Party supervision on its member local parliament studi on PDIP Golkar, Demokrat in Bali Province.


1 Party Supervisition on its Members at Local Parliament: Study on PDIP, Golkar and

Demokrat in Bali Province Bandiyah

Department of Political Science FISIP UNUD


Indonesian legislative assembly is the representation of political parties. As the representative of the political parties at parliament, the members of legislative assembly have obligation to represent ideas, point of view, as well as the party’s policies and hold responsible to transform the political rights of the people. However, the fact shows that whenever the legislative member is mixed up with legal case, the political party tends to act as if it washed hands off the case and ignored the responsible to its cadre at the parliament. Based on that issue this study is conducted to find the information and knowledge about the supervision of political parties to their cadres at legislative assembly. The political parties examined in this study are political parties having seats at the Assembly of Bali Province, namely PDIP, Demokrat and Golkar. The method of this study is qualitative-descriptive by using analytical eksploration of the chosen informants as the source.

The result of this study shows that political parties (PDIP, GOLKAR, DEMOKRAT) have supervisory system to their cadres who sit as legislative member. However, there are similarity and differences on the implementation of the system. All parties’ supervisory and control gate are on the faction. It seems that the cadres who are the legislative members supervise their selves, cause the party’s administrator meaning that they play triple role as legislative member, party’s cadre, and supervisory member. The differences can be found at the supervisory mechanism of the examined parties. The supervisory system of PDIP is hierarchical institutionalism. Meanwhile, the supervisory system of Demokrat party is hierarchical, much the same to PDIP but Demokrat party has its own supervisory body but it is not independent because of the not clear cut function of this body. The problems of the cadres will be taken to Badan Kehormatan.. The supervisory system of Golkar party is non hierarchical and flexible eventhough central DPP plays a significant role to counter the problems that cannot be handled by DPD. Non hierarchical and flexible means that the legislative members are considered having a strong organizational managerial due to solid forming of cadres, so that whenever a cadre gets involved in a case and is proved to be guilty, he should now the consequences and resign from the party without waiting for the instruction from central DPP or PAW. It can be concluded that not with standing of supervisory body and Badan Kehormatan, the supervisory system at political parties is not maximal because the parties examined in this study do not perform their optimal supervisory function and it is also due to the triple position performed by the cadres as party members, legislative members, and supervisor. The loose regulation and loose implementation also contribute to the ineffectiveness of supervisory system of the parties.


2 A. Background and Problem Formulation

Implementation of the Indonesian government in the New Order era was dominated by the executive, the position of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) into an institution that only works embracing all political decisions regimes. The Executive not only perform the function of policy perse, but at the same time be the final arbiter of all policies. Cooptation very strong executive is a mirror system of executive government heavy that no operation system causes dispersion power of checks and balances. In the totalitarian system tends to be ascertained poor because of weak government accountability functions of supervision. When the system of government is shifting toward strengthening the legislature, the opportunities for the birth of power management more accountable also open to Parliament to be a strong institution. Coupled with the character of the House of Representatives that is plural, it is great hope to build a system of government with checks and balances can be realized. But we see interest pluralism has become the character of representative institutions showed collective action to rob the country conducted by some members of the House of Representatives. Uncontrolled negative behavior of the board members due to a weak accountability mechanisms of representative institutions in the republic. Institutionalization of representative democracy in Indonesia just reached the level seems to give a strong political power to the House of Representatives, but the mechanisms of control over political power is not yet standardized strong.

Members of Parliament as representatives of the people and party representatives recently revealed many cases very poor. Phenomena such as the discovery of bribery cases, for-for money, and the sex scandal has become a habit among some members of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia respected. After a bribery case related to the transfer functions of forests in some regions of Sumatra, a sex scandal, scandal laws of Bank Indonesia, the case of roads, study abroad and BLBI scandal, and the last arrest of members of the House of Representatives who took bribes related to athlete development at Jaka Baring Palembang was also followed by the revelation of cases of money laundering and corruption of

local infrastructure1. In October 2014 at the start of the inauguration of members of Parliament,

the Indonesian nation was given a shock with five board members who will be inducted been



3 tripped corruption2. It shows integrity to become a member of the legislature is not qualified selectively. Similarly, the same conditions followed by the regional council with bertebarnya corruption, criminal offenses inevitable. When the New Order government, policy-making in the hands of the executive raises many irregularities. Similarly, after the reform tends to be given to legislative policy, showing the same deviation. Supervision of the members of the board through the ranks of the members of the board with the establishment of the Ethics Council and the supervision of political parties that have representation in the House of Representatives seems not effective.

As in the cases in the House of Representatives / Regional when board members are involved corruption, the party became a vehicle of political easily fired or directly hold PAW (Time Shift). PAW also applies to members of the board are critical and defaulters, such as not approve the decision and agreement of the party. In this case, the position of Political Parties should be called into question its responsibility for the supervision of cadres who sits as a board member. When determining whether 'something' to be formulated in parliament, board members beforehand to discuss at the meeting at the level of political parties. When this has been done on each of the parties that have representation on the board, then the party should also take responsibility in decision-making on the board. Thus, political parties are not arbitrarily dismiss cadres who sits on the board when snagging problems. So far, only political parties want to find a clean, but does not provide a solution and cadres as a form of protection against the responsibility of cadres deviant behavior. This happened in the case of board members in the House of Representatives as well as at the level of parliament.

