An Error Analysis On The Use Of Gerund To The Fourth Semester Students Of English Department Faculty Of Cultural Studies University Of Sumatera Utara In The Academic Year of 2012/2013














YEAR OF 2012/2013




REG.NO. 110721022




MEDAN 2013






REG NO. 110721022


Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL NIP. 19570626 198303 2 001 NIP. 19570308 198403 1 004

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.




MEDAN 2013


Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. Dr. Nurlela,M.Hum


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on July 27th, 2013

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA

NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S ...

Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum ...

Dr. Hj. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum ...

Drs. H. Chairul Husni, M.Ed.TESOL ...



First of all, I would like to thank to the Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me strenght to accomplish this thesis.

There are many people who have supported me to accomplish this thesis. I realize that I would not finish if there is no guidances, advices, and supports from them. Therefore, in this occasion I would like to thank and grateful to:

a. My beloved parents, Saidi and Srifah for having supported me anytime and anywhere.

b. My sisters, brothers, nephews and nieces Sri Yanti, Sri Yuni, Sri Wati, Sri Yani, Susanto, Supriadi, Suparmin, Suparningsih, Sulasmi, Selamat Rahmadani, Agus, Indrawati, Ayu, Lia and Ela. I do thank for having supported me anytime and anywhere.

c. My supervisor, Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum and my co-supervisor, Mr. Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL. I do thank for having guided and advised me in doing this thesis patiently.

d. The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. Syahron Lubis, MA. e. Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. as the head of English Department.

f. Dra. Redita Lubis,Dip.Appl.Ling.,M.Hum, as my lecturer that had helped me by giving her students as the object of my research, giving me many advices to be better people and also giving me a chance to help her in her office.

g. My close friends, Fendi, Ferri, Fahmi, Maya, Aida, Mazla and also all my friends in Faculty of Cultural Studies, USU.

h. All the Teater O members, USU.

Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis can be useful for the readers. He also hopes getting critic and suggestion to make this paper better.

Hopefully, this paper can be a consideration of everyone who wants to analyze this topic.

Medan, July 2013




Signed :... Date : July 27th, 2013










Signed :... Date : July 27th, 2013



Skripsi yang berjudul “ AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF GERUND TO THE FOURTH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2012/2013” berisi tentang analisa kesalahan yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa/i semester IV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis-jenis kesalahan, penyebab kesalahan dan kesalahan yang paling dominan yg dibuat oleh mahasiswa berdasarkan jenis-jenis kesalahannya. Dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menerapkan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 54 mahasiswa/i semester empat. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah dengan memberikan ujian mengenai penggunaan gerund yang disusun dalam dua bentuk, yaitu: tes melengkapi dan menuliskan paragraf pendek tentang “shopping”. Berdasarkan fungsi gerund, kesalahan-kesalahan yang dianalisis dibatasi hanya pada gerund as subject, gerund as (direct) object, gerund as subjective complement, gerund after preposition, gerund after possesive, dan gerund used in the negative adjective “no”. Sebagai hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa persentase kesalahan berdasarkan fungsi gerund yang paling tinggi adalah gerund as (direct) object 36,5% dan yang paling rendah adalah gerund as subjective complement 5,5%. Persentase kesalahan berdasarkan jenis kesalahan yang paling tinggi adalah kesalahan informasi 44% dan yang paling rendah adalah kesalahan susunan 6,6%. Jika disimpulkan dari 2.369 kalimat, hanya terdapat 21,6% kalimat yang salah dan 78,4% kalimat yang benar. Dengan kata lain, kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menggunakan gerund meningkat dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian awal.



Thesis entitled "AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF GERUND TO THE FOURTH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2012/2013" contains about the analysis of errors made by the the fourth semester students. The purpose of this study is to find out the kinds of error, the cause of error and the most dominant error made by students based on the kinds of error. In completing this research, the method that is used is field research by applying quantitative and qualitative methods. The subjects were 54 students semester four. The instrument used to collect data is by giving a test about the use of gerund that is arranged into two forms, namely: completion test and writing a short paragraph entitled "shopping". Based on the functions of the gerund, the errors that were analyzed limitted to gerund as subject, gerund as (direct) object, gerund as subjective complement, gerund after preposition, gerund after possesive, and gerund used in the negative adjective "no". As the result of the study, it was found that the most dominant error in using gerund based on the function is gerund as (direct) object 36.5% and the less dominant error is gerund as subjective complement 5.5%. The most dominant error in using gerund based on the kinds of error is misinformation error 44% and the less dominant error is misordering error 6.6%. In conclusion, from 2,369 sentence, there is only 21.6% of incorrect sentence and 78.4% of correct sentence. In other words, the students’ ability in using gerund increase compared with the results of preliminary test.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ... i

Author’s Declaration ... ii

Copyright Declaration ... iii

Abstrak ... iv

Abstract ... v

Table of Contents ... vi

List of Tables ... viii

BAB I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. Problem of the Study ... 6

1.3. Objective of the Study ... 7

1.4. Scope of the Study ... 8

1.5. Significance of the Study ... 8


2.1 1 Definition of Gerund ... 9

2.1 2 Functions of Gerund ... 10

a. Gerund as Subject ... 10

b. Gerund as (Direct) Object ... 12

c. Gerund as Subjective Complement ... 14

d. Gerund after Preposition ... 15

e. Gerund after Possesive ... 17

f. Gerund Used in the Negative Adjective “NO” ... 19

g. Gerund as Noun Compounds ... 19

2.1 3 Comparison between Gerund and Present Participle ... 20

2.1 4 Comparison between Gerund and Infinitive ... 22

2. 2 Error and Error Analysis ... 25

2.2. 1 Error ... 25

2.2. 1.1 The Source of Error Occurance ... 26

2.2. 2 Error Analysis ... 26

BAB III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3. 1 Research Design ... 33


3. 2 Population and Sample ... 34

3.2.1. Population ... 34

3.2.2. Sample ... 35

3. 3 Research Instrument ... 35

3. 4 Data Collection Method ... 36

3. 5 Data Analysis Method ... 36

BAB IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1. Data Analysis ... 38

4.1.1. The Number of Errors in Using Gerund ... . 38

4.2. Analysis and Finding ... 39

4.2. 1 The Kinds of Error in Using Gerund as Subject ... 39

4.2. 2 The Kinds of Error in Using Gerund as (Direct) Object ... 45

4.2. 3 The Kinds of Error in Using Gerund as Subjective Complement ... 51

4.2. 4 The Kinds of Error in Using Gerund after Preposition ... 55

4.2. 5 The Kinds of Error in Using Gerund after Possesive ... 60

4.2. 6 The Kinds of Error in Using Gerund Used in the Negative Adjective “NO” ... 64

