermeneutics from a technique to a general theory of understanding and interpreting texts. Schleiermacher mentions about three basic problems dealing with understanding : Difficulty in understanding, not understanding , and misunderstanding.

The goal of interpreting a text for Schleiermacher is to recover the author's originally intended meaning. Therefore, according to Schleiermacher, interpretation has two, equally important, aspects: grammatical (objective) or psychological (subjective). According to Schleiermacher, grammatical interpretation refers to understanding and interpreting a text in



the context of the language with its possibilities and limits. As distinct from grammatical interpretation, psychological interpretation aims to reconstruct the author's mental.

Primarily, Schleiermacher does not make a distinction between understanding and interpretation of texts unlike traditional hermeneutics. Because, he believes both are completely connected with each other. Each sense at the same time is an interpretation. In the same way each interpretation also is an indicative of a meaning. While these actions are done by reviewer using their concepts, he converts a foreign text into their own language. Schleiermacher removes understanding from being a special case that only applies to written texts and wants to convert to an indispensable element for situations such as mutual dialogue speech which as the principal tool of communication among people. However, in doing so in any kind of dialogue occurring among people does not want to act from the point at where understanding of actions occur.

In summary, Schleiermacher maintains that while grammatical interpretation is a method of understanding how meaning is determined by the way in which language is used; psychological interpretation is a method of understanding how spoken or written language represents the thoughts of the person who is speaking or writing Grammatical and Psychological elements which are always combined in discourse. Thus, hermeneutics and criticism is concerned with understanding the similarities and differences which may occur between these objective and subjective elements. Also, the development of hermeneutics is still very much an ongoing process both as it concerns the nature of interpretation itself and as it concerns the scope and significance of interpretation.


18 2.5.2 Sociology of Literature

Any definitional problems that beset the sociology of Literature are resolved by assuming literature to be one social institution among many. As Levin ( in Escarpit, 1971:31) suggests, “Literature is not only the effect of social causes but also the causes of social effect”. Literature is a reflection of society. Through literature, the author reveals the problems of life that the author himself participated in it. Literary works influenced by the society and at the same time able to make an impact on society. Balzac (in Escarpit, 1971:36) stays “the Novelist analyses the ‘data’ of social life, interprets them, and tries to determine their essential features in order to transmit them in writing”. Original works have a revelatory function as regards the hidden, inadmissible aspects of what we call social, economic or psychological life; they are both the search for, and their expression of their sense, or, rather of their essence. Wellek and Warren (1982:94) discuss literature and public relations as follows: “Literature is a social institution, using as its medium of language, a social creation”. They are conventions and norm roomates could have arisen only in society”. In this sense, life includes relationships between people with the individual, interpersonal, and happens in the inner person. However, the events that occur in the mind of the often the subject of literature, is a reflection of one's relationship with others or with the community and foster a certain social attitudes or even to trigger certain social events.

Sociology of literature is an approach which is based on the orientation of the universe, but can also start from the orientation of the author and the reader. According to the sociological approach to literature, literary works seen to do with reality, the extent to which literary works that reflect the reality. The fact here implies fairly broad, everything that is outside literature and referred by the literature. Thus, approach to the sociology of literature



concerned with the documentary aspects of literature, with the cornerstone of the view that literature is a picture or portrait of a social phenomenon.

In essence, it is a concrete social phenomenon, happening all around us every day, can be observed, photographed and documented. By the author, the phenomenon was re-elected as the new discourse with the creative process (observation, analysis, interpretation, reflection, imagination, evaluation, and so on) in the form of literature.

2.6.1 Thank You Allah Album

There are tenth songs in Thank You Allah’s album, such as : 1. Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah)

The first music video from the album was titled ‘Thank You Allah’. It was released in 2009 by Mike Harris. Maher Zain is the songwriter and the singer in this song.

This song represents the journey of his life, that’s when his youthful dream has become a reality, and his high career included him in to world-class musicians. But he felt his soul is empty. Because he was surrounded by glamorous and hedonistic life which close to disobedience. Finally he handed all of his affairs to God. He always pray, and really repent to Allah. and alhamdulillah , he was given a way out by Allah who All-Merciful. So, this song invites people to encourages to the right ways, especially for the singer that he really thanks to God because change his life became truth.


