Budihardjo; Novi Tazkiyatun Nihayah

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Abstract : Character education is one of the main goals of education. Character education is important due to the common believe that there is the degeneration of ethic and moral of the learners, and also due the rise of juvenile delinquency. Then, character education comes to recover it. Character education can be integrated in various aspects, such as in study al- Qur’ān. The integration between character education and the interpretation of al-Qur’an will make new insight of character education. Moreover, it will be strengthened by the words of Allah. This particular research is intended to reveal whether studies about character education in al-Qur’an will provide a particular kind of character education based on Qur’anic verses, and whether there is any relevance between character education as presented in Qur’anic verses with those presented in curriculum 2013?. To answer these questions, the researcher used descriptive comparative approach, library research as the kind of research, and the use of documentary for collecting the data. This study shows that there are some character education as presented in Qur’anic verses and that there is a relevance between character education values in curriculum 2013 and character education in Qur’anic verses. From the relevance, it is concluded that the character education as presented in Qur’anic verses suggest similar goals as the character education value in curriculum 2013.

Keyword : Character Education, Curriculum 2013, Character Education Value, Character Education in Al-Qur’an

Abstrak: Pendidikan karakter merupakan salah satu tujuan utama dari pendidikan itu sendiri. Pendidikan karakter sangat penting diajarkan kepada peserta didik lantaran adanya kepercayaan di kalangan masyarakat bahwa dewasa ini telah terjadi degradasi moral dan kenakalan pada peserta didik. Sehingga hadirnya pendidikan karakter dirasa sangat penting untuk memulihkan problem di atas. Apalagi, jika pendidikan karakter itu diintegrasikan dengan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang ada dalam studi al-Qur’an. Untuk itu penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana studi tentang pendidikan karakter jika dikaitkan dalam perspektif al-Qur’an?, dan apakah ada relevansi antara pendidikan karakter seperti yang disajikan dalam ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dengan yang disajikan dalam kurikulum 2013?. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan komparatif deskriptif, penelitian kepustakaan sebagai jenis penelitian, dan penggunaan dokumenter untuk mengumpulkan data. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa pendidikan karakter seperti yang disajikan dalam ayat-ayat al-Quran, dan ditemukan ada relevansi antara nilai pendidikan karakter dalam kurikulum 2013 dan pendidikan karakter dalam ayat-ayat al-Qur’an. Begitu juga ditemukan bahwa nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam ayat-ayat al-Qur’an, ternyata selaras dengan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang ada dalam kurikulum 2013.

Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Kurikulum 2013, Nilai Pendidikan Karakter, Pendidikan Karakter dalam Al-Qur’an.

PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2016: 93-112


the nation; Third, education as medium to

Islam is the religion for all human, the internalize two aspects i.e. the re-activation rahmatan-lil’alamin. All tenets of Islam are of the glory of our ancestors’ culture,

based on the eternal unchangeable divine innovative and competitive character revelation. This divine revelation from that are concerted in all national life and Allah is embodied in al-Qur’ān. The holy government principles. 2 al-Qur’ān consists of tenet, command and

Character education, appear as the direction of lives and one of them is about weapon against the criticalities of moral. education. Education is the important point Educational character is a systematic that has to be carried out by Muslim, because educational program to help student education is obligation that has similar in understanding the values of human encouragement like praying, fasting and behavior to their God, their own being, their

others obligations of religion 1 . Rasulullah humanity, their environment, and their PBUH said:

nation that should be manifested in their thinking, attitude, feeling, words, attitudes

ِّلُك ىَلَع ٌةَضيِرَف ِمْلِعْلا َبَلَط َّنِإَف ،ِينِّصلِب ْوَلَو َمْلِعْلا اوُبُلْطا and behaviours. It shall be based on

ٍمِلْسُم religious norms, laws, politeness, culture,

and traditions. 3

There are 18 Meaning: Seek the knowledge until th character listed on China, Indeed seeking knowledge is the character education in curricullum 2013.

duty for Moslems (H.R. Ibnu Majjah, 1997: Those are: religious, honest, tolerant, No.224)

discipline, work hard, creative, independent,

Education based on UU No. 20 Years democratic, inquiring, nationalism, 2003 about SISDIKNAS (National System achievement appreciate, friendliness, peace of Education) is directed to developing loving, delight in reading, environmental student’s potential to be faithful human, concern, social concern and responsible. obidient to Allah, having noble character, Those eighteen characters are expected to healthy, knowledgeable, clever, creative, upgrade human resources of our nation, independent, and democratic as well as in order to achieve educational purposes responsible citizen (section 3). It has been optimally. widely known that lots citizen do not

have noble character as they commit the DISCUSSION

corruption, drug abuse, and violences. They Dealing with the important of character

are also very consumptive, irresponsible, building, Al-Qur’ān is the most precise that contradict the purpose of national source, it also teachs character building education.

for the nation. Al-Qur’ān is an everlasting

Education is an institutional mechanism islamic miracle, which the validity of it 4

that will accelerate nation’s character proven by the progress of knowledge. So, building and a medium to achieve three in this article the researcher will explain principals in nation’s character building, about the character education of curriculum those are: First, education as a medium to 2013 based on the Qur’anic verses. re-activate noble characters of Indonesia; Second, education as a medium of acceleration of character development of