As a representation of the representation of the party, members of the board (DPR / DPRD) should be given the protection and surveillance accountable when its cadres involved in the problem, so the members of the House of Representatives / Regional sensed people's mandate and responsibility to carry out the various interests of the party with the good and honest in parliament , Nevertheless, the existence of the party happens only emphasizes the behavior of 'politicians' for cadres who sits on the board of the party in order to build a positive image in the public eye. Political parties finally prefer to keep the image of the party and taking responsibility for the supervision of cadres. The events and the emergence of the phenomenon of



4 corruption on board members increasingly rife can be affected by several things one party against the recruitment of cadres who are not accountable and qualified and can also be seen from the surveillance system a very weak party.

This study is intended to determine how to form political parties conducted surveillance against members of the Bali Provincial Parliament (DPRD Bali as a case study area). Why province of Bali was chosen, because it is one area in Indonesia which has a bribery case that quite a lot of legislators in each district town in the region of Bali. Legislators are from major parties that gained seats in DPRD Bali Province (PDIP, Golkar, Democrat) in the 2004-2009 elections. In 2012 to 2014 there were eleven board members stumble graft function assignment board3. This proved to be a region of the world tourism destination, Bali likely to be fertile ground for corrupt transactions state officials. This study will examine; first, whether the political parties can perform supervisory functions to the members who are sitting in Parliament optimally. Second, how to form a political party to control the representation of its members in the Provincial DPRD Bali?

B. Literature Review

1. Three Faces in Political Parties

Changes in the power structure and the internal and external policy of the party program has drawn objections from the militant anti-party. Various misdirected and false allegations of the anti-party originated during the existence of an imbalance in the party on the three faces of the party, the party at the grassroots level, the level of central organization, and levels of

government4. One imbalance is evident from surveillance in institutional problem of appearance

of political parties, to see how far a healthy political party organizations, grassroots and power. At the grassroots level / grassroots cadres of political parties through direct contact with the local context, supporters of the party, the other party and the voters. As the spearhead of political parties, at the level of the main task of cadres and party activists shows the party is an agent that is sensitive to the interests of society, grow from and with the community, and as an agent of transformation in society. Manivestation merging of political parties to the public takes place in the process of day-to-day (every day life politics). This meant that the political reality


Bali Pos, Kalkulasi Kasus Anggota Dewan Bali, Maret 2014. Hal. 2. 4


5 not be understood merely in the sense of formal, procedural, such as political activities in parliament and symbolic activities conducted during the campaign. Basically all the functions of political parties will be able to run well and a strong foothold as a representation of the community if the party to exist on this face.

At this level, parties are required to develop the function of the aggregation of interests, political education, socialization and political recruitment, cadre members, fundraising and monitoring functions even better for cadres who work in parliament and internal party itself. Therefore, both the bad image of the political parties in the eyes of society is largely determined by the behavior of cadres and political party activities that will undermine public confidence in the party.

Second, the political parties at the central level. At this level the party is known portrait in the national context, based in the center of capital city (Jakarta) and become part of the elements of statecraft. Actually, the party at the central level serves as an umbrella for the party not only in government but also at the same time support and coordinate the activities of the party at the central level and at the local level. However, the pressure on how the role of which will be charged to the party at the center will be also related to the type of the party concerned. Even though this does not mean that the dynamic activity in certain facial necessarily negate the dynamics on the other face.

Third, the level of political parties in the government. Government is meant here is the existence of either party in legislative and executive positions. At this level, the party faced in the context of constitutional government, other factions, parliamentary commissions and the state as a unitary concept. Party struggle serves the interests of society that has been absorbed into various products of state policy. That is how the party's ability to design changes through policy instruments. Policy-making materials come from a variety of input gathered by the party at the grassroots level directly or through a party in the center5.

Efforts to build an image and gain public confidence should be placed as a form of long-term investment for political parties. political party cadres who work in parliament required to work as best as possible and keep the mandate of the people of the forms of corruption. Sebalikya political parties should have a major responsibility for the cadres employed in Parliament as well as the internal management of the party organization.



6 2. Measure Strength Institutionalization and Political System

Studies on the party system has developed quite rapidly every year. Some experience of the countries of Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, the Soviet Union tried to measure the strength of the institutionalization of the political party system has produced weaknesses in community participation, accountability elections and uncertainty for voters and the elite6. The weak institutionalization of a system that can create barriers to the consolidation of democracy and a new democratic transition.

The experience of Russia and Ukraine both a weak state in the institutionalization of the party, this is due to the absence of party discipline in parliament. There are four problems identified weaknesses in the institutional system of the party. First, basically weak party support patterns still tend to be stable7, however, new regulations often appear and disappear with regularity. Voter support was often changed substantially from election to election. Secondly, the behavior and the weak party activists in building consolidation with the citizens, constituent relations become brittle, making it difficult making the arrangement themselves and articulate the interests of citizens in popular preference. other than that voters had difficulty identifying themselves to a particular political party. Third legitimacy of the actors on the political parties to

be low compared with the institutionalized system8. Thus democracy governed and developed by

the interested parties alone, and the party is just an extension of individual leaders or political elite only, therefore the support of the people is indispensable. Such organizations do not have the tools and power autonomously can be developed to establish the party's relationship with voters.

