The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy Novel








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The title of this paper is "The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy's Novel". The Bling Ring is a name of a group that consists of 5 members, namely Rachel Lee, Nick Prugo, Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames and Diana Tamayo. A little background of five people, they are the members of a group that stole various items from the several house well-known artists in Hollywood. The purpose of stealing these items is to show the public that they are great, formidable, and success in stealing. Although they managed to steal but they are isolated by others. They were hated by the other people because of their behavior.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy’s Novel”. The Bling Ring adalahsebuahnamakelompok yang beranggotakan 5 orangyaitu Rachel Lee, Nick Prugo, Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames, dan Diana Tamayo. Sedikitlatarbelakangdari 5 orang tersebut,mereka adalah anggota kelompok yang mencuri berbagaibendadari rumah beberapa artis terkenal di Hollywood. Tujuan mencuri barang-barang ini adalah untuk menunjukkan masyarakat bahwamerekaadalahhebat, tangguh, dan suksesdalamhalmencuri. Meskipun mereka berhasil mencuri tetapi mereka terisolasi oleh orang lain.Merekadibenciolehmasyarakatramaidikarenakantingkahlakunya.



First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT, for all the blessing and gives me health, strength, and inspiration to finish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Diploma Study Program, University of Sumatera Utara.

Thank you to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Culture.

Thank you to Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, MA as the Head of English Diploma Study Program and also my reader, who gives me advices to finish this paper.

Thank you to Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, M.A,as my supervisor, who gives me corrections and advices to finish this paper.

• Thank you for all the lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me knowledges.

Special thanks go to my parents, Syahrial andEllyGeswaty for supporting, loving, caring, praying, and believing in me.

My beloved siblings, Muhammad Reza Azhari and Muhammad Iqbalthanks for your advices.


Thank you for all my Diploma III English 2012 friends, Lya, Khairunnisa, Erydha, Debby, Nita, Margaret, TaryandWenny, for your attention, supports, happiness, advices, and make me laugh every day.

And finally, I realize that this paper is far from being perfect, I hope that those who read this paper may give critics and suggestions for making it better.

Medan, ……….. The Writer,

AnnisaFitri Reg. No. 122202004





ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of Study ... 2

1.3 Scope of Study ... 2

1.4 Purpose of Study ... 2

1.5 Method of Study ... 2

1.6 The Reason for Choosing The Topic ... 3


2.2 Character ... 5

2.3 Plot ... 10

2.4 Setting ... 12

2.5 Point of View ... 13

2.6 Theme ... 14

2.7 Frustration ... 15


3.2 Nick Prugo ... 19

3.3 Alexis Neiers ... 21

3.4 Courtney Ames ... 22

3.5 Diana Tamayo ... 23

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conslusion ... 25

4.2 Suggestion ... 25




The title of this paper is "The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy's Novel". The Bling Ring is a name of a group that consists of 5 members, namely Rachel Lee, Nick Prugo, Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames and Diana Tamayo. A little background of five people, they are the members of a group that stole various items from the several house well-known artists in Hollywood. The purpose of stealing these items is to show the public that they are great, formidable, and success in stealing. Although they managed to steal but they are isolated by others. They were hated by the other people because of their behavior.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy’s Novel”. The Bling Ring adalahsebuahnamakelompok yang beranggotakan 5 orangyaitu Rachel Lee, Nick Prugo, Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames, dan Diana Tamayo. Sedikitlatarbelakangdari 5 orang tersebut,mereka adalah anggota kelompok yang mencuri berbagaibendadari rumah beberapa artis terkenal di Hollywood. Tujuan mencuri barang-barang ini adalah untuk menunjukkan masyarakat bahwamerekaadalahhebat, tangguh, dan suksesdalamhalmencuri. Meskipun mereka berhasil mencuri tetapi mereka terisolasi oleh orang lain.Merekadibenciolehmasyarakatramaidikarenakantingkahlakunya.



1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is a kind of art. Literature is also composition that tells us stories, dramatize, situations, express emotions and analyze advocate ideas. Wellek&Warren (1971:3) say, “Literature is the mirror of human life that portrays human feeling, thought, imagination and perception which can be viewed based on personal judgments.” It constitutes imaginative act from the human’s imagination and interpreting experiences.Literature can be divided into three genres, such as prose fictions, poetry and drama. Rees (1973:106) say, “A fictions prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and actions representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity”.These are all the works of imagination of the capacity for invention of the writer. In the sense of literary, prose also called fiction, narrative text or narrative discourse. Prose itself can be divided into novel, short stories, romance etc.

In this era so many problems that happen in social life. Social problems are the general factors that affect and damage society. A social problem is normally a term used to describe problems with a particular area or group of people in the world. Social problems often involve problems that affect real life.

This novel describes for the real-world crime. This novel is based on actual an event which describes how a gang of fame-obsessed teens ripped off Hollywood and shocked the world by their act crime. It was about a teenage


burglary ring that had targeted the homes of young Hollywood between 2008-2009 years. The burglars, most of them recent high school graduates, had made-off with nearly $3 million in clothing, jewelry, luggage, and art from a collection of “stars”.