20 2. Insya allah

Maher Zain is the songwriter in Insha Allah’ssong, the song shows that how the singer alwasys believes God. He was really optoimis and believe that if we are in trouble, we have to ask for directions to God earnestly, God the Almighty give us the way out. So, in the song he gives the spirit, motivation, and fills in his soul to all people. He always works hard and prays to God to get the best way in his life.

3. The chosen one

Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi are the songwriter in this song. The song tells how the singer longs and loves to Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the lyrics, the singer tries to express many things to describes his love but never has he found to a nicety of words. He wants to meet and always close to Prophet Muhammad SAW . The singer also suggests the people to always send blessing to Muhammad SAW.

4. Freedom

The music video from the album was titled 'Freedom'. It was released by Malaysian director, Mohd Hafizi bin Mat Khalib. The music video was filmed on February 25 and 26, 2011 at Malawati Stadium, Malaysia. Maher Zain is the songwriter in this song, the song invites people to encourage them to fight against all oppression.


21 5. For the rest of my life

Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi are the songwriter in this song. The song tells how the singer is really loves his wife until the end of his time. The singer believes that he will stay on paradise with his wife. He prays every time to see it.

6. Number one for me

The sixth music video from the album was 'Number One For Me'. The video was directed by Mike Harris. The actor is Massimo Loreti as a child. Maher Zain, Bilal Hajji and Nano Omar are the songwriters in this song, the song tells how the singer loves his mother. The lyrics tell about his personal experiences, when he wa a child. His disobedient makes his mother always cries. The singer regretted because he makes his mother cry with his naughtiness. He wants to make his mother always smile. Finally, the singer becomes adult, and he learns anything from his mother during child until adult. 7. Forgive me

This lyrics are written by Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi. This song shows the singer wants to repent of his sin before he die.

8. Open your eyes

Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi and Bilal Hajji are the songwriters in this song. This song tells how he proud to Allah, aware of the greatness of Allah, and tries to invite people becomes a loyal servant and always remember God. God not only irradiate his heart but also to be end his goal. The writers describe how God show His love to him, straight off the power and hope will be the end in peace.


22 9. So soon

The nineth music video entitled 'So Soon', it was directed by Mike Harris. Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain and Mohamed El-Kazaz are songwriters in this song. This song tells about the death of someone special for singer. The singer needs long time to accept this truth.

10. Love will prevail

Love will prevail lyrics are created by Bara Kherigi and Maher Zain. This is the special song from Maher Zain that given to support the Syrian who are oppressed by rulers. The song is very meaningful. The song tells how the singer trust to God. God creates people for free, there is no one can take that away from them, except God. So, the singer believes that love will prevail , by God’s it will.

2.7 Relevant studies

This following books are the main sources in finding data and information in analyzing this study. They are :

Hemeneutics And Criticism And Other Writings 1768-1834 by Schleiermacher, F.D.E.

Schleiermacher transformed hermeneutics from a technique to a general theory of understanding and interpreting texts. Schleiermacher mentions about three basic problems dealing with understanding : Difficulty in understanding, not understanding , and misunderstanding. The goal of interpreting a text for Schleiermacher is to recover the author's originally intended meaning.

Sociology of literature (1971) by Escarpit Robert. This book covers the element of

values, tradition, philosophy, institution, also the aspect of social, economics, politics, and genre in society. So, this book will help the writer in doing the study.



A Handbook of Study of Literature (1977) by Sinha. This book contains the detail of

different literary types and some important topics on the history of English literature added by the writer to increase the usefulness of the book. It is written for those who are interested in literature and the study of literary works.

Philosophy of culture (1984) by Bakker. This book contains the subjective cultural values

that guide a person reaches a perfect life. Perfect in question is the perfection of human life as God's creatures, both religious dimensions, and social.

