AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented in the Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Raulina Oktavia Br. Sibuea

  Student Number : 984214056 Student Registration Number : 980051120106120056








  They said that you wouldn’t make it But never mind! Cause you have never it let go inside You have wotrked real hard to what you want So believe and never give up! You can reach your goals

  I believe I can I believe I will

  I believe my dreams are real I believe i’ll reach my goals real soon

  That is what I do believe! (“I believe”-Yolanda Adams)





  First of all I would like to thank my heavenly Father for guidance and love and blessing during the hard days. My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved dad in heaven. I also like to thank my dearest mom for her endless love, pray and support. I am sorry for making you in tears so many times. I do not mean it. I love you, Mom. I also thank my beautiful sisters: Duma and “Butet” who patiently warn me to finish my thesis and never let me give up.

  I would like to thank Drs. Hirmawan Wijarnaka, M.Hum, my major advisor and my co-advisor Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M. Hum., for being patient, careful and wise during the long days of working my thesis. I am sorry for wasting your time to read and to examine my thesis.

  I also would like to express my gratitude to Mas Didit for his ‘sms’ correcting and warning toward my thesis. My gratitude also goes to all the lecturers and Secretariat staffs of the Faculty of Letters who have taughed and served much knowledge with me. My deepest gratitude also goes to all my sisters: Ka Yuyun and Mba Gabi, both of you have been my real older sisters. Yona and friends, thanks for sharing nice time about the life. I deeply appreciate what you have done to me. Indra, thanks for your confusing jokes. You remain me to “Chandler”. I also would like to thank to ex all members in Gang Cabe 21d Susi, Ica, Ike, Eta and many friends for making me comfortable in the boarding house.

  My gratitude also goes to all of my ‘98’ friends. My study would have been boring without you all. I appreciate the wonderful friendship along my study. The last but not the least, I would like to thank my four best friends Ika,

  Helga, Asti and Herning. You all inspire and teach me about ‘true friendship. All of you are the sunshine of my life.






  C. Method of the Study -------------------------------------------------- 22

  CHAPTER: V CONCLUSION ----------------------------------------------------- 46 BIBLIOGRPHY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 APPENDICES

  3. Physical Appearances ------------------------------------- 44

  The Occupation --------------------------------------------- 40 2. .Workplaces ------------------------------------------------- 42

  C. The Concepts of Manliness ------------------------------------------ 39 1.

  B. The General Condition of the Society on the Novel -------------- 30

  2. Ned Narkey ------------------------------------------------------ 29

  1. Harry Hardcastle ------------------------------------------------ 25

  A. Maliness Seen in the Characters ------------------------------------ 24


  B. Approach --------------------------------------------------------------- 21

  TITLE PAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i APPROVAL PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------- ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------- iii MOTTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------- v TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------- vi ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii ABSTRAK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ viii

  A. Object of the Study --------------------------------------------------- 20


  C. Theoretical Framework ---------------------------------------------- 18

  Theory of Character and Characterization ------------------- 10 2. Theory of Setting ------------------------------------------------ 11 3. Men in Perspectives---------- ----------------------------------- 12 4. The Relation between Character, Setting and Society ------ 15 5. Theory of British Working Class ----------------------------- 16

  B. Review on Related Theories ----------------------------------------- 10 1.

  A. Review of Related Studies ------------------------------------------- 8


  Definition of Terms -------------------------------------------------- 6

  Background of the Study -------------------------------------------- 1 B. Problem Formulation ------------------------------------------------ 5 C. Objectives of the Study ---------------------------------------------- 5 D.


  Appendix 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Appendix 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 57



  Raulina Oktavia Br. Sibuea, (2007). The Concept of Masculinity of the


Working Class Society in Greenwood’s Love on the Dole: Yogyakarta:

English Letters Departments, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma,


  Love on the Dole is the first novel of Walter Greenwood. This novel

  depicts the real condition of the working class society in the depression of the late ninetieth thirties. It is an important contribution to the literature about working class society.