4.3. Classification of Error ... 67

4.3. 1Error Based on Function of Gerund ... 67

4.3. 2Kinds of Error in Using Gerund ... 70


5.2.Suggestions ... 73 REFERENCES


i. Surat Izin Penelitian

ii. Error Sentences in Using Gerund Based on the Function of Gerund iii. Test


List of Tables

Table 4.1. The Number of Errors in Completion Test ... 38

Table 4.2. The Number of Errors in Writing a Short Paragraph ... 38

Table 4.3. Classification of Error per Sub-Category ... 67

Table 4.4. The Percentage of Error per Sub-Category ... 68

Table 4.5. Number of Correct abd Incorrect Sentence ... 69

Table 4.6. Frequency and Percentage of Population Error in Using Gerund ... 69

Table 4.7. Frequency and Percentage of Error Based on the Kinds of Error ... 70

Table 4.8. Percentage of Kinds of Error in Using gerund Based on the Most Dominant Error and Less Dominant Error ... 71



Skripsi yang berjudul “ AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF GERUND TO THE FOURTH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2012/2013” berisi tentang analisa kesalahan yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa/i semester IV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis-jenis kesalahan, penyebab kesalahan dan kesalahan yang paling dominan yg dibuat oleh mahasiswa berdasarkan jenis-jenis kesalahannya. Dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menerapkan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 54 mahasiswa/i semester empat. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah dengan memberikan ujian mengenai penggunaan gerund yang disusun dalam dua bentuk, yaitu: tes melengkapi dan menuliskan paragraf pendek tentang “shopping”. Berdasarkan fungsi gerund, kesalahan-kesalahan yang dianalisis dibatasi hanya pada gerund as subject, gerund as (direct) object, gerund as subjective complement, gerund after preposition, gerund after possesive, dan gerund used in the negative adjective “no”. Sebagai hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa persentase kesalahan berdasarkan fungsi gerund yang paling tinggi adalah gerund as (direct) object 36,5% dan yang paling rendah adalah gerund as subjective complement 5,5%. Persentase kesalahan berdasarkan jenis kesalahan yang paling tinggi adalah kesalahan informasi 44% dan yang paling rendah adalah kesalahan susunan 6,6%. Jika disimpulkan dari 2.369 kalimat, hanya terdapat 21,6% kalimat yang salah dan 78,4% kalimat yang benar. Dengan kata lain, kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menggunakan gerund meningkat dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian awal.



Thesis entitled "AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF GERUND TO THE FOURTH SEMESTER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2012/2013" contains about the analysis of errors made by the the fourth semester students. The purpose of this study is to find out the kinds of error, the cause of error and the most dominant error made by students based on the kinds of error. In completing this research, the method that is used is field research by applying quantitative and qualitative methods. The subjects were 54 students semester four. The instrument used to collect data is by giving a test about the use of gerund that is arranged into two forms, namely: completion test and writing a short paragraph entitled "shopping". Based on the functions of the gerund, the errors that were analyzed limitted to gerund as subject, gerund as (direct) object, gerund as subjective complement, gerund after preposition, gerund after possesive, and gerund used in the negative adjective "no". As the result of the study, it was found that the most dominant error in using gerund based on the function is gerund as (direct) object 36.5% and the less dominant error is gerund as subjective complement 5.5%. The most dominant error in using gerund based on the kinds of error is misinformation error 44% and the less dominant error is misordering error 6.6%. In conclusion, from 2,369 sentence, there is only 21.6% of incorrect sentence and 78.4% of correct sentence. In other words, the students’ ability in using gerund increase compared with the results of preliminary test.



1.1. Background of the Study

Gerund is a verb form which ends in –ing and is used in a sentence like a noun. These verbal forms are often found in many sentences with different functions such as subject, (direct) object, used after preposition, and after possessive which often lead to some confusion. To know how the verbals work, it is essential to understand their meaning and purpose.

Verbals in gerund are derived from verbs but function as a noun by adding the suffix-ing to verbs. According to Allen (1974:177) the part of the verb that ends in-ing has two very important functions: (1) It can have the force of an adjective as well as that of a verb. We call this the present participle, and (2) It can have the force of a noun as well as that of a verb. We call this the gerund. Unfortunately, this actually causes errors and problems due to not only the gerunds use verbs + ing in the sentence but also the present participle. This is consistent with a statement of a thesis entitled “Teaching Gerund to the Second Years Students of SMPN3 Peusangan by Using the Five Finger Tehniques” (in website) which states that many students may get confused on gerund because gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle. The same form will also create errors if it is not properly understood. This idea is supported by Damianus in his thesis “The Ability of the 2007 Year Students of English Literature Department, University of Sumatera Utara to Distinguish Present Participle from Gerund” who states that less


understanding about them can make serious problem especially in the case of the use of English grammatical structure correctly.

Lack of understanding of the verb + ing form that can be used either as gerund or as present participle may cause errors in its use. It will lead to a different understanding of the meaning between the speaker and listener in a communication. This means that the use of language and its message delivery is not achieved well. Sapir (1949:7) says that language is purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desire by means of system of voluntarily produced symbols.

There are some results of previous studies on the use of gerund to students stating that the rate of student errors in using gerund is still high. The research conducted by Damianus to the students of English Department of USU in 2007 states that they made error about 37.98% and the error analysis on the use of gerund research conducted by Arjati to the students of English literature of UNNES in 2007 also found that many students make errors in the use of gerund. The error rate in each type of gerund ranged 16% to 69%. The results of the researchs above show that there are still many students who do not understand the use of the gerund so that they still make many errors.

In addition, to determine whether there are still many learners who do not understand the use of gerund, the writer had conducted a preliminary research on January 26th, 2013 to the fourth semester students of English Department in the academic year of 2012/2013. The writer chose them as objects of research since they had learned gerund in semester 3 (three) and besides, they are obliged to use English on almost of all subjects. In the


preliminary research, the writer took twenty students as sample and data were obtained by giving them test. The test is completion test consisting of 60 questions, 39 questions of gerund and 21 questions of other English structures, so that the students must complete the blank in the sentence by changing verb in bracket into the correct gerund form. The completion test is arranged randomly.

In the preliminary research, the writer found that many learners still made errors in the use of gerund. The writer checked their answer and the result showed that 50% students get correct answer under 60 (poor-enough) and 50% students get above 60 (good-very good). It means that many of the students do not understand how to use gerund. For example, many learners make error in answering these two following questions in the preliminary test.

1. Avoid ... (make) silly mistakes. → Avoid making silly mistakes.

2. I am looking forward to ... (get) a salary arise next month. → I am looking forward to getting a salary arise next month.

There are 70% of 20 students made errors or in other words, as many as 14 learners make errors in completing them. The first question is a gerund functioning as a direct object and the second is gerund after preposition. There are many types of errors made by the learners such as the addition of affixes "s", "ed", the use of "to" or modal "will".

Based on the previous studies and the results of the preliminary research mentioned above, the writer’s assumption is true that many learners make errors in the use of the gerund, therefore the writer is interested in


continuing research on the use of the gerund of the fourth semester students of English Department in the academic year of 2012/2013.

Errors made by the learners in the process of learning English because English is the second language in Indonesia. As a second language, learners have to study hard to understand the sentence structures that are very different from those Indonesian sentence structures.

Second Language Acquisition may refer to any language that is learned by learners after they have mastered their mother tongue (first language). Our mother tongue is Indonesian language while other language that we want to learn is called Second Language. Ellis (1985:5) says that Second Language Acquisition is the study of how learners learn an additional language after they have acquired their mother tongue. There are generally found errors when learners learn the second language, for every language has its rule that is different to other languages. It has been proved in the preliminary test resulted that many of the learners made errors.