When the party institution is weak, then it would become dysfunctional oversight, and tough sanctions to politicians or party cadres in parliament, because the party was not able to maintain the institutional party, at least not just accost any effort. Uncertainty prevention behaviors board members involved in such cases of corruption depends on the stability of the active voter response, because the actors do not have information that requires strategic behavior, which in turn will raise the stakes in the election race for the future and are not interested in keeping the democratic behavior. Case parties in Indonesia could be a picture similar to what is


Thames, T. Frank, “ Dicipline and Party Institutionalization Post Soviet Legislatures”, Vol 3 no 4, Sage Publication, 2007, pp. 457


Mainwaring, Scott ,Rethinking Party Systems in the Third Wave of Democratization. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999. 83



7 experienced by Russia and Ukraine, for good institutional management will significantly influence the political system strong impact on the party and the state system.

3. The Party System Institutionalization and Legislative Behavior.

Parliament legislature is one of the arena of political contestation that give effect to the institutional party, with the assumption that the presence of legislators because of the election and is the focus of the relationship between legislators and their party from the standpoint of the election. If the agency considers that the weakness of the party due to external factors that lead to differences in the relationship between the party and cadre Partain, then the example of legislators in the United States can be a reference and referral that is if you want to increase the chances of re-election of candidates for the legislature have to qualify the party leadership. In addition, political parties have to be disciplined in controlling the resources of cadres, label or

party ideology, committee assignments, control the agenda and the party's program and others9,

because in addition to legislators should improve the sound is also a potential resource that parties must be maintained.

Results hypothesis in empirical research10, the study of the effect on the party discipline

institutionalization of the party in the legislature. First, basically people would expect that candidates who get the higher sound will be more disciplined stints in parliament, because the vote reflects their electoral strength. This is indicated by the hypothesis H1: Party discipline in the legislature increase the total stock of sound. Expectations at the beginning of the vote a party that is a measure of the institutionalization of the party, but it is limited, because of the vote in the party made possible the existence of a strong correlation between the candidates with the people and organizations that fund. Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed H2; Discipline is a direct factor and the argument of institutionalization and the vote. Here's a little hypothesis could answer to the phenomenon posed above.

In contrast to the argument Mainwaring11, which indicates if the two aspects of the weaker party (discipline and sound acquisition) as a factor of institutional weakness, then it can be traced in terms of how the ability to maintain party discipline in the legislature. In addition, the ability of maintaining ties at the grassroots level will be value-added for political parties, and


Thames,C. Frank;2007, Aldrich, 1995; Cox dan McCubbins, 1993; Kiewiet dan McCubbins, 1991, Thames, T. Frank, “ Dicipline and Party Institutionalization Post Soviet Legislatures”, Vol 3 no 4, Sage Publication, 2007, pp.

459 10

Thames, C. Frank, 460 11


8 establish strong ties with social groups. As such, these parties will be better able to help the candidates to win the election.

Hypothesis Frank and Mainwaring was an experience outside of the State of Indonesia, which of course can vary from several aspects such as the condition of society, the diversity of cultures, customs and habits that can provide color spectrum of its own in building democratic consolidation in society, political parties, parliament and government, but did not rule out the face and the model will be the same party to study outside.

4. The impossibility of services in two Functions

It is well known that political parties are public organizations that have the duty and function to serve the public, not least as a legislator and service agent representation of election results. Legislators result of people's choices are obliged to accommodate the needs of society and morally responsible for the trust diamanatkannya. This is a form of representative democracy, when the party system is not maintained will be weak or not strengthened institutions would undermine democracy.

There are two models of democracy agent can describe a social phenomenon in this

paper. The first is the principle of democracy sole agent in the classic mass party. In a mass party, service agency addressed to legislators the party choice with the nickname "hire". The point is that legislators in the parliamentary party choice employed by parties supporting and working with all the interests and the will of the party, with the concept of candidates should be ready with the consequences of the task. It seems that in this way will result in the removal of the constituent rights of the people that should be championed by legislators in parliament. In addition, the issue of recruitment, the cadre is not a priority issue, but who dare provide price to get a seat in parliament. Model this party does not have the power and legal defense, or the so-called sense of responsibility because the legislators, all legal rules or sanctions under the control of political parties. Whereas in the selection of a mass party leadership put forward to integrate with the government in providing policy decisions. The party is also known as a party rooted in its habitat, the most actively and directly involved in every element of community activities and also the government, making it difficult clearly visible where the project where the project of the party and the government, because it has been integrated into the symbol and power ties that have been compromised.


9 Pigure 1. Mass Party Principial- Agent Model with three social segments/parties and coalition


Beginning of Mass Party concept is derived from the condition of democracy event, where each party as the political committee of a certain segment of society (social class / group recognition) to act as a collective social agent representing the interests of the community to get a room in parliament. Coalition of parties in parliament to negotiate the formation of pelayananan as agent expectations collective segments of society. This is an effort the support of voters, but surprisingly, legislators employed by the government as well as agents. So the model of a mass party it can be concluded that the members of the legislature to bring the two agents, the first is the agent of the party workers, both agencies of government workers. The productivity of the agents working on the legislator would have an impact on the effectiveness of the service is run. Therefore, to fulfill the mission, members of the legislature should be able to divide, administer and manage the service as well as the confidence of both agents. A question arises, be realistic service agency in the two puncture ?. Simple logic suggests: that the service is not effective, is not established performance of legislators for the worse.