  The analysis of Love on the Dole is based on three problems formulation. The first problem is to find out the characters represent the manliness in the novel. The second problem is to analyze the condition of working class society in the novel. The last problem is to figure out how manliness concept is established among the working class society.

  The theory on manliness, character and characterization are the best to explore to the analysis. There are two characters that are analyzed, Harry Hardcastle and Ned Narkey. Each character presents their manliness through their characterization. Harry describes the character who lacks in having the emblems of manliness and Ned Narkey is the opposite of Harry’s characterization. It can be seen from their job, Harry works as a clerk which is not regarded as a real man while Ned Narkey works at the factory, the place where people think a real man should work. The novel also explores the British working class people’s condition, the theory of British working class is required to be a guideline. To get the picture vividly about their condition, the theory of setting is crucial needed. Through the elements of setting, the condition of the society in Hanky Park is easier to analyze and to conclude.

  In order to reach the objectives above , the library research is used. The Novel “Love on the Dole is the primary source for this thesis. Other sources come from some books and criticisms applied as the secondary sources. In this analysis, the manliness is close to the working class people’s condition in the novel that is why it is important to apply Sociocultural approach.

  Finally, to conclude the concept of manliness that is established among the working class society, we have to find out the ideas of manliness itself. The idea of maliness is raised from the people who think that a man should deal with the power. That is why a real man has to be supported by the convincing physical which is strong, big and muscles or the job which is dealt with the power.




  Raulina Oktavia Br. Sibuea, (2007). The Concept of Manliness of the Working


Class Society in Greenwood’s Love on the Dole: Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra

Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Love on the Dole merupakan karya novel pertama dari Walter Greenwood.

  Novel ini menggambarkan realita masyarakat kelas pekerja pada masa depresi akhir tahun 30an. Novel memberikan kontribusi yang penting bagi literature tentang masyarakat pekerja.

  Skripsi ini terbagi menjadi 3 pokok masalah. Pokok masalah yang pertama adalah pembahasan tentang karakter-karakter yang mencerminkan sikap seorang pria sejati yang digambarkan di dalam novel.pokok masalah yang kedua adalah membahasa tentang kondisi masayarakat pekerja yang terdapat di dalam novel. Dan yang terakhir adalah membahas tentang konsep pria sejati yang terdapat di dalam novel.

  Dalam skripsi ini teori tentang sikap laki-laki, karakter dan penokohan adalah teori yang tepat digunakan. Terdapat 2 karakter yang akan dianalisa, yaitu Harry Hardcastle dan Ned narkey. Tiap karakter menggambarkan identitas kelakian melalui penokohan mereka. Harry menggambarkan karakter yang kurang beruntung dalam memenuhi identitas sebagai pria sejati. Sedangkan Ned Narkey sebaliknya, Ia adalah seorang pria sejati. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pekerjaan mereka, Harry adalah seorang pegawai kantoran biasa sedangkan Ned bekerja di pabrik, tempat dimana seorang pria sejati seharusnya bekerja. Novel ini juga membahas tentang kondisi masyarakat kelas pekerja Inggris, untuk itu teori tentang masyarakat kelas pekerja Inggris sangat layak sebagai garis besarnya. Untuk dapat menyimpulkan kondisi kelas pekerja Inggris sesungguhnya, teori setting sangat penting digunakan. Melalui elemen yang terdapat dalam teori setting, masyarakat di Hanky Park lebih mudah dianalisa dan disimpulkan.

  Studi pustaka digunakan untuk melengkapi tujuan-tujuan di atas. Novel Love on the Dole adalah sumber data primer. Selain itu beberapa buku dan kritik- kirtik sastra digunakan sebagai data sekunder. Dan dikarenakan analisa tentang sikap laki-laki sangat dekat dengan kondisi masyarakt pekerja dalam novel, sangatlah penting menggunakan pendekatan sociocultural.

  Untuk menyimpulkan suatu konsep tentang sikap laki-laki yang telah terbangun dalam masyarakat pekerja, kita harus mengetahui ide tentang seorang laki-laki. Ide tentang laki-laki lahir dari orang yang terbiasa berpikir seorang laki- laki seharusnya identik berhubungan dengan kekuatan. Karenanya seorang pria sejati harus memiliki tubuh yang menyakinkan dengan fisik besar, kuat dan berotot, selain tiu pekerja yang mereka harus juga berhubungan dengan kekuatan.



