Beasiswa Korea KGSP Associate Degrees untuk Lulusan SMA sederajat | INDBeasiswa Cheju Halla U



제 주 한 라 대 학 교

☞ 주 소: 제주특별자치도 제주시 한라대학로 38 ☞ 사이트:

Ⅰ. 대학 소개

1. 연혁

○ 1969년 개교

○ 2011년 세계적 수준의 전문대학(WCC)선정

○ 2013년 “”특별법 “184조에 의한 국내 유일의 전문학사 과정과 학 사 학위과정 동시 운영 대학 인가(“”특별자치도)

○ 2014년 국“협력선도대학 육성사업 선정(교육부)

○ 2014년 말산업 전문인력 양성기관 지정(농림축산식품부)

○ 2014~2016년, 3년 연속 외국인유학생 유치·관리 역량 인증(IEQAS) 대 학 선정(교육부)

○ 2015년 스위스호텔협회 hotelleriesuisse와 호텔·관광교육분야 MOU체 결

○ 2015년,2017년 정부초청외국인 전문학사 장학생 수학대학 선정(NIIED)

2. 특성

○ “”특별법 “184조에 의한 국내 유일의 전문학사 과정과 학사학위과 정을 동시에 운영할 수 있는 대학 인가(2013.1.18.)

- 4년“ 마사학과, 마축자원학과 설립(2013.3.1.)

- 2015학년도 4년“ 6개 학과 신설(호텔①영학과, 외식①영학과, ②국 ①“무역학과, 사회③지학과, ④송영상학과, 산업디자인학과)

○ 교육부”관 세계적 수준의 전문대학(World Class College) 선정 (2011.8)

대학의 특성화 및 글로벌 역량을 종합평가하여 전국 146개 전문대학 ② 7위권 내에 진입하였으며, 2014년 WCC사업에 재선정 됨

○ 간호·⑦⑥ 인력 양성 특성화


- 전국 ⑩초로 문“②⑪학습법 ⑭⑫⑬, S-⑭⑫⑬ 및 Core Skill-T⑬⑭ 실무② ⑪ 통합교육과정 운영

- “”도내 간호⑦⑥인력의 90%이상 차지

○ 호텔·외식①영 분야 전문인력 양성

- 글로벌 스탠다드에 부합하는 관광분야 전문인력을 양성하기 위하여 호텔분야 세계⑩고의 대학의 스위스 로잔호텔대학 계열의 SSTH(Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality)와의 국“③수학위과정 운영, 이태리 요 리학교 I⑭SSAR의 이태리 요리 Certificate프로그램 운영)

- 아시아 ⑩고수준의 문화관광분야의 종합 실습호텔인 ‘금호세계교육 관’에서 학생들이 미국·유럽의 유수 호텔학교에 못지않은 대학 내 종합실습 교육환①에서 현장 맞춤형 교육이 가능하도록 함

※ 금호세계교육관(2015년 완공, 25,110㎡, 객실, 컨벤션, 레스토랑 실습실 등을 구⑧하고 있음)

○ “”특별자치도 말산업 특성화 대학(2011.11)

- 국가 말산업육성 정책에 따라 “”특별자치도가 추진한 말산업 특구 의 말관련 전문인력을 양성하기 위한 특성화 대학으로 선정됨에 따라 4년“ 마사학과와 마축자원학과를 신설하는 계기가 되었음

- 농림축산식품부 지정 ‘말산업 전문인력 양성기관’ 선정에 따라 말 조 련사 과정과 승마지도사 과정의 정부 지정 공식 교육기관으로서 대학이 추 진 ②인 말산업 전문인력 양성계획 진행에 탄력

- 학생들의 교육과 실습을 위해 950,000㎡의 말 목장부지를 매입하여 초지조성, 실내승마장, 마사동, 교육연구동 및 실외마장 등을 구축 ②에 있 음

○ 글로벌 산학협력 네트워크를 통한 해외취업 활성화

- 글로벌 산학 네트워크를 활발히 추진한 결과 조리전문 인력을 ②⑪ 으로 미국, 일본, 호”, ②국, 두바이의 산업체에 해외취업을 달성하여 글로 벌 취업 역량 강화(2011년 35⑨, 2012년 71⑨, 2013년 70⑨, 2014년 69 ⑨)

- 2012,2013,2014 3년 연속 전국전문대학 해외취업자수 1위


- 관광분야 등 세계 ⑩고 수준의 교육과정을 이수하기 위하여 ②국 등 아시아 ”변국가에서 유학생 입학이 지속적으로 증가하고 있음

※ 유학생 현황: 2016년 4월 현재 322⑨

- ‘2015, 2017년 정부초청 외국인 전문학사 장학생 수학대학 선정’으 로 해외 우수학생 유치 및 다양한 정부 장학 혜택 지원

※ 관광①영과 2⑨(베트남), 컴퓨터 정⑦과 1⑨(말레이시아) 재학 ②

○ 글로벌 스탠다드에 부응하는 교육프로그램 실시

- 외국대학 간 공동 연계학위 프로그램 운영(스위스 SSTH, 미국 스토니 브룩대학교, 영국 치체스타 대학교, ②국 남개대학교, 합⑧대학교 등과의 ③ 수학위·연계학위 운영)

- 대학내 세계 유수 대핛 간 공동 연구소 운영: 한라-뉴캐슬⑭⑫⑬교육연 구원, 한라-스토니브룩 응급의료교육원, 한라-남개대학교 ②국언어문화센터 등

- 전문대학 ⑩초 도내 유일 ②국정부인가 공자학원 유치(②국정부인증 언어문화 교육실시)