2 Muslich, Masnur. Pendidikan Karakter: Menjawab

nation and the mobilization of domestic Tantangan Krisis Multidimensional. Jakarta: Bumi

Aksara. 2011.p.3

potential to upgrade competitiveness of 3 Listyarti, Retno. Pendidikan Karakter: dalam Metode

Aktif, Inovatif, & Kreatif. Yogyakarta: Erlangga Group. 1 Mustaqim, Abdul. Menjadi Orang tua Bijak: Solusi

2012. P.4

Kreatif Menangani Berbagai Masalah Pada Anak. 4 Al-Qaththan, Manna’. Pengantar Studi Ilmu Al- Bandung: Mizan Media Utama (MMU). 2005. p.13

Qur’an. Jakarta: Pustaka Al- Kautsar. 2004. pp.3

The Character Education ... (Richie Fajar)

1. Explanation

behavior, moral, personality of someone

a. Definition of Character Education that formed from the internalization In order to comprehend the

of various virtues and underline meaning of character education it

perspective, thinking, attitudes, and the should be understood the definition

way people act. The virtue consists of a of both “education” and “character”.

number of values, morals, and norm such The word “Education” derived from

as honesty, courage act, trustworthiness, Latin “ Educere” that means to lead

and respect to others. forth. Furthermore, terminologically

Character education is an education education is the process of providing

system with invest values accordance knowledge, skill, competence or the use

with the nation’s culture and knowledge of desirable qualities of behaviour or

aspect s , feels of affection, and actions, character of being, provided by a formal

both a g ainst Almighty God either for course of study, instruction or training

themse l ves, the communities and the (Webster, 1981: 723). The Encyclopedia 8 nation.

International defines education as an Ki Haj a r Devantoro defines increase of skill or development of

character education as a planned effort knowledge and understanding as a

to make students know, care about and result of training, study, or experience. 5 intern a lize the values, so that students

Education goes in all societies for, in behave as a perfect man. Accordingly, order to survive, a society must pass

the go a l of character education is to on basic skills, information, and beliefs

improv e the quality implementation from one generation to the next.

and ou t comes of education in schools Etymologically the term “character”

throug h the formation of character comes from Greek “ charassein” “kharax”

of stu d ents as a whole, integrated, which means tools for making or to

and ba l anced, in accorance with the Engrave. Like the carvings that are

competency standards. 9 attached to the objects are carved,

David E lkind and Freddy Sweet the character is also attached to the

Ph.D. i nterpret the character education individual, because of it character is

as the deliberate effort to help people defined moral or mental nature, mental

unders t and, care about, and act upon or moral qualities that make one person, 10 core e t hical values. It is strongly

race etc different from others. 6 associ a ted with the term “character”, According to Imam Ghozali, the

that mapped directly in our minds to the term character is closer to the term of

future of our students, where they can moral, i.e. the human spontaneity in the

assess “what is right, have deep concern act, or acts that are fused in a man who

about w hat is right, and then do what does not need to think anymore when

they believe to be right, even in the face the attitude is appear (Koesoma, 2011:

of pressure from without and temptation 8). 7

from within”.

Character is like carving out, and From the explanation above, it can then the forming of character can be

be concluded that character education is described as a man carves on a stone

an edu c ation system that is performed or hard surfaces metal. Character is

by ins t illing noble values , morals,

5 Encyclopedia International Vol. 5. New York: Grolier 8 Afan d i, Rifki. Integrasi P endidikan Karakter dalam Incorporated. 1973. Pp.247

Pembelajaran IPS di Sekolah. Pedagogia vol. 1, No. 6 Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

1, Desember 2011. Pp. 88

Of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 9 Hary a nto. Pendidikan Karakter Menurut Ki Hajar 1974. Pp.140

Dewantoro.Pdf: UNY. Pp.4

7 Koesoema, Doni. Pendidikan Karakter: Untuh dan 10 Syahroni. Konsep Pendidikan Karakter. PDF [online]. Menyeluruh. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 2012.pp.8

Availab l e at accessed February 4 th 2014 at 11.20. pp.3

PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2016: 93-112 ethics and culture of any material that

That is, the value contained in Pancasila can help individuals learn to live and

become the values that govern the work together as a family, society and

political, legal, economic, social, cultural, nation. So learning system is not only

and artistic set fo r th in the articles emphasize the cognitive aspects, but also

of the 1945 Constit u tion. Character psychomotor and affective aims to make

education aims to p r epare students to qualified individuals.

be better citizens, who have the ability,

b. Character Education Values willingness, and a p ply the values of The values in the educational