The main clue in this novel is Rachel Lee. Rachel was obsessed with fashion and then Rachel ask Nick Purgo, Alexis Neiers, Diana Tamayo, and Courtney Ames to do this crime by breaking into celebrity mansions and could steal millions of dollars’ worth of valuables. The “Bling Ring” the name given to the burglary ring by Los Angeles Times.

1.2The Problem of the Study

1) Why does The Bling Ring feel frustration 2) What do they do deal with their frustraion 1.3 The Scope of the Study

In this paper, the writer will write down the ideas of Bling in the community activities and the things they do as the effect of the frustration.

1.4. The purpose of the study

1) To find out the reasons of Bling to be the followers of darkness 2) To find out anything The Bling commits to the victim.

1.5.The Method of the study

In writing this paper, the writer applied descriptive qualitative research methods. The primary of data source is The Bling Ring novel and the secondary of data source are books. For the purpose of writing this paper the writer applies


the library research because all of the data are collected from the written text give description to The Bling’s behavior found in the novel.

1.6 The Reason for Choosing The Topic

I choosed this topic because this novel is an interesting story about how a gang of Fame-Obsessed Teens Ripped Off Hollywood and shocked the World is a shocking look at the seedy world of the real young Hollywood.



Novel is an extended fictional work in prose and usually in the form of story. The novel was originally developed in the region from other forms of narrative nonfiction, such as letters, biographies, and history. But with a shift in society and development time, the novel is not only based on data nonfiction, author of novel can change according to desire imagination. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition novel. The construction of the narrative, the plot, the way reality is created in the works of fiction, the fascination of the character study, and the use of language are usually discussed to show a novel’s artistic merit. Most of these requirements were introduced in the 17th century in order to give fiction a justification outside the field of factual story. The individualism of the presentation makes the personal memoir and the autobiography the two closest relatives among the genders of the modern histories.

Taylor (1981:46) says that the novel was the first of the two to develop and from the end of the Neo-Classical period it was recognized as a major literary form. It is normally a prose work of quite some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct. Novel’s subject may be taken from patterns of life or as an exotic and imaginative time or place. The work may create the illusion of actual reality or frankly admit the artificiality of its fictional world in order to direct


ourattention to an imaginative relationship between the subject matter or theme of the work and the real world in which we actually live.

Watson (1979:4) says, “A novel is a way learning about how things were or are-cognitive instrument; and those who distrust stories as evidence should consider how often conversation we use them to make a points or answer questions.”It means novel has many function to inform or make a points or in some subjects of distrust stories. A work of fiction with fewer than 30,000 to 40,000 words is usually considered a short story, novelette, or a tale, but the novel has no actual maximum length. The novel is a literary prose shaped like a short story. Both novel and short story tell all events or problems that occur in human life. The difference takes place is historian. Short story kinds to be single plot and limited in member but novel is longer.

Good novels stay in the mind days after one has completed reading it. In other words, good novels give food for thought in every reader. In example, they stimulate one’s thinking, or the ‘feel good’ element in the novel makes the reader play it out many, many times in their mind so they can relieve the ‘feel good’ moments again and again. The novel contains moral massages that writer wants to give for every reader. The novel is a good read for self improvement. A good novel is a novel that can humanize and entertain the reader.

2.2 Character

In fiction, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being. We can conclude characters are the persons presented in works of narrative such as novel, drama, or film who convey their personal through


dialogues and action by which the reader or audience understand their thoughts, feelings, intentions, and motives. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, author portray character that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving. Although, there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

Bonazza and Roy (1982:3) say that character and characterization are closely related but essentially different concepts. Character refers to one of the persons in the story-the end results of the author’s effort to create a fictional personality. On the other hands, characterizations refers to the means by which the writer creates the sum of traits, thoughts, and action which, taken together, constitute a character.

Literary characters may belong to a number of stock types: a euphoric, a romantically, a frivolous and shallow sophisticate, a mild-mannered, selfeffacing office worker, a diffident but resourceful and brave, an impractically gallant adolescent, and so on.

Foster (1927) says that There are two basic major types of character “round character” and “flat character” Round character is that they recognize, change with, or adjust to circumstances. The round character are usually the main figure un a story, profit from experience and undergoes a change or alternation, which may be shown in an action or actions, the realization of new strength and therefore the affirmative of previous decisions, the acceptance of new condition, or the discovery of unrecognized truths. The round character usually plays a major