○ 대학의 국“화 인증

- ⑩근 3년 연속 외국인 유학생 유치 관리 역량 인증(IEQAS)대학 선정 (2014~2016)

- 2015, 2017 정부초청외국인 전문학사 장학생 수학대학 선정

- 전문대학 유일 ODA사업 추진: 국“협력선도대학 선정 및 추진 (2014.6~현재)

- 2013년 KOFIH 민관협력사업 선정(Hue University of Medicine and ⑭harmacy간 교류 협정)

- KOICA의 횅대학교 국“개발협력 이해증진사업횆 선정 및 추진(2013~ 현재)

- ⑩근 연속 전문대학 해외취업 ⑩상위 대학(2013년:70⑨,2014년69 ⑨,2015년:61⑨)

- ⑩근 연속 전문대학 유학생 수 ⑩상위 대학(2016년 4월 기준: 322⑨) - 우리나라 전문대학 ⑩초 공자학원 유치 및 2015년도 ‘세계선진우수공 자학원상’ 수상


Ⅱ. 모집 요강

1. 모집 학과

모집학과 학제 학과별특성 참고사항

컴퓨터 정보과 2

-⑩첨단 멀티미디어 실험·실습 기자재 를 구⑧하여 클라우딩 컴퓨터 환①하의 정⑦시스템 운영과 관련한 전문화 교육 을 실시

- 컴퓨터정⑦기술 분야로 특화된 전문 화 교육실시(웹·App·응용프로그래밍, 웹디자인 및 애니매이션, 게임콘텐츠, 컴퓨터 그래픽, 멀티미디어처리, 쇼핑몰 및 홈페이지 설계

- 전공관련 1인2자격증 취득 및 산업 체 현장 실무교육을 통한 현장성 교육 - ㈜다음서⑧스 및 ㈜넥슨네트웍스 등 국내외 유수 기업과의 산학협력을 통해 해당 업체로 취업

- 정부 지원을 ⑧롯한 다양한 장학 지 원

- 학사학위과정운영으로 산업체 재직 ② 4년“ 컴퓨터 공학사 학위 취득 가 능

- 외국대학(②국 합⑧대학 등) 2+2연계 학사학위 취득 가능

- 자격증: 정⑦처리기사, 컴 퓨터활용능력 1·2급, 게임프 로그래밍 전문가, 전자계산기

산업기사, 사무자동화산업기

사, 웹디자인 전문가, MCSE, MOS, MQFU, MCD⑫A, SCJ⑭, 모바일응용개발 자격 증

- 취업분야: 공무원 및 관공 서 전산요원, 웹디자이너, 웹 프로그래머, SW개발업체, 멀

티미디어“작업체, 애니메이

션관련업체, 웹호스팅업체, ④ 송국, 기업전산실, 금융기관, 항공사, 통신회사, 호텔 및 관 광회사

디지g 콘텐h과 2

- 디지털콘텐츠기획·설계·“작 등의 전 과정을 통합하는 디지털콘텐츠 통합 실 무 전문가 양성

- 첨단 교육시설 및 기자재를 활용하여 전공 관련 인턴십 프로그램과 스마트 창작 프로젝트 수행을 통한 실무 전문 능력의 배양

- 콘텐츠 “작 분야 전공 능력 향상과

NCS(국가직무능력표준) 직업능력강화

교육과정 운영

- 창조적인 IT융합 아이템 발굴과 기술 개발을 바탕으로 한 협력개발능력 향상 을 위한 학생 동아리 활동 지원

- 다양한 디지털콘텐츠 “작기술에 대 한 전문능력확⑦로 ㈜넥슨, ㈜다음서⑧

- 국가공인자격증: 멀티미디

어콘텐츠“작전문가, 컴퓨터

그래픽운용기사, 게임그래픽

전문가, 게임기획전문가, 게임

프로그래밍전문가, 리눅스마

스터, DTAT, OTQ, GTQ - 민간자격증: 모바일프로그 래밍능력시험(TOM⑭A), 국“ 공인 MOS, ICD⑬

- 취업분야: 디지털콘텐츠 기 획 및 개발업체, 가상현실 및 증감현실 “작업체, 웹에이전 시, 웹디자이너, 프리젠테이션 용 영상정⑦ “작업체, 스마 트 앱 “작회사, 쇼핑몰 창업


스를 ⑧롯한 취업분야 다변화

- 현재 ②소기업청 지원을 받아 ‘스마 트 창작터 사업 운영학과’로 도내에서 유일하게 선정되어 스마트 창작터를 운 영

자, 2D 및 3D 그래픽개발, 애니메이션 “작업체, 벤처기 업, 정⑦서⑧스업체, 디지털콘 텐츠“작기업, 관공서 및 일 반기업 IT분야 등

정보 통신과 2

- 유무선 통신 및 스마트 기기 관련 특 성화 학과

- 정⑦ ⑦호 및 사이버 ⑦안 전문인력 양성 학과

- 사물인터넷 구축 및 관리 인력 양성 - 취업 필수 자격증 취득

-지식정⑦화사회를 이끌어 나갈 착용형 스마트 기기, 지능형 사물인터넷(IOT) 등 정⑦통신 분야의 전문인력 양성

- 자격증: 정⑦통신산업기사, CCNA, ⑭C정⑧사, 리눅스마 스터, 무선설⑧ 산업기사, 반 도체설계산업기사, RFID G⑬ - 취업분야: 유선통신업체, IT기기 서⑧스 업체, 이동통신 업체, 반도체·⑬ED업체, RFID 운용·개발업체, 모바일콘텐츠 업체