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Graham Little defines literature as one of the elements of culture. It

  contains values, thoughts, problems and conflicts. Literature is considered as a tool to pass the experience from one generation to the next generation.

  Sometimes, literature has a function as a description of the situation happening in certain of time and place (Little, 1963: 01). One of the genres of literary work is a novel. Abrams notes that literary works is viewed as an imitation, reflection, or representation of world and human life (Abrams, 1981: 36-37). Many novelists write their novels to express their experiences and total conception of life. A novel really reflects the situation in which the author lives. A novel may become the matter of the author to give criticism, satire to their society. The society presented in the novel is not seen simply as a faithful mirror of the reality, but it can be seen as a close description of it. It means that the novelist portrays the society based on of the author.

  The livelihood of the working class people has inspired many novelists in writing their novels. One of the novelists who write the working class society as his general theme is Walter Greenwood. He is seriously concerned with the working class society. His own experience of being a member of the working class inspired him to write a novel entitled Love on the Dole. He wrote the novel


  about the debilitating effect of unemployment and poverty that happened in the working class people. Greenwood took the working class people who lived in the 1930s as his novel’s setting of time. The condition of working people is tragically described. They have to survive with having no job, money and foods. They are extremely sunk because the British government pays less attention to their life. Their position seems ignored in many aspects, such as financial social and political. They also have to live in the harsh environment (

  Walter Greenwood’s wrote Love on the Dole in 1933. It is based on Greenwood’s early years in Salford. He successfully recounts the livelihood of the working class people during the 1920s and ‘30s. In the first publishing, many publishers rejected Greenwood’s manuscripts. They thought Love on the Dole was only a story which was expressing pessimism and it was difficult to accept. In the following two years, the novel Love on the Dole was published. It was different when the novel has been played and filmed. Love on Dole was successful to be played than to be published. Greenwood and Ronald Gow worked together to take

  Love on the Dole presents the reality of working class people in natural view. Working class people have to live in an urban area namely it Hanky Park.

  They live in poverty circumstances. They must survive with ridiculous small low wages. The general characters described in the novel are living with no hope.

  Their difficulties and discontented lives throw them into misery. As workers, they do not have enough to maintain a standard living. They also have to face


  government policy, the cutting of Unemployment Benefit or dole which brings them deeper in poverty and financial problem. Financial problem has driven those working people depend on their lives on the pawnshop and moneylender.

  In the novel Love on the Dole, there are problems to discuss. They live in the poverty circumstances. They have to afford money at the plants, factories and the mills. Their money is not enough to survive. They work without thinking about the future or career. The working class people also have to face the unemployment, the sexual permissive and the debts. Those conditions raise many ideas and the ideas themselves become the concept that exists among the society.

  Since the analysis discusses about working class people in Greenwood’s

Love on the Dole , setting and characters become the main focus of the thesis.

  Many social problems happen among the society because of the discontented life. Their condition is real and it can still be seen in our everyday life. Love on the


Dole is not only a portrait of British working society but also a conscious

expression of reality.

  Many problems exist in the novel, Love on the Dole, but the most Greenwood seriously depicts the working class men who are trapped in ideas of being a masculine person. Its idea influences their choice of physical appearance and earning power. The working class has certain qualities of being a masculine person such as having strong body, heavy voice, moustache, muscular body, big brown shiny body and tremendous man power. Those qualities are defined by brawn rather than brain. Those qualities may strengthen their existence as


  masculine man. The expected qualities as a masculine man establish the concept of manliness among the working people. To be considered as real men, a man should have strong body, heavy voice, moustache, muscular body and tremendous man power. The concept is difficult to apply because the working class men should face the real life that lives in the poverty circumstances. The fact explains that the working class men must have money to afford. It means that they have to work. They have to solve their economy problems and it makes them to gain any job that they can get. Although the working class men desire to have a job such as, working at plants, mills and factory, it is difficult to happen. Many working class men cannot choose their job and that is why some men do work such as clerk, choirboys. Those jobs do not represent the manliness idea.