As with the Downsian Party which considers that a public organization of the party in a position of "two heads" so different that sometimes the demands made by the party leaders would be contradictory. For example, politicians who become members of the legislature have to serve "two masters" are derived from a combination of several interests and understanding between the party agents and agent constituents, whereas as an agent of a particular social segment legislator should be able to bring the representation of interests as outlined in the product policy. Containers mission these interests can sometimes be disagreement also with the

12Katz, Richard.” No Man Can Serve Two Master”: Party Politician; Party Members, Citizen and Principal –Agent

Model of Democracy”. Party Politics. (2014). Vol 20 (2) 184 Electorate

State Administration

Segmen 1

Segmen 2

Segmen 3

Party 1

Party 2

Party 3


10 segment / group. In the hybrid situation parties vying for re-election as the agent of all voters and social segments of society, while at the same time legislators must be able to share, meet and act as a related party agents and supporters of the party agents.

This incident occurred on a mass party, which should not be pulled out in the party line, but is expected to compete well in mobilizing party supporters. As a public organization, the party is faced with difficult choices in order to decide priority of adherence to the party's policy to accept a compromise policy of the government. The dilemma is the politicians of the party supporters would be willing to be fired by the party leader. Basically not an excuse for one, but more due to service problems "two masters" who are not served in the party's internal democracy downsian in order to pursue the right policies.

Pigure 2. Downsian Principal Agent , model with three party and coalition goverment13

Policies and compromise in parliament to bring the party as a public servant who has its own difficulties, especially in managing the party management, for example, in the management of dualism salary, positioning ministries and other things. while the Centre Party has the patronage of space that leads to personal interests. but party officials in Parliament should contribute example of part of their salary should be given for the purpose of development in her constituency. However difficult because of compromise and negotiation party in parliament, tend to be subject to the central party. This also happens in Indonesia, party activists employed in Parliament tend to follow a policy of supporting the party without any compromise, because the ruling party leader more than the president.


Katz Richard,185 A

Elektorate Party 1

Party 2

Party 3

Ministr y


Administration n


11 C. Methodology

1. Types of Research.

This study used a qualitative descriptive method. According Sarantakos14, descriptive

research that is research that is intended for exploration and clarification concerning a phenomenon or social reality. In this study, cases such as the involvement of corruption or abuse of legislative authority well publicized in the media or ongoing cases in the originating party PDIP, Golkar, the Democrats will be used as a study and further exploration. The focus of this study is to scour how to form political party monitoring of the councilors and whether the political parties that have representatives in parliament can exercise oversight to its cadres in Parliament / Parliament of Bali province.

2. Data Sources a. Informant

In the context of qualitative research respondents, better known by the informant. Determination of the informants in this study using purposive system taking into account the availability of data. This technique chosen because each informant does not have the same knowledge of the discourse "oversight function". Therefore, the subject chosen was the informant who can master the information in accordance with the research problem. Determination of the number of informants in this study should not be representative because in qualitative research is not known to the population, however, with a purposive system aims to capture as much information from various sources.

b. Places and Events

This study took place in the province of Bali. Various events related to the problem of research focus, among others, include: supervision of Party cadres and members of the legislature being held in Bali.

3. Data Collection Techniques a. Observation

Is a technique of collecting data by observing and recording directly at the site of research on the symptoms related to the object to be diterliti.

b. Interview



12 Primary data collection, including data from sources or informants conducted by interview. Through this technique is expected to be gathered data about experiences, ideas, opinions or views informants regarding various matters related to the research focus. Informants were used in this study include actors seat legislators who came from Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Golkar, Democrat. In addition, other research sources are informants who take charge of structural political parties such as the chairman, deputy chairman or secretary of the party. plus informants such as journalists into supporting the completeness of the data, because they are the source of reportage of news and information this study will be in check and re-check its validity. Thus through in-depth interviews can be explored aspects of explicit knowledge which is attached to the informant.

In order to avoid distortion of the data and interviews that run in focus, then assisted in the implementation of the research instrument in the form of interview guide containing basic thoughts associated with research focus. It is very important that the atmosphere of the interview focused and keep it running. In this study the source to be interviewed are:

No Resources

1. Members of Parliament of Bali Province; PDIP, Golkar, Democrat,

2. Officials Political Party: PDIP, Golkar, Democrat

3. Print and electronic media journalists

c. Documentation

A data collection techniques by quoting and examine documents, records, archives of newspapers, electronic and sets of rules that support or associated with the object under study. 4. Data Analysis Techniques

The data collected, either through field research and through research literature, processed and analyzed through qualitative descriptive approach is to describe and explain the phenomena associated with the object of research in accordance with what it is. Data analysis procedures carried out through the following steps:

a. Data reduction, where data is collected and then look for themes and patterns, will find things that are important and then compiled systematically.

b. Display data or presentation of data, namely to create a description of the results of research in order to see the overall picture.


13 c. Draw conclusions and verification, which is set a conclusion after all the data has been analyzed.