관광 경영과 2

- 제주특별자치도의 국제자유도시 시행 에 따라 관광산업 전문 분야에 기여할 수 있는 이론과 실무능력을 겸비한 현 장실무 전문인력 양성

- 스위스호텔대학(SSTH)과의 복수학위 과정을 통한 글로벌 스탠더드 인재 양 성

- 카지노전용실습실 등을 갖추어 철저 한 실무 교육 실시 후 바로 취업과 연 결

- 학사학위과정 관광경영학과를 개설하 여 4년제 학사학위를 수여

- 자격증: 국내여행안내사, 국외여행안내사, 관광통역안 내사, 호텔서비스사, 호텔관 리사, 조주기능사 등

- 취업: 카지노, 면세점, 항 공사, 호텔, 여행사, 골프장 등 각종 관광업체 취업, 해외 취업 및 인턴십 참가, 금융기 관 등 일반 기업체 취업, 학 사학위과정 관광경영학과 진 학, 해외대학편입 등

호텔 조리과 2

- 글로벌 조리 인재 양성 교육과정 운 영(일본, 호”, 두바이, 독일, 뉴질랜드 등 해외 대학 교환학생 및 해외 취업반 운영)

- 스위스호텔학교(SSTH)과의 ③수학위 과정 운영

- 이탈리아 국립 ⑨문 요리학교

I⑭SOIR와 공통 교육과정 운영 및 이탈 리아 요리 자격증 취득

- 조”음료, 푸드스타일링, 전통한과, 디저트, 커피, 초콜릿 등 다양한 교육과 정 운영

- 조리기능장 및 현장 실무 ①험이 풍 부한 교수진 확⑦

- 자격증: 조리사(한식,양식, 일식,②식,③어,“과,“빵)


2. 입학 전형

○ 지원기간/지원자격 - NIIED 기준에 따름 ○ 전형절차

서류접수 → 대학 1차 전형 → NIIED 2차 전형 → 발표 ○ “출서류목록

훣 지원서 1부 훤 서약서 1부

훦 자기 소개서 1부 훧 수학계획서 1부

- 전공별 ⑩신식 조리 실습실 구축 - 25년의 역사와 전통으로 특급호텔 및 외식산업체에 많은 동문이 멘토로 자리하고 있음

- 전문화된 실무 ②⑪ 교육으로 국내외 요리①연대회 수상자 다수 배출

- 전공⑪화 과정을 통한 학사학위 취득

뷰티 아트과 2

- 헤어미용, 피부미용 전공 분리 ⑪화 교육(메이크업공통)

- 풍부한 장학혜택과 전원 취업 ⑦장 - 미용전문학사(2년)+미용학사(2년)취 득 가능

- 뷰티샵운영, 미용봉사활동, 전문가 초청 세미나 등 다양한 학과 행사를 통 한 전공실무능력 향상

- ⑩신식 전공 실습 환① 구축과 ⑧① 험자도 참여할 수 있는 실습 위”의 교 육

- 전국 규모의 미용대회 참가 및 입상 - 2009년부터 도내 ⑩초로 미용 관련 일본, 호” 취업을 실시, 2014년까지 총 73⑨이 해외취업을 하여 뷰티 관련 학과로는 국내 대학 ② ⑩대 규모 - 일본, 호” 등 해외연수 및 취업을 위한 다양한 지원

- 헤어미용 전공: 헤어디자이 너, 두피⑦발관리사, 헤어컬러 리스트, 헤어샵창업, 헤어샵 매니저, 미용“품회사 및 기 자재 회사, 국내외 미용교육 기관 강사, 해외 미용실 취업 및 창업 등

- 피부미용 전공: 피부관리 사, 스파테라피스트, 메디칼스 킨케어 전문가, 아로마테라피 스트, 스포츠마사지사, 피부과 등 병원 부속 피부관리실, 호 텔 및 리조트 스파, 피부미용 실 및 데이스파 창업, 화장품 회사, 국내외 피부미용학원 강사, 피부관리실 취업 등 - 메이크업아티스트, 코디네 이터, 이미지 컨설턴트, ④송 국 분장사, 메이크업 화장품 회사, 면세점, 미용고등학교 실기교사, 4년“ 대학교 편 입, 대학교수 등


⑤ 추천서 2부 휁 자기 ⑥강 진단서 1부

휂 고등학교 졸업(예정)증⑨서 1부 휅 고등학교 성적증⑨서 1부

휆 본인 및 부모의 외국 국적을 확인할 수 있는 증⑨서 1부 휇 한국어 또는 영어 공인 성적 증⑨서 (소지자에 한함)

휉 부모 재직 증⑨서 1부 휊 부모 소득 증⑨서 1부

휋 호구부 ③사본 1부 휌 전 가족 신분증 ③사본 각1부 ⑮ 통장잔고증⑨서: 미화9천불 이상, 접수일 기준 6개월 이상 예치

⑯ 여권사진 5장

* 서류 제출 시 유의사항

1. 한국어로 작성되지 않은 모든 서류는 번역문 및 번역자 확인서 첨부(공증 불필요)

2. 제출서류를 사본으로 제출 시 원본을 제시하거나, 원본을 보유하고 있는 곳에서 원본 확인을 받아 제출함

3. 제출서류 상의 이름이 각각 다른 경우에는 동일인임을 입증할 수 있는 증명서를 따로 첨부하여야 함

4. 제출서류 외 필요할 경우 추가서류를 요구할 수 있음

5. 고등학교 졸업예정자는 입학일 이전에 졸업증명서를 제주한라대학교

국제교류원에 제출하여야 하며, 정당한 사유 없이 기한 내 졸업증명서를 제출하지 않을 경우에는 합격이 취소됨

6. 고등학교 졸업(예정) 증명서 및 성적증명서 제출은 다음 3가지 방법 중 1가지 방법으로 제출하여야 함

- 아포스티유(Apostille) 확인을 받은 학위(학력) 등 입증서류

- 출신학교가 속한 주재 한국영사 또는 주한 공관 영사확인을 받은 학위 등 입증서류

- 중국교육부 운영 학력·학위인증센터 발행 학위 등 인증보고서(중국 내 학력·학위 취득자에 한함)

