Press Release
For Immediate Release
September 23 2014

Local communities develop innovative new ideas to address
climate change adaptation

September 23 2014, Bangkok- Throughout the Asia and the Pacific region, local communities are innovating
ways to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Sharing and expanding these innovations, and increasing the
adaptive capacities of forest communities, is key to responding to the impacts of climate change.
The ha ge i li ate de a ds a ha ge i thi ki g, said Theerapat Prayurasiddhi, Dire tor Ge eral, ‘oyal
Forest Depart e t, Thaila d. At Royal Forestry Department of Thailand, we know that local people are at the
forefront of adapting to climate change. To support these local communities to foster new and innovative
ideas in adapting to the impacts of climate change, we are actively promoting better collaboration between
villagers and the forest department and other relevant departments. We are doing this specifically through our
offi ers at the lo al le el.
Leading international experts held a discussion on how local communities are adapting to climate change
through o
u ity forestry. The e e t, e titled Adapti g to limate change – how can we foster innovative

ideas that ork? as co-organized by RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests and The Royal Forest
Department of Thailand.
The case of communities in in Ban Huay Win in northern Thailand was highlighted as an example of how local
communities are leading the way to adapt to climate change. In recent years, this community has experienced
drought and frequent storms, and has responded by adapting and modifying traditional cultivation practices
and crops to adapt to the changing climate. By intensifying rice cultivation through terracing and agroforestry,
they have managed to increase the yield of agricultural production leading to increased food and income.
Lo al people are ul era le to the se ere i pa ts of li ate ha ge, said Doris Capistra o, Board
Chairperso of ‘ECOFTC. Wide spread i ple e tatio of o
u ity forestry offers a ay to stre gthe
national and regional resilience to climate change, while supporting local livelihoods from forests, improving
ecosystem functions, increasing food security, and reducing disaster risks. We must all play a role in ensuring
that poli ies a d i stitutio s support lo al o
u ities efforts to respo d to li ate ha ge.
Many countries in the Asia and the Pacific region are experiencing frequent and intense flooding, droughts and
storms. Regional climate change trends include an average temperature increase of 0.76 degrees C, a 1-3 mm
rise in sea levels annually. Key economic sectors, especially in developing economies in the region, are already
feeling the negative effects.

About RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests
‘ECOFTC s issio is to see ore o
u ities a ti ely a agi g ore forests i the AsiaPacific region to ensure optimal social, economic, and environmental benefits. Since its
founding in 1987, RECOFTC has trained more than 25,000 people from over 30 countries in
devolved forest management: from national policy makers, researchers, and practitioners,
right through to local forest users. Training services and learning events are complemented
by on-the-ground projects, critical issue analysis, and strategic communications.
RECOFTC is headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, and works throughout the Asia-Pacific
region. Since 2010, the organization has established official country program offices in
Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Learn more at or
email us at
For more information, see, or
Mr. Evan Gershkovich,, 66 (0)2 940 5700 ext 1308 (English)
Ms. Apinita Siripatt,, +66 (0)2 940 5700 ext 1311 (Thai)
For media enquiries contact Kittima Sethi, 0818262399,
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RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests

PO Box 1111, Kasetsart Post Office
Bangkok 10903, Thailand
Tel: 66 (0)2 940 5700
Fax: 66 (0)2 561 4880