There are also some scholar who ever did the research about the values that related to the study such as :

An Analysis Of Love Values In Charlotte Bronte’s Novel : Jane Eyre (a thesis), by

Sekar, Kurniasih (2009) : has given me much help about values. She has made study of love value through Charlotte Bronte’s Novel. This study explains kinds of love values. But, I admit frankly that the thesis has been one of my references to make further analysis in my study.

The Moral Values In Some Of Robert Frost’s Poems (a thesis), by Elfira, Rizka (2010) :

this study explains the moral values found in some Robert Frost’s poems. This paper also helps the writer to find out one of the value which contains in this paper it’s the moral value. So, this study has been one of the references in doing my study.



According to Silverman, (1993 :2) A methodology is “a general approach to studying a research topic”. It establishes how one will go about studying any phenomenon. He also states Research methodology is a set of knowledge about procedure of collecting data systematically and logically which related with some problems to be processed, analyzed, made conclusion, and found the solving problem.

In this research, method of study is expanded into five parts, namely (1) method of the study, (2) object of the study, (3) sources of data, (4) method of collecting data, (5) technique of data analysis. The explanation of each point will be discussed further into wide explanation.

3. 1 Method of the Study

Descriptive analysis method is applied in this study. According to Ratna (2004 in Lisa, 2014: 12): “Metode deskriptif analisis dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul dengan analisis.” (Descriptive analysis method is done by describing

the facts then followed by analysis). From the method can be describe and explain the kinds of

values and the purpose of values found in the lyrics. In analysis song lyrics of Maher Zain also conducted by library research. The writer reads some books and references that related to the subject matter, the writer collects and selects the relevant data. Besides that, some information are searched through web sites.


25 3. 2 Object of the Study

The writer uses Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics as the object of study. Especially in the song lyrics of Thank You Allah’s album by Maher Zain was published in 2009, entitled “(1) “Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah)”, (2) “Insya Allah”, (3) “The Choosen One”, (4) “Freedom”, (5) “For The Rest Of My Life”, (6) “Number One For Me” , (7) “Forgive Me”, (8) “Open Your Eyes”, (9) “So Soon” And (10) “Love Will Prevail”.

3.3 Sources of Data

In this study, the writer acquired the materials from books, journal, and the internet. Whereas, this research was literary study, they were considered as the material of the research. The writer used documentation method that was taken from primary and secondary data. They are:

1. Primary data source

Primary data is data selection or obtained directly from the sources without any intermediaries. Primary data is written on the data collection and analyzed functionally related to the role or function in the structure of poetry Siswantoro (2010 :78). The primary data is essential sources derived from Thank You Allah’s album, entitled:

1. Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah) 2. Insya Allah

3. The Chn One 4. Freedom

5. For The Rest Of My Life 6. Number One For Me


26 7. Forgive Me

8. Open Your Eyes 9. So Soon

10. Love Will Prevail 2. Secondary source

Secondary data is the data that obtained indirectly or through an intermediary. Secondary data is recorded on the data collection and functioned to reinforce the validity of the primary data Siswantoro (2010: 79). It is the data source which used to support and complete the primary data. It is taken from books, journal, and relevant materials to support this study.

3.4 Method of Collecting Data

The method of collecting data is the way which used by the writer to collect the data. In collecting data, the writer utilized the documentation method. According to Arikunto (1990 :321), document study is “acquiring a data about case, book, transcript film, magazine, or newspaper”.

To collect the data, the writer needs some procedure. These steps are: The writer finds the data from Maher Zain’s album entitled Thank You Allah. The data that used in this study is the song lyrics in his album. After collecting the data, the writer identifies the appropriate and inappropriate data, the writer listed them based on list a song in album. This is done in order to easier in classifying data. After making a list of data, the writer classified all of the data based on the kinds of moral values and the significance of the moral values contined in it.


27 3.5 Technique of Analysing Data

The data of this study were analyzed by following steps :

1. Reading 10 lyrics from Maher Zain’s album namely “(1) “Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah)” , (2) “Insya Allah”, (3) “The Choosen One”. (4) “Freedom”, (5) “For The Rest Of My Life”, (6) “Number One For Me” , (7) “Forgive Me”, (8) “Open Your Eyes”, (9) “So Soon” And (10) “Love Will Prevail”.