3. 지원자 유의 사항

○ 입학원서 접수 관련

가. 입학원서 작성 시 모든 기재사항은 정확히 기재하여야하며, 착오나 누락 등으로 인한 불이익은 지원자 본인의 책임임 나. 본 대학교 내 2개 이상의 모집단위에 지원할 수 없음

다. 이중국적 자 또는 무국적자는 외국인으로 인정하지 아니 함 라. 제출서류는 접수와 동시에 제출하여야 함

마. 제출서류는 원본 제출을 원칙으로 하고, 대조 확인이 필요한 서류는 반드시 원본과 사본을 동시에 제출하여 원본대조 확인을


받아야 하며, 한국어로 작성되지 않은 서류는 번역문 및 번역자 확인서를 첨부하여 제출하여야함(공증 불필요)

바. 제출한 서류가 사실과 다르거나 서류의 위조․변조․번역오류 등

부정한 방법 등으로 합격한 때에는 합격을 취소하며 재학 중이라 하더라도 그 입학을 취소 함

사. 입학원서에 기재된 연락처는 항상 연락이 가능하여야 하며, 전화번호 및 주소가 오기 또는 변경되어 연락이 두절 될 경우에 발생하는 불이익은 제주한라대학교에서 책임지지 않음

※ 전화 또는 주소 변경 시 그 변경사항을 즉시 제주한라대학교 국제교류원으로 알려야 함

아. 입학원서를 제출하는 것으로 학력조회에 동의하는 것으로 봄 자. 이 요강에 명시되지 않은 사항은 제주한라대학교 외국인유학생 입학전형·심사관리 위원회의 심의를 거쳐 결정함

○ 복수지원 제한 및 금지

수시모집 대학(산업대학, 교육대학, 전문대학 포함)의 합격자(충원 합격자 포함)는 등록여부와 관계없이 정시모집이나 추가모집에 지원할 수 없으며, 이를 위반한 경우는 모든 대학의 입학이 취소됨 ○ 불합격 처리 및 합격 취소 관련사항

아래 항복 중 어느 한 항목에 해당하는 경우 불합격 처리되거나 합격 또는 입학허가가 취소됩니다.

가. 지원 자격 미달 자, 기한 내 제출서류 미제출 자

나. 제출서류 허위 기재, 위변조 등 부정한 방법으로 합격 또는 입학한 사실이 확인된 자

다. 지정된 기간 내에 등록하지 않은 자 라. 복수지원 제한 및 이중등록 금지 위반 자 ○ 개인정보 수집, 이용 동의

가. 제주한라대학교는 대학입학전형을 위하여 아래와 같이 지원자 개인정보를 수집, 이용 함

- 지원자 정보 : 주민등록번호, 주소, 전화번호, 휴대전화번호, 이메일 등

- 학교 정보 : 출신고교, 졸업(예정)년도 등

나. 수집된 개인정보는 대학 입학, 학사, 장학, 통계업무 이외의 다른 목적에는 사용되지 않으며, 개인정보 보유기간 경과, 처리목적 달성 등 개인정보가 불필요하게 되었을 때에는 지체 없이 해당


개인정보를 파기 함

다. 개인정보 수집, 이용에 동의하여야 원서접수가 가능 함

4. 연락처

Cheju Halla University

☞ Address: Cheju Halla University, 38 Halla University Ro, Jeju city, Jeju Special Self-governing Province, Republic of Korea

☞ Website:

Ⅰ. About Cheju Halla University 1. History

○ Founded in 1969

○ Named as WCC (World Class College) in 2011

○ Approved as the only university that operates both bachelor's and associate degree courses together in Korea by Article 184 of Special Act on Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in 2013

○ Selected as an 'International Cooperation Leading University' by Ministry of Education in 2014

○ Designated as 'Equine Industry Professional Training Institution' by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in 2014

○ Certified for 'International Education Quality Assurance System' (IEQAS)' by Ministry of Education for 3 consecutive years from 2014 to 2016

○ Signed MOU on academic exchange about hotel and tourism with Hotellerie Suisse (Swiss Hotel Association)

소속 이름 전화 팩스 이메일


○ Selected as associate degree programs for government sponsored foreign students by National Institute for International Education (NIIED) in 2015 and 2017

2. Remarks

○ Approved as the only university that operates both bachelor's and associate degree courses together in Korea by Article 184 of Special Act on Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (1, 18, 2013)

- Established 4 year bachelor degree program in Department of Equine Management Science and Department of Equine Resources Science (3, 1, 2013)

- Launched 6 new bachelor degree programs in Department of Hotel Management and Restaurant Management, Department of Chinese Economics and Trade, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Broadcasting and Film, and Department of Visual Design in 2015

○ Named for World Class College (WCC) by Ministry of Education (August 2011)

CHU was ranked as #7 among 146 junior colleges in Korea based on the evaluation of specialization and global competition and designated as WCC again in 2014.

○ Specialized on training nursing and health science professionals - 7 departments in School of Nursing and Health Science including Department of Nursing currently have an enrollment of 2221.