There are several definitions of errors according to experts. Ellis defines that errors reflect the gaps in a learner’s knowledge. They occur because the learner does not know what is correct. It is caused the learners do not have the capability of understanding the structure of a language. This understanding is almost the same with the definition of error proposed by Corder (in Richard, 1974:1). She observes that learner’s errors are indicative both of the state of the learner’s knowledge and of the ways in which a second language is learned. While errors, according to behaviorists’ theory, are the result of non-learning, rather than wrong learning (in Ellis 1995:22).


The behaviorists defines that errors occur as the learners get the wrong teaching method so that they cannot use the language correctly.

The occurrence of errors in learning or using a second language is normal. Learners are still soldered on the use of first language, so they do not know which ones are correct to use. The occurrence of errors in the process of learning is a process of mastering second language because of the presence of the errors, learners can analyze and correct them. Strevens (1969) in Richards (1974:4) hypothesized that errors should not be viewed as problems to be overcome, but rather as normal and inevitable indicating the strategies that learners use. He conjectured that if a regular pattern of errors could be observed in the performance of all learners in a given solution and if a learner were seen to progress through this pattern, his errors could be taken as evidence not of failure but success and achievement in learning.

In second language acquisition is found the term of error analysis that has a meaning of investigating the errors in second language learning by collecting and describing samples made by language learners. In other words, this is a procedure to analyze the errors in the language learning process to be known and corrected by using several ways of analyzing. Ellis (1985:296) states that errors analysis is a procedure used by both researcher and teacher. It involves collecting samples of learner’s language, identifying the error in sample, describing these errors, classifying them according to their hypothesized causes, and evaluating their seriousness. Susan and Selinker (2008:517) say that error analysis is a procedure for analyzing second language data that begins with the errors learners make and then attempts to explain them.


There is a close relationship between an error analysis on the use of gerund and second language acquisition, that is gerund is one of English structure features and English is the first foreign language (second language) in Indonesia that must be learned by Indonesian students. In the process of learning gerund, many learners make errors and it is a normal case because it is the process for the learners to acquire the second language.

To find out why the learners could make errors, a research about the error must be done. There are several types of errors that were dictated by experts. According to Ellis (1997:15), there are four kinds of errors: (1) Omission is the error of leaving item that is required for an utterance to be considered grammatical, (2) misinformation is the error of using one grammatical form in place of another grammatical form, (3) misordering is the error of putting the words in an utterance in the wrong order, and (4) overgeneralization is the error of using over grammatical form in an utterance.

1.2. Problem of the Study

Learners may make errors when they use English language, especially on the use of gerund, which is one of the English structure forms. Dealing with the matters and based on the background above, the writer has formulated the problems of the study as follows:

1. What kinds of error on the use of gerund are made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.


2. What are the causes and the sources of the errors on the use of gerund made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.

3. What kind of error on the use of gerund is the most dominant made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.

1.3. Objective of the Study

Mastering a language properly and correctly takes a lot of time as learner of language needs to know the system of the language. One is dealing with the grammatical system of grammar and usage.

Based on the explanation above, the writer can describe the objectives of the study are as follows:

1. To find out kinds of error on the use of gerund are made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.

2. To find out the causes and the sources of errors on the use of gerunds made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.

3. To find out the kinds of error on the use of gerund is the most dominant made by the 2012/2013 fourth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.


1.4. Scope of the Study

In each form of English grammar has its own formula, such as the use of gerund. Gerund is divided into several types and each type has certain requirements in its use that the learners might make errors in using it. According to the explanation above, the writer limits the research related to the use of gerund such as gerund as subject, gerund as (direct) object, gerund as subjective complement, gerund as object of preposition, gerund a fter possessive adjective, and Gerund used in the Negative Adjective in the 2012/2013 forth semester students of English Literature of Faculty of Cultural Studies of USU.

1.5. The Significance of the Study

The errors on the use of the gerund sometimes are predictable but sometimes not. The kinds of error were made also varied; therefore, it is very important to have a better method to avoid making errors.

By doing this research, the writer hopes the result is useful to provide:

1. Input to the readers generally and especially for students of English Literature in order they become more careful in using gerund.

2. Information about the kinds of error on the use of gerund and as a consideration matery in teaching and learning gerund especially in English Literature Department.

3. Guidance on the use of gerund to motivate learners to be more seriously studying gerund that it can reduce the mistakes in using it.



2.1 Gerund

2.1.1. Definition of Gerund

Every language has its own rules and system that make them different with the other languages. English as the first foreign language in Indonesia has great difference structures with Indonesian language. We often find verbs in English that function as nouns. There is no change in making a noun from a verb in Bahasa Indonesia, but in English we must add the suffix –ing to the verb. On the other hand, the –ing form of a verb is not always a noun. Words derived from a verb stem with the suffix –ing may occur in a variety of meanings and functions. It depends on the contexts where they occur. The –ing form may be used as verbal nouns and verbal adjectives. Allen (1974:177) states that the part of the verb that ends in –ing has two very important functions: (1) It can have the force of an adjective as well as that of a verb, known as present participle, and (2) It can have the force of a noun as well as that of a verb, known as gerund. The function of present participle and gerund is not the same although it has the same verb-ing form.

Thus, gerund is a verb-ing form functioning as a noun. This verb – ing form is a part of noun and a part of a verb. Pyle (2001:72) says that a gerund is a verb + ing that is used as a noun or a part of noun phrase. Azar (2003:368) also states that a gerund is the –ing form of a verb. It is used as a noun. A gerund is a verb from which ends in –ing, but which is used in a sentence like a noun (Richards, 2002:225). Meanwhile, gerund phrase is composed of the gerund and any words organized with it. Like nouns, commonly, gerund may function as


subjects, complements and objects so that it may be preceded by an article, a possessive pronoun, or an adjective or followed by a noun-adjunct with ‘of’ (or another preposition). As a noun, gerund may function as the subject, object, nominal predicate of a sentence, and form part of a prepositional adjunct.

2.1.2. Functions of Gerund a. Gerund as Subjects

Gerund is an action functioning as a noun. Since it can be functioned as a noun, it can be used as the subject of the sentence. Subject is any sort of entity: a person, a place, an object, an abstract concept, and a pronoun that refers to some entity identified elsewhere or an action functioning as a noun (Stilman, 1992:55). As a subject of a sentence, it basically has characteristics such as verb + ing, in front of predicate, subject of a sentence and having meaning as a noun. In addition, gerund as subject always requires singular verb.


1. Reading is my hobby.

2. Swimming is a healthy sport. 3. Skiing is my favourite winter sport.

Gerund followed by some words is called gerund phrase. It can act as the subject of a predicate although it does not occur frequently because the common use is in general statements with “be” as the main verb. Examples:

4. Playing tennis is fun. 5. Respecting parent is wise.


Learners may make errors when they make a gerund as a subject of sentence since the predicate must be in singular form. Based on the preliminary research, the errors are they omitted the use of-ing, adding to or ed, and the common one is they use are instead of is as they take attention to the word after gerund (phrase).


