ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1: Mid and Final Test | I Made Sujana


A. Direction. Choose the correct form of
the word given in parentheses in the
following sentences.
1. We haven’t met each other (since
/ for) a long time.
rest of souvenirs by tomorrow.
3. Does Randy (has / have) eight
brothers and sisters.
4. Jane (writes / wrote) the report
last night.

extremely harmful.
12. The levels of intoxication (vary /
13. Advertisements on television (are
/ is) becoming more competitive
than ever before.
14. Mr. Jones (takes / is taking) a bath
right now.
15. We (are not wanting / don’t want)

5. The teacher (has reviewed / had
reviewed) the materials before he
gave the test.

a grass of milk now.
16. They (don’t / aren’t) eating now.
17. Bill (is opening / opened) the

Andy, along with his 10 friends,
(is / are) arrested by the police.

7. The picture of the soldiers (bring
/ brings) back many memories.
8. The quality of these goods (is /
are) not very good.
9. The use of credit cards in place of
cash (have / has) increased rapidly
in recent years.

door five minutes ago.
18. It (is starting / starts) to rain and
my clothes (are/ is) on the line.
19. That man (has giving/ has been
giving) the money for the hospital
for years.
20. A numbers of reporters (was /
were) at the conference yesterday.
21. Your glasses (was / were) on the

10. Living expenses in this country, as
well as in many others, (is / are) at
an all-time high.

(have / has) been proven to be

varies) from subject to subject.

2. We (will sold / will have sold) the


11. The effects of cigarette smoking

desk yesterday.
22. There (have / has) been too many
interruptions in this class.
23. A pair of jeans (was /were) in the
washing machine.

English Education Dept. FKIP UNRAM @ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1@I Made Sujana


24. Either John or his wife (make /
makes) breakfast every morning.

1. You aren’t married, __________?
2. They can speak English and

B. Direction. Put the correct form of the

French, ___________________?
3. You went to college, _________?

verb in the parentheses.

4. She does the house work,
1. Jorge _________________ (read)
the novel already.
2. Doni ________________ (work)
in the same place for 40 years and
he is not planning to retire.
3. Joan __________________ (go)
to the store at ten o’clock this
4. Gene __________________ (eat)
dinner when his friend called.
5. While Maria was cleaning the
apartment, her husband ________

5. She hasn’t been to Lombok,
6. They won’t get married,
7. He never gets up in the morning
8. Let’s go to the movie, ________?
9. Bring the luggage, ___________?
10. Don’t move, _______________?
11. Jane will be there, ___________?
12. Monkeys can’t speak, ________?
13. You have a ticket to the game,

6. Jose _________________ (write)
a letter to his family when his
pencil __________ (break).
7. The policeman read the suspect

his rights after he _______ (arrest)
8. After Andy ____________ (wash)
his clothes, he began to study.
9. Susi ___________________ (live)
in Jakarta for one year when her
parents came to visit.
C. Direction. Complete the following
sentences with appropriate tag

14. You met Tom, _____________?
15. There are few students in the class
at that time, _______________?
D. Direction. Write the questions of the
underlined word(s).
1. They went to Jakarta by a
motorbike. __________________

2. Eliza always waters the garden
before she goes to her office. ________

English Education Dept. FKIP UNRAM @ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1@I Made Sujana


3. I am afraid of snakes. ________
4. She began to work here two months
ago. _______________________
5. This book costs Rp 75,000. _____
6. It takes four hours to travel from
Lombok to Bali. _____________
7. I have 30 books. _____________

8. This is my friend’s computer. _____
9. Something strange took place last
night. _____________________
10. Sandra sang at the café last night.

E. Direction. Choose the best answer.
1. Melly cannot ____________ to
the party because of her illness.
a. comes
b. come
c. to come
d. coming
2. The KPU team must ________
hard to calculate the result general
a. worked

b. working
c. work
d. to work

3. “May I speak to Dr. Paine,
please?” “I’m sorry, he _______ at
the moment. Can I help you?”
a. is seeing
b. has been seeing
c. sees
d. was seeing
4. “My family loves this house. It
__________ the family home ever
since my grandfather built it 60
years ago.
a. was
b. has been
c. is
d. will be
5. “When are you going to ask your

boss for raise?” “__________ to
her twice already! I don’t think she
wants to give me one.”
a. I’ve talked
b. I was talking
c. I’ve been talking
d. I’d talked
6. “The cupboards are really empty”
“Yes, all the food __________
a. have been
b. is been
c. has been
d. been
7. The Chinese ___________ sea
a. loves
b. love
c. is loving
d. loving

8. The forest trails __________ any
signs for campers.
a. doesn’t have
b. aren’t
c. have
d. don’t have
9. The number of Lombok people
going to Malaysia ___________
a. is increasing
b. will increasing
c. are in an increase
d. are increasing

English Education Dept. FKIP UNRAM @ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1@I Made Sujana


10. Help yourself with the fruit. The
plates of the fruit __________ on
the table.
a. are being
b. is
c. are
d. have
11. “Hurry up! We are waiting for
you. What’s taking you so long?”
“I __________ for an important
phone call. Go ahead and leave
without me.”
a. wait
b. will wait
c. am waiting
d. have waited
12. “Robert is going to be famous
someday. He _______ in three
movies already.” “I’m sure he’ll be
a star.”
a. has appeared
b. appeared
c. appears
d. had appeared
13. “What ______ about the new
simplified tax law? “It’s more
confusing than the old one.”
a. are you thinking
b. have you thought
c. do you think
d. have you been thinking
14. When is Mr. Fields planning to
retire?” “Soon, I think. He _____
here for a long time. He’ll
probably retire either next year or
the year after that.”
a. worked
b. had been working
c. has been working
d. is working
15. According to research reports,
people usually _______ in their
sleep 25 to 30 times each night.
a. turn
b. are turning
c. have turned
d. turned

16. A minor earthquake occurred at
2:07 A.M. on January 3. Most of
the people in the village _______
at that time and didn’t even know
it had occurred until the next
a. slept
b. were sleeping
c. had slept
d. sleep
17. “_________ write letters to?”
a. Whom you
b. Whom do you
c. Who you
d. To who do you
18. “_________ Matt writing letters?
a. Does
b. Is
c. Do
d. Are
19. “I don’t understand “smart”.
What ______________?” “It
means “intelligent”.”
a. means “smart”
b. does “smart” mean
c. is “smart” mean
d. does “smart” means
20. “____________ John everyday?”
“Mary and Bill do.”
a. Who see
b. What see
c. Who do they see
d. Whom they see

****Good Luck*****

English Education Dept. FKIP UNRAM @ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1@I Made Sujana