Many main characters are anything but heroic, however, and it is therefore preferable to use the more neutral word protagonist. The protagonist is the central of theaction, moves against an antagonist, and exhibits the ability to adapt to new circumstances. In contrast, Flat characters do not grow. They remain the same because they may be stupid or insensitive or lacking in knowledge or insight. They end where they begin. But the flat characters are not therefore worthless, for the usually highlight the development of the round characters. Generally, flat characters are minor, although not all minor characters are necessarily flat. Sometimes, the flat characters are prominent in certain types of literature, such as cow boys, police, detective stories, where the focus is less on character than on performance. They must be strong, tough, and lever enough to perform recurring tasks like solving crime, overcoming a villain, or finding a treasure. The term stock character refers to characters in these repeating situations. To the degree that stock characters have many common traits, they are representative of their class, or their group. Such characters, with variations in names, ages, sexes, have been constant in literature since the ancient Greeks. Some regular stock characters are the insensitive father, the interfering mother, the sassy younger brother or sister, the greedpolitician, the resourceful cowboy or detective, the overbearing or henpecked husband, the submissive or nagging wife, and the angry police captain. Stock characters stay flat as long as they merely perform their roles and exhibit conventional and unindividual traits. When they posses no attitudes except those of their class, they are labeled stereotype, because they all seem to be cast from the same mold or printing matrix. Other concept


relating to characters are static character and dynamic character or developing. The concept of static suggests the opposite with dynamic. Static character never changes. A loud, obnoxious “background” character who remains the same throughout the story is static. A boring character that is never changed b y events is also static. The concept of developing or dynamic character suggest that the character achieves a different view of life as a result of some insight gained from conflict and is no longer quite the same person as before. Dynamic character is unlike a static characters, a dynamic character does change and grow as the story unfolds. Dynamic characters respond to events and experience a change in attitude or outlook. There are two other important terms to keep in mind for describing people: protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is the major character with whom we generally sympathize. The main character in a story is generally known as the protagonist. The character who opposed him or her is the antagonist. The antagonist is the character with who the protagonist is in the conflict. The antagonist is generally not sympathize. The character who opposed him or her is the antagonist.

Stanford (2003:38) says that character is the fictional people who are part of the action of a literary work. The characters also should have motivation. Motivation in this term is the reason or reasons that cause a character to think, act, or speak in a certain way.

Character is revealed by how a character responds to conflict, by his or her dialogues, and through descriptions. Every character have different purpose


symbols in the novel and to facilitate the development of the plot in novel. In novel, a character doesn’t need many characters. Stories, like plays, are about characters. A character that though is not real people, are drawn life. A Story is usually concerned with a major problem that character must face. This may be involved interaction with another character, with a difficult situation, or with an idea or general circumstance that force action. The character may win, lose, or tie. He or she may learn and be the better for the experience or may miss the point and be unchanged.

Peck and Coyle (1986:105) says that the definition of character in literary work or not like real life people for they have been specially created by authors. When authors create characters, they select some aspects of ordinary people, develop some of those aspects while playing down others and put them together as they please. The result is an ordinary person, but a fictional character who only exist in the words of literary work. Based on the statement above that characters is probably an imagined person who inhabits a story, although that simple definition may admit to a view exceptions, but usually have recognize, in the main character of the story human personalities that become function to us. If the story seems true in life, we generally find that its character act in a reasonably consistent manner and that the author has provided them with motivation, sufficient reason to behave as they do.

Roberts and Jacobs (1995) say,” A Character is a reasonable facsimile of a human being, with all the good and bad traits of being human.


Taylor (1981:62) says that a character in a novel or play is not real human being and has no life outside the literary compositions; however well the illusion of reality has been created by the author.

Richard (1981:62) says that a character is a mere construction of words meant to express an idea or view of experience and must be considered in relation to other features of the compositions.

Reader and woods (1987) say,” The character in a good novel are interesting, interesting, intriguing consistent, convincing, complex and realistic. If the author has created a particularly vivid or individualistic character, then we, as readers, will find that character interesting regardless of whether or not symphatize with him or her.”They also explain about the way to express a character with some points that consist of:

1. What they say about themselves 2. What others say about their characters

3. What is said by the narrator or the author of their 4. The reaction of another character

5. The figures reaction to a particular situation 6. The character reactions to their environment

7. Physical characteristics and the shape of their bodies 8. How to dress them

9. Accent or their social position 10. The attitude of their lives 11. Their education

12. Habits and their mental condition

2.3 Plot

Plot is a simple account of what happens in a story. Another definition of plot is the arrangement of the events in a story into a causal sequence. The plot is based on the interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically.


takes account of the nature of the characters, the way in which events are related to each other and their dramatic effect.

Kennedy (1991:7) says that plot is the artistic arrangement of those events. It means the most important element among other elements of fictions because a structure events arising out of the conflict. Plot is the logical interactions of the various thematic elements of a text which lead to a change of the original situation as presented at the outset of the narrative. One of the most important elements in shaping a work of fiction is plot.

Scharbach (1965:270) says that plot is the action of the narrative considered as an interrelation of incidents and episodes to form a story pattern.” It ordinarily means the parts of the story, the various stages of the protagonist’s conflict leading to some climax and following denouement or conclusion. Some modern “plotless” narratives still have story parts, but the design of their arrangement differs radically from the old chronological order.”

Bonazza and Roy (1982:3) say that among the formal elements of plot are: exposition, background; conflict, the opposition of forces, internal or external; complication, the development of predictable or unforeseen contingencies in the action; foreshadowing, a hint of what is to come; reversal, a change in fortune experienced by the protagonist; denouement, the final outcome of the sequence of events; and insight, recognition by the protagonist of his or her nature or fate. The technical competence on the part of an author in manipulating plot does not make a literary work great, or even worth a second reading. What does make a work great and worthy of repeated reading is its power to engage the reader’s intellect


and emotions. This power is achieved by the author’s creative imagination working through the skillful manipulation of all the elements that go into the making of a story.