  To have a job that represents the manliness become the dilemma. Not all people can be selected to work the place that has the stamp of manliness. Only men who have the strong body, muscle and big can work at those plants, mills or factories. They work as manual worker that is to look at the machine running. The education is not important to have because they have no future or career. The strong anymore, they will be fired. These conditions are the main reason why the writer is interested to analyze its dilemma. Through Harry Hardcastle and Ned Narkey, the writer wants to figure out how the characterizations of those characters represent the manliness and how the condition of working class society in the novel makes the concept of manliness raising.

  5 B. Problem Formulation 1.

  How do the characters represent manliness in the novel? 2. How is the society described in the novel? 3. How is the concept of manliness seen as in the British working class society?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The writer formulates the first question in order to know the characters that represent manliness. Characters, shown by Harry Hardcastle and Ned Narkey, are a significant to know what kind of ideas that raise the concept of manliness.

  Since those two characters above are a part of the working class society, the society itself can not be ignored. To discuss about the manliness is represented by the characterization of Harry Hardcastle and Ned Narkey, the society has a big contribution. Among the working class people believe that a real man should have some certain standardization of being masculine. They conclude that a real man physically has to have a strong body, muscle and big size. The working class society considers the plants, mill or factories are the place where the men should have or work. A real man must work with machine, gigantic tools or the thing that need power to operate it. The novel takes the setting in the early 1930s. The history record influences the circumstances of working class society in the novel.

  Working class people in the novel live under the depression era after the First World War took place. The condition of society is revealed through their daily livelihood. The harsh life result many suffering among the people and their


  suffering have become the social problems that are difficult to solve. The social problems such as, unemployment, and poverty, make the increasing of many ideas that the society believe and there happen as the consequences of circumstances around them. One of ideas that people believe is manliness.

  In the third question, the concept of manliness among the British working class people will discuss. Through this discussion that it will be found the same concept that exist in the working class society in the novel.

D. Definition of Terms

  Everyone has their own interpretation about something. Social scientists must have an agreement about the terminology in social science itself. In order to strengthen my thesis, I choose several terms that are needed to explain. They aim to avoid ambiguity interpretation:

1. Concept

  In Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged (1993: 1268), a concept is an idea, especially a generalized idea of a class of an object. After the people can accept that idea in the real life and believe it. It can be defined as a concept.


  2. Manliness

  Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (1987: 523), manliness is defined as the qualities traditionally attributed to a man or befitting a man; masculine. They can be concluded that the concept of manliness means the idea of being male; something is proceeding from the characteristic of being male.

  3. Working Class Society

  According to New Encyclopedia Britannica (1925: 749), the working class is the class of people who work for wages and do not own properly, chiefly manual worker in mining and manufacturing. In Webster’s New Twentieth Century


Dictionary Unbridged (1993: 1723), the society is the system or condition of

  living together as a communication, or a group of people lives together under the same environment and regarded a homogeneous unit or entity.

  From both explanations above, it can be concluded that the working class


society is a group of people who lives in the manufacturing and mining system

  circumstances and environment; poor, gloomy, slummy, helplessness and hopelessness. They also have to work hard and most of their jobs do not require higher education, special skills and they are also paid low wages.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies Love on the Dole is one of Greenwood’s works in the late twenties. This

  novel was his first novel, and then was followed by other novels such as There


Was a Time ; his autobiography, His Worship, the Major, The secret Kingdom, and

The Cure of Love ( He

  also wrote several articles for the Picture Post. Most of his works focus on the workers’ life which is caught in hopelessness and helplessness. He was really concerned about the working class people and then he wrote a novel which told about working class people who lived in an urban area in Northern England.

  William (1992: 41) says that the life experience of working class people is extremely powerful to be expressed in the work of writers who grew up in working class communities and one of those writers is Walter Greenwood.