7. Disturbing friends in the class is not good attitude.

Disturbing friends in the class is gerund phrase and functions as the subject of the sentence. Learners can make error if they focus on friends which is plural noun and it must be followed by plural predicate. The main point of the sentence is disturbing as the subject of the sentence.

Besides it is used in general statement, gerund phrase may also function as the subject of verb that expresses cause-effect relationship and emotion (Arjati, 2007:15).

a. Cause-effect relationship

8. Having much money makes him very happy

Gerund phrase which such a verb may have conditional meaning: 9. Playing online games all night everyday (=If you play online

game all night, it) will affect to your health. 10.Realizing him so weak disappointed them. b. Emotion

11.Knowing his failure disappointed them. 12.Being ignored by his friends enrages him.

Disappointed them and enrages him may be interpreted as causes them to become disappointed and cause him to become enrage. Those show that disappointed them and enrages him are the effect of the causes.


Gerund can be used instead of infinitive when the action is considered in general sense, but it is always safe to use infinitive. When we wish to refer to one particular action we must use the infinitive.


13.It is not always easy to refuse invitations. 14.Refusing invitations is not always easy.

Here the action is considered in general sense, and either gerund or infinitive is possible (Thomson and Martinet, 1969: 155). Gerund, like infinitive, can be the subject of a sentence.


15.It is easier to read French than to speak it. 16.Reading French is easier than speaking it.

These two sentences have no difference. It is as stated by Thomson and Martinet (1969:158) that there is no difference between those forms, but the gerund usually implies that the speaker or person addressed has had personal experience of the action, having performed it himself probably more than once, i.e. in the sixteenth example we get the impression that the speaker can, or has tried to, read and speak French while the speaker in the first example may only be expressing an opinion or theory.

b. Gerund as (Direct) Object

Gerunds are used in another way, too. It can be found after certain transitive verb.


17.We like singing. 18.They finish speaking. 19.They go swimming.


Gerund phrases also play this role, examples: 20.We avoid travelling in the rush hour. 21.I don’t anticipate meeting any opposition. 22.He denied having been there.

There are certain verbs followed by other verbs, the second verbs can function as either gerund or infinitive which are considered as the object of the verb.

Verbs followed by Gerund admit appreciate avoid can’t help consider complete delay deny dread enjoy finish mind miss postpone practice quit recall regret report resent resist resume risk suggest

Verbs followed by either Gerund or Infinitive begin can’t stand can’t bear continue dislike recommend try attempt dread hate like love regret advise propose used to love prefer start intend permit allow mean go on

Verbs followed by either Gerund or Infinitive with Different Meaning

stop remember forget

a) Verbs in the first row are always followed by gerund (never followed by Infinitive).

Here Can’t help means “not able to avoid a situation, or stop something from happening”.


23. I appreciate being given suggestions by her. 24. Tony always avoids answering my questions.

b) Verbs in the second row are followed either gerund or infinitive with the same meaning.


25. I begin working or I begin to work

26. Don’t attempt to do it by yourself or Don’t attempt doing it by yourself.

c) Verbs in the third row can also be followed by infinitive, but the meanings are different with the gerund form.


27. My brother always remembers locking his car.

It is different with My brother always remembers to lock his car.

28. My brother always forgets locking his car.

It is different with My brother always forgets to lock his car.

c. Gerund as Subjective Complement

Since gerunds function as a noun, they can serve as subjective complement as well


Their position is usually after “be”.


29. My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. 30. Her hobby is singing

31. My favorite activity is reading 32. What she loves is painting.

The uses of gerund phrases that function as complement are equivalent to the subject.


34. Her hobby is reading novel.

35. His chief delight is swimming in the river. 36. What she like is watching the children play.


d. Gerund after Preposition

Gerunds must be used when verbs are put after preposition. Prepositions usually follow verbs, adjective, or noun. They are actually verb + preposition, adjective + preposition and noun and pronoun + preposition. Verbs that are placed after preposition must be in gerund form.


37. He insists on seeing her.

38. He gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice. 39. After a long trial and error, he finally succeeded in fixing

his laptop.

40. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 41. Judith is fond of singing while taking a shower. a. Verbs + Prepositions + Gerunds

A number of phrasal verbs and objects of preposition that take the form of a gerund.

accuse of believe in consist of blow out content with aim at

call for depend on call on

deprive of arrive at (in) carry out clean out disapprove of ask for composed of find out bear out congratulate on speak of give up

keen on succeed in keep on

superior to go on leave off

look at talk to related to

talk about translate to count on look forward to think about object to

confess to think of rely on


42. When Francisco wore dive fins to class, everyone knew that he was devoted to swimming.

43. He prefers being neutral to taking sides.

The word “to” after the following verbs is not the sign of infinitive. It functions as a preposition, therefore it requires a gerund after it.

b. Adjectives +Prepositions + Gerunds

A number of phrasal adjectives and objects of preposition that take the form of a gerund.

accustomed to interested in fond of intent on capable of tired of afraid of successful in angry with

good at jealous of independentof

similar to sure of ashamed of

full of different from indifferent to

44. I am used to studying in the midnight 45. He is good at telling lies

46. I am tired of studying all day long. c. Nouns + Prepositions + Gerunds

A number of phrasal nouns and objects of preposition that take the form of a gerund.

choice of intention of possibility of excuse for methods for/of reason for Examples:

47. The teacher gave us choice of taking another exam. 48. He always has an excuse for being late

49. Have you found the best method for improving your English yet?

50. Your reason for getting bad grades is a big nonsense. 51. Excuse me for disturbing you.


Preposition generally can be directly followed by verb + ing form. Examples:

52. By selling fruit in the market, she gets a lot of money 53. We should have stayed at home instead of travelling to

this such place.

e. Gerunds used after Possessive

Gerund, like a noun, can be preceded by possessive adjective or noun in the possessive case such as my, his, her, and Budi’s. If the verb after preposition is directly followed by gerund and it refers to subject of a verb, the gerunds after possessive adjective refer to the person denoted by the possessive adjective or pronoun.


54. We dislike moving to another apartment (we dislike it) 55. We dislike her moving to another apartment. (she must

not move).

There are differences about the usage of gerund after possessive in formal and informal situation. In formal English, possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, etc) are used to modify a gerund.


56. Our teacher appreciates our coming on time. 57. He dislikes my working late.

The possessive noun by adding aphosthrope s (‘s) to the noun or pronoun is usually used in very formal English to modify a gerund


58. I do not remember my mother’s complaining about it. 59. She does not mind Alice’s singing loudly.


The possessive forms are infrequent used in informal English but object forms (me, you, them) are frequently used in informal English


60. It is no use them complaining. (Thomson & Martinet, 1969:165)

61. He left the house without us knowing anything about it. (Thomson & Martinet, 1969)

62. The juries decided us winning the English debate competition.

63. I do not remember my mother complaining about it. 64. She does not mind Alice singing loudly.

But the possessive forms are used in both formal and informal usage if the gerund phrase acts as the subject of sentence.