Pancasila in their lives as citizens. development of the nation’s culture and

e. Culture

character ac c ording to the Guideline Culture is human development of Development C ulture and Character

the human powers ; development of the Education Na t ion identified from the

body, mind and spirit by training and

11 following sources: 15 experience. Culture is a truth that no

c. Religion man is living in a society without cultural Religion in Arabic is “ نيدلا “ which

values of the community recognized. comes from the word نيد compiled by

The cult u ral values become the basis the letter da’(د), ya’(ي), nun(ن) 12 then

of the i n terpretation of the concept it constitutes and derives word such

and mean i ng of the co m munication as نيدلا word (religion) , نيدلا (Debt) ,

among the community members. Such ةنادا (conviction) , ةنيدم (Cities) ندم , (to

an impor t ant position in the cultural civilize) , ندتم (cilivization). 13 From these

life, cu l ture become v alues sources of explanations in Arabic literatur, religion

character education. is very closely related to society and

f.. The Objective of National Education civilization. Friedrich Schleiermacher

National education goals reflect defines that religion is “ feeling of

the quality of every Indonesian citizen, absolute dependence “ - as contrasted

was deve l oped by various educational to other absolute , relative feeling of 16 units at various levels and lines. In

dependence. 14 the nati o nal education goals there are Therefore the life of the individual ,

different grades of humanity that must society , and nation is always based on

be inte r nalized by Indonesian citizens. religious teachings and beliefs. Politically

Therefore, the goal of national education life of the state is based on values derived

is the m ost operational source in the from religion. On the basis of these

develop m ent of character education considerations , the values of character

compared to the three sources mentioned education should be based on the values


and principles derived from religion. Based o n the four values sources

d. Pancasila above, then the identified 18 values The Republic of Indonesia upheld

that have been developed in the nation’s by the principles of nationhood and

culture and character education by the statehood called Pancasila. Pancasila

Ministry of Education and Culture are as contained in the 1945 Constitution

follow 17 :

and further elaborated in the articles contained in the 1945 Constitution.

15 Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 11 Suyadi. Mencegah Bahaya Penyalahgunaan Narkoba

Of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Melalui Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa.

1974. pp.210

Yogyakarta: ANDI. 2013. pp.37 16 Afandi, Rifki. Integrasi Pendidikan Karakter dalam 12 Maqoyisul Lughoh

Pembelajaran IPS di Sekolah. Pedagogia vol. 1, No. 13 Zakiyyudin. Definition of Religion.ppt. STAIN. 2011.

1, Desember 2011. Pp.91

P.2 17 Listyarti, Retno. Pendidikan Karakter: dalam Metode 14 Eliade, Mircea. The Encyclopedia of Religion Vol. 11.

Aktif, Inovatif, & Kreatif. Yogyakarta: Erlangga Group. New York: Macmillan Library Reference. 1995.pp.283

2012. Pp.5-8

The Character Education ... (Richie Fajar)

No. Values


Attitudes and behavior of the obedient in carrying out their religion, a. Religious

tolerant implementation of worship of other religions, and live in harmony with other religions.

b. Honest Behavior based on an attempt to make himself as one who can always be

trusted in words, actions, and employment. Attitudes and actions of respect to the differences of religion, race,

c. Tolerance ethnicity, opinions, attitudes and actions of others who are different from themselves.

Measures indicating orderly and obedient behavior on various rules and d. Discipline


e. Hard work The behavior that indicate an earnest effort to overcome barriers of learning and completing assignments and tasks as well as possible.

f. Creative Think and do something to produces new ways or results based on what

students have.

g. Independence Uneasy attitude and behavior to depend on other in completing the task. h. Democratic

The way of thing and behave that balancing between rights and obligations of oneself and others.

i. Curiosity Attitudes and actions are resulted from the deeper and wider questioning

on what students have learnt, seen, and heard.

Spirit of Nationality The way of think, act, and insight, that set the needs of the nation beyond


the self-interest and group interest. The way of think, and act that exhibit loyalty, care, and high appreciation

k. Nationalism of language, physical environment, social, cultural, economic, and national policy.

Rewarding Attitudes and actions that encourage students to produce something

l. Achievement useful for society, and recognize the success of others. m. Friendliness

Acts that show enthusiasm to mingle, make friend, and cooperate with other students. Attitudes , words and actions that make other people feel happy and safe

n. Peace Loving

over one’s presence.

o. Reading Interest Sparing time habit to read the various reading materials that provide virtue for students.

p. Social Concern Attitudes and actions always want to help others who are in need in the


Environmental q. Prevent damage action to the surrounding natural environment, and Concern

develop to compensate the occurred damage. The attitude and behavioral of students to carry out duties and obligations

r. Responsible that they have, for themselves, for the society, the environment, the state, and the Almighty God.

2. Character Education Values in Qur’anic

to Rokeach and Bank, religiosity is an


attitude or consciousness emerged

a. Religiousity based on the belief of religion. 19 Religiosity is the noun form of

Religiosity is not identical religious, means behaving a strong

with religion. Religion refers to the

institutional, the worship of God, the 2013 religiosity is attitudes and behavior

belief in a religion. 18 In the curriculum

formal aspect, juridical, regulations of the obedient in carrying out their

and laws. Religiosity tend to look at the religion, tolerant implementation of

inside of heart. Then, the understanding worship of other religions, and live in harmony with other religions. According

19 Sahlan, Asmaun. Mewujudkan Budaya Religius di 18 Oxford Wordpower. New York: Oxford University

Sekolah: Upaya Mengembangkan PAI dari Teori ke Press. 2006. Pp.647

Aksi. Malang: UIN- Maliki Press. 2009. Pp.66

PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2016: 93-112 of religiosity is broader than religion. 20 (man and woman), and also supporting

Religious in curriculum 2013 many religious activities of various means an attitudes and behavior of the

religious organization in school etc. obedient in carrying out their religion,

b. Honesty

tolerant implementation of worship of To be honest is not to tell lies, not other religions, and live in harmony

to cheat or to steal. Straightforwardly, with other religions. 23 honesty is the quality of being honest.