D. Analysis

Legislators in parliament is basically a representation of political parties. As representatives of political parties in parliament, members of Parliament and Parliament has a duty to represent ideas, viewpoints, and the party's policies are responsible for the behavior, employment and political rights. However, the fact remains that whenever legislators faced with the case law, political parties tend to raise the hand of the case and ignore the responsibility of the cadres employed in Parliament, whereas the responsibility of political parties to the cadres are obligations that will impact on the performance of cadres in parliament. Indeed supervisory functions in the party be an indicator of the workings of accountability of political parties, because it shows how much supervision has been done by political parties in Indonesia. Below are some of the supervision of exploration has been done by the political party with the most votes in the 2009 election and 2014 in Bali.

a. Supervisition forms on its Member Local Parliament the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP)

Each political party has called a party rule management with its constitution and by laws (AD/ART). AD/ART party usually has a management structure with basic tasks, functions and all forms of rights, obligations of members and sanctions violations. The draw of PDIP is done in a simple oversight function in internal party with principles of character formation with reference to members of the organization's manual AD/ART party. Supervision in PDIP not use the name of the supervisory board term, but can be represented by the Agency Advisory Council (BPD) in the center (DPP), which serves to capture the competence of cadres of the party that will be proposed and determined to be candidates for the legislature. The second is the Honorary (BK) has the task to regulate and discipline the members of the party, but it is only giving directives have on each party's plenary meeting in the institution (I Wayan Sutena interview with the deputy chairman of the organization field Bali DPD PDIP: 2015). Both of these bodies (BPD and BK) in addition to the party's organizational structure, also have the authority to carry out oversight functions on its members or cadres. But acknowledged the oversight function sometimes does not run optimally partly because there are party administrators who served the


14 Board Advisory Board (BPD) and the Ethics Council (BK) is also a member of the board, which incidentally has the dual task of internal party and faction in parliament.

PDIP cadres who sits on the board is the choice of the party who is assigned or employed in the chair of the board and serves as a task of regeneration. Regeneration function will succeed if the party cadre selection board members do not practice corruption and other forms of actions that harm the state, and vice versa if the board members of the PDIP exposed cases (criminal and civil), the function of regeneration is considered unsuccessful. Therefore the party leaders did not hesitate and act quickly to immediately dismiss cadres or members. This form of supervision as indicating a lack of protection of rights as a cadre in obtaining advocacy and legal assistance of his party.

Although the cadre system in PDIP done since these cadres before being appointed as a candidate but also do and even after his retirement from political positions. The main requirement for example when cadres who advanced to the candidates will be assessed and monitored about HR capabilities and its track record ranging from ethical, aesthetic, moral, to the skills possessed by the cadre. Meanwhile, after retiring from his position on the relevant cadres remain supervision so they do not bring disaster or calamity for the party. To avoid cadres to avoid being trapped and obsessed corruption, PDIP provide debriefing and training of cadres at the intermediate level and also equipping national regeneration that was sent to the DPP (center) and continued at the local level.

As a manifestation of the consequences of party membership, each member shall receive directives and special instructions are also given a decree that members of the central party (DPP) that the member or cadre remain loyal and devoted to the party. These instructions also a form of control mechanism to supervise. PDIP and supervision is carried out both bottom-up control of the center that is directly or top down is in the party's internal respective territories and fellow members. Regarding the control mechanisms (particularly for members of the board) is described further in detail through interviews following:

“With the control mechanism, the violation must have known. Control in the fraction, wherein fraction task coordinate, supervise well as fostering its members. There was also a regular evaluation meetings are conducted every month. Fraction report to the parent party. Faction provide an evaluation. Therefore, control PDIP highly institutionalized and


15 Can be considered that the form of supervision in PDIP hierarchical and tiered means that every party there are problems in terlebihi formerly handled at the level of local structures (DPD). If the area can not afford then taken to the DPP. Therefore, PDIP not have a supervisory board but rather the Honorary Board in each internal party officials at both central and regional levels. Honorary Board is tasked to inform and execute the party cadres are problematic, then reported to the central committee of the party in accordance with the level of the origin of the relevant cadres.

If the cadres who exposed the case law, the DPD (regional party) only serves to evaluate, consider these cadres, then the right to expel a person from the party members and management are entirely right in the center party administrators (DPP). Furthermore, the DPP also will reconsider these cadres. The principle is to be out of the cadre party membership because of two reasons, namely resigning or being expelled in disgrace. If the case raises issues a negative image of the party then direct its membership to be released in no respect, and no legal defense of the party at all. Thus evident that supervision in PDIP yet fully implementation acquisition rights law cadre, which in essence is the duty of the party to meet and accompany his legal case to be completed. Impress the party only wants "what can you give to the party, and when you get involved, the law will kick me out."

b. Supervisition Forms Democratic Party on its Member

Similarly, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) of the results of extracting information, the Democratic Party also has oversight of the cadres who sit in the legislature. The monitoring form elaborated through handbooks organization that AD/ART party. Democrats supervision is done by coaching, directing the cadres and oversee the internal doors are under the control of the party faction in Parliament and be followed up in party administrators (DPD) and then proceed to the DPP (center). The form of hierarchical supervision. This form been the Democratic party is regarded as a modern party that is better suited to the hierarchical model of supervision. This was echoed by one of its cadres were interviewed following: Supervision hierarchical be controlled directly by the Honorary Board in this regard is the chairman of the DPP were charged with providing a report to the Council of the Party, which is responsible for providing the means of information and communication at every party leader at the branch level ( DPC) and branches (DPRt). At each branch / region has


16 a Board of Trustees in order to connect any, is both direct reports and other policies to the Honorary Board, which will forward it to the chairman of the DPP. After the Honor Council to report, at this stage is wide open to the possibility of meeting space, such as providing measures and sanctions for cadres who violate the rules or lines of the party program. Similarly, at the level of the DPD. Supervisory Board's role is vital, Majlis communicate with the local party chairman DPD. The regulatory body regions present the results of this surveillance to the Honor Council, to hammered out and presented to the board of DPD and DPP who is entitled to decide what sanctions provided for violations committed by these cadres in parliament (interview Chairman Development Division Kader Democrats Bali Children Supreme Sudewa: 2015).

