Environment Protection at Home and Workp

H e a lt h y En vir on m en t : Let ’s be gin a t H om e a n d W or k pla ce
Tahir Hasnain**
Taking steps to create an environment friendly atmosphere at home as well as office is a great way to
make a contribution to the growing need for physical health, saving energy and the reduction of our
negative environmental impacts.
The environment comprises all of physical and social conditions that surround us and can influence our
health. Our environment includes both our outdoor and indoor surroundings. The quality of air we
breathe, the water we drink, the food we grow and eat are important to our health. So is our exposure
to garbage and sewage water in the street, loud noise and radiation from the sun and other sources.
Being aware of potential risk in our physical environment can help us protect our health.
Driving a car, using electricity to light and heating our home, and throwing away garbage; all effects
environment and lead to greenhouse gas emissions. We can reduce emissions through simple actions
like changing a light bulb, powering down electronics, using less water, and recycling. By taking
preventive measures at home and workplace, we can protect the environment, reduce air pollution, and
save money.
Business and offices, for instance, use a significant amount of electricity (for heating and cooling,
lighting, and operating equipments) and paper. There are number of environment friendly practices to
save energy, protect the environment, fight climate change, and help make the air cleaner. Driving our
vehicle releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change — but we can

take simple, easy steps to cut down our emissions, reduce our dependence on oil, and save money.
Let’s learn about environmental issues that impact our household & workplace, and about ways and
tools to help us get involved and make a difference. For a healthy environment around us, let’s begin at
home/office to be part of the solution and tackle environmental issues responsibly. Listed below are
some key environment friendly practices that can easily be followed at home as well as the workplace.

Make your home and office a no-smoking zone
To maintain fresh air circulation, make sure cross ventilation

Keep a healthy level of humidity (about 30% - 50%)
Buy permanent items instead of disposables
Buy products with less packaging
Use a reusable cloth to clean dining table and basin. Do not consider using toilet paper or
bathroom tissue
Make use of glass or plastic jar to store food
Make use of plastic bag acquired from shopping to store rubbish
Use of pressure cooker and steam cooker in kitchen can reduce lots of energy consumption
Collect papers and old newspapers and send them for recycling
Stop using chemical fertilizer and pesticides; make organic fertilizer from organic waste and plant
mint herbs to expel pests
Water the lawn or garden during the coolest part of the day (early morning is best)

13. Use of high pressure water jet hose during car wash wastes water. One should use a bucket to
hold the water instead
14. Only use washing machine for big amount of clothes, and also collect waste water from washing
machine to flush the toilet
15. Control the water flow when you open a water tab. This can reduce the consumption of water
from 25% to 50%
16. The hot water used for cooking half boiled eggs is not wasted; it can be cooled and re-used for

watering the plants
17. Use shower head in bathroom instead of bathtub. This can save up to 4 times on water
18. Use a container to hold water when shaving or brushing your teeth. Do not allow free flow of
water from the tap
19. Repair all leaks to save water (a leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons a day)
20. Turn off the socket and pull out the plug of electrical appliances when not in use. The electrical
appliances continue consuming electricity if the socket is not turned off
21. Adjust the brightness of your laptop and television screens to low. This is not only to conserve the
use of energy but also protect your eyes
22. Replace the normal incandescent light with energy saving fluorescence light. This can reduce
energy consumption by up to 60%
23. Keep your refrigerator away from the stove, in dry and cool area
24. Do not leave your refrigerator door open unnecessary
25. Have leaky air conditioning and refrigeration systems repaired
26. If the use of water heater is inevitable, choose to buy a solar energy powered heater
27. Insulate your home, water heater and pipes.
28. Weather sheets on roof of the building and walls keep your home/office cool.
29. Air conditioner is the main culprit in global warming with its CFC discharge. Use fan instead of air
conditioner and consider weather

30. Ride a bicycle or walk to the nearby areas. This way it makes you close to the nature as well as
keeping fit
31. Dry your clothes under the sun instead of using a drier. This can save energy as well as reduce
carbon emission
32. Support recycling and reusing. Try your best to recycle and reuse abandoned items
Most of us spend 08 hours in office on weekdays. This has not included those overtime hours. And I
know some of us also work on weekends. So office has slowly become our second home!
Environment protection begins with me! I print on both sides of papers. I also recycle papers which are
printed on 1 side. I believe in and adhere to 3Rs policy in my daily life. The 3Rs refer to reduce, reuse
and recycle.
Here goes some of the office level green tips:
1. Travel to work using public transport. Car-sharing, car pooling and using private pick & drop
service are also healthy options in order to minimize air pollution and traffic congestion, and to
save fuel
2. Implement a thorough recycling plan
3. Recycle old newspaper and used paper. Always retrieve used paper if there is still any blank area
on it. Do not waste paper. Print on both sides of the paper. Reduce paper usage to the lowest. This
can be done by reducing the use of fax machines and printers. Develop the habit to use email and
video conference instead

4. ‘Green’ your office by putting living plants in your room. Plants serve as carbon-sinks and this is to
make sure that the contents of both oxygen and carbon dioxide is equal in the office
5. Get the whole team on board with an energy saving plan.
6. Switch off the mains of lamps, computers, air conditioners, printers and other electrical appliances
when not in use
7. Do not forget to switch of lights and exhaust fan when you exit bathroom
8. Do not allow your computer in prolong system standby mode. Turn off your computer if you leave
your computer unattended even it is just for a short period
9. Recycle used envelopes. Used envelopes can still be used to jot down comments, messages and
short notes
10. Go on foot to the canteen or mosque to reduce air pollution as well as save on fuel
11. Choose to use energy saving air conditioner. There is not necessary to switch on all air
conditioners in the office especially during cold and rainy days
12. Reduce the frequency of working outstation. Your every flight, train ride or car ride will pose
negative impacts to the environment
13. Avoid using tissue paper to dry your hands. Use hand dryer instead or prepare yourself a small
towel in the office
14. Donate old and unwanted computers and furniture to individuals and organizations in need

Wastage and misuse of resources is not only immoral and anti-humankind, it is also unlawful and

uneconomical. The faith-based fellows should take this very seriously since wastage of resources and
polluting environment are sins (wrongdoings) and we will be held answerable to God about these
damaging acts because of our deliberate ignorance or indolence. And for my friends who simply believe
in science, logic and reason, they should rather be more conscious since we have the responsibility to
take care of our environment and natural resources so that our mother earth can sustain for us as well
as for our future generations.

**Tahir Hasnain is a veteran researcher and development practitioner serving the non-government
development sector since two decades. Currently he works for Shirkat Gah as Programme Manager,
Environment & Livelihood. He can be contacted at - tahir@khi.sgah.org.pk