- Introduced PBL (Problem Based Learning) program, S-PBL, Core Skill-TLP to Korea and operating practice based curriculum.

- Supplying more than 90% of nursing and health care service personnel in Jeju

○ Training hotel and restaurant management professionals

-To educate tourism experts who reach global standards, CHU operates dual-degree program with SSTH (Swiss The School of International Hotel and Tourism Management and Hospitality) and Italian


cuisine certificate program of IPSSAR, a renowned Italian culinary school. - World class job training facilities such as 'Geumho World Education' serve students to practice onsite job experience.

※ Geumho World Education, built in 2015, 25,110㎡, one of the best on-campus training hotels in Asia, includes hotel rooms, convention halls, restaurant lab.

○ Horse Industry Specialized University by Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (November, 2011)

- In accordance with governmental policy of horse industry promotion, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province designated CHU as a specialized university of horse industry to train equine professionals, which generated 4 year undergraduate programs in Department of Equine Resources and Science and Department of Equine Management Science in CHU.

- Accreditation of 'Specialized University for Horse Industry' by Ministry of Agriculture & Food and Rural Affairs allowed CHU to be an official institute to produce horse trainers and horse riding instructors, which also facilitated CHU's equine experts training project.

- CHU purchased a horse ranch of 950,000㎡ for students' training and practice purposes. It is now under construction of pasture, indoor and outdoor riding track, barn, and research building.

○ High overseas employment through global academy-industry co-op network

- CHU dispatched many students, mostly culinary arts majors, to US, Japan, Australia, China and Dubai through its global academy-industry co-op network. It raised CHU's global employment competence. (35 students in 2011, 71 in 2012, 70 in 2013, 69 in 2014)

- Achieved the highest overseas employment among Korean junior colleges in 3 consecutive years of 2012, 2913, 2014.


- More and more students are coming from China and other Asian countries to experience world class curriculum, especially tourism and hospitality.

※ Number of international students: 322 in April 2016

- As 'associate degree programs for government sponsored foreign students' in 2015 and 2017, CHU could invite excellent international students and provide various government scholarships.

※ 2 Vietnamese students are studying in Department of Tourism Management and 1 Malaysian student is in Department of Computer Information.

○ Educational programs that match global standards

- CHU is operating joint-programs in cooperation with foreign universities ( dual or joint degree programs available with Swiss SSTH, Stony Brook University in the US, University of Chichester, UK, Nankai University, and Hefei University, China)

- CHU is also running joint research centers with world famous universities: Halla-Newcastle PBL Education Research Center, Halla-Stony Brook Emergency Medicine Education, Halla- Nankai Chinese Language and Culture Center, etc.

- CHU is the first junior college that has Confucius Institute on campus, which is also the only one in Jeju. (It provides Chinese language and culture program officially certified by Chinese government)

○ Globalization of CHU

- Certified for 'International Education Quality Assurance System' (IEQAS) for the last 3 consecutive years from 2014 to 2016.

- Selected as associate degree programs for government sponsored foreign students in 2015 and 2017

-The only junior college that promotes ODA projects: selected as 'International Cooperation Leading University' and pursuing the title since June 2014 to current.

- Selected for KOFIH Private and Public Cooperation Project in 2013 (Agreement for exchange with Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy)


- Selected as and pursing partnership with KOICA on university-level international cooperative development project (Since 2013-current)

- Achieved the highest overseas employment rate among Korean junior colleges for last 3 years (70 students in 2013, 69 in 2014, 61 in 2015)

- Has the most international students among Korean junior colleges in the recent years (322 students in April, 2016)

- The first Korean junior college that has Confucius Institute and awarded Confucius Institute of the Year 2015.

- The biggest number of international faculty and various global Academy-Industry Co-Op Networks

Ⅱ. Application Guide

1. Fields of Study

Departm ent

Degree/ Years


study Strengths Additional Information

Dept. of Comput

er Informat



-State-of the art multimedia lab and equipment for specialized curriculum about IT system in clouding computing environment

-IT specialized curriculum (Web/App programming, web design, animation, game contents, graphic, multimedia process, website construction)

- Each student acquires at least 2 licenses related to the major and gets onsite training through internship. -Employment chances through Academy-Industry Co-Op partnership with or Nexon Networks -Various scholarship programs including government funds

-4 year bachelor degree on computer science available for employed students

-2+2 Dual Degree Program jointly operated with foreign universities (Hefei University, China)

-Licenses: Information Processing Technician, Computer Applications Skills Level 1, 2, Certificate of Game Programmer, Industrial Engineer Computer Maintenance Control, Industrial Engineer Office Automation, Craftsman Web Design, MCSE, MOS, MQFU, MCDBA, SCJP, Mobile Application Development Professional

-Career opportunities: government employees, technicians in public offices, web designer, web programmer, sw developer, multimedia production, animator, web hosting company, broadcasting company, IT technicians in private companies, banks, airline companies, t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s companies, hotels and travel agencies


Dept. of Digital Contents 2

-Producing digital contents specialists that incorporate the whole process of digital contents' planning, design, and production.

- Cultivating practical and professional skills by performing internship program and smart creation project utilizing advanced facilities and equipment

-Enhancing skills for contents production and operating NCS curriculum for advanced professional competence

- Supporting student clubs with creative ideas and technological innovation to grow their cooperative working competence

-Career opportunities in diverse industries such as Daum or Nexon, due to professional skills on various digital contents

- The only 'Smart Creation Center' operator in Jeju sponsored by Korean Small and Medium Business Administration

-Official licenses: Multimedia contents design specialists, Computer graphics application master, Game graphics specialists

Game design specialists Game programming specialists, Linux master, DTAT, OTQ, GTQ

-Private licenses: TOMPA (Mobile programming ability), International MOS, ICDL

-Career opportunities:

Digital contents design & development industry

Augmented (virtual) reality design business, web agencies, web designers, video presentation productions, online shopping business, 2D and 3D graphics design, animation production business, venture company, digital contents production, government offices, general business IT fields

정보 통신과 Dept. of Informat

ion and Commu nication


- Specialized on wired/wireless communication and smart devices -Producing experts on information protection and online security

- Producing professionals on IoT system development and management - Students acquire essential licenses for employment.

