West Nile Virus Remains A Persistent Threat

West Nile Virus Remains A Persistent Threat
Word Count:

West Nile Virus, the disease transported by infected mosquitos, continues to remain a threat t

mosquito repellant, OFF, Deet, Permithin, bug spray, insects, West Nile Virus, sickness, death

Article Body:
West Nile Virus, the disease transported by infected mosquitos, continues to remain a threat t
1. Destroy Potential Breeding Sites. Standing water is an invitation for mosquitoes to

2. Wear Repellent. DEET and Permithin are proven repellants for mosquitoes; products co

3. Home Maintenance. If your home has screens, examine them for tears that permit mosqu

4. Spray, Spray, Spray. Not everyone likes the idea of pesticides being sprayed in thei
West Nile Virus remains a scourge, but it need not affect your outdoor plans completely. Peak

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