  Greenwood is an English novelist who comes from a poor working class family. Inspired by his reality experiences as a member of working class, he wrote his first novel. He is able to describe the bitterness of working class people life that is trapped many poverty and unemployment. He succeeded in portraying vividly the depressed condition in his first novel. After years of unemployment and dole cut, Greenwood finally received his news on his first novel. In 1933,


Love on the Dole was published for the first time after long observation. Even this

  novel finally had been published, and it did not make an immediate impact to get


  its popularity. Then, when it came to be played by Roland Gow at the Garrick Theater in 1934, Love on the Dole was accepted by the public. Thus, it was followed by the novel, and it became the best seller


  The Times Literary Supplement wrote that Greenwood had given the

  readers a terrible picture of people who were caught in hopelessness and helplessness. Reviewers in Letters and Life marked this novel had a quality of inevitable disaster from the beginning of the story. Started from the beginning the story, Love on the Dole tells about having no hope for the characters who shuffled toward their inevitable doom.

  There are many criticisms toward Greenwood’s Love on the Dole. D.M. Roskies, as adopted by There Was a Time (1967: 79) states that the movement of the novel’s action is based on Greenwood’s obsession with crushed, surrender, poisoned hope. His novel is regarded as a distrustful novel because it tells about his doubtful on any solution of economic problems which is offered by the government when he lived. Carole Snee also has the same opinion with Roskies, problems that happened at that time ( Many reviewers expressed their pessimistic about Greenwood’s novel theme. The reviewers felt disturbed by his novel’s bitterness because many readers hated to be reminded about human suffering.

  Roland Gow was the one who sent Love on the Dole to get its popularity and it made John Baxter was interested to transfer it into a movie. In the


  beginning, the British Board of Film censors did not allow that movie to be played but more than one million people had seen illegally that movie. Its decision did not take long time because two years later, many people had been allowed to watch Love on the Dole because the British government thought that movie was suitable to invite volunteers to fight in the Second World War. ( 99/theatnov.html). In , Greenwood has shown his attention on social

  Love on the Dole

  problems. His own background encourages him having ability to reflect the realistic condition toward working class society even many reviewers disagree his story idea. Through Love on the Dole, Greenwood gives many information of working class society that happened his life time.

B. Review on Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

  Abrams conveys that his description of “characters” is Character are the persons, in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral and dispositional action” ( Abrams, 1981: 21).

  Abrams divides the characters in literary work into two kinds. They are protagonist and antagonist. The chief character of a work, on whom our interest centers are called the protagonist or hero, and if he is pitted against an important opponent, that is called antagonist (1981: 128).

  In An Introduction to Fiction, Stanton (1965: 170) says:


  The term character is commonly used in two ways. It designates the individuals who appear in the story as in “How many characters are there?” and it refers to the mixtures of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up each on these individuals, as in “How would you describe his character? Stanton (1965:18) also states that there are central characters and minor characters. A central character is a character that is relevant to every event in a story. Usually, each event causes some changes either in them or in our attitude toward them. And minor characters are characters whose attitude is very important toward central characters.

  Most literature ordinary focuses on the similarities and differences between one individual with special intensity. After finding the differences and the similarities, we can connect the message to what the author wants to talk. The capability of the author to describe is usual mentioned characterization. Jerome Beaty says

  Among the means of characterization, in addition to direct, is describing the way character look, their physical appearances, and their clothing, bearing, make up and so on; the way they speak, the way they think, or what they think, what they do, and what other people say about them (1984: 231). It means that characterization may help us to recognize what the character in story is like.

2. Theory of Setting

  In Glossary of Literary Terms, setting means the general local, historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs (Abrams, 1981: 192).

  From definition above we can conclude that actually setting consists of setting of


  place, setting of time, and setting of society. In other words society is included parts of setting.

  The three principal elements (place, time and society) are related one to another. The setting of place refers to the place where the action of the novel occurs. The place can refer to the actual place with a certain place without a clear name. The description of place should reflect the condition and geographical circumstances of that place. The setting time refers to when the events of the story occurs; it is usually connected with the factual time which was a relationship with historical events. Social setting refers to the people in the novel, the social behavior, such as the habits, traditions, belief and moral values, and the social status of the characters. Society is used to reveal human relationships, characters, patterned interaction and common expectations (Nurgiyantoro, 1955: 6).