2. Understanding the contents of Maher Zain’s song lyrics.

3. Analyzing kinds of moral values and the significance of moral values in life portrayed in Maher Zain’s selected song lyrics.




4. 1.1 An Analysis of Moral Values

As the writer explains in previous chapter, moral values are the standards that can help us to determine the kind of action that are proper and worthwhile, whether it is right or wrong. In the Thank You Allah’ssong lyric, the writer finds the moral values delivered by the singer. The analysis based on the 10 lyrics of Maher Zain’s album, they are:

1. Thank You Allah (Alhamdulillah)

The first analysis is Thank You Allah , it is about the journey of his life, that’s when his youthful dream has become a reality, and his high career included him in to world-class musicians. But he felt his soul is empty. Because he was surrounded by glamorous and hedonistic life which close to disobedience. Finally he handed all of his affairs to God. He always pray, and really repent to Allah. Alhamdulillah , he was given a way out by Allah who All-Merciful. So, this song invites people to encourages to the right ways, especially for the singer that he really thanks to God because change his life become truth. As in the analysis of song lyrics below:

I was so far from you

Yet to me you were always so close I wandered lost in the dark I closed my eyes toward the signs

You put in my way I walked everyday

further and further away from you Allah, you brought me home



In the song lyrics above, the singer wants to describe that Allah always loves him and closes with him, even though he is far from God. It is found in the first and second line of the stanza above. the last line of the stanza above, it shows that there is no one can handle all trouble in his heart, except God. God will give points for every problem people face. Therefore, we must always remember God in our lives.

I never thought about

All the things you have given to me I never thanked you once

I was too proud to see the truth

The singer describes that he is not aware before. He also never think about what God has given to him. He will give the massage for human being that we don’t have to be proud to God, but we have to thank of God by doing all of His commands.

I was too proud to see the truth And prostrate to you Until I took the first step

And that's when you opened the doors for me Now Allah, I realized what I was missing

By being far from you

A part of song lyrics above tells to the hearer about the experience of the singer when he is so far from God, and never gives thank to God. But in one day, he realizes that he is missing God, so, he follows the religious teachings and prays to God and believes that God will always accept his repentance.

Allah, I wanna thank you

I wanna thank you for all the things that you've done You've done for me through all my years I've been lost

You guided me from all the ways that were wrong And did you give me hope



In the lyrics of Thank You Allah above, the writer describes that he really wants to thank to God for what God has done to him. Although he loses the way, but God still forgives him. thats why, people We must thank to Allah sincerely, by follow all of his commands.

Allah, you brought me home I thank you with every breath I take

The song lyrics tell that his life is far from God. The singer tries to deal with what he gets and learns about his experiences. He tries to stop his bad behaviors and become strong. He has to face everything, even though it is very difficult for him but he believes that, God will give the way out to him, and God will give His guidance to mankinds steadfastness and effort.

Alhamdulillah All praises just to Allah

Loyalty is also showed in the part of Thank You Allah song lyrics. The singer always feels grateful to Allah and he shows his loyalty by praising him. It can be found in the third line the singer said Alhamdulillah, the word comes from Arabic which means “thanks to Allah” and “praises to Allah”. God gives him strength to make him stronger in difficult time. To improve him self, Allah brings him to the right way. Allah is the only one who inspires his life.

2. Insha Allah

The song shows how the singer always believes God. He is really optoimis and believe that if we are in trouble, we have to ask for directions to God earnestly, God the Almighty give us the way out. So, in the song he gives the spirit, motivation, and fills in his soul to all



people. He always works hard and prays to God to get the best way in his life, as in analysis below:

Every time you commit one more mistake You feel you can`t repent

And that it’s way too late

You`re so confused, wrong decisions you have made Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never lose hope Cause Allah is always by your side

In the stanza above, the singer conveys his love and affection to God. God always loves human when human still remember Him, even though human leaves His commands. Allah does not love those people who are in despair and lose hopeless, because everything that happens in life will have way out. As Allah says in QS. Fushilat : 49. “Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan”.