Those explanations are in line with In Curriculum 2013 honesty is a behavior the words of Allah SWT:

based on an attempt to make himself as one who can always be trusted in

ىَروُش ْمُهُرْمَأَو َةلاَّصلا اوُماَقَأَو ْمِِّبَرِل اوُباَجَتْسا َنيِذَّلاَو words, actions, and employment. َنوُقِفْنُـي ْمُهاَنْـقَزَر اَِّمَو ْمُهَـنْـيَـب The meaning of honesty suggests

Meaning: “Those who hearken to their Lord, human behavior both in words and in and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct)

deeds. Then, to know someone is honest their affairs by mutual Consultation; who or not, one shall observe the behaviors

spend out of what We bestow on them for and habits of that person within the Sustenance” (Q.S. asy-Syūrā: 38) daily life. The necessity of inculcating honest behavior in every child is the interest of every parent, teacher and the

The verse above explains that the people who will receive the reward of coomunities. Allah says:

the Hereafter are those who categorize in; faith, rely on God in all matters,

avoiding sin, and be able to control Meaning: “O ye who believe! Fear Allah

anger . 21 and be with those who are true (in word and

All of the categories described in that deed).” (Q.S. at-Taubat: 119).

verse shall not owned by someone who does not have an attitude in religiosity.

The verse above explains, about the Because according to Qurais Shihab,

right information is appropriate with this verse describes the neighbour thing

the condition, reality, and mutual accord adorn our selves, and those jewelry was

between acts and believes. 24 Honesty prepared for people who are included

has similar basic value as righteousness, in categories above. 22

and then honesty has same elements as Then, the value of religiosity is

the righteousness.

considered necessary investment in

c. Tolerance

education as internal guidelines within Tolerance is willingness to allow each individual, in order to direct all

people to be, to do, to say, or believe acts. Although sparkling modern world

what they want without criticizing offers extraordinary things, they are

them. 25 In the character education still controlled by the value.

curriculum, tolerance is attitudes and The religious activities in school

actions of respect to the differences have been implemented through

of religion, race, ethnicity, opinions, practicing prayer together between

attitudes and actions of others who are teacher and student, the obligation to

different from themselves. pray Friday prayer for every student

23 Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

20 Ibid.

1974. Pp.409

21 Al- Maraghi, Ahmad Mustofa. Jilid.,25. Tafsir Al- 24 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol.5. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan, Maraghi. Semarang: CV. Toha Putra. 1974. Pp.29

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera 22 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 12. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan,

Hati. 2002. Pp.682

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera 25 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary Hati. 2003. Pp.511

English. UK: Longman. 1978. Pp.1674

The Character Education ... (Richie Fajar) Tolerance is an appropriate

The verse indicates the human behaviour in facing the heterogenity of

obedience to ignore the essential life to create the harmonious life under

differences between the groups that

split them one another, because tolerance is an attitude of allow and

the togetherness. 26 Etymologically

everyone are pillar of a large family. respect each other relating the others

It is also provides an overview of the beliefs without requiring approval. 27 basic principles of human relations.

Generally, tolerance is defined as giving The stronger introduction of one side freedom to his fellow man or citizens to

to others increases the opportunities for practice their faith or organize their life

mutual benefit. 28

and determine their fate, while not in

d. Discipline

contradiction with the requirements of Discipline is a way of training law and peace in society.

someone so that they learn to control In social and political aspect,

their behavior and obey rules, which tolerance is an attitude of allowing

involve punishing them if they do people to have a various belief,

not obey rules. 29 In curriculum 2013, accepting the statement as a recognition

Discipline was define as measures and respect for human rights. Tolerance

indicating orderly and obedient should be based on spaciousness to

behavior on various rules and others with regard to the principles


themselves and respecting other people. Self-discipline is the main aspects Actually, tolerance born from

of education in the family carried the Islamic character, as described in

by parents. Because they are the the Qur’an that support the ethical

responsible one in laying the foundation difference and tolerance. The Qur’an not

of life for their children. The efforts of only expects, but also accepts difference

parents and educators will be achieved, and diversity in the community. This is

when children has been able to control in accordance with the word of Allah:

their own behavior with moral values. If a child has been able to discipline

ْمُكاَنْلَعَجَو ىَثْـنُأَو ٍرَكَذ ْنِم ْمُكاَنْقَلَخ َّناِإ ُساَّنلا اَهُّـيَأ َي themselves, it means that they has the َّنِإ ْمُكاَقْـتَأ َِّللا َدْنِع ْمُكَمَرْكَأ َّنِإ اوُفَراَعَـتِل َلِئاَبَـقَو ًبوُعُش ability to anticipate, accommodate,

and control themselves in facing the

globalization. 30

Meaning: “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,

that ye may know each other (not that ye

may despise (each other). Verily the most

honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he Meaning: “O ye who believe! When the who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah

call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the has full knowledge and is well acquainted

Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to (with all things)” (Q.S. al-Hujurāt: 13).

the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew!” (Q.S. al-Jumu’ah: 9).