2.4 Setting

Setting refers to the time, place, and social reality within which a story takes place. In some stories, the setting becomes a character itself. We have no understanding where we are, in which period of time, in which society and at which level at the society if we are to interpret correctly the other elements in the story.

Stanford (2003: 44) says that setting is the time and place of a literary work. Setting includes social, political, and economic background as well as geographic and physical locations. Two kinds of aspect in setting are exterior setting and interior setting. The exterior setting is aspects of setting that exist outside the character. Likewise, the interior setting is aspects of setting that exist inside the minds and hearts of the characters.

Taylor (1981:69) says that setting is a major factor in the formulation of subject matter and a directed influence on the expression theme. As in the case of the other factors, however, setting needs to be realistic, nor, in fact, even physical. Historical time (past, present or future) is very effective for certain narratives and an accurate geographical location advisable, but it is also possible to set a fiction in some vague undetermined time, omitting historical references altogether in order to achieve a sense of timelessness and universality. Physical setting may be


localized in a particular and known place or an unspecified and unfamiliar region, depending on the author’s particular need.

Gwynn (2002:17) says that setting is simply the time and the place of a story, and in most cases the details of descriptions are given to the reader directly by the narrator. Stories contain both specific and general setting. The specific setting is the precise times and places. The general setting of a story, its enveloping action, is its sense of the “times” and how its characters interact with events and social currents in the larger world. From the study of the setting would be known the extent of conformity and correlation between behavior and temperament with the community leaders, social, situation, and opinion of society. 2.5 Point of View

Point of view is the position from which the details of the work are reported or described. The concept of point of view introduced in the discussion on character and characterization requires a more detailed explanation because of its importance to the structure of a story.

Roberts and Jacobs (1995:180) say “Point of view refers to the position and stance of the voice, or speaker that authors adopt for their work. Every story has a narrator, a voice or character that tells about a work of a fiction.

Kennedy (1991:19) says that to identify the narrator of a story, describing any part he or she plays in the events and any limits placed upon his knowledge, is to identify the story’s point of view. This way is very important to do.

Taylor (1981:72) says that point of view actually operates on two different levels within a narrative. The first is structural and has a direct influence


on the action by determining the degree of knowledge or understanding given to the reader. The second level is stylistic or textural, and therefore indirect. Its aim is to give an indication of values or judgements which may stem from the fictional narrator, the author, or both. In a story, we can classify point of view into the first –person point of view and the third-person point of view. The first-person point of view or participant narrator, the story is told by a character within the story, a character using the first pronoun, I. If the narrator is the main character, the point of view is the first person protagonist. If the narrator is thesecondary character, the point of view is first person observe. In the third point of view or nonparticipant narrator, the story is not told by a character but by an “invisible author.” It means the story is using the third person pronoun (he, she, and it) to tell the chronology of a story. If the third person narrator gives us the thoughts of characters (He wondered where he’d lost his baseball glove), then he is a third person dramatic narrator. Different points of view can emphasize different things. A first person protagonist narrator would give us access to the thought and characteristic of the main character. If the author does not want us to have that access, he could use the first person observe, for example, or the third person dramatic.

2.6 Theme

Theme is one of the fundamental components in a story or fiction. Broadly, a theme is central of idea or basic story which is become food for thought. A theme of the story relates to the practice of human life, human experience,impressive. Themes can be divided into two categories: a work


Peck and Coyle (1984:141) says that theme of work is the large idea or concept it is dealing with. In order to grasp the theme of work, we have to stand back from the text and see what sort of general experience or subject links all its details together.

Bonazza and Roy (1982:10) say, “The theme of a story is the generalization about human life that can be drawn from the outcome of the conflict and from the support provided by tone, attitude, atmosphere, setting, and symbolism, or allegory.” It means a theme like a complete expression and necessarily accurate in a story.

Stanford (2003:53) says that theme is the central idea you seek as you read a work and think about it. The theme of a work is generalization: an idea that can be broadly applied both to the work itself and to real-life situation outside the work. For conclusion, we also get the definition of them. The theme is overall meaning the readers derive from a story. Theme is one of the very important parts in a story.

2.7 Frustration

Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition. Related to anger and disappointment, it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will. The greater the obstruction, and the greater the will, the more the frustration is likely to be. Causes of frustration may be internal or external. In people, internal frustration may arise from challenges in fulfilling personal goals and desires, instinctual drives and needs, or dealing with perceived deficiencies, such as a lack of confidence or fear of social situations. Conflict can also be an


internal source of frustration; when one has competing goals that interfere with one another, it can create cognitive dissonance. External causes of frustration involve conditions outside an individual, such as a blocked road or a difficult task. While coping with frustration, some individuals may engage in passive– aggressive behavior, making it difficult to identify the original cause(s) of their frustration, as the responses are indirect. A more direct, and common response, is a propensity towards aggression.