65. Her calling in the midnight disturbed me.

Either the unchanged forms of nouns or the object forms of personal pronoun may be used as the subject of gerund since these forms establish a closer relationship with the verb or preposition after which they commonly appear. In a speech they have great stress and are followed by a longer pause. Gerund phrases ordinarily occur after a main verb especially such verbs as in the following:

like dread mean save insist on

dislike fancy propose stop it’s no good/use mind involve recollect suggest object to

remember understand resent (dis)approve of there’s no point in

what’s the point of Examples:


66. I dislike my mother interfering in the affair. (Thomson & Martinet, 1969:165)

67. He insisted on me reading the document. f. Gerunds Used in the Negative Adjective “No”

The negative form of gerunds is made by placing adverb “not” in front of gerunds. There are certain types of the use of “no” following by gerund. 1. Negative gerund is used after There + a form of be.


68. There is no giving the beggar some money. 69. There is no assuming that they win the game.

70. There is no complaining the wrong explanation of the teacher.

2. Negative gerund can be used in prohibition that is against certain activities.

71. No cheating is allowed in this biology test. 72. No fishing in this lake! The officer announces. 73. No parking in this area!

g. Gerunds as Noun Compounds

Since gerund functions as a noun, it can be used in noun compound or it is also called as noun adjunct. Gerunds are inseparable from the noun, and it makes it different with present participle used as adjective and explains the nouns which may be separated from the nouns. The gerunds explain the function of the nouns; it can be put before or after the noun such as diving shoe, driving lesson, swimming pool, bird-watching, and train-spotting. Diving shoe means that the shoe is used for diving, It does not mean a shoe that is diving. Diving is not an adjective that


explain the shoe, but it is a noun that explain the function of the noun precede it.

a. Gerund before a noun


Swimming pool, running text, boarding house, living room, dining room, fitting room, etc.

b. Gerund as noun compound after noun. Examples:

Bird-watching, train-spotting, fruit-picking, coal-mining, car-collecting, surf-riding, etc.

2.1.3. Comparison between Gerund and Present Participle

The verb that ends with suffix –ing is not only used as gerund but is also used as present participle. Both gerund and the participle use verbs + ing. Allen (1974:177) states the part of the verb that ends with suffix – ing has two very important functions: : (1) It can have the force of an adjective as well as that of a verb, known as present participle. (2) It can have the force of a noun as well as that of a verb, known as gerund. By this same verb – ing form, it sometimes makes learners get confused in differentiating them. Both gerund and the participle can be distinguished by their use in a sentence. Learners have only to remember the functions of verb + ing in gerund that is used as noun and can function as subject, direct object, and after preposition. While the verb + ing in the present participle functions as adjective used to modify a noun. Besides, they can


be distinguished by their relation to their subjects. The subject in gerund is always construed as a modifier of the gerund phrase.

The same verb + ing form in both gerund and the participle usually become the problem for learners to differentiate the verbs end in –ing form used as gerund and as the participle. This problem is actually can be solved by understanding the function of both of them which have been explained by the writer above.


74. Her hobby is singing west songs 75. She is singing a west song.

The function of the -ing form of both of the sentences is very different. The first sentence uses gerund because singing functions as the complement of the subject, while the second was present participle because singing in that sentence modifies the subject.

The following sentences are as the examples to understand the comparison between gerund and present participle :

Gerund Participle

What she likes is watching a movie She is watching a movie Her running shoes are very


The running girl is beautiful

He likes driving a car. People driving in the rain have to drive carefully

The girl needs a microphone for singing

The singing girl amazed the audience

Swimming pool

(the pool for swimming)

The swimming girl



(a pill that helps people to sleep)

The sleeping son (a son who is sleeping)

These following verbs are sometimes confusing, for they never have the possessive as its subjects.

see hear have (not in present tense) notice listen to imagine

watch feel keep

look at perceive catch

observe smell set /start /get hark at


76. She looks at the girl painting a mountain. 77. We feel the weather getting hot.

78. He watches us playing football. 79. We will set/start/get them working. 2.1.4. Comparison between Gerund and Infinitive

There are verbs that can be followed by either gerund and infinitive. Verbs followed by gerund and infinitive may have the similar and different meaning. Gerunds are formed with “ing” while infinitives are formed with “to” These following verbs mentioned bellow are verbs that can be followed by a gerund and an infinitive.

abhor advice agree

allow attempt can/could bear

begin can/could bear cease

continue forget hate

intend it needs/requires/wants like

love mean need

permit prefer propose


start stop try used to

The verbs advice, allow, permit and recomend will take an infinitive if they are followed by a pronoun; otherwise they take gerund.


80. He advised me to apply at once.

81. She recomends housewives to buy big tins. 82. They don’t allow us to park here.

But gerund is used if they are not followed by pronoun Examples:

83. He advised applying at once. 84. She recomends buying big tins.

Here are the other examples of verbs that can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive.


85. Nancy remembered getting married (Nancy has a memory of getting married)

86. Fred remembered to bring sunblock to the beach. (Fred remembered that he needed to bring sunblock) 87. She forgot paying the bill yesterday.

(Now she does not remember that she paid the bill yesterday)

88. She forgot to pay the bill yesterday. (I did not pay it because I forgot)

89. He is determined to get a seat for the ballet even if it means standing in a queue all night.

{mean = involve (used only with an impersonal subject) takes the gerund}


90. I mean to get to the top of by sunrise. (mean = intend takes the infinitive)

Some of the verbs above can be used as gerund or infinitive with no or little difference meaning. Surayin (2003:176) states that the verbs begin, start, continue, and cease can be followed by infinitive or gerund without any difference, but infinitive is usually used if the verbs following them are know, understand and matter.


91. I began working/ I began to work

(There is no difference between “began working” and “began to work”)

92. He continued living/to live above the shop. These following sentences are not followed by gerund but infinitive.

93. I am begining to understand why he acted as he did. 94. It ceased to matter whether or not he sold his work.

(If the main verb is progressive and main verbs are followed by understand, an infinitive is usually used)

Besides the verbs begin, start, continue and cease; there are some other verbs that may be followed by a gerund or an infinitive with little or no difference. They are cannot bear, cannot stand, like, hate, love, and prefer.

The gerund can be used instead of the infinitive when the action is being considered in a general sense, but it is always safe to use an infinitive. When we wish to refer to one particular action we must use the infinitive:


95. He said ‘Do come with me.’ It was impossible to refuse. (Here we are refering to one particular action, so the gerund is not possible).


96. It is not always easy to refuse invitations can be replaced by refusing invitations is not always easy.

(Here the action is considered in a general sense, and either gerund or infinitive is possible)

(Thomson and Martinet,1969:155)

Students need to pay attention to the rules in learning a language in order to communicate properly both in writing and speaking. In the process of learning the language, students can not avoid making errors because errors happen as a part of the learning process. This happens because the students use different forms to comunicate ideas, feelings or messages. Corder (1981:1) states that most errors were ascribed to interference and consequently a major part of applied linguistic research was devoted to comparing the mother tongue and the target language in order to predict or explain the errors made by learners of any particular language background.