Insha Allah, Insha Allah Insha Allah you`ll find your way

The word of “Insha Allah” above comes from Arabic which means “by God’s will”. So, the singer teaches the hearer that in Islam, human can only work hard and pray. However, by God’s will everything will happen and any problems that human face will have the way out.

Turn to Allah He`s never far away Put your trust in Him Raise your hands and pray

In the part of song lyrics above, the singer teaches the hearer that we should be guided by the religion teaching, because God always protect the people who carry out His commands. Therefore we must believe in God.


32 Oh Ya Allah

Guide my steps don`t let me go astray Yo’re the only one that showed me the way

The singer teaches the hearer to always be a humble person in every situation. People must always pray to God and not far away and astray from God. So, by God’s will, Allah will lead us into the right way.

3. The Chosen One

The song tells how the singer loves to Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the lyric, the singer tries to express many things to describes his love to Prophet Muhammad SAW. He wants to meet and always close to Prophet Muhammad SAW. The singer also suggests people to always send blessing to Muhammad SAW. As in analysis below :

In a time of darkness and greed It is your light that we need You came to teach us how to live

Muhammad ya Rasool Allah

The singer wants to share about how big the struggle of Prophet Muhammad SAW when people get lost. The Prophet comes as the messanger of God to teach people and lead them to the right way.

You were so caring and kind Your soul was full of light You are the best of mankind Muhammad Khaira Khalqillah Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa

Peace be upon The Messenger The Chosen One



The song lyrics tell about being respect to Muhammad SAW as a Prophet. The singer gives his praises to prophet. The words Muhammad Khaira Khalqillahb, Sallu

‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa are Arabic language, it shows that Muslim people

really appreciate and love prophet Muhammad SAW. They express it by singing (shalawat) to the Prophet. The meaning of the song is “shalawat to the Messenger of Allah, God’s love”. So, thesong disclose how the singer loves the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

From luxury you turned away And all night you would pray Truthful in every word you say

Muhammad Ya Rasul Allah

In the part of stanza above, the singer explains that the prophet Muhammad SAW never arrogant to anyone, he is very humble. The quotation is in the first line of the stanza above. He always prays to God with his sincerity and ask for Allah’s forgiveness.

Your face was brighter than the sun Your beauty equaled by none

You are Allah’s Chosen One

From the lyrics above, the singer also describes how he adores the prophet Muhammad SAW, because there is no other like him and he is the best creature of God. In the song, the singer expresses that there is nothing in this world, even the most beautiful one, can describe how amazing Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most beautiful above all.

I will try to follow your way And do my best to live my life



I pray to be close to you On that day and see you smile

When you see me

The singer wants to be a person who follows the path of Muhammad SAW. The loyalty is shown in the first and third line. In his pray, he hopes that Allah will bless him to be closer to Muhammad SAW.

4. Freedom

The song invites people to encourage them to fight against all oppression. As in analysis below :

Gathered here with my family

My neighbors and my friends standing firm together against oppression holding hands

It doesn’t matter where you’re from

The lyrics tell the hearer to be united. People who are around Maher Zain strive for freedom. The singer frowns upon the oppression in his country. The key of freedom is unity to fight the oppression

Oh God thank you

For giving us the strength to hold on and now we’re here together

Freedom song lyrics above tell the hearer to become Ukhuwah; the tie of brotherhood. It

means that, we work together and build the unity. So, we have strength to fight the oppression. The singer and other want to shake off the yoke.


35 5. For The Rest Of My Life

The song tells how the singer is really loves his wife until the end of his time. The singer believes that he will stay on paradise with his wife. He prays every time to see it. As in analysis below:

I praise Allah for sending me you my love You found me home and sail with me

And I`m here with you

For The Rest Of My Life song lyrics above told to hearer an amaze stories of the

singer and his wife. He says thanks to God for giving him a lovely wife for his life.