However, in reality this form of hierarchical supervision has not run optimally. This is due plated hierarchy of rules other party (overlapping rules/ambivalence of meaning), for example, many legislators who do not fully understand about the hierarchy of the party organization in developing its job, this time playing in circle board members are business and personal interest rather than on representing the party name.

c. Supervisition Forms on its Member Golkar Party

Unlike the case with the PDI-P and the Democratic Party, the Golkar Party is very strong surveillance and non-hierarchical. This is due to Golkar has quite a role and experience in coaching and cadre members from the leadership of Sukarno's Old Order to Soeharto's New Order era. For example there is no leader of the party, without going through the legislative and executive cadre and coaching process first. Coaching and member of the Golkar Party cadre known as a career path system starting from the DPC district/municipal, provincial DPD ladder and so on. When the central committee (DPP) is believed to be the ability of cadres in leading and managerial organization strong enough, then it can be given a cadre of career opportunities outside (legislative or executive) with positions statregis.

Cadre system and fostering this positive impact on the success of its supervision. In the body of the Golkar Party, each cadres who become members of the board must have the capability in leading and managerial formidable, and most importantly, each cadre must know the rights, obligations, prohibitions and sanctions for breaking the rules of the party cadres. This finally makes cadre quite aware and know themselves when exposed cases among cadres then naturally they will resign, do not have to wait for a letter of dismissal or party instructions first.


17 Another positive value, that the strong guidance systems and in Golkar cadre implies also an application of in-service task, meaning that every Golkar cadres should not be concurrent positions on party officials and members of the legislature and executive. This policy has been applied and has reason to believe that the dual position would eliminate the function and role of cadre true. Besides the double position makes cadre performance is not optimal and this is one of the values that distinguish Golkar with other parties. All Shapes and party monitoring mechanism contained in the handbook AD / RT party. Therefore each member, committee, and Golkar cadres are required to have the manual. And mechanisms to determine the party that updates information provided in monthly meetings at both the DPC districts of the city, the provincial DPD and DPP.

Form 'supervision Golkar Party' against its cadres can be seen on the authority of the party faction in the council. Fractions, other than as a representative of a party that does not just know about the party, faction also more aware of the actions and activities of its cadres in the legislature. The presence of the Golkar Party faction is an important place to control and evaluate the performance of party members. Faction given specific policies that are situational do not have to wait for the decision of the DPP. For example faction was given the authority to make decisions if its cadres are considered guilty by the appointment of valid evidence, based on performance and evaluation of its territory (interview with the secretary general of the DPP Golkar Party: DA Sri Wigunawati). Although the major political parties such as the PDI-P, Golkar and Democrat who all have the supervision of cadres in parliament, but the third party actually has similarities and differences in the implementation of supervision.

The equation is a door control is in the party faction of the board. It is impressed that the cadres who are members of the board overseeing its own right, and are found also in several large parties that board members are party officials thus have a dual role both in the council and in the party. In a journal article written by Richard Katz (2014) argues that "No man can serve two masters: Party Politicians, party members, citizens and principal-agent models of democracy". The intent of this statement is that it is not possible for a party cadre can serve two different objects or a double role both in the council and in the party, because if it happens at a party space public services will experience a shift in the value of democracy were not met. This situation is caused by parties in Indonesia are still not self-sufficient so that the allocation of the provision of human resources have not been adequately party, this is due to the generation of


18 cadres who are not satisfied that this does is double post or duplicate the role of the institutional functions.

While there are differences in the mechanisms of supervision, namely the supervision of the PDIP institutionalism and tiered hierarchical, meaning a problem concerning party cadres under, first completed structure to a local (DPD), if not able to be handled will be submitted to the DPP. While the Democratic Party is hierarchical (almost the same as the PDI-P), only the Democratic Party has its own regulatory body, but not independent, because its function is not clear because of all the problems concerning cadres handed over to the Ethics Council (BK). Instead supervision Golkar Party is non-hierarchical and flexible, although the DPP has an

important role to counter the problems that can’t be handled by DPD. The nature of

non-hierarchical and flexible means board members are considered to have managerial strong organization as the cadre in the party is quite solid, so if there are cadres who exposed the case of the cadres should know themselves and take a stand should to quit the party if found guilty, without waiting for instructions DPP or at PAW (the change over time) earlier.


It can be concluded, although there are parties Supervisory Board and Honorary Board, functionalization of supervision in the party is not maximized. Because the parties in this study are still half-hearted in performing supervisory functions and there are overlapping / duplicate positions between the functions of party officials, board members, and anyone implementing supervision. One of them is because the rules are less strict, and the party does not expressly impose it. Almost three major parties allow members who are affected by legal cases charged, tried without legal representation. Even if legal assistance is given, most unsatisfactory cadre so for financial cadres who have quite a lot, would prefer to hire their own lawyers because the party is not serious escort cadres legal cases. Basically, the quality of cadres is determined by how big the party oversight function is implemented, because monitoring is performed continuously for cadres will make more mawasdiri cadres behave and act in a careful and cautious. In other words, good and bad cadre member of the board is the embodiment of the self-image of his party.


19 References

Asnan G., Nordholt,S,H., (2003) Indonesian in Transition Working in Progress,

Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar

Katz, S. Richard. (2014) No Man Can Serve Two Master: Party Politician’s Party Members,

Citizen and Principial-Agent Model at Democracy. Party Politics. Vol 20 (2).

