INTRODUCTION Teaching Vocabulary To The Fourth Grade Students Of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno, Wonogiri In 2011/2012 Academic Year.


A. Background of the Study
Language is very important for people to communicate with others,
because communication is a process that people use to express messages and
share the meaning about their ideas. The language can be expressed in spoken
or written norms. So, without language communication cannot happen.
Communication cannot be separated from language and language cannot be
separated from vocabulary.
English is one of the international languages. Since the society realizes
that English important for their communication, it should be taught from
Kindergarten until highest level. Together with developing era, English
becomes subject in school. As foreign language, English is not only taught
formally in school but also informal school. It has a purpose to prepare the
young generation to face global era. The society encourage to master English
skill, they are speaking, listening, reading and writing. The important element
to support this skill is vocabulary learning. Teaching vocabulary becomes the
important step to master English skill. Government as the controller of society
realizes that English not only taught in big cities but also in the village
although English taught as the adding subject. Learning English for children is

different for adult. Young learner should be given more attention on spelling,
grammar, structure, pronunciations, and vocabulary, because it is totally is



different from mother tongue. Vocabulary is one element to support language
skills. So, vocabulary becomes the central of teaching English.
Vocabulary as Hocket in Murcia and Mclntosh (1978:241) states that
’’vocabulary is the easiest aspect of a second language to learn and that it
hardly requires formal attention in the classroom.’’ Beside that, vocabulary is
defined as follows: 1) all the words that a person knows or uses; 2) all the
words in a language; 3) list of words with their meaning, esp in a book for
learning a foreign language (Oxford Dictionary,2003). Vocabulary is central
to language and of critical importance to typical language learner. Without a
sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express his ideas
in both oral and written forms. So, vocabulary is one of the important
elements to support language skills, because vocabulary is a basis of learning
English. Without vocabulary, people can not produce the sentences and

languages. If people have limited vocabulary, they will get difficulty to learn
Vocabulary is given since students learn English that is the students in
Elementary level, because vocabulary is important to study language.
Learning vocabulary for the foreign language is as not easy as learning mother
tongue. So, learning vocabulary should apply in early ages.
SD N II Sumberagung is one of the elementary schools that have
English class. SD N II Sumberagung is applying English at least six year.
Recently, English becomes adding subject in SD N II Sumberagung. It is one
of progress of developing student’s quality in language. This school


categorized in school which has some achievement in academic and nonacademic. It is located on village which has approximately 86 students. The
implementation of English started from fourth grade students until sixth grade
students. In teaching-learning English, teaching vocabulary becomes
important process to master other skills. Teaching English in Elementary
School is not easy, because the study of foreign language which is not their
habit and they study for the first time. Teacher who teaching language, have to
introduce vocabulary first, because vocabulary becomes crucial needed.

The teacher finds some difficulties in teaching foreign language, such
as the characteristic of the students, classroom management, and variation of
student’s ability.

So, the teacher should used effective and appropriate

methods with characteristic of the students. Besides, the students also face
some problem in teaching vocabulary. The students get some difficulties such
as in writing vocabulary correctly, spelling the vocabulary, pronounce the
words, and remain the vocabulary. The characteristic of young learner also
influence the teaching-learning process of vocabulary. They need fully
attention to rich the purpose of learning vocabulary. Based on the problem, the
writer wants to observe the process of teaching vocabulary, the problem faced
by the teacher and the students, and the solution of the problem at the fourth
grade students of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno, Wonogiri.


Based on explanation above, the writer is interesting to choose the title

2011/2012 ACADEMIC YEAR.

B. Limitation of the Study
In conducting this research, the writer limits the problems that will be
discussed. The writer limited this research in the English teacher and the
fourth grade students of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno, Wonogiri as the
subject of the research, while the object of the research particularly focuses on
vocabulary teaching-learning process in SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno,
Wonogiri. These limitations have a purpose to get optimal result of the


C. Problem Statement
Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the
problem of study as follows:
1. How is the process of teaching vocabulary to the fourth grade students of
SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno, Wonogiri? This general question is
divided into some subsidiary questions as follows:
a. What are materials given to students?

b. What are the teaching techniques?
c. What are the media used by the teacher?


d. How is the process of evaluation?
2. What are the problems faced by the teacher in the teaching-learning
vocabulary to the fourth grade of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno,

3. How does the teacher solve the problems in teaching-learning vocabulary
of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno, Wonogiri?

D. Objective of the Study
Based on the problem statement above, there are three objectives of the
study, they are as follows:
1. To describe the process of vocabulary teaching-learning to the fourth
grade students of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno Wonogiri. A
specifically the objectives of the research as follows:
a. to describe the materials given to students.

b. to describe the teaching techniques.
c. to describe the media used by the teacher.
d. to describe the process of evaluation.
2. To identify the problems faced by the teacher in teaching vocabulary to the
fourth grade students of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno, Wonogiri.
3. To describe the teacher solve the problems with appropriate method to the
fourth grade students of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno, Wonogiri.


E. Benefit of the Study
There are two benefits of the study; namely theoretical benefit and
practical benefit. The writer hopes that the result of this research will give
benefit theoretically and practically.
1. Theoretical Benefit
a. This research might be useful for reference to the teacher and lecturer
in teaching vocabulary.
b. The research will be helpful for the students to understand about
teaching vocabulary.
2. Practical Benefit

a. For the writer
She can get a lot of knowledge about a teaching vocabulary to the
fourth grade students of SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno Wonogiri.
b. Students
The result of this study can help the students to improve the
vocabulary SDN II Sumberagung, Batuwarno Wonogiri.
c. Teachers
The result of this research will be helpful for teacher in teachinglearning vocabulary with fun methods of SDN II Sumberagung,
Batuwarno Wonogiri.
d. For the readers
They will get a lot of knowledge and information about teaching
vocabulary in elementary school.


F. Research Paper organization
In order to make the reader easy to follow, the writer divides this
research paper into five chapters. They as follows:
Chapter I is introduction. It consists of background of the study,
limitation of the study, problem statement, objectives of the study, benefit of

the study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II explains the review of related literature. It is consist of the
previous study, notion of vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, principle for
teaching vocabulary, teaching technique, and technique for teaching
Chapter III is the research method. It relates to the type of the research,
place and time of the research, subject and object of the research, data and
data source, method of collecting data, and technique for analyzing data.
Chapter IV is research finding and discussion. It is discuss about the
process of teaching vocabulary, the problem faced by the teacher in teaching
vocabulary, and the problem solving used by the teacher in teaching
vocabulary to the fourth grade students of SD N II Sumberagung, Batuwarno
Chapter V is conclusion suggestion.

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