26 Juwariyah. Pendidikan Moral dalam Puisi Imam Syafii 28 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 13. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan, dan Ahmad Syuqi. Yogyakarta: Sukses Offset. 2008

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera pp.250

Hati. 2003. Pp. 262

27 Hasyim, Umar. Toleransi dan Kemerdekaan Beragama 29 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary dalam Islam Sebagai Dasar Menuju Dialog dan

English. UK: Longman. 1978. Pp.452 Kerukunan Antar Agama. Surabaya: PT. Bina Ilmu.

30 Shohib, Moh. Pola Asuh Orang Tua: Untuk Membantu 1979. Pp.22

Anak Mengembangkan Disiplin Diri. Jakarta: PT. RINEKA CIPTA. 1998. Pp. 6

PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2016: 93-112 This verse explains the invitation to

This verse is an explanation of the the believer to immediately fulfill the

command executing pious charity, divine call, if the call “adzan” has been

having previously described about called. 31 Hasten in the verse represented

forgiveness. This is relevant because the word “اوعساف” indicates a command to

although repentance has been obtained,

be disciplined. When it has scheduled but previous time has been filled with an important plan, then leave other

iniquity, and would not be restored things outside the plan. As told to leave

again. Relating to the hard work, this all matters when the call to prayer has

surah analogy in terms of forgiveness. called.

Although God gives opportunity to

e. Hard Working everyone to repent, but we are not Hard work is working seriously and

allowed to relax without doing pious with a lot of effort. 32 In the Curriculum

deeds. Although we have opened the 2013 hard work is behavior that indicate

doors of repentance, we still have to do an earnest effort to overcome barriers of

pious charity.

learning and completing assignments The verse commanded Prophet and tasks as well as possible.

Muhammad to convey to his people Hard work means trying hard to

that: do work because of Allah through get the maximum results. (In hadith the

variety of charities, both to our own self Prophet PBUH said:

and the general public. 34 God will judge their deeds then reward them.

ِلَمَع ْنِم َلُكَْي ْنَأ ْنِم اًرْـيَخ ،ُّطَق اًماَعَط ٌدَحَأ َلَكَأ اَم f. Creativity ْنِم ُلُكَْي َناَك ،ُمَلاَّسلا ِهْيَلَع َدُواَد َِّللا َّ ِبَن َّنِإَو ،ِهِدَي Creativity is the ability to use your

ِدَي ِلَمَع imagination to produce or use new

ideas, make thing etc. 35 “There is no single food that is better eaten According to than his own sweat foods. Verily Prophet Psychologist creativity is an ability

to make new combination based Dawud eating from the results of his own sweat. “(HR Sahih Bukhāri, 1966, No. on available data, information, and

33 2072). elements. Based on specialist said that creativity is willingness to create

something new. 36

As in the following the words of Creativity belongs to everyone, even

Allah: though each individual was different. In the world of education, developing

creativity is very important, because

ْمُتْـنُك اَِب ْمُكُئِّبَنُـيَـف ِةَداَهَّشلاَو ِبْيَغْلا ِِلاَع َلِإ َنوُّدَرُـتَسَو without creativity education will be

َنوُلَمْعَـت merely knowledge transferring process

Meaning: “And say: “Work (righteousness): whereas ideal education shall include Soon will Allah observe your work, and His

three aspects; cognitive, affective and Messenger, and the Believers: Soon will ye


be brought back to the knower of what is Understanding the talents of hidden and what is open: then will He show

children and develop their creativity you the truth of all that ye did” (Q.S. at-

is very important, if not, the talent and Taubat: 105).

34 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 1. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan, Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera

31 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 14. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan,

Hati. 2012. Pp. 588

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera 35 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary Hati. 2003. Pp. 231

English. UK: Longman. 1978. Pp.373 32 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary

36 Mustaqim, Abdul. Menjadi Orang tua Bijak: Solusi English. UK: Longman. 1978. Pp.736

Kreatif Menangani Berbagai Masalah Pada Anak. 33 Shohih Bukhāri. “1966. “هديب هلمع و لجرلا باب.No. 2072

Bandung: Mizan Media Utama (MMU). 2005. Pp.117

The Character Education ... (Richie Fajar) heavens and the earth. potential will not be developed properly. 39

The prophet Muhammad commanded The characteristics of Ulul albab parents to train their children and teach

equal with the characteristics of archery, sewing, swimming, and so on.

creativity affective that has a high Therefore, it could be from the process

sense of curiosity and always creates of the exercise, the talent and creativity

innovation of new things encountered. will flourish. 37

These characteristics refer to the creative Allah SWT said:

attitude which always want to make

a new ways and discovery of what is

ِلْيَّللا ِفلاِتْخاَو ِضْرلأاَو ِتاَواَمَّسلا ِقْلَخ ِفي َّنِإ owned. ِباَبْللأا ِلولأ ٍتَيل ِراَهَّـنلاَو g. Independence

Meaning: “Behold! in the creation of the Independency is confident and able heavens and the earth, and the alternation

to do things by yourself in your own of night and day, there are indeed Signs for

way, without needing help from other people. 40 men of understanding” (Q.S. ‘Ali Imrān: In the character education 190). curriculum, independency is uneasy

attitude and behavior to depend on other in completing the task.