3. THE DESCRIPTION OF BLING’S FRUSTRATION The experiences of The Bling’s members pictured in the plot can be stated as follow :

3.1 Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee is the woman who obessed with branded clothes. The ringleader of the group, Lee lived in Calabasas with her mother. Lee and her older sister had a privileged unbringing, and she drove a white Audi A4 to school

To satisfy her desire, she decided to made an easy way like stealing . So, she made a gang of fame-obsessed. It names The Bling Ring. She has 4 members in her group. There are Nick Prugo, Diana Tamayo, Alexis Neiers, and Courtney Ames.

The purpose of the bling ring is to follow lifestyle and hollywood celebrities and reaching their desire, they do something criminal, which is stealing branded stuff belonging to the artist Hollywood.

There are the steps how The Bling stealing the selebrity’s stuff :

1) They are looking the information of celebrity on internet from TMZ is one of website on internet that giving all about information of Hollywood celebrity.

2) They are spy the location they want to steal.

3) They note when the security were patrolled around celebrity’s mansion and when the mansion not occupied by pretending that they come with wrong address.


5) They look into every single room to know where celebrity’s stuff.

Starting from two teenagers that has plane to do bulglar crime at first time for them. They were a girl and a boy, 18 and 17, who lived not far away in Calabasas, an affluent suburd in the Valley, Nick and Rachel. The reason they come to Paris’s House because Rachel Lee is really to take Paris Clothes.

“Rachel was obsessed with fashion, Nick said, she was obsessed with clothes; that was why they were going to Paris’s house that night, because Rachel wanted Paris’s clothes” ( The Bling Ring, p.4)

Lifestyle is a way of living of individuals, families (households), and societies, which they manifest in coping with their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments on a day-to-day basis.Each person has their lifestyle, including all members of The Bling Ring, but Rachel is the one who the most obsessed with luxury lifestyle which makes her being the gang's alleged mastermind.

“When I got a chance to talk to Nick Prugo and asked him why he thought Rachel Lee was so obsessed with their famous victims that she would steal their clothes, he said,”I think she just wanted to be part of the lifestyle. Like, the lifestyle that everybody kind of wants.” (The Bling Ring, p.33)

After they succeed in their first stealing, they have desire to do it again with all the member of the bling ring. The members that join in the second robbing are Diana Tamayo, Courtney Ames, Alexis Neiers, Nicholas Prugo and they become addicted to robbing over and over again. It can be proved in this following quotation :


-“the gang’s alleged mastermind,” according to the post; Diana Tamayo, 19; Courtney Ames, 18; Alexis Neirs, 18;Nicholas Prugo, 18.” (The Bling Ring, p.13)

3.2 Nick Prugo

Nick Prugowas reported to be a shy and friendless teen prescribred Concerta for anxiety, who was tranferred to Indian Hills High School after being expelled from Calabasas High School for excessive absences.

Honestly,Nick won’t be joined with the bling ring member, but he feels thatRachel the only one that understand him that’s the reason why Nick having crush with Rachel. He always follow what Rachel’s command so that Rachel didn’t leave him.As can be proved in the following quotation :

“He resented the way that Rachel was always in charge, no matter what they did—he “hated that,” he said---but what could he do? This was “the girl [he] loved,” and he didn’t want to lose her. And although he’d never tested it, there was something about Rachel that said that if you didn’t do what Rachel wanted, she would walk away.” ((The Bling Ring, p.9)

But in this recent time, mostly of teenager want to be looks like a cool kids because they won’t get bully and stayed away from others and absolutely they won’t everyone in their surroundings looks them down. That’s why Nick does stealing by join in The Bling Ring, because he want looks deserve to be adapted in Elite Surroundings.

“But the glamour was what Nick wanted, too. And he knew that Tess and Alexis could provide him with that by bringing him into nightlife. “They were the first people that brought me out to clubs,” he said. “They brought me to Beso,”the celebrity hot spot on Hollywood Boulevard. “I started going out with them started meeting people. Everyone loved me, everyone loved them. We started going out a lot to the hottest nightclubs,


celebrity nightclubs---Voyeur, Wonderland, Teddy’s at the Roosevelt. They can get in anywhere because they’re so hot and gorgeous and young and the celebrity guys love to have them at their table.” (The Bling Ring, p.116)

And then in America, mostly boys teenager being diagnosed with psychiatric conditions and it makes them were doing all kinds of troubling things. It happens to Nick. That’s what makes Nick doing this criminal. He’s being diagnosed because that As can be proved in this following quotation :

“Even if it Prugo was the ringleader, what was he getting out of all this? My cop source asked. “Those kids stole women’s clothes. It’s kind of a bizarre thing for a teenage boy to be doing.”But American boys were doing all kinds of troubling things, I was learning, reading up on what was going on with kids. “It’s a bad time to be a boy in America.” (The Bling Ring, p.43)

In The Bling Ring, Nick who is tasked with finding all the information about artists who wish they were after. He was getting across the information through the internet. He is the who helped Rachel to realize her desire.