For the rest of my life I`ll be with you

I`ll stay by your side honest and true Until the end of my time I`ll be loving you, loving you

For the rest of my life Through days and nights I'll thank Allah for opening my eyes

Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

The a part of For the rest of my life lyrics above can be categorized as love and affection, because there is a word “love”in the fifth line of the stanza above. In the third and fourth line of the lyrics, the singer tells the hearer that the singer will always love his wife till the end of his life. He reveals that he will keep his love and be faithful to his wife. He says that he always thanks to God for giving such a beatiful wife for him who always being by his side.



I know it deep in my heart & now that you`re here In front of me I strongly feel love

And I have no doubt

And I sing it loud that I will love you eternally

From the second song, the singer wants to convince his wife that he really loves his wife. In the third lines, he shows that love will be strongest when his wife is there with him. In the last line, he believes that the true love given by God for them.

I know it deep in my heart I feel so blessed when I think of U

And I ask Allah to bless all we do You`re my wife & my friend & my strength

And I pray we`re together in Jannah

For The Rest Of My Life song lyric tell about believe. The singer and his wife

believe that they will be together in Jannah (paradise). Paradise is place where people will live enduringly. His wife always loves him every time, she can be friend and strength for him. He and his wife always pray to put them together in paradise.

6. Number One for Me

The song tells how the singer loves his mother. The lyrics tell about his personal experiences, when he was a child. He makes his mother always cries because his disobedient. The singer regretted because he makes his mother cry with his naughtiness. He wants to make his mother always smile. Finally, the singer becomes adult, and he learns anything from his mother during child until adult. As in analysis below:



If I could turn back time rewind If I could make it undone I swear that I would I would

make it up to you

Through this lyrics, singer wants to tell the hearer that we should use every chance very well. As in part of lyrics above, the singer feels guilty for his mother, he realizes about his mistakes in his chilhood. He also tells that he wants to turn back the time so that he can pay back his fault and make his mother happy.

Even though I was so bad I’ve learnt so much from you

The song lyrics tell about the singer’s chilhood. At that time, he is so naughty. The singer always makes his mother cry and feels pain. Nevertheless, His mother always cares and loves him until he grows up. It is not easy to grow him up .

I’ve learnt so much from you Now I’m trying to do it too Love my kids the way you do

The word “ You” above refers to the singer’s mother. So, the lyrics above teaches the hearer about the singer’s experience when he is a child. Now, has grown up bigger to be an adult. He wants to treat his mother like the way his mother treats him when he is a child. His mother always loves him every time.



You know you are the number one for me

The word “You” in the Number One For Me song lyric above refers to the “Mother”. It is about the singer’s loyalty to his mother. His mother is the first person who teaches everything to him in his life. She is a person who always forgives her children’s mistake. the line above shows that the singer really loves his mother.

I will use every chance I get

To make you smile Whenever I’m around you

The singer describes that he will spend every moment with his mother. He wants to make his mother smile everytime, and make his mother happy beside him. Thankfulness feeling is shown when the singer wants to stay beside his mother and make her happy living with him.

Now I will to try to love you Like you love me Only God knows how much you mean to me

The singer shows his sincerity to his mother in the part of song lyrics above. The song lyrics tell the hearer how the singer loves his mother so much. Eventhough he is naughty when he is a kid, his mother always cares for him. He wants to love his mother like what his mother does to him. Now, the singer feels that his mother is the most important one for him.


39 7. Forgive me

This song shows the singer wants to repent his sin before he is die. As in analysis below :

I know O Allah You’re the Most-Forgiving And that You’ve promised to

Always be there when I call upon You

Forgive Me song lyrics above show that, God has a modest characteristic. God always

Forgives the one who wants return to His way. He is always around the people who needs Him.

8. Open your eyes

This song tells how he proud to Allah, aware of the greatness of Allah, and tries to invite people becomes a loyal servant and always remember God. God not only irradiate his heart but also to be end his goal. The writers describe how God show His love to him, straight off the power and hope will be the end in peace. As in analysis below :

Lets start question in ourselves Isn’t this proof enough for us?

Or are we so blind To push it all inside


Open Your Eyes song lyrics above show that we have to introspect ourselves and become humble. People have to try to be better than before. We must correct our own mistakes. It is because every phenomena that happens is the best lesson of life.