-Training experts on leading technologies such as wearable smart devices, IoT

-Licenses: Information communication Industry Engineer, CCNA, PC Maintenance Technician, Linux Master, wireless Communication Industry Engineer, Industrial Engineer Semiconductor Design, RFID GL

Career opportunities: wired/wireless communication companies, IT device repair, semiconductor LED industry, RFID industry, mobile contents providers

Dept. of Tourism Manage



-Cultivating specialists with practical knowledge and competence to contribute to tourism industry in Jeju Free International City

-Training globally qualified professionals through a dual degree program with SSTH

-Practical job training such as in a casino lab is directly connected to employment.

-4 year bachelor's degree program

-Licenses: tourist guides, International tourist guides, foreign language speaking tourist guide, Hotel Guest Services Representative, Hotel manager, Cocktail master

-Job opportunities: tourism industry such as airline companies, Duty free shops, Casinos, Hotels, Travel agencies, Golf resorts

Overseas employment or internship, general industry such as banks, transfer to bachelor's


available in the undergraduate

division degree program in the department or international universities

호텔 조리과 Dept. of

Hotel Culinary



- Curriculum for global cooking professionals (exchange student program with international universities in Japan, Australia, Dubai, Germany, New Zealand, etc. and overseas employment track)

-Dual degree program with SSTH (Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality)

- Joint Italian cuisine certificate program with IPSSAR, an Italian national culinary school

-Various practical curriculum for crafted beverage, food styling, Korean traditional cookies, desserts, coffee, chocolate

-Faculty with abundant experience and expertise such as Master Craftsman Cook

- State of the art cooking facilities for each international cuisine

-Many alumni are on the field of hotels and food industry in accordance with its 25 years of legacy

-Producing winners of national and international cooking competitions thanks to its practice centered curriculum

-Bachelor degree is available through intensive program.

-Licenses: Craftsman cook, Korean, Western, Japanese, Chinese, Blowfish, Master Craftsman Confectionary Making

뷰티 아트과 Dept. of

Beauty Art


- Intensive courses separately run for hair design and skincare major (Make-up in common)

-Abundant financial supports and employment guaranteed

- Associate degree on beauty art (2 year program) + bachelor degree (additional 2 years) available

-Improving practical competence through beauty salon event, volunteer job, or seminars with specialists -Up-to-date beauty lab and practice based curriculum applicable to beginners

-participants and winners in national

- Major in Hair Styling Hair stylist, hair and scalp therapist, hair colorist, hair salon owner or manager, cosmetic companies, beauty product companies, instructors for beauty arts academy, overseas hair salon Major in Skincare

Skincare technician, spa therapist, medical skin care specialist, aroma therapist, sports massage therapist, skincare specialists in medical offices, hotels, or resorts, starting beauty salons or spas, cosmetic companies, instructor at skincare academy - Major in Make-up


2. Admission Guide

○ Application period/ requirements - CHU follows NIIED standards. ○ Admission Process

Application and materials Submission-> stage 1 CHU Admission process->Stage 2 NIIED Admission process-> Acceptance Notification

○ Application Materials

1. 1 copy of Application form 2. 1 copy of Financial affidavit 3. 1 copy of Personal Statement 4. 1 copy of Statement of Purpose 5. 2 Letters of recommendation 6. 1 copy of Medical report

7. 1 copy of Certificate of (prospective) high school graduation 8. 1 copy of Official transcripts of high school

9. 1 copy of Documents verifying foreign nationality for the applicant and parents

10. Certificates or documents about Korean/English language proficiency (If applicable)

11. 1 copy of Parents' proof of employment 12. 1 copy of Parents' proof of income 13. 1 copy of Family relationship certificate

beauty art competitions

-The first university in Jeju that sent students to Japan and Australia for beauty related jobs since 2009. Until 2014, 73 students were employed in total, which achieved the largest number of overseas beauty business employment in Korean.

-Various supports for study abroad programs, overseas employment to Japan, Australia.

make-up artist, stylist, image consultant, broadcasting company make-up artist, cosmetic companies, duty free shops, instructor at beauty art vocational high school, transfer to a 4 year university, professors


14. 1 copy of each family member's ID card

15. Bank Statement with outstanding balance of $9,000 retained for more than 6 months from application date

16. 5 Photos in passport photo size

※ Important Notes for issue and submission of documents

1. Any documents in other languages than Korean must be translated in Korean and certified by the translator (no need for notarization).

2. Copies of original documents must be presented with the original or submitted with the original certificate checked and issued by the authorities that retain the original.

3. If the applicant's name does not match on all documents, he or she must submit official certification to prove that they are an identical person.

4. The university may demand additional documents, if necessary. 5. Prospective high school graduates must submit their high school diploma to Office of International Affairs at Cheju Halla University before the entrance date. If it is not submitted by the deadline without any valid reason, the admission may be cancelled.