2.2 Error and Error Analysis 2.2.1 Error

Errors, according to behaviourists’ theory, are the result of non -learning, rather than wrong learning (Ellis, 1995:22). Ellis explains that errors reflect gaps in a learner’s knowledge; they occur because the learner does not know what is the correct one (Ellis, 1997:17). By comparing the learner’s native language with the target language, differences could be identified and used to predict areas of potential error (Ellis, 1995: 23).

Corder (1974:1) observes that learner’s errors are indicative both of the state of the learner’s knowledge, and of the ways in which a second language is learned. Strevens (1969) in Richards (1974:4) hypothesized


that errors should not be viewed as problems to be overcome, but rather as normal and inevitable indicating the strategies that learners use. He conjectured that if a regular pattern of errors could be observed in the performance of all learners in a given solution and if learners were seen to progress through this pattern, his errors could be taken as evidence not of failure but success and achievement in learning. Source of Error Occurrence

As the writer has said above that second language learners can not avoid making mistakes in the learning process. It is a normal condition for second language learners. Heidi, Dulay and Burt in Richard (1974:95) state that you can’t learn without goofing. Richard and Sampson (1974) indentify seven factors characterizing second-language learner system, namely: (1) language transfer, (2) intralingual interference, (3) sociolinguistic situation, (4) modality, (5) age, (6) succession of approximate system, and (7) universal hierarchy of difficulty (Richards 1974: 5-12).

2.2.2 Error Analysis

Error analysis is a study to investigate the errors in second language learning by collecting and describing samples made by the language learners. It is used as a procedure to analyze the errors in the language learning process to be known and corrected by using several ways of anlyzing. Ellis (1985:296) states that errors analysis is a procedure used by both researcher and teacher. It involves collecting samples of


learner’s language. Identifying the error in sample, describing these errors, classifying them according to their hypothesized causes, and evaluating their seriousness. Susan and Selinker (2008:517) say that error analysis is a procedure for analyzing second language data that begin with the errors learners make and then attempts to explain them.

Corder (1981:45) says that error analysis has two functions. The first is a theoretical one and the second is a practical one. The theoretical aspect of error analysis is part of the methodology of investigating the language learning process. The practical aspect of error analysis is its function in guiding the remedial action we must take to correct an unsatisfactory state of affairs for learner or teacher. It is with this second function of error analysis that I am concerned in this chapter. Corder also states why error analysis is useful. He mentions error significant in three different ways: (1). To the teacher; they show a student’s progress, (2). To the researcher; they show how a language is acquired and what strategies the learner uses, and (3). To the leaner himself; he can learn from these errors.

The good language use should be correct in grammar and spelling. The proper grammar and spelling give emphasis and ease to the reader. That is why the error analysis is needed to assure whether a writing is good or not. Writers should understand what is meant by an error when they are going to identify the error. There are several ways to analyze the error; Ellis (1997:15) explains four steps in analyzing learner’s errors, namely:


1. Identify errors

To identify the error, it is neccesary to compare the error sentences (original sentence) with the normal or correct sentences in the target language which correspond with them. By comparing the original sentences and the normal or the correct sentences, we can find the errors although this is in fact easier said than done.

2. Describing errors

This is the step to describe and classify the errors into the kinds. This step can be done by several ways. According to Ellis (1997:18), there are two ways to classify errors, namely:

a. The first way is classifying the errors through grammatical categories. It means classifying the errors through their word classes and tenses.

b. The second way of classifying the errors is try to identify general ways in which the learners’ utterances differ from the reconstructed target-language utterances. It means the errors are classified into several types:

1. Omission

Omission is an error of leaving out an item that is required for an utterance to be considered grammatical. The example of this error type is: “My mistake was trust him”. Based on the function that it is gerund as subjective complement. This sentence leaves an item that is required grammatically. The correct sentence is “My mistake was trusting him”.


Misinformation is the error of using one grammatical form in place of another grammatical form, for example: Avoid makes silly mistakes. This sentence cantains misinformation error in using suffix “s”. It should be verb + ing form. 3. Misordering

Misordering is the error of putting the words in an utterance in the wrong order, for example: Goats is used baits to trap tigers. Goats is a plural noun so that it must be followed by are.

4. Overgeneralization

Overganaralization is the error of using over grammatical form in an utterance, for example: I eated fried chicken yesterday. The use of eated is not suitable, it should be ate because it is in regular verb.

3. Explaining errors

This last step is the step of error analysis where a researcher tries to explain not only how and why a sentence is called to be erroneous but also how and why learners make errors.

Corder (in Ellis 1995: 51-52 ) explains the procedure of error analysis: (1) A corpus of language is selected, (2) The errors in the corpus are identified, (3) The errors are classified, (4) The errors are explained, and (5) The errors are evaluated. Error evaluation is only used if the purpose of the error analysis is pedagogic.


Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982:138) mention four descriptive taxonomies to analyze errors, namely:

1. Linguistic Category Taxonomy.

Linguistic category taxonomies classify errors according to either or both the language component (phonology, syntax and morphology, semantics and lexicon, and style) and other particular linguistic constituent.

2. Surface Strategy Taxonomy.

Surface strategy taxonomy deals with how the surface structures are changed by the learner. Among the common errors are:

a. Omission Errors

Omission errors are the absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance.


97. She is good teacher in this school. 98. She is a good teacher in this school. b. Addition Errors

Addition errors are the presence of an item which must not appear in a well-formed utterance. Three types of addition errors are: 1) Double markings are the failure to remove or avoid some of the

elements needed in a linguistic construction, but it does not need to be removed to other construction.



2) Regularizations are the addition category in which some grammatical markers are added, as a regular form marker is added to some irregular forms.


100. drinked for drank, sheeps for sheep. 3) Simple additions are an error adding subcategories. Example:

101.The students doesn’t listen the explanation. c. Misformation Errors

Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form of the morphemes or structure. The types of errors are:

1) Regularization errors are error using the regular features of formation or a place that is not regular.


102. The cat drinked the milk.

2) Archi-forms are made when one member of a class of forms is selected to represent others in the class.


103. I call him yesterday. His sing on a stage.

3) Alternating forms are the improper placement for a morpheme or group of morphemes in a word or utterance.


104. I known her singing yesterday.


Misordering errors are the incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance.


105.I don’t know what is that.

3. Comparative Taxanomy

Comparative taxonomies classify errors based on comparison between the structure used by learner and certain other types of construction. The errors are classified into developmental errors, interlingual errors, ambiguous errors, and unique errors.

4. Communicative Effect Taxonomy.

Communicative effect taxonomy deals with errors from the perspective of their effect on the listener or reader. This taxonomy classifies errors into global errors and local errors. (



3. 1 Reseacrh Design

The researcher uses field research in doing this writing. Field research is an activity aimed at collecting primary (original or otherwise unavailable) data, using methods such as face to face interviewing, telephone and postal survey, and direct observation ( The researcher applies quantitative method and qualitative method . Quantitative method is used to find out the kinds and the most dominant error in using gerund. Arikunto (2005:12) states that quantitative research applies number from collecting the data, describing the data, until the result of the research. Moreover, the results of the research would be better by applying table, graph, draft, picture, etc.

