Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Commercialism In Indonesian Religious Films

This study analyzes the symbols of Islam, which is product that “breathe Islam" in
Indonesian religious films. The religious films are films that show many Islamic attributes worn
by Ustadz and female protagonists. In addition, the research used semiotic analysis technique,
and then continued with the theory of commercialism, which used to get the finding of the study.
By doing this research, the writer expected that the audience would have better understanding of
the use of Muslim attributes. Moreover, the result showed that there was the religiousness’ idea,
which is viewed superficially. The way the films transferred a religious idea is shown by wearing
Islamic attributes rather than doing religious attitude. Therefore, the audiences have to take care
in wearing Islamic attributes, they are allowed to appear attractively, but do not overlook the
syari’ah criteria. Moreover, if they want to look religious, they should not only wear those
attributes but also follow God’s command.