The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy Novel


This is the explosive true story of the seven celebrity-obsessed teens who
became the most audacious burglary gang in Hollywood history. The novel tells
about the seven schoolfriends stole millions of dollars’ worth of clothing,
jewellery and possessions from the sprawling mansions of Paris Hilton, Lindsay
Lohan and Orlando Bloom, among others – using gossip websites, Google Earth
and Twitter to aid their crimes.
The story begins when quiet teenager Marc Hall arrives as a new student at
Indian Hills High School in Agoura Hills, California. He is befriended by fameobsessed Rebecca Ahn. While at a party at Rebecca's house, the pair check
unlocked vehicles on the street, taking valuables such as cash and credit cards.
When Marc mentions that one of his wealthy acquaintances is out of town,
Rebecca suggests they go to his house. Marc is very uncomfortable trespassing.
Rebecca steals a handbag, mentioning that her idol, Lindsay Lohan, has the same


one. She also steals cash and the keys to a Porsche, which the pair used to flee the
scene. With the cash, the two go on a shopping spree, affording themselves the
luxury lifestyle they admire in magazines.
Marc visits a nightclub with Rebecca and her friends Nicki, her adopted

sister Sam, and Chloe, where they rub shoulders with celebrities such as Kirsten
Dunst and Paris Hilton. While researching Hilton on the Internet, Marc and
Rebecca realize that she will be out of town. The pair go to her house, and finding
the key under the doormat, they go through Hilton's belongings, taking some
jewelry. Rebecca then flaunts a stolen bracelet to Nicki, Sam, and Chloe at a
At Nicki's request, Rebecca and Marc take her, Sam and Chloe back to
Hilton's house. The group marvels at the excess of Hilton's lifestyle, and steals
shoes, bags, dresses, cash, and jewelry. Marc and Rebecca return to rob Hilton's
house on a third occasion. The pair also decides to rob the home of
AudrinaPatridge, once again using the Internet to determine when she will not be
home. The entire group uses the same method to burgle the home of Megan Fox,
with Nicki's younger sister Emily (Georgia Rock) squeezing through a pet door to
gain access to the home.
The group enters the home of Orlando Bloom and his girlfriend, Miranda
Kerr. The girls proceed to steal similar items, while Marc finds a case filled with
seven of Bloom's Rolex watches along with a roll of cash. Chloe then helps Marc
sell the watches to her friend, a night club manager named Ricky. The group


returns once again to Hilton's house, with Sam's boyfriend Rob, who also steals
from the home.
A news report releases captured CCTV footage from the robbery at
AudrinaPatridge's home. This concerns Marc, but Rebecca is undeterred and
instigates a burglary at the home of Rachel Bilson. Word spreads amongst the
group's social circles, and the girls proudly boast of their accomplishments at
parties, also posting photographs of the stolen items on social media sites. The
group ultimately robs the home of Lohan, Rebecca's celebrity idol. Shortly after,
Rebecca moves to Las Vegas with her father due to troubles at home, leaving
some of her stolen items with Marc, who inadvertently helps Rebecca transfer
stolen items across state lines.
News reports of the Hollywood Hills burglaries intensify, with the media
labeling the group "The Bling Ring". CCTV from several robberies in addition to
the evidence on social media allows authorities to identify the group. Police arrest
Marc, Nicki, Chloe, Rebecca, Rob, and Ricky, however Sam is not identified in
the footage and avoids arrest. Marc cooperates with the police, informing them on
the details of the burglaries, much to the chagrin of Rebecca, who has been
identified as the ringleader. A Vanity Fair journalist interviews Marc, who is
remorseful, and Nicki, who vehemently suggests the others were at fault, and that

she was simply involved with the wrong people. Rebecca also denies being at
fault and tries to pass the blame for all of this and Marc and her other friends. The
group is ultimately prosecuted, receiving varying amounts of jail time and is
ordered to collectively pay millions of dollars in restitution for the stolen items.


The group serves its jail time, and Marc and Rebecca each go into
seclusion from the press, never seeing or speaking to each other again, with both
of them continuing to blame each other for the robberies.
In the final scene, set a few months later, Nicki is on a talk show talking
about her time in jail, and reveals that her cell was next to Lindsay Lohan's. After
digressing, she turns to the audience (and the viewers) as she finds a way to
enhance her newfound notoriety, telling them to visit her now-popular website
detailing her life after 'The Bling Ring'.