Qualitative method is used to describe the sources and causes of the errors made by the students. Moleong (2006: 3) states that qualitative method is a procedure that generates the data in the form of descriptive words in written or spoken from people and observed behavior. According to Straus and Corbin (in Syamsudin 2007: 73), qualitative research is a research of which the discovery is not obtained through statistic procedure or any other calculation form.

These two research methods can be used simultaneously, but it is not used to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each other. Galser and Strauss (in Moleong, 2006:22) states that in many cases, both forms of methods are needed, not quantitative test qualitative, but both forms are


used together and, when compared, each of which can be used to formulate the theory.

3. 2 Population and Sample 3.2.1. Population

Population is a very important factor in conducting a research. Agung (2003:1) states that population can be defined in several ways as follows: a). A set of individuals with the properties specified or selected by the researcher in such a way that every individual can be expressed exactly what the individual becomes the member of the population or not, b). Associated with the variable, then the population can be defined as the set of all variables, both univariate and multivariate, which may be reviewed by a researcher, c). Relates to the data, both quantitative and qualitative data, the population can be defined as the set of all possible data or chopped observed and recorded by a researcher. In other words, population is the set of all individuals who may (or may be) provide data and information for an investigation.

The population that the writer used in this research was the students of English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. English Department consisted of 8 regular classes and 2 extension classes with the number of students 409. But the researcher only take two classes, namely the fourth


semester students as the object of the research. These two classes consist of 100 students.

3.2.2. Sample

Sample is part of the population. It is a project of selecting a number of individuals to represent the larger group they belong. Agung (2003:2) states that sample is a subset of a given population. The method of sampling used is purposive sampling. Arikunto (2005:97) states that purposive sampling is sampling technique used by the researcher if the researcher has specific considerations in sample collection.

The sample in this research is the fourth semester students of English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, USU in the academic year of 2012/2013. The fourth semester students is divided into two classes and it consists of 100 students, but there were only 54 students following the test because they were absent on the day when the test was held. The researcher’s considerations choosing them as the respondent due to they have learned gerund in the third semester and because of they are obliged to use English on almost of all subjects.

3. 3 Research Instrument

All researchers need data collecting instrument in doing a research study. Research instrument is very important for them who will do a research because it plays an important role in a research project. Arikunto (2005:134) states that research instrument is an invaluable tool for researchers in collecting data. The good data collecting instrument will


influence the validity and reliability of the data obtained. To collect data, a researcher needs data collecting method and data collecting instrument.

Data collecting instrument can be divided into two types, a test and a non-test. (Arikunto, 1992:122) state that A test is a written set of questions to which an individual responds in order to determine whether he or she passes. A non-test is a way to evaluate the learning outcomes of

students without testing the

students( instrumen-tes-dan-nontes.html). In collecting the required data for the analysis of this final project, the researcher used a test as an instrument to find out the kinds of error respondents in using gerund.

3. 4 Data Collecting Method

Data collecting method are ways that can be used by researchers to collect data. In this research, the writer collects the data by giving test to the fourth semester students of English Department totaled 54 students. The data in this study are the answers of the students that contain errors in using gerund. The test instrument is completion test (24 questions) and writing a short paragraph entitled “shopping” (250 words). In this test the reseacher only gave 40 minutes for the students to answer the questions. 3. 5 Data Analysis Method

The writer uses descriptive quantitative method and descriptive qualitative method. Quantitative descriptive analysis conducted by researchers to find the number of frequencies and percentages, whereas




Put the word in the bracket into the correct



Swearing (swear) does not prove



There is no assuming (assume) that they

win the game.


I think your hair needs shampoo



My parents are happy about my winning

(win) the prize in the essay contest.


Skipping (Skip) to him is a better

alternative to jogging.


His chief delight is swimming (swim) in

the river.


In her letter my friend said that she was

looking forward to hear (hear) from me



You might get trouble for faking (fake) an

illness to avoid work.


I resent their hitting (hit) golf balls down

my hole.


Being (be) a boss made Jacob feel



No fishing (fish) in this lake! The officer



Her daughter prefers to reading (read)

science fiction book.


Everybody was shocked about Henry's

leaving (leave) so suddenly.


Julia is very pleased with getting (get) the

desired exam results.


What she likes is watching (watch) the

children play.


Alice always avoids to answer (answer)

my questions.


No cheating (cheat) is allowed in this biology



Their difficulty is finding (find) the main



Being (Be) ignored by his friends enrages



There is no complain (complain) the

wrong explanation of the teacher.


The students do not mind to do (do) the test

in 10 minutes.


She was annoyed at your interupting

(interupt) her.


What they like is listening (listen) to the



He gave up smoking (smoke) because of his

doctor’s advice.


Write a short paragraph entitled “Shopping” consists of 250 words.

Shopping is the activitysomone to buy something, it can be the one of people’s hobby.

Shopping is most done by woman. But not wrong if men have hobby shopping. As I know

shopping be the people’s hobby if they have a lot of money. Because if they like shopping, they

have to spend a lot of money.

My mother usually and shopping in the traditional market to buy vegetables, some

fruits,fish for my family necessary in daily. It must be done every day in this world. No buyer no


Nowadays many men like shopping. Because many something interesting, and men

have curious to buy the thing that they want. Sometimes their mother or wife, or girlfriend don’t

know what the men like.

In modern era we have many kinds shopping and the new one is shopping online. In

teenagers or adult more like shopping online. Because they can buy without go to market or some

places for shopping, this was so instant and now shopping online is something that in our






Put the word in the bracket into the correct



Swearing (swear) does not prove



There is no assuming (assume) that they

win the game.


I think your hair needs shampooing



My parents are happy about my winning

(win) the prize in the essay contest.


Skipping (Skip) to him is a better

alternative to jogging.


His chief delight is swimming (swim) in

the river.


In her letter my friend said that she was

looking forward to hearing (hear) from me



You might get trouble for faking (fake) an

illness to avoid work.


I resent their hitting (hit) golf balls down

my hole.


Being (be) a boss made Jacob feel



No fishing (fish) in this lake! The officer



Her daughter prefers read (read) science

fiction book.


Everybody was shocked about Henry's

leaving (leave) so suddenly.


Julia is very pleased with getting (get) the

desired exam results.


What she likes is watching (watch) the

children play.


Alice always avoids answering (answer)

my questions.


No cheating (cheat) is allowed in this biology



Their difficulty is finding (find) the main



Being (Be) ignored by his friends enrages



There is no complaining (complain) the

wrong explanation of the teacher.


The students do not mind doing (do) the test

in 10 minutes.


She was annoyed at your interupting

(interupt) her.


What they like is listening (listen) to the



He gave up smoking (smoke) because of his

doctor’s advice.


Write a short paragraph entitled “Shopping” consists of 250 words.

Shopping is an activity that everybody likes to. Especially for those women, shopping

is more be delighted to. Usually, women shopping 3-5 times per-week (special for leisure, not for

needs). Shopping is growing in the urban or city people. Since the found of the mall, department

store, shopping spread wider than we have known. Shopping spends a great money, and much

time to be alocated. Shopping can be a positive one and can be a negative one.