  Yelland in his book A Handbook of Literary Terms states that setting is the element that gives reader an abstracts impression of the environment in which the characters move. The way in which characters fit the environment provides the setting. If they are depicted as living under a constant cloud misery, setting is circumstances, the setting is bright (1953: 184).

3. Men in Perspectives

  Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (1987: 523), manliness is defined as the qualities traditionally attributed to a man or befitting a man; masculine. They can be concluded that the concept of


  manliness means the idea of being male; something is proceeding from the characteristic of being male.

  Edley and Wetherell in their book, Men in Perspective (1995: 96) say that masculinity is dealing with social activities of men. Masculinity comes from the sum of characteristic of men at work, with their family, in their communities, and in the groups and institutions to which they belong. In many ways it is obvious, for example miners and men engaged in similar occupation, are likely to have very different senses of masculinity, different forms of fraternity and ways of behaving with other men and with women, compared with professional intellectuals paid for activities such as teaching, writing, research and study.

  Masculinity was analyzed as a response to certain economic and domestic situations, and was seen as a consequence of men’s involvement in particular sets of social practices. Men become manly by learning social scripts. Social scripts can be found from customs, tradition and even language of a cultural community.

  It was seen as the whole way of life of a society or group. Culture was able to understand as a framework, passed down from generation to generation, through In Men and Perspectives , Edley and Wetherell (1995: 132) also explain that every culture in the world must embody a set of particular ideas or themes which relates to men and masculinity. Cult can be seen as providing members of the wider cultural community with a shared understanding of what is meant to be a man and masculinity, and the easiest way is to simply open a book on magazines. For example the figure of James Bond, he is familiar to most readers.


  For several decades Bond has provided a very powerful and attractive model of masculinity. Bond is an archetypal hero, forever willing to risk his own life in order to defeat devil. As a man, Bond is portrayed as a charming and sophicated gentlemen with impeccable style and manners. He is courageous, loyal and romantic. In contrast, the image of manhood of another man who is represented more primitive, raw and rugged. He is no gentlemen, with no time for social graces and niceties. His masculinity is signified by his complete disregard of such convention. Those images are united by their presentation of men. They provide the readers with straightforward examples or illustrations of what a man should be like.

  Gilmore in Manhood in the Making , the cults of masculinity is something understandable because it seems direct responses to particular social and environment. The meaning of masculinity in any given culture can be seen as solutions to specific social problem or need. Gilmore (1995: 223) states every society depend for survival on the successful propagation of future generation. After giving birth, women put the children on men’s shoulder not only because of pregnancy and childbirth. Men are always engaged in dangerous and injurious activities. Cults of masculinity have to encourage men to deal with their natural instinct to avoid danger.

  Relating to men performance, Simone de Beauvoir, as quoted by Carla J. Mc Donough in Masculinity and Performance (Time, 05-17-93: 62), explains that manliness emerges because a man constantly challenged to enact his compulsory


  masculinity, such as body shape, gesture, movement, strength and independence. However the performance of manliness is something desirable because the performance makes the men in having power and privilege when they can be able to show their masculinity successfully. Men tend to exhibit their masculinity qualities so that they might act as guardians of society. It means being manly is something desirable, something worth trying to become.

4. The Relation between Character, Setting and Society

  Character as protagonist in the novel reveals their perspective and values through action, speech and thought. To act and to reflect their perspectives the character need a medium. The medium is society to which they respond and in which they exist defining a set of values distinct from that of the characters (Langland, 1984: 9).

  Harvey (1965: 56) says that through social setting we can see how individuals in the society, how they group themselves, whether the individuals have classes or not how an individual have is influenced by another.

  According to M.J Murphy (1972: 141), society, which is included in setting, has a great effect or influence upon the personalities, action and way of thinking of the character. If the society changed the personalities action and way of thinking of the character will be different.