40 We just have to

Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds If we just look quiet we’ll see the signs

We can’t keep hiding from the truth Let it take us by surprise

Take us in the best way

In a part of song lyric above refers to Allah SAW. The singer wants to describe that all of phenomenas and events that happens in this universe are the power of God. It clearly shows that we believe to the power of God.


Guide us every single day (Allah)

Keep us close to You Until the end of time

Through this lyrics, singer wants to convey to hearer that everyone has to surrender to God , by always prays, works hard, and beliefe in God. So tha, so we will closer to Him till the end in the world and hereafter.

When a baby’s born So helpless and weak

And you’re watching him growing.. So why deny

What’s in front of your eyes The biggest miracle of life..

In the part of stanza above is also about steadfastness. The singer wants to convey that everything is the power of God, when a baby is born then grows up, he denies that the steadfastness of his parents are educating their child, that’s the command of God and the miracle of life that God has given to man.


41 Allah..

You created everything We belong to You Ya Robb we raise our hands

Forever we thank You.. Alhamdulillah..

In a part of song lyrics above the singer wants to convey the hearer that, there is no power that can beat power of God. The whole universe is a God’s creation, as shown in the second line of the stanza above, so, it means that we should be grateful to God.

9. So soon

This song tells about the death of someone special for singer. The singer needs long time to accept this truth. As in analysis below :

Every time i close my eyes i see you in front of me I still can hear your voice calling out my name

And I remember all the stories you told me I miss the time you were around

but I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you cause i know life won’t last forever

The word of “You” in So Soon song lyric above refers to the singer’s parent. He always remembers and misses the nice conversation with his parents. When his father or mother pass away, he feels lonely. For the singer, their togetherness is the most beautiful moment.

You went so soon, so soon You left so soon, so soon

I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong

I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard I see you in my dreams but when i wake up you are gone



The song lyrics above tell about his steadfastness when his father or mother leaves him alone. He tries to stop his tears and keep strong. He has to face everything, even though it is very difficult for him.

Night and day, I still feel you are close to me and I remember you in every prayer that I make every single day may you be shaded by His mercy

The lyrics describe about how deep the sadness when he looses his beloved parents. The singer feels that his parents always beside him in every single day. The loyalty is found when the singer always prays his parents in hereafter. The singer hopes his parents will always in God’s mercy.

10. Love will prevail

The song tells how the singer trust to God. God creates people for free, there is no one can take that away from them, except God. So, the singer believes that love will prevail , by God’s it will. As in analysis below :

There's no fear in my heart Got nothing left to lose I saw my loved ones die Oh, I swear that I won't give in

By God you'll never win I'll fight for what's right And nothing can stand in my way

Even if I get knocked down I will stand my ground

And I'll never Hide or run away



A part of song lyrics above are about the support of Syrian population who are oppressed by rulers. The singer wants to show the Syirian’s struggle that they will never give up to fight for the truth in God’s way. It is because in Islam, people who protect and care each other will get the reward from God.

Love will prevail By God it will Love will prevail

I refuse to fail Love will prevail

In the lyrics above, the singer expresses that love and affection are the strength of life, as love to God, Prophet, and love each other. Love can overcome everything. It means that, when people love someone or their beloved people, they will struggle for them, there is no fear in their heart, and they won’t give in to protect them. Therefore, we have to love each other.

I saw my loved ones die Oh, I swear that I won't give in

By God you'll never win I'll fight for what's right

In a part of love will prevail lyrics above, the singer describes about their loyal to their beloved people. They fight for the right, as seen in the first and last lines above. They will fight for beloved companions who have died, and they will never give up before they win the war.

I have a dream And my dream is to see To see all my people smile See all of them free and proud

I feel the wind of peace 'Cause with hardship comes ease



The stanza above talks about the peace loving among each other. Peace loving is shown in the first, second and third lines. The singer wants to see people’s smile. He wants to see everybody free from the threates of others and being in peace. He believes to God that every difficult situation will be come easy.