The positive aspects of shopping is could be as a recreation, fulfil daily needs, could

help the unlucky people, and could be created as a hobby too. Meanwhile, shopping could be

negative because shopping can spend much money, waste time and etc. Shopping is known had

destroy peoples are, can cause totally broke, involved in debt, cause divorce because the husband

can’t affordable to fulfil the woman,s needs in money and goods. Shopping can be done if you

are smart to earn your money in sufficient amount, don’t try to be so much your money to be

spent, don’t be too

greedy too. Buy the things that you are really need, don’t spend your money

at unvaluable thing. And remember, keep your money for your future to be saved in the book or

your account. That’s the best way to save your future.




Put the word in the bracket into the correct



Swearing (swear) does not prove



There is no assumed (assume) that they

win the game.


I think your hair needs shampoo



My parents are happy about my win (win)

the prize in the essay contest.


Skiping (Skip) to him is a better

alternative to jogging.


His chief delight is swimming (swim) in

the river.


In her letter my friend said that she was

looking forward to hear (hear) from me



You might get trouble for faking (fake) an

illness to avoid work.


I resent their hit (hit) golf balls down my



Be (be) a boss made Jacob feel uneasy.


No fishing (fish) in this lake! The officer



Her daughter prefers read (read) science

fiction book.


Everybody was shocked about Henry's

leaving (leave) so suddenly.


Julia is very pleased with getting (get) the

desired exam results.


What she likes is watching (watch) the

children play.


Alice always avoids to answer (answer)

my questions.


No cheating (cheat) is allowed in this biology



Their difficulty is finding (find) the main



Being (Be) ignored by his friends enrages



There is no complan (complain) the

wrong explanation of the teacher.


The students do not mind to do (do) the test

in 10 minutes.


She was annoyed at your interupt (interupt)



What they like is listening (listen) to the



He gave up smoking (smoke) because of his

doctor’s advice.


Write a short paragraph entitled “Shopping” consists of 250 words.

Shopping is one of hobby for a few people. Nowadays, we can do our shoppinng

activity online. We can buy anything, from everywhere as we like but, online shopping have

another effect like it make some people to do criminal like becoming a fake seller or become

seammer that only want to scam other people. For some people, shopping become the one thing

they hate the most, because they don’t know what do they want to buy, one of indonesian people

sickness is to show off what they have even from poor economic background indonesian people

like to show off. My hobby is playing game console like Xbox 360 or playstation 3. One set xbox

is. Approximately $240 to $310, on the other hand playstation 3 approximately $230-$300. To do

shopping for some man in this world find it boring. If we become addicted to shop expensive

thing it will become a bad habid beside it lost more money usually the thing that we will buy will

be the same thing that we buy the other day.

As the conclution shopping addicted is one of people bad habit because of the human

nature that never satisfied with what they have. So shop for what you want.





Put the word in the bracket into the correct



Swearing (swear) does not prove



There is no assuming (assume) that they

win the game.


I think your hair needs shampoing



My parents are happy about my winning

(win) the prize in the essay contest.


Skipping (Skip) to him is a better

alternative to jogging.


His chief delight is swimming (swim) in

the river.


In her letter my friend said that she was

looking forward to hear (hear) from me



You might get trouble for faking (fake) an

illness to avoid work.


I resent their ... (hit) golf balls

down my hole.


Being (be) a boss made Jacob feel



No fishing (fish) in this lake! The officer



Her daughter prefers reading (read) science

fiction book.


Everybody was shocked about Henry's

leaving (leave) so suddenly.


Julia is very pleased with getting (get) the

desired exam results.


What she likes is watching (watch) the

children play.


Alice always avoids answering (answer)

my questions.


No cheating (cheat) is allowed in this biology



Their difficulty is finding (find) the main



Being (Be) ignored by his friends enrages



There is no complaining (complain) the

wrong explanation of the teacher.


The students do not mind to do (do) the test

in 10 minutes.


She was annoyed at your ...

(interupt) her.


What they like is listening (listen) to the



He gave up smoking (smoke) because of his

doctor’s advice.



Write a short paragraph entitled “Shopping” consists of 250 words.

In a bright Sunday morning.. my friend, Monic, asked me to accompany her to

go shopping. Being an employee in a big company made her always take care of her

appearance. She asked me to accompany her buying some new shirts and skirts.

Actually I was lazy to go, because it was Sunday and it was time to get my

body relaxed. Then she promised me that she will buy me some shirts too, so I agreed to

go shopping with her. First, we went to a mall. She bought three new shirts and two

skirts over there. Then we have our lunch in our favorite restaurant, before continued

our shopping time. Finished buying some shirts and skirts, Monic asked me to buy

shoes too.

Spending all day long for shopping made me tired. We have walked for six

hours and held many shopping bags. I promised myself I will never go shopping with

Monic again, although she bought me some new expensive things.





Put the word in the bracket into the correct form


Swear (swear) does not prove



There is no assume (assume)

that they win the game.


I think your hair needs to

shampoo (shampoo).


My parents are happy about my

won (win) the prize in the essay



Skipping (Skip) to him is a

better alternative to jogging.


His chief delight is swimming

(swim) in the river.


In her letter my friend said that

she was looking forward to

heard (hear) from me again.


You might get trouble for fake

(fake) an illness to avoid work.


I resent their hit (hit) golf balls

down my hole.


Being (be) a boss made Jacob

feel uneasy.


No fishing (fish) in this lake!

The officer announces.


Her daughter prefers to read (read)

science fiction book.


Everybody was shocked about

Henry's leaving (leave) so



Julia is very pleased with getting

(get) the desired exam results.


What she likes is watching (watch)

the children play.


Alice always avoids to answer

(answer) my questions.


No cheating (cheat) is allowed in

this biology test.


Their difficulty is to find (find) the

main idea.


Being (Be) ignored by his

friends enrages him.


There is no complain (complain)

the wrong explanation of the



The students do not mind doing

(do) the test in 10 minutes.







interuption (interupt) her.


What they like is listening

(listen) to the music..


He gave up on smoke (smoke)

because of his doctor’s



Write a short paragraph entitled “Shopping” consists of 250 words.

Many differnt mean of of shopping for many different people in the world.

Some of the people shopping to be their drugs of defresed or stress, some of them even

use shopping just for having fun with their friends, or there are also people say that

shopping is a habbit to fullfil their need. But the most shopaholic in the world is

woman, because

– as I see and know-woman usually follow the modernitation of

fashion. Therefore they will go shopping and buy the thing that was new int he era.

The things are in many kinds, like gadget, clothes, bag, shoes, acessories, and

many else. As I know, they usually say ‘shopping’ as ‘hunting’. So it will be like

‘hunting’ in the forest, hunting for the animal which are ‘epic’ for the hunter. Like

‘shopping’ for the ‘epic’ things in the mall.

But the most thing that I realized was

‘shopping’ usually hhave relate with fashion, and the most subject is ‘woman’.

The pleasure in shopping is to get the things for the first before the other can

get them.