“Prugo was said to be thebling ring’s surveillancemeister, the one who found the celebrities’ addresses and pictures of their homes on internet. TMZ, which was all over this story(they were calling the gang “the burglar bunch”), had posted a Google Mpas search of Orlando Bloom’s home that prugo had allegedy done on a stolen computer; they were calling the image a “smoking guy.” (It was a bit of a mystery how TMZ was getting its hands on all these interesting things, but more on that later).” (The Bling Ring, p.16)

Nick also has fallen in love with Rachel when she first met him. He felt that Rachel is different. He is not the same as others. Because of the poor, Nick always in bulli and shunned by the people around him. But in contrast to Rachel,


she always listen to Nick and accompany Nick. That's why Nick fell in love with him.

“Rachel listened. “she really sympathizes with whatever your situation is,”Nick said. “she puts herself in there to understand you, to feel your pain. She builts on that. She really knew where I was at and she knew how to comfort me and be a friend to me, and I think that’s why I trusted her so much and why I got involved with her so much. (The Bling Ring, p.39)

3.3 Alexis Neiers

Alexis Neiers had been part of Lee’s social circle at Indian Hills. At one point, she was kicked out of her home by her mother for, according to police, smoking OxyContin. Prugo took her in, and she claims that although she knew her circle of only became inadvertently involved when, while drunk, shr unknowingly accopanied Prugo to what turned out to be a bulgarly of Orlando Bloom’s hoome.

The environment is also very important influence on the child. How do we choose a friend, how to determine the attitude is also located in the environment. So the role of parents is very important in keeping children not to choose the wrong. But it does not happen to Alexis. Alexis has a less harmonious relationship with his father too.

“In my life,” Alexis said, dabbing at her eyes, “I’ve a lot of struggle, with my dad falling off the face of this earth---he wasn’t a father. He wouldn’t give any child support for years and he was a drug addict and alcoholic.” (The Bling Ring, p.62)

But after one of the member of the bling ring named alexis has been wanted by police, she came backto her mother and her mother asked her why she became


the member of bling ring and alexis said that she did it because her condition in life. She just want to be a part of them that can makes she like a cool kids.

“Do you see a lot kids in L.A making bad choices? Iasked. She said,” I do. I’m not ever going to be one to say that I’m perfect or that I haven’t made a bad choice in my life, but what I will say, with the choices that you make you’re setting an example for the future kids. These days I’m looking at these celebrities getting into fights, being in abusiverelationships, getting D.U.I.s and stuff like that, and I’m thinking to myself, what kind of example are you setting? The example that it sets for kids in my area is---they think drinking’s cool cause pf celebrities and all the Young Hollywood life and partying and stuff like that, andwhat we don’t realize is our action truly affect everyone.” (The BlingRing, p.146)

Alexis was the responsible person. She realized her mistake and she accepts the consequences of all of that. Although she has a less harmonious relationship between her and her parents,she’s always strong live her own life. She does not depend on anyone.

“Alexis said, “It comes down to choices My Karmic journey was to bring truth to a situation. If that means for me to have to go through what I am going through---“ She was starting to tear up. “My destiny it to bring truth to all of this, and I think that---“ She was getting emotional again, like she had in Rubenstein’s office when she started to talk about her destiny.Everything happens for a reason,” Alexis said, recovering her composure. “It all comes back to choices.” (The Bling Ring, p.145-146)

3.4 Courtney Ames

Courtney Ames, whose stepfather is boxer Randy Shields, was a Calabasas High School student and an “old friend” of Lee’s. It was through Ames that the others met Lopez and Ajar, her boyfriend. As can be describe in this following


“Courtney’s very appearance had transformed. Once typically seen wearing Converse sneakers, T-shirts, and baggy jeans, she now dressed in designet clothes. “She was transforming from a tomboy to a sexy girl,” said her stepfather.” (The Bling Ring, p.5)

Lack of attention from parents makes Courtney feelshe does not have anyone.. Shee felt that he was living alone in this world. That makes Courtney were also be the members in The Bling Ring. She did whatever she likes. Buts he never thought about what the result of his actions.

“I blame the paretns,”she said. “She said her mom didn’t want her to smoke cigarettes, but she wouldn’t stop, so now her mom just says,’Don’t throw butts on the lawn.’She gave her an ashtray.”

3.5 Diana Tamayo

Diana Tamayo was, in 2008, the student body president at Indian Hills, where she had been voted “best smile,” and been awarded a $1.500 “future teacher” scholarship after graduation. She was also known for getting into fights, and according to the police is an undocomented immigrant from mexico, but also seemed to be semi affluent as she drove a Lincoln Navigator.

Starting from playing together, Rachel inciting Diana to follow the game and join the group The Bling Ring. Diana just went along in this group. Diana’s task is to keep the outside of the house and the surrounding environment while the other group members stole in the house.