4.1.2The Significance of Moral Values in Life Portrayed in the Lyrics

In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss about the significance of moral values in life portrayed in the song lyrics of Thank You Allah’s album by Maher Zain. The significance of moral values is portrayed by Religious which reflected to love, loyalty, sincerity, thankfulness, steadfastness, humbleness, peace loving, brotherhood and respecting others. The significance of religious teaching in human’s life portrayed in the lyrics of Thank You

Allah’s album are:

a. Provide guidance and teach the human’s life.

A man without religion is a man who does not have purpose in life. In religion, man is guided in order to worship the God and do good in life, both for human being and a nature. Human are taught by religion to help each other, mutual tolerance in accepting human’s diversity. For example, ethnic, religion, race and groups. Religion also teaches people to not do things that can hurt other people and environment.

b. Provide Answer for Human’s Problem

Religion is way of life and the source of human’s knowledge. In this world, there is a lot of things and events that can not be faced by human without God's help. For example, in the lyric of "Love Will Prevail" which reveals the Syirian’s struggle to fight for the truth in God's way. It is successful because of God's help. Religion provides



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55 1. Maher Zain’s Biography

Maher Zain is a singer and songwriter Maher Zain is the new star of modern Islamic music with his meaningful songs that the aim is to inspire and entertain people and send a message of peace and hope to the world. this is the complete data of Maher Zain:

Name : Maher Zain

Date of birth : March 16, 1981 in Tripoli Nationality : Swedish (of Lebanese origin) Education : BA in Aeronautical Engineering Previous Job : Music Producer

Debut Album Name : Thank You Allah Number of Tracks : 13

Release Date : 1st of November 2009 Record Label : Awakening Records Second Album Name : Forgive Me

Release Date :2nd of April 2012 Number of Tracks : 14

Record Label : Awakening Records

Facebook Page :

Twitter Page :




Record Label : Awakening Records

Maher Zain’s first musical inspiration came from his father, who was a singer himself, performing locally in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Tripoli - Lebanon. Fascinated by the music and instruments, Maher got his first keyboard when he was only ten and ever since music officially became part of Maher’s world. The family moved to Sweden when Maher was only 8 years old, where he continued his schooling, and entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. With things changing around him, one thing remained the same - his passion for music. He would spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music in every way. It didn’t take him long to realize that music became an integral part of who he is. After being involved for a while in the music scene in Sweden as a music producer, Maher was introduced to RedOne, a gifted music producer who was fast rising in the music scene in Sweden. Maher started working with RedOne with Swedish artists, and later moved with him to New York. For a few years he was in the middle of the hot rush of the NY music industry, working with chart topping artists such as Kat Deluna on her debut album that included smash hits ‘Whine up’ and ‘Run the Show’. Bu, Maher felt like something is missing in his life. “I loved the music but I hated everything that surrounded it, it always felt like something wasn’t right.” Maher however was restless and eventually decided that the music industry and all that surrounded wasn’t the right place for him and he returned to Sweden.



In early 2009, Maher Zain re-entered the music industry albeit with a different kind of music and decided to work with Awakening Records (UK) on an album that reflects his identity – Arab, Muslim and Swedish. His debut album Thank You Allah was released by Awakening Records in October 2009 to International acclaim. Maher successfully used new media such as You Tube, Face book, and iTunes to promote the album. In 2010, he was most Google celebrity in Malaysia for that year. The album went on to become a multi-platinum success, reaching the number 1 spot on Amazon’s World Music charts and number 8 on the R&B charts, and picking up 10 platinum awards in Malaysia alone - making it officially the best selling music album in Malaysia in 2010 and indeed in the last decade. Maher has already performed in sold-out concerts in Sweden, Canada, Australia, US, France, UK, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bahrain, Algeria, and Egypt to name just a few.

In April 2012, Maher Zain’s second album Forgive Me was released. The album is a dynamic and modern mix of East & West and is expected to surpass the success of the debut album and captivate the senses of the audiences worldwide. Maher Zain’s music mixes the sounds of R&B with traditional spiritual, soul and contemporary pop music, not just updating spiritual music but fearlessly reviving it with contemporary flair. Maher’s songs are instant classics of great power and timeless, unassailably intense spirituality.