Mainwaring, Scott. (1999), Rethinking Party Systems in the Third Wave of Democratization.

Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,

Thames C. Frank. (2007) Dicipline and Party Institutionalization in Post Soviet Legislatures.

Vol 4. Sage Publication; London

Media References

Kompas Edisi Maret September 2007

Bali Post, Anggota Dewan Bali banyak Bermasalah, Maret 2014. www. 2014


14 Board Advisory Board (BPD) and the Ethics Council (BK) is also a member of the board, which incidentally has the dual task of internal party and faction in parliament.

PDIP cadres who sits on the board is the choice of the party who is assigned or employed in the chair of the board and serves as a task of regeneration. Regeneration function will succeed if the party cadre selection board members do not practice corruption and other forms of actions that harm the state, and vice versa if the board members of the PDIP exposed cases (criminal and civil), the function of regeneration is considered unsuccessful. Therefore the party leaders did not hesitate and act quickly to immediately dismiss cadres or members. This form of supervision as indicating a lack of protection of rights as a cadre in obtaining advocacy and legal assistance of his party.

Although the cadre system in PDIP done since these cadres before being appointed as a candidate but also do and even after his retirement from political positions. The main requirement for example when cadres who advanced to the candidates will be assessed and monitored about HR capabilities and its track record ranging from ethical, aesthetic, moral, to the skills possessed by the cadre. Meanwhile, after retiring from his position on the relevant cadres remain supervision so they do not bring disaster or calamity for the party. To avoid cadres to avoid being trapped and obsessed corruption, PDIP provide debriefing and training of cadres at the intermediate level and also equipping national regeneration that was sent to the DPP (center) and continued at the local level.

As a manifestation of the consequences of party membership, each member shall receive directives and special instructions are also given a decree that members of the central party (DPP) that the member or cadre remain loyal and devoted to the party. These instructions also a form of control mechanism to supervise. PDIP and supervision is carried out both bottom-up control of the center that is directly or top down is in the party's internal respective territories and fellow members. Regarding the control mechanisms (particularly for members of the board) is described further in detail through interviews following:

“With the control mechanism, the violation must have known. Control in the fraction, wherein fraction task coordinate, supervise well as fostering its members. There was also a regular evaluation meetings are conducted every month. Fraction report to the parent party. Faction provide an evaluation. Therefore, control PDIP highly institutionalized and hierarchical”. (Interview I Wayan sutena 2015)


15 Can be considered that the form of supervision in PDIP hierarchical and tiered means that every party there are problems in terlebihi formerly handled at the level of local structures (DPD). If the area can not afford then taken to the DPP. Therefore, PDIP not have a supervisory board but rather the Honorary Board in each internal party officials at both central and regional levels. Honorary Board is tasked to inform and execute the party cadres are problematic, then reported to the central committee of the party in accordance with the level of the origin of the relevant cadres.

If the cadres who exposed the case law, the DPD (regional party) only serves to evaluate, consider these cadres, then the right to expel a person from the party members and management are entirely right in the center party administrators (DPP). Furthermore, the DPP also will reconsider these cadres. The principle is to be out of the cadre party membership because of two reasons, namely resigning or being expelled in disgrace. If the case raises issues a negative image of the party then direct its membership to be released in no respect, and no legal defense of the party at all. Thus evident that supervision in PDIP yet fully implementation acquisition rights law cadre, which in essence is the duty of the party to meet and accompany his legal case to be completed. Impress the party only wants "what can you give to the party, and when you get involved, the law will kick me out."

b. Supervisition Forms Democratic Party on its Member

Similarly, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) of the results of extracting information, the Democratic Party also has oversight of the cadres who sit in the legislature. The monitoring form elaborated through handbooks organization that AD/ART party. Democrats supervision is done by coaching, directing the cadres and oversee the internal doors are under the control of the party faction in Parliament and be followed up in party administrators (DPD) and then proceed to the DPP (center). The form of hierarchical supervision. This form been the Democratic party is regarded as a modern party that is better suited to the hierarchical model of supervision. This was echoed by one of its cadres were interviewed following: Supervision hierarchical be controlled directly by the Honorary Board in this regard is the chairman of the DPP were charged with providing a report to the Council of the Party, which is responsible for providing the means of information and communication at every party leader at the branch level ( DPC) and branches (DPRt). At each branch / region has


16 a Board of Trustees in order to connect any, is both direct reports and other policies to the Honorary Board, which will forward it to the chairman of the DPP. After the Honor Council to report, at this stage is wide open to the possibility of meeting space, such as providing measures and sanctions for cadres who violate the rules or lines of the party program. Similarly, at the level of the DPD. Supervisory Board's role is vital, Majlis communicate with the local party chairman DPD. The regulatory body regions present the results of this surveillance to the Honor Council, to hammered out and presented to the board of DPD and DPP who is entitled to decide what sanctions provided for violations committed by these cadres in parliament (interview Chairman Development Division Kader Democrats Bali Children Supreme Sudewa: 2015).