The verse above describes the creation of the heavens and the earth

An expert wisdom says: “If the prepared by God, and the command

child is raised in comforting, he will

learn to be selfish”. As we know that shows that Allah was created the

to think about it. 38 Those illustrations

the difference of indulgent and loving is thin, then it should be limited in

universe and its contents as the object of thinking for those who want to think. loving so that children do not fall

And who has willing to pay attention to into indulgence. These limitation can

be done by embedding independent the universe is called Ulul albab.


ْمِِبوُنُج ىَلَعَو اًدوُعُـقَو اًماَيِق ََّللا َنوُرُكْذَي َنيِذَّلا With independent personality, a

learner can be expected to have: the principle of life, solid personality,

َتْقَلَخ اَم اَنَّـبَر ِضْرلأاَو ِتاَواَمَّسلا ِقْلَخ ِفي َنوُرَّكَفَـتَـيَو ِراَّنلا َباَذَع اَنِقَف َكَناَحْبُس لاِطَب اَذَه optimistic mental, positive thinking,

Meaning: “Men who celebrate the praises of responsible, and able to put himself Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on

in the right position. The positive their sides, and contemplate the (wonders

benefits of independent attitude same of) creation in the heavens and the earth,

as contained in the Word of Allah: (With the thought): “Our Lord! not for

naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty

of the Fire.” (Q.S. ‘Ali Imrān: 191).

Ulul Albab Meaning: “For each (such person) there are

is they who have a high sense of curiosity to his surroundings. In

(angels) in succession, before and behind the verse above described characteristics

him: They guard him by command of Allah. of Ulul albab , there are; a. Always

remember God in all circumstances, 39 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 2. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan,

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera

Hati. 2000. Pp. 293 40 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary 37 Ibid. pp. 115

b. Thinking about the creation of the

English. UK: Longman. 1978. Pp.818 38 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 2. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan,

41 Mustaqim, Abdul. Menjadi Orang tua Bijak: Solusi Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera

Kreatif Menangani Berbagai Masalah Pada Anak. Hati. 2000. Pp. 290

Bandung: Mizan Media Utama (MMU). 2005. Pp.128

PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2016: 93-112 Verily never will Allah change the condition

such as: 44

of a people until they change what is within

1) Freedom

themselves. But when (once) Allah willeth Individual freedom in the

a people´s punishment, there can be no presence of power state or turning it back, nor will they find, besides

balance between the individual Him, any to protect.” (Q.S. ar-Ra’d: 11).

rights with the collective rights of the community.

The verse above explains that the

2) Justice

social changes of a people will not be Is a foundation of democracy, done by Allah, before they do step first. 42 it means opening up

This verse shows that Allah teaches opportunities for everyone, independence to His servant, even

and the independence of though Allah is the Powerful one, Allah

individuals for implementing still provide an opportunity to people to

neccesities without try it first.


violating the rights of others. This verse also explaines that in

(Common man there is an “iradah” (press and

3. Consultative


willpower). Iradah is equipped to human The ways to preserve freedom beings so that humans are not entirely

and fight for justice. From surrender to the will of destiny. Those

these three basic values of who do not want to use their iradah,

democracy, freedom is the most are those who are not independent and

inclined underlying intent of rely on others. Allah does not promise

democratic values promoted in anything for those who do not want to

2013. Where equality of rights try.

and obligations of human In the world of education,

beings must be upheld and independence needs to be encouraged

applied in social life. However, so that learners accustomed to do the

freedom will not run optimally task without the help of others. In

without the other values, justice addition, the independence will make

and consultative. personality grow strong and not easily influenced in everything around him.

The justice value explains that

h. Democratic every human being has the same rights Democratic is having or supporting

and obligations, and each individual equality for all member. 43 Democratic in

has the same opportunity to go ahead. the curriculum 2013 is the way to think,

However, it is restricted to not interfere behave and act the same rights and

with the rights of others. Then the control obligations judging him and others. This

of freedom and justice, embodied in the definition of democracy directs learners

value of consultative. In the sense that to understand the equality. There are no

this value aims to maintain the fight for differences between people that create

freedom and justice.

the social gap. It is in accordance with the word of According to Abdurrahman Wahid,

Allah SWT:

the value of democracy is not only a consultative, but also other basic values

42 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 6. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan,

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera Hati. 2002. Pp. 560

44 Wahid, Abdurrahman. Dialog Pearadaban untuk 43 Oxford Wordpower. New York: Oxford University

Toleransi dan Perdamaian. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Press. 2006. Pp.208

Pustaka Utama. 2010. Pp. 162

The Character Education ... (Richie Fajar) Meaning: “Those who hearken to their Lord,

other curiosity. This is similar to the and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct)

education that develop over the times. their affairs by mutual Consultation; who

According to Donald Latumahina spend out of what We bestow on them for

in (Latumahina, 2013: 3) there are four Sustenance” (Q.S. asy-Syūrā: 38). 48 benefits of curiosity, there are:

1) It makes your mind active The verse above explains that all

instead of passive matters relating to the society, it should

Curious people always ask

be decided by consultation between questions and search for them. No authoritarian to impose

answers in their minds. Their his opinion. 45 Consultation (common

minds are always active. Since agreement) has taught by Prophet

the mind is like a muscle which Muhammad PBUH to his friend since

becomes stronger through the war. When they deal with some

continual exercise, the mental important matters, then they carry

exercise caused by curiosity parley between them, so that the matter

makes our mind stronger and can be discussed and studied together. 46 stronger.

i. Curiousity

2) It makes your mind observant Curiosity is the desire to learn about

of new ideas something or to know something. 47 When you are curious about

Curiosity is an emotion related to the something, your mind curious behavior such as; exploration,

expects and anticipates new investigation, and learning, evident

ideas related to it. When the by observation in human and many

ideas come they will soon be animal species. This term can be used to

recognized. Without curiosity, show the behavior itself caused by the

the ideas may pass right in emotion of curiosity. As an emotional,

front of you and yet you miss curiosity in an encouragement to know

them because your mind is not new things. Curiosity is the main

prepared to recognize them. driving force behind scientific research

3) It opens up new worlds and and other disciplines of human study.


In the world of human education, By being curious you will be human curiosity developed along with

able to see new worlds and the development of human life and the

possibilities which are normally time in which they live. The historic

not visible. They are hidden period of human life from hunting and

behind the surface of normal farming are moving from one place

life, and it takes a curious mind to another, then increases to farmers

to look beneath the surface and and ranchers to finally settle in their

discover these new worlds and prefered location. These developments,


discuss about the curiosity that need to

4) It brings excitement into your enter in the world of education. Human


curiosity will never run out, when The life of curious people is far innovation appear, it would appear the

from boring. It’s neither dull nor routine. There are always

45 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 12. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan, Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera

new things that attract their

Hati. 2003. Pp. 511 46 Al- Maraghi, Ahmad Mustofa. Jilid.25. Tafsir Al-

48 Latumahina, Donald. 4 Reasons Why Curiosity is Maraghi. Semarang: CV. Toha Putra. 1974. Pp. 94

Important and How to Develop It [online]. Available at 47 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary

( accessed 6 Agustus 2014 at English. UK: Longman. 1978. Pp.388

PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2016: 93-112 attention, there are always new

characteristics of Ulul albab, as follow: ‘toys’ to play with. Instead of

1) Human (male or female), 2) Always being bored, curious people

remember Allah in all circumstances, 3) have an adventurous life.

Keep attention to the surrounding. Someone who has keep attention to From the benefits above, suggests

their surrounding is similar to someone that people who have more curiousity

who posseses curiosity. From the can interpret the essential of lives in

explanation of the verse, the Ulul albab this world. They will pay attention to

is likened with those people that have everything they see, hear or feel. As in

a high curiosity. Then, long time before the words of Allah:

the world of education has formed the cabinets, Allah has chosen candidate

ِراَهَّـنلاَو ِلْيَّللا ِفلاِتْخاَو ِضْرلأاَو ِتاَواَمَّسلا ِقْلَخ ِفي َّنا who will classified in the world اًدوُعُـقَو اًماَيِق ََّللا َنوُرُكْذَي َنيِذَّلا¤ ِباَبْللأا ِلولأ ٍتَيل education.

ِضْرلأاَو ِتاَواَمَّسلا ِقْلَخ ِفي َنوُرَّكَفَـتَـيَو ْمِِبوُنُج ىَلَعَو j. Nationalism

Nationalism is a strong love for

ِراَّنلا َباَذَع اَنِقَف َكَناَحْبُس لاِطَب اَذَه َتْقَلَخ اَم اَنَّـبَر your own country and the belief that

Meaning: “Behold! in the creation of the 51 it is better than any other country. heavens and the earth, and the alternation

Nasionalism derived from Latin “natio” of night and day, there are indeed Signs for

(a nation united natural birth) objectively men of understanding,- Men who celebrate

that nationalism is closely related to the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and

language, race, religion, civilization, lying down on their sides, and contemplate 52 region, state, and citizenship.

the (wonders of) creation in the heavens Nationalism is an understanding anSd the earth, (With the thought): “Our

realized in a movement that crave Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all)

a common interest, i.e. the nation this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from

interests. Nationalism implies a mental the penalty of the Fire.” (Q.S. ‘Ali Imrān:

attitude, in which the supreme loyalty 190-191).

of the individual is for the nation state. 53 The keyword of nationalism is national

The verse above explains that the supreme loyalty. The loyalty arises from laws of universe which spawned the

the awareness of different collective habits, essentially defined and governed

identity from the others. However, the by Allah Almighty. Those essence form

most important thing in the presence of an invitation people to think as

of a nationalism is living and active proofs. 49 Thus the whole creation of the

coorperate will.

heavens and the earth, as an object that According to the scholars, is prepared by Allah to all human. And

nationalism is the sense of attachment who are willing to pay attention to the

( al-ashabiyah) a group of people who are creation of Allah called Ulul albab.

in a specific geographical, who have a Ulul albab are people who have

common goal to build an order of life pure sense, whose mind can not be

system. 54 Basically, nationalism was shrouded by fog ideas that can generate confusion in their thinking. They

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera

pondering about the phenomena of the Hati. 2000. Pp. 291

50 universe. 51 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary In verse 191 th mentioned the