“She and Rachel had decided to go out to dinner---“sushi or something.” Diana said that Nick was with them in her navigator, which she was driving, when Rachelsugested,”Let’s go look at some really pretty houses.” Diana said that she then overhead Nick and Rachel discussing the

Location of Lindsay Lohan’s home. Nick was the brains, Rachel was the balls, and Diana was the look out.” (The Bling Ring, p.200-201)



In this chapter the writer would like gives some conclusions and suggestions from the analyzed data. The conclusion and suggestion as follow: 4.1Conclusions

Frustration is a common emotional response the opposition. Related to anger and disappointment, it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will. Our level frustration put on in the things that obstacle our wishes.

In Nancy’s,The Bling Ring frustration shows how it happen to them.Frustration can make someone do the criminal things. Obsession, poverty, and fear can make someone feel frustrating. It happened in all of the member The Bling Ring.

Because of their obsession and fear of shunned from other people, they follow a luxury lifestyle. But poverty is a barrier to realizing their obsession.So, they will do anything to make their obsession come true eventhough do the criminal thing like stealing.

4.2. Suggestions

After analyzing The Bling Ring, I would hope that the reader can understand about the story and get more knowledge. I also expect that the readers are interested in reading and discussing Nancy Jo Sales’s book. Finally I hope that someday there is another student who will do for the different analysis of this because The Bling Ring is very interesting.



Allport, G. W.1937. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York :Henry Holt.

Broadbent, D.E.1971. Decision and Stress. London: Academic Press.

Huddlestone, Rodney. 1995. Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press.

Jo Sales, Nancy. 2013. The Bling Ring. New York : HarperCollins Publishers. Peck, John, and Martin. 1984. Literary Terms and Criticism. London : Macmillan

Education Ltd.

Rees, R.J 1973 English Literature. London Macmillan Education Limited.

Sembiring, Matius, C.A. 2015.KompilasiBahanKuliah D-3.Medan : Faculty of Culture Study, English Department, USU.

Sembiring, Matius, C.A. 2015.BukuPedoman Program D-3.Medan : Faculty of Culture Study, English Department, USU.

Surachmad, Winarno. 1982. PengantarPenelitianIlmiah. Bandung :Tarsito. Suryabrata, 1984.MetodologiPenelitian.Jakarta :Angkasa.

Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding the Elements of Literature. London : The Macmillan Pres Ltd.



This is the explosive true story of the seven celebrity-obsessed teens who became the most audacious burglary gang in Hollywood history. The novel tells about the seven schoolfriends stole millions of dollars’ worth of clothing, jewellery and possessions from the sprawling mansions of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Orlando Bloom, among others – using gossip websites, Google Earth and Twitter to aid their crimes.

The story begins when quiet teenager Marc Hall arrives as a new student at obsessed Rebecca Ahn. While at a party at Rebecca's house, the pair check unlocked vehicles on the street, taking valuables such as cash and credit cards.

When Marc mentions that one of his wealthy acquaintances is out of town, Rebecca suggests they go to his house. Marc is very uncomfortable trespassing. Rebecca steals a handbag, mentioning that her idol


one. She also steals cash and the keys to a scene. With the cash, the two go on a shopping spree, affording themselves the luxury lifestyle they admire in magazines.

Marc visits a nightclub with Rebecca and her friends Nicki, her adopted sister Sam, and Chloe, where they rub shoulders with celebrities such as Rebecca realize that she will be out of town. The pair go to her house, and finding the key under the doormat, they go through Hilton's belongings, taking some jewelry. Rebecca then flaunts a stolen bracelet to Nicki, Sam, and Chloe at a party.

At Nicki's request, Rebecca and Marc take her, Sam and Chloe back to Hilton's house. The group marvels at the excess of Hilton's lifestyle, and steals shoes, bags, dresses, cash, and jewelry. Marc and Rebecca return to rob Hilton's house on a third occasion. The pair also decides to rob the home of home. The entire group uses the same method to burgle the home of with Nicki's younger sister Emily (Georgia Rock) squeezing through a gain access to the home.

The group enters the home of seven of Bloom's sell the watches to her friend, a night club manager named Ricky. The group


returns once again to Hilton's house, with Sam's boyfriend Rob, who also steals from the home.

A news report releases captur AudrinaPatridge's home. This concerns Marc, but Rebecca is undeterred and instigates a burglary at the home of group's social circles, and the girls proudly boast of their accomplishments at parties, also posting photographs of the stolen items on social media sites. The group ultimately robs the home of Lohan, Rebecca's celebrity idol. Shortly after, Rebecca moves to Las Vegas with her father due to troubles at home, leaving some of her stolen items with Marc, who inadvertently helps Rebecca transfer stolen items across state lines.

News reports of the Hollywood Hills burglaries intensify, with the media labeling the group "The Bling Ring". CCTV from several robberies in addition to the evidence on social media allows authorities to identify the group. Police arrest Marc, Nicki, Chloe, Rebecca, Rob, and Ricky, however Sam is not identified in the footage and avoids arrest. Marc cooperates with the police, informing them on the details of the burglaries, much to the chagrin of Rebecca, who has been identified as the ringleader. A remorseful, and Nicki, who vehemently suggests the others were at fault, and that she was simply involved with the wrong people. Rebecca also denies being at fault and tries to pass the blame for all of this and Marc and her other friends. The group is ultimately prosecuted, receiving varying amounts of jail time and is ordered to collectively pay millions of dollars i


The group serves its jail time, and Marc and Rebecca each go into seclusion from the press, never seeing or speaking to each other again, with both of them continuing to blame each other for the robberies.