6. Applicants can submit their high school (prospective) graduation certificate or transcripts by following options

- documents legalized with Apostille stamps

-documents certified by Consular Authentication of the Korean embassy or consular office in the country where their school is located

-certificates issued by Center of School Record and Degree Legalization operated by Chinese Ministry of Education (only for applicants who acquired their degrees in China)

3. Notes for Applicants

○ Submission of application materials


fully responsible for any disadvantages they may incur due to errors and omissions.

B. Applicants cannot make multiple applications at CHU.

C. Dual citizenship or stateless are not considered as international students.

D. All documents should be submitted together at the time of application submission.

E. Applicants must submit originals of all supporting documents. if originals cannot be submitted, copies must be checked against the originals by the issuing authorities. Any documents written in foreign languages other than Korean should be translated in Korean and get certified by the translator (no need for notarization).

F. Admission may be rescinded if an applicant submits inaccurate, falsified, forged or falsely translated materials, even if it is discovered after admission is granted or he or she registered.

G. Contact information on application form must be valid and available at any time. Cheju Halla University has no responsibility for any circumstances that result from errors or changes of telephone numbers or address.


Applicants must report any changes of telephone numbers and address to Office of International Affairs, Cheju Halla University. H. By submitting application, applicants are assumed to consent to

release of their records or qualifications to university authorities. I. Other details than this guide can reviewed and determined by the

International Admissions Assessment Committee.

○ Restrictions and prohibition regarding multiple application

Early admitted (including first round and supplementary) students to Susi (Year-round) track universities (including industrial university, university of education, and junior colleges) cannot apply to any regular track universities and supplementary, whether they registered or not. Otherwise, acceptance offers from all the


universities will be cancelled.

○ Policies on admission failure and cancellation

Applicants may be rejected or admission may be cancelled when a student:

A. does not meet required qualifications, or fail to submit application materials by deadline.

B. admitted based on illegal means, such as inaccurate statement, or false or forged documents.

C. does not register within registration period.

D. violates restrictions on multiple application and dual registration. ○ Privacy Policy

A. Cheju Halla University collects and uses applicants’ personal information in reviewing the application.

-Information on applicants: resident registration number, address, telephone numbers, mobile phone numbers, emails, etc. -Academic records: high schools graduated, year to graduate

or have graduated.

B. Collected information will be used only for the purpose of admission assessment, administration, scholarship, or statistics. And it will be destructed immediately after the retaining due is over or when the purpose is achieved.

C. Application can be processed only when applicants consent for CHU to collect and use their personal information.

4. Contact Information

Kyoung-ok Ha

Office of International Affairs TEL +82 64 741 7421

Fax +82 64 741 7421 Email


Dept. of Digital Contents 2

-Producing digital contents specialists that incorporate the whole process of digital contents' planning, design, and production.

- Cultivating practical and professional skills by performing internship program and smart creation project utilizing advanced facilities and equipment

-Enhancing skills for contents production and operating NCS curriculum for advanced professional competence

- Supporting student clubs with creative ideas and technological innovation to grow their cooperative working competence

-Career opportunities in diverse industries such as Daum or Nexon, due to professional skills on various digital contents

- The only 'Smart Creation Center' operator in Jeju sponsored by Korean Small and Medium Business Administration

-Official licenses: Multimedia contents design specialists, Computer graphics application master, Game graphics specialists

Game design specialists

Game programming

specialists, Linux master, DTAT, OTQ, GTQ

-Private licenses: TOMPA (Mobile programming ability), International MOS, ICDL

-Career opportunities:

Digital contents design & development industry

Augmented (virtual) reality design business, web agencies, web designers, video presentation productions, online shopping business, 2D and 3D graphics design, animation production business, venture company, digital contents production, government offices, general business IT fields

정보 통신과 Dept. of Informat

ion and Commu nication


- Specialized on wired/wireless communication and smart devices -Producing experts on information protection and online security

- Producing professionals on IoT system development and management - Students acquire essential licenses for employment.

-Training experts on leading technologies such as wearable smart devices, IoT

-Licenses: Information communication Industry Engineer, CCNA, PC Maintenance Technician, Linux Master, wireless Communication Industry Engineer, Industrial Engineer Semiconductor Design, RFID GL

Career opportunities: wired/wireless communication companies, IT device repair, semiconductor LED industry, RFID industry, mobile contents providers

Dept. of Tourism Manage



-Cultivating specialists with practical knowledge and competence to contribute to tourism industry in Jeju Free International City

-Training globally qualified professionals through a dual degree program with SSTH

-Practical job training such as in a casino lab is directly connected to employment.

-4 year bachelor's degree program

-Licenses: tourist guides, International tourist guides, foreign language speaking tourist guide, Hotel Guest Services Representative, Hotel manager, Cocktail master

-Job opportunities: tourism industry such as airline companies, Duty free shops, Casinos, Hotels, Travel agencies, Golf resorts

Overseas employment or internship, general industry such as banks, transfer to bachelor's


available in the undergraduate

division degree program in the department or international universities

호텔 조리과 Dept. of

Hotel Culinary



- Curriculum for global cooking professionals (exchange student program with international universities in Japan, Australia, Dubai, Germany, New Zealand, etc. and overseas employment track)

-Dual degree program with SSTH (Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality)

- Joint Italian cuisine certificate program with IPSSAR, an Italian national culinary school

-Various practical curriculum for crafted beverage, food styling, Korean traditional cookies, desserts, coffee, chocolate

-Faculty with abundant experience and expertise such as Master Craftsman Cook

- State of the art cooking facilities for each international cuisine

-Many alumni are on the field of hotels and food industry in accordance with its 25 years of legacy

-Producing winners of national and international cooking competitions thanks to its practice centered curriculum

-Bachelor degree is available through intensive program.