English. UK: Longman. 1978. Pp.1058 52 Moesa, Ali Maschan. Nasionalisme Kiai: Konstruksi

49 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 2. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan, Sosial Berbasis Agama. Yogyakarta: PT LkiS Pelangi Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera

Aksara. 2007. Pp. 28

Hati. 2000. Pp. 290

53 Ibid. pp. 29

50 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 2. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan,

54 Ibid. pp. 307

The Character Education ... (Richie Fajar) built on behalf of the plurality ( al-umma),

k. Rewarding Achievement

a sense of brotherhood ( al qaumiyah), Rewarding is something that is solidarity in diversity (

asy- syu’ubiyah), 56 given in return of work, effort, ect. equality (al musawah), and patriotism (al

Achievement is something that you

wathaniyah). 57 succeed in doing by your own effort.

The national spirit has to rise in Then, Rewarding achievement is giving order to reinforce learner’s mindset

something to someone (student, child, that the interests of nation and state are

etc.) to appreciate of what have been more important than the interests of

achieved. In Character Education individuals or groups. All the the rules

curriculum, rewarding achievement of the Nation should be implemented

define as Attitudes and actions that as the realization of nationalism. As the

encourage him to produce something word of Allah in His Book:

useful for society, and recognize the success of others.

ِلوُأَو َلوُسَّرلا اوُعيِطَأَو ََّللا اوُعيِطَأ اوُنَمآ َنيِذَّلا اَهُّـيَأ َي The development of culture َِّللا َلِإ ُهوُّدُرَـف ٍءْيَش ِفي ْمُتْعَزاَنَـت ْنِإَف ْمُكْنِم ِرْملأا education and nation character can be

َكِلَذ ِرِخلا ِمْوَـيْلاَو َِّللِب َنوُنِمْؤُـت ْمُتْـنُك ْنِإ ِلوُسَّرلاَو implemented through lesson integration.

Self development and school culture are the results of the educational process

Meaning: “O ye who believe! Obey Allah, conducted by teachers and learners in and obey the Messenger, and those charged

the active and fun process of teaching with authority among you. If ye differ in

and learning. By means of the process of anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah

learning every subject leads to develop and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah

cognitive, affective, psychomotoric and and the Last Day: That is best, and most

spirituality abilities.

suitable for final determination.” (Q.S. an- Leadership, exemplary, hospitality, Nisā’: 59).

hard work, nationalism and spirit of achievement should be the school

Particularly, this verse contains the culture, especially for the teachers who basic principles of Islamic teachings in

should be the best figure. Proven by terms of power and government. The

the teacher’s behavior and classroom prescribed condition to create a just and

learning indicators are set to motivate prosperous society is to obey Allah and

student-learning achievement. His Messenger, to follow the ulil amr,

In His book, Allah SWT said: and to make the values of the Qur’an and Sunnah as the basic law to resolve the problems (Shihab, 2000,II: 459). 55

ِلْيَّللا ِفلاِتْخاَو ِضْرلأاَو ِتاَواَمَّسلا ِقْلَخ ِفي َّنl

This verse commands to the

believers to obey the laws of any

authority decision to determine the

law called “Ulil Amr”. The obedience

to ulil amr, is a form of participation in Meaning: “Behold! in the creation of the realization of the spirit of nationalism.

heavens and the earth, and the alternation Those things implemented to realize the

of night and day, there are indeed Signs for just society, prosperous, and peaceful

men of understanding,- Men who celebrate nation.

the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and

56 Oxford Wordpower. New York: Oxford University 55 Shihab, M. Quraish. Vol. 2. Tafsir Al- Misbah: Pesan,

Press. 2006. Pp.660

Kesan dan Keserasian al- Qur’an. Ciputat: Lentera 57 Longman. LONGMAN Dictionary of Contemporary Hati. 2000. Pp. 459

English. UK: Longman. 2000. Pp.13

PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 17, No. 2, Desember 2016: 93-112 there”. lying down on their sides, and contemplate 60 In Curriculum 2013 friendly is

the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the Act that shows enthusiasm to talk , the earth, (With the thought): “Our Lord!

to mingle and to cooperate with others. not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this!

To make friend is one of the Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the

important life skills, it is equal to embed penalty of the Fire.” (Q.S. ‘Ali Imrān: 190-

on individual socialization values. 191).

Friendship environment is an important environment after the family. So in that

The verse above describes the environment, parental controls are creation of universe intended as human

necessary for the child not to be affected learning objects (Shihab, 2000,II: 290). 58 negatively.

Knowledge source of God has been From several studies in this decade, evident from all the pleasure given to

friendship can accept moral values, such humans. The enjoyment of life in this

as; learn to care, share, and empathize. world must be balanced with attention

Besides that, through make a friends to their surroundings, so that life

learned will make children gain new becomes helpful.

skills in terms of speaking ability, However, every individual has a

interpersonal skills, and the ability to

different mindset. It is then explained 61 control the emotions of selfishness. that those who are willing to pay

However, we need to choose and attention to the incidence of heaven and

notice people who want to be friends. earth will be classified as Ulul albab

Because a friend will give big influence “people who have a pure sense”. Those

in shaping the character of individual. who have a pure mind have a tendency