The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy Novel

The title of this paper is "The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy's
Novel". The Bling Ring is a name of a group that consists of 5 members, namely
Rachel Lee, Nick Prugo, Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames and Diana Tamayo. A
little background of five people, they are the members of a group that stole
various items from the several house well-known artists in Hollywood. The
purpose of stealing these items is to show the public that they are great,
formidable, and success in stealing. Although they managed to steal but they are
isolated by others. They were hated by the other people because of their behavior.


Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Bling Ring Frustration Written in Nancy’s
Novel”. The Bling Ring adalahsebuahnamakelompok yang beranggotakan 5
orangyaitu Rachel Lee, Nick Prugo, Alexis Neiers, Courtney Ames, dan Diana
Tamayo. Sedikitlatarbelakangdari 5 orang tersebut,mereka adalah anggota
kelompok yang mencuri berbagaibendadari rumah beberapa artis terkenal di
Hollywood. Tujuan mencuri barang-barang ini adalah untuk menunjukkan
masyarakat bahwamerekaadalahhebat, tangguh, dan suksesdalamhalmencuri.
Meskipun mereka berhasil mencuri tetapi mereka terisolasi oleh orang