5. The Working Class in British Society

  The First World War was a test of belief. Religious and moral ideas were challenged by the sufferings and separations of war. Young men left school or work at the age of eighteen to fight, young women left home to help in hospitals and factories. They never went back after war to the old ways of life; the old pattern of authority in State, church, and home never returned.

  There was much more freedom, especially for women in leisure times with the popularity of mixed sports clubs and of the dancing and cinema habits. In some circles the search for pleasure was heitic, but fewer in a position to imitate the ‘smart set’. The war probably weakened the hold of religion where individuals could not reconcile their knowledge of its overwhelming evil with their faith in God.

  In relations among the member of the family, the working class people are influenced by the environment. The environment plays big part to determine the attitude of their family and their relationship as they do anywhere else. Many working class families expect rescues from their son because the family cannot do home wage-packet. A working chap is trained to give all the time, so he can not grow up selfish.

  While the relationship between parents and children in the working class families deserve closer study than they have hitherto received (Zweig, 1952: 65).

  The relationship between mother and the children is warm but the feeling of the father is cold, and often hostile. Some fathers of the working class often come


  from their tired, dissatisfied, frustrated and thinking only escaping from the family life. That is why the working men, especially fathers struggle to keep emotional and mental balance impaired. This struggle sometimes prevents the fathers from their children as they would like to.

  Drinking, gambling are kinds of working class pastime, which known as hobbies. Some working people confess that they spend their leisure time by gambling and drinking. Ironically, they regard their bad habits is a indulging way to spend their leisure time.

  Drinking was unquestionably the favorite leisure time activity of working class people. The love of drinking has been a curse of the modern age and it is a sign of social dislocation and popular suffering. However, heavy “problem” drinking declined by the late nineteenth century, as it became less and less socially acceptable. At the same time drinking became more public and social. Cafes and pubs went increasingly bright, friendly places. Working class political activities, both moderate and radical were also concentrated in tavern and pubs.

  The two other leisure times passions of working classes were sports and deal of gambling on sport events, and for many working men the desire to decipher the racing forms was a powerful incentive toward literacy. Music hall audiences were thoroughly mixed, which may account for the fact that drunkenness, pregnancy before marriage, marital difficulties and mother in laws were favorite themes of broad jokes and bittersweet songs.


  Zweig (1952: 210-1) describes the ideal for British working people. The model of a working class man must be “a good fellow”. He must not only friendly, but also generous. He has to rely on the help of his family and friends. He should be a sociable person. He regards himself as part of community. A worker must be a reminder of a good turn done and fishing for thanks and gratitude, even are in bad taste because a man who is guilty will be finished in the good opinion of his friends.

  Marriage was seen as a romantic scene for young couples but it was ordinarily for inclination and not for advantages (Mc Kay, 1983: 857). Sexual experimentation before marriage has triumphed as had illegitimacy. Although poverty and economic uncertainty undoubtedly prevented many lover from marrying, there were also many among the poor and propertuless who saw little wrong with having illegimate offspring. The pattern of romantic ideals, premarital sexual activity, and wide spread illegitimacy was firmly established by the mid- century among the urban working class.

  This thesis focuses on British working class society especially working men. Therefore, to support this analysis the writer needs some data, theories and information. They are needed as the framework to answer the problems that are formulated in the first chapter, besides they can be guidance in understanding this story further.

  Many aspects of working people’s living become the main discussion of


  this analysis, such as individual’s perspectives, the condition of their living, their social relationships and other aspects which are interesting to observe. Those aspects are explored through the formulated problems in the thesis.

  The study of Walter Greenwood’s Love on the Dole reveals some aspects of working people’s living as the main focus of this analysis, examples are the daily lives of working people, the way they make their living under hard conditions, their social relationships, and also other aspects which are interesting to explore. Those aspects mentioned above are analyzed through the problems formulations formulated in this thesis.

  This analysis based on theory character and characterization and theory of masculinity. The masculinity is employed as a guideline to analyze the character in the novel. The theory of setting is used because there is a close relation between character and setting. Setting has a great influence upon personalities and way of thinking of the characters. Setting is the medium to which the characters respond their perspective, speech, action and thoughts.