In the final scene, set a few months later, Nicki is on a talk show talking about her time in jail, and reveals that her cell was nex digressing, she turns to the audience (and the viewers) as she finds a way to enhance her newfound notoriety, telling them to visit her now-popular website detailing her life after 'The Bling Ring'.



In this chapter the writer would like gives some conclusions and suggestions from the analyzed data. The conclusion and suggestion as follow: 4.1 Conclusions

Frustration is a common emotional response the opposition. Related to anger and disappointment, it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will. Our level frustration put on in the things that obstacle our wishes.

In Nancy’s,The Bling Ring frustration shows how it happen to them.Frustration can make someone do the criminal things. Obsession, poverty, and fear can make someone feel frustrating. It happened in all of the member The Bling Ring.

Because of their obsession and fear of shunned from other people, they follow a luxury lifestyle. But poverty is a barrier to realizing their obsession.So, they will do anything to make their obsession come true eventhough do the criminal thing like stealing.



Allport, G. W.1937. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York :Henry Holt.

Broadbent, D.E.1971. Decision and Stress. London: Academic Press.

Huddlestone, Rodney. 1995. Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press.

Jo Sales, Nancy. 2013. The Bling Ring. New York : HarperCollins Publishers. Peck, John, and Martin. 1984. Literary Terms and Criticism. London : Macmillan

Education Ltd.

Rees, R.J 1973 English Literature. London Macmillan Education Limited.

Sembiring, Matius, C.A. 2015.KompilasiBahanKuliah D-3.Medan : Faculty of Culture Study, English Department, USU.

Sembiring, Matius, C.A. 2015.BukuPedoman Program D-3.Medan : Faculty of Culture Study, English Department, USU.

Surachmad, Winarno. 1982. PengantarPenelitianIlmiah. Bandung :Tarsito. Suryabrata, 1984.MetodologiPenelitian.Jakarta :Angkasa.

Taylor, Richard. 1981. Understanding the Elements of Literature. London : The Macmillan Pres Ltd.



This is the explosive true story of the seven celebrity-obsessed teens who became the most audacious burglary gang in Hollywood history. The novel tells about the seven schoolfriends stole millions of dollars’ worth of clothing, jewellery and possessions from the sprawling mansions of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Orlando Bloom, among others – using gossip websites, Google Earth and Twitter to aid their crimes.

The story begins when quiet teenager Marc Hall arrives as a new student at


one. She also steals cash and the keys to a scene. With the cash, the two go on a shopping spree, affording themselves the luxury lifestyle they admire in magazines.

Marc visits a nightclub with Rebecca and her friends Nicki, her adopted sister Sam, and Chloe, where they rub shoulders with celebrities such as Rebecca realize that she will be out of town. The pair go to her house, and finding the key under the doormat, they go through Hilton's belongings, taking some jewelry. Rebecca then flaunts a stolen bracelet to Nicki, Sam, and Chloe at a party.

At Nicki's request, Rebecca and Marc take her, Sam and Chloe back to Hilton's house. The group marvels at the excess of Hilton's lifestyle, and steals shoes, bags, dresses, cash, and jewelry. Marc and Rebecca return to rob Hilton's house on a third occasion. The pair also decides to rob the home of home. The entire group uses the same method to burgle the home of with Nicki's younger sister Emily (Georgia Rock) squeezing through a gain access to the home.

The group enters the home of seven of Bloom's sell the watches to her friend, a night club manager named Ricky. The group


returns once again to Hilton's house, with Sam's boyfriend Rob, who also steals from the home.

A news report releases captur AudrinaPatridge's home. This concerns Marc, but Rebecca is undeterred and instigates a burglary at the home of group's social circles, and the girls proudly boast of their accomplishments at parties, also posting photographs of the stolen items on social media sites. The group ultimately robs the home of Lohan, Rebecca's celebrity idol. Shortly after, Rebecca moves to Las Vegas with her father due to troubles at home, leaving some of her stolen items with Marc, who inadvertently helps Rebecca transfer stolen items across state lines.

News reports of the Hollywood Hills burglaries intensify, with the media labeling the group "The Bling Ring". CCTV from several robberies in addition to the evidence on social media allows authorities to identify the group. Police arrest Marc, Nicki, Chloe, Rebecca, Rob, and Ricky, however Sam is not identified in the footage and avoids arrest. Marc cooperates with the police, informing them on the details of the burglaries, much to the chagrin of Rebecca, who has been identified as the ringleader. A


The group serves its jail time, and Marc and Rebecca each go into seclusion from the press, never seeing or speaking to each other again, with both of them continuing to blame each other for the robberies.

In the final scene, set a few months later, Nicki is on a talk show talking about her time in jail, and reveals that her cell was nex digressing, she turns to the audience (and the viewers) as she finds a way to enhance her newfound notoriety, telling them to visit her now-popular website detailing her life after 'The Bling Ring'.