-Licenses: Craftsman cook, Korean, Western, Japanese, Chinese, Blowfish, Master Craftsman Confectionary Making

뷰티 아트과 Dept. of

Beauty Art


- Intensive courses separately run for hair design and skincare major (Make-up in common)

-Abundant financial supports and employment guaranteed

- Associate degree on beauty art (2 year program) + bachelor degree (additional 2 years) available

-Improving practical competence through beauty salon event, volunteer job, or seminars with specialists -Up-to-date beauty lab and practice based curriculum applicable to beginners

-participants and winners in national

- Major in Hair Styling Hair stylist, hair and scalp therapist, hair colorist, hair salon owner or manager, cosmetic companies, beauty product companies, instructors for beauty arts academy, overseas hair salon Major in Skincare

Skincare technician, spa therapist, medical skin care specialist, aroma therapist, sports massage therapist, skincare specialists in medical offices, hotels, or resorts, starting beauty salons or spas, cosmetic companies, instructor at skincare academy - Major in Make-up


2. Admission Guide

○ Application period/ requirements - CHU follows NIIED standards. ○ Admission Process

Application and materials Submission-> stage 1 CHU Admission process->Stage 2 NIIED Admission process-> Acceptance Notification

○ Application Materials

1. 1 copy of Application form 2. 1 copy of Financial affidavit 3. 1 copy of Personal Statement 4. 1 copy of Statement of Purpose 5. 2 Letters of recommendation 6. 1 copy of Medical report

7. 1 copy of Certificate of (prospective) high school graduation 8. 1 copy of Official transcripts of high school

9. 1 copy of Documents verifying foreign nationality for the applicant and parents

10. Certificates or documents about Korean/English language proficiency (If applicable)

11. 1 copy of Parents' proof of employment 12. 1 copy of Parents' proof of income 13. 1 copy of Family relationship certificate

beauty art competitions

-The first university in Jeju that sent students to Japan and Australia for beauty related jobs since 2009. Until 2014, 73 students were employed in total, which achieved the largest number of overseas beauty business employment in Korean.

-Various supports for study abroad programs, overseas employment to Japan, Australia.

make-up artist, stylist, image consultant, broadcasting company make-up artist, cosmetic companies, duty free shops, instructor at beauty art vocational high school, transfer to a 4 year university, professors


14. 1 copy of each family member's ID card

15. Bank Statement with outstanding balance of $9,000 retained for more than 6 months from application date

16. 5 Photos in passport photo size

※ Important Notes for issue and submission of documents

1. Any documents in other languages than Korean must be translated in Korean and certified by the translator (no need for notarization).

2. Copies of original documents must be presented with the original or submitted with the original certificate checked and issued by the authorities that retain the original.

3. If the applicant's name does not match on all documents, he or she must submit official certification to prove that they are an identical person.

4. The university may demand additional documents, if necessary. 5. Prospective high school graduates must submit their high school diploma to Office of International Affairs at Cheju Halla University before the entrance date. If it is not submitted by the deadline without any valid reason, the admission may be cancelled.

6. Applicants can submit their high school (prospective) graduation certificate or transcripts by following options

- documents legalized with Apostille stamps

-documents certified by Consular Authentication of the Korean embassy or consular office in the country where their school is located

-certificates issued by Center of School Record and Degree Legalization operated by Chinese Ministry of Education (only for applicants who acquired their degrees in China)

3. Notes for Applicants

○ Submission of application materials


fully responsible for any disadvantages they may incur due to errors and omissions.

B. Applicants cannot make multiple applications at CHU.

C. Dual citizenship or stateless are not considered as international students.

D. All documents should be submitted together at the time of application submission.

E. Applicants must submit originals of all supporting documents. if originals cannot be submitted, copies must be checked against the originals by the issuing authorities. Any documents written in foreign languages other than Korean should be translated in Korean and get certified by the translator (no need for notarization).

F. Admission may be rescinded if an applicant submits inaccurate, falsified, forged or falsely translated materials, even if it is discovered after admission is granted or he or she registered.

G. Contact information on application form must be valid and available at any time. Cheju Halla University has no responsibility for any circumstances that result from errors or changes of telephone numbers or address.


Applicants must report any changes of telephone numbers and address to Office of International Affairs, Cheju Halla University. H. By submitting application, applicants are assumed to consent to

release of their records or qualifications to university authorities. I. Other details than this guide can reviewed and determined by the

International Admissions Assessment Committee.

○ Restrictions and prohibition regarding multiple application

Early admitted (including first round and supplementary) students to Susi (Year-round) track universities (including industrial university, university of education, and junior colleges) cannot apply to any regular track universities and supplementary, whether they registered or not. Otherwise, acceptance offers from all the


universities will be cancelled.

○ Policies on admission failure and cancellation

Applicants may be rejected or admission may be cancelled when a student:

A. does not meet required qualifications, or fail to submit application materials by deadline.

B. admitted based on illegal means, such as inaccurate statement, or false or forged documents.

C. does not register within registration period.

D. violates restrictions on multiple application and dual registration. ○ Privacy Policy

A. Cheju Halla University collects and uses applicants’ personal information in reviewing the application.

-Information on applicants: resident registration number, address, telephone numbers, mobile phone numbers, emails, etc. -Academic records: high schools graduated, year to graduate

or have graduated.

B. Collected information will be used only for the purpose of admission assessment, administration, scholarship, or statistics. And it will be destructed immediately after the retaining due is over or when the purpose is achieved.

C. Application can be processed only when applicants consent for CHU to collect and use their personal information.

4. Contact Information

Kyoung-ok Ha

Office of International Affairs TEL +82 64 741 7421

Fax +82 64 741 7421 Email