  The theory of working class is used guidelines to understand the social support the analysis of this research. Finally, through analysis is beneficial for the readers and also it is beneficial in knowing the real condition of the working society in the novel.


  , the object of the study, is the first novel written by

  Love on the Dole

  Walter Greenwood after years of unemployment. Greenwood wrote this novel in 1933. He needed ten years to make his observation by spending his time in the slum area of Salford and also the fingers of the working class movements of the twenties and early thirties (http: //

  Love on the Dole may be belittled because it was written as a novel rather

  than as a play, but on the evidence of this reading it is one of the most important pieces of drama of the century. Its authenticity is clear. Its characters are real, and their concerns are our concerns ( It speaks to people because it paints a picture of life as it is. The setting time of the story happened periodically determine that countless millions of people will be thrown on the dole. was published by Jonathan Cape Ltd. 30 Bedford Square, London and 91 Wellington Street West, Toronto. And it consists of 347 pages and divided into three parts. Love on the Dole may be ignored because it was written as a novel rather than as a play. However, when it was dramatized by Roland Gow and shown at The Garrick Theather Altrincham in 1934. Then, it became a best seller.

  This novel tells about the real life that happened in every daily life. Its characters


  are real and this novel speaks to people and it paints a picture of life as it is, telling about countless millions of people will be thrown on the dole


  ( Love on the Dole , yet has its popularity been performed in 1934, and in

  1941 John Baxter was interested in transferring the novel into a movie. Love on


the Dole is a story about the working class society in the urban area of Northern

  England in the 1930s. It portrays the real condition of the working class in the depressed era. This novel can be regarded as a literary document that records the social movement at the time when it was written. The described setting presents the condition of the people.

B. Approach

   Love on the Dole is a novel about working class society. It is used to

  record and criticize the decadent society of the 1930s by showing the condition of working class society. In analysing this novel I used to the sociocultural historical approach because it insists that the only way to locate the real work is in reference

  The sociocultural historical critics state that civilizations are made up of the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people and point out that literature takes these attitudes and actions as its subject matter. Holman (1986: 304) says that milieu is the political, intellectual, and cultural environment in which an author lives or in which a work is produced. It is important for those critics to observe the milieu since it is useful as the reference in analysing a literary work,


  in which a work is created and which it necessarily reflects (Roghberger, 1971: 9).

  When author decides to take s certain civilization, which means the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people, as the subject matter of his work, it means that his literary work expresses significant ideas about the society he presents. The sociocultural historical critics assert that literature is not created in a vacuum, and that literature expresses significant ideas of the culture that produces it. The sociocultural historical approach takes as its basis some aspects of the sociocultural frame of reference, combining it with an interest in the biographical as well as a knowledge of and interest in literary history (Roghberger, 1971: 9).

C. Method of the Study

  In this thesis, the writer uses two different sources. Primary source is a book, Greenwood’s Love on the Dole. The secondary sources are some books that help the writer to do the analysis as references, such as Edley and Wetherell’s


Men in Perspective , Wellek and Warren’s Theory of Literature, Zweig’s The

Robert Stanton and many books that support the writer to do the thesis.

  In analyzing the novel, the first step that the writer did was to read the novel, to understand the story, and to identify aspects which were interesting to be analyzed. Then, the writer decided to analyze the character of the novel. At the second step the writer started formulating the problems to establish the topic for the thesis. The third step the writer searched reference data from literary books


  which were applicable in analyzing the thesis. The writer also used some information to analysis the topics presented. The last step the writer made the conclusion of this study.

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. Manliness Seen in the Characters Being masculine means having the qualities considered as typical of or suitable for a man. That is why it is important for a man to have some qualities. To have some qualities are considered typical of real man, the men seem having

  their pride and identity among their society. The established qualities have emerged the concept of manliness. In this thesis of Love on the Dole, some expected qualities will be discussed. The condition of the working class society in


Love on the Dole is interesting to analyze because most of the working class