However, in reality this form of hierarchical supervision has not run optimally. This is due plated hierarchy of rules other party (overlapping rules/ambivalence of meaning), for example, many legislators who do not fully understand about the hierarchy of the party organization in developing its job, this time playing in circle board members are business and personal interest rather than on representing the party name.

c. Supervisition Forms on its Member Golkar Party

Unlike the case with the PDI-P and the Democratic Party, the Golkar Party is very strong surveillance and non-hierarchical. This is due to Golkar has quite a role and experience in coaching and cadre members from the leadership of Sukarno's Old Order to Soeharto's New Order era. For example there is no leader of the party, without going through the legislative and executive cadre and coaching process first. Coaching and member of the Golkar Party cadre known as a career path system starting from the DPC district/municipal, provincial DPD ladder and so on. When the central committee (DPP) is believed to be the ability of cadres in leading and managerial organization strong enough, then it can be given a cadre of career opportunities outside (legislative or executive) with positions statregis.

Cadre system and fostering this positive impact on the success of its supervision. In the body of the Golkar Party, each cadres who become members of the board must have the capability in leading and managerial formidable, and most importantly, each cadre must know the rights, obligations, prohibitions and sanctions for breaking the rules of the party cadres. This finally makes cadre quite aware and know themselves when exposed cases among cadres then naturally they will resign, do not have to wait for a letter of dismissal or party instructions first.


17 Another positive value, that the strong guidance systems and in Golkar cadre implies also an application of in-service task, meaning that every Golkar cadres should not be concurrent positions on party officials and members of the legislature and executive. This policy has been applied and has reason to believe that the dual position would eliminate the function and role of cadre true. Besides the double position makes cadre performance is not optimal and this is one of the values that distinguish Golkar with other parties. All Shapes and party monitoring mechanism contained in the handbook AD / RT party. Therefore each member, committee, and Golkar cadres are required to have the manual. And mechanisms to determine the party that updates information provided in monthly meetings at both the DPC districts of the city, the provincial DPD and DPP.

Form 'supervision Golkar Party' against its cadres can be seen on the authority of the party faction in the council. Fractions, other than as a representative of a party that does not just know about the party, faction also more aware of the actions and activities of its cadres in the legislature. The presence of the Golkar Party faction is an important place to control and evaluate the performance of party members. Faction given specific policies that are situational do not have to wait for the decision of the DPP. For example faction was given the authority to make decisions if its cadres are considered guilty by the appointment of valid evidence, based on performance and evaluation of its territory (interview with the secretary general of the DPP Golkar Party: DA Sri Wigunawati). Although the major political parties such as the PDI-P, Golkar and Democrat who all have the supervision of cadres in parliament, but the third party actually has similarities and differences in the implementation of supervision.

The equation is a door control is in the party faction of the board. It is impressed that the cadres who are members of the board overseeing its own right, and are found also in several large parties that board members are party officials thus have a dual role both in the council and in the party. In a journal article written by Richard Katz (2014) argues that "No man can serve two masters: Party Politicians, party members, citizens and principal-agent models of democracy". The intent of this statement is that it is not possible for a party cadre can serve two different objects or a double role both in the council and in the party, because if it happens at a party space public services will experience a shift in the value of democracy were not met. This situation is caused by parties in Indonesia are still not self-sufficient so that the allocation of the provision of human resources have not been adequately party, this is due to the generation of


18 cadres who are not satisfied that this does is double post or duplicate the role of the institutional functions.

While there are differences in the mechanisms of supervision, namely the supervision of the PDIP institutionalism and tiered hierarchical, meaning a problem concerning party cadres under, first completed structure to a local (DPD), if not able to be handled will be submitted to the DPP. While the Democratic Party is hierarchical (almost the same as the PDI-P), only the Democratic Party has its own regulatory body, but not independent, because its function is not clear because of all the problems concerning cadres handed over to the Ethics Council (BK). Instead supervision Golkar Party is non-hierarchical and flexible, although the DPP has an important role to counter the problems that can’t be handled by DPD. The nature of non-hierarchical and flexible means board members are considered to have managerial strong organization as the cadre in the party is quite solid, so if there are cadres who exposed the case of the cadres should know themselves and take a stand should to quit the party if found guilty, without waiting for instructions DPP or at PAW (the change over time) earlier.


It can be concluded, although there are parties Supervisory Board and Honorary Board, functionalization of supervision in the party is not maximized. Because the parties in this study are still half-hearted in performing supervisory functions and there are overlapping / duplicate positions between the functions of party officials, board members, and anyone implementing supervision. One of them is because the rules are less strict, and the party does not expressly impose it. Almost three major parties allow members who are affected by legal cases charged, tried without legal representation. Even if legal assistance is given, most unsatisfactory cadre so for financial cadres who have quite a lot, would prefer to hire their own lawyers because the party is not serious escort cadres legal cases. Basically, the quality of cadres is determined by how big the party oversight function is implemented, because monitoring is performed continuously for cadres will make more mawasdiri cadres behave and act in a careful and cautious. In other words, good and bad cadre member of the board is the embodiment of the self-image of his party.


19 References

Asnan G., Nordholt,S,H., (2003) Indonesian in Transition Working in Progress, Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar

Katz, S. Richard. (2014) No Man Can Serve Two Master: Party Politician’s Party Members, Citizen and Principial-Agent Model at Democracy. Party Politics. Vol 20 (2).

Mainwaring, Scott. (1999), Rethinking Party Systems in the Third Wave of Democratization. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,

Thames C. Frank. (2007) Dicipline and Party Institutionalization in Post Soviet Legislatures. Vol 4. Sage Publication; London

Media References

Kompas Edisi Maret September 2007

Bali Post, Anggota Dewan Bali banyak Bermasalah, Maret 2014. www. 2014