THE EQUIVALENCE OF THE LOGICAL MEANINGS BETWEEN TOBA-BATAK LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH (A CASE STUDY OF THE TOBA-BATAK WEDDING SPEECHES) A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Postgraduate Studies of Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Linguistics under the Authority of the Rector Prof. Dr. dr. Syahril Pasaribu, DTM&H., M.Sc. (CTM)., Sp.A(K).


Final Examination Held on

  Day : Monday Date : October 21, 2013 Hour : 10.30 A.M.



Reg. Number 108107019




  THE EQUIVALENCE OF THE LOGICAL MEANINGS BETWEEN TOBA-BATAK LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH (A CASE STUDY OF THE TOBA-BATAK WEDDING SPEECHES) A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Postgraduate Studies of Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Linguistics under the Authority of the Rector Prof. Dr. dr. Syahril Pasaribu, DTM&H., M.Sc. (CTM)., Sp.A(K).

  Final Examination Held on Day : Monday Date : October 21, 2013 Hour : 10.30 A.M.

  By Sanggam Siahaan NIM 108107019 Title of Dissertation : The Equivalence of the Logical Meanings between Toba- Batak Language and English (A Case Study of the Toba-Batak Wedding speeches) Name of the Student : Sanggam Siahaan Reg. No. : 108107019 Study Program : Linguistics

  Approved and Accepted by Promotor Commision Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A. Ph.D.

  Promotor Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.


  Co-promotor Co-promotor

  Chairperson of Linguistics Study Dean of Cultural Science Faculty Program Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.




  Approved Promotor Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. Co-promotor Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M.Hum. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. Legalized

Chairperson of Linguistics Study Program

The Faculty of Cultural Sciences of the University of Sumatera Utara

  Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. NIP 1308099976

  Examined in the Promotion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMINATION COMMITTEE Chairperson : Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. Members : 1. Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M.Hum.

  2. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.


3. Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D.

  4. Asruddin B. Tou, M.A., Ph.D.


5. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd.

  6. Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP

  With the Rector Decree of the University of Sumatera Utara Number: 1421/UN5.1.R./SK/SSA/2013 Date : September 24, 2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM OF PROMOTORS Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A. Ph.D.


Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M.Hum.

  Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

  EXTERNAL EXAMINERS Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D. Asruddin B. Tou, M.A., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP I certify that the dissertation I wrote as one of the requirements to obtain the degree of Doctor from the Study Program of Linguistics, the Faculty of Cultural Science of the University of Sumatera Utara is exactly my own work.

  I certify that I clearly mention the references of the citations I use in some specific parts of this dissertation based on the norm, rule, and etiquette of the technique of the scientific writing.

  I certify, in the future, that I am willing to accept the sanction of the revocation of my academic degree which I receive and other sanctions in accordance with the applicable rules and laws, provided some parts or all of this dissertation are invented not my own work or to commit plagiarism.

  Medan, October 2013 Sanggam Siahaan

  Abbreviations EL English Language

  IL Indonesian Language LSR Logico-Semantic Relation SL Source Language ST Source Text TBL Toba-Batak Language TBP Toba Batak People TBWS Toba-Batak Traditional Wedding speeches TL Target Languge TS Transitivity System TT Target Text T1 Translation 1 T2 Translation 2

  Symbols = Elaboration, Specification, Exemplification, Restatement, and

  Commentary Extension with “and”, Extension with “or”, and Extension with

  • “but” x Enhancements: spatial, temporal, conditional, Causal, Concessive, and Manner Locution Projection “ idea projection


  1 Independent clause 1

  2 Independent clause 2 Independent clause


  β Dependent clause (unnecessarily embedded in α) δ Dependent clause (unnecessarily embedded in β)

  Dependent clause (unnecessarily embedded γ in δ)

  {...} Block of logical meanings [...] Block of logical meanings in a {...} (...) Block of logical meanings in a [...]

  The Analysis of the patterns of the logical meanings(Bottom-Up →

  Translation Approach) of a text The translation process of the patterns of the logical meanings from

  ↔ the ST into the TT, the analysis of the functional equivalence between the ST and TT Natural information and natural expression




  Diagram 1: Meaning Network System Construct Diagram 2: Text Context Diagram 3: The Analytical Construct of the Translation Process of TBWS as the

  ST into TT Diagram 4: Translation Research Road Map

  ABSTRACT This research is about the equivalence of the logical meanings between Toba-Batak language (TBL) as the source language (SL) and English language (EL) as the target language (TL). The research is a case study on the translation process of the patterns of the logical meanings of Toba-Batak Wedding speeches (TBWS) as the source text (ST) translated into English as the target text (TT). The problems investigated are: (1). What are the patterns of the logical meanings that occur in the wedding speeches of the TBL text as a ST? (2). How are the translationally related patterns of the logical meanings that occur in the ST represented in the English language text as a TT? (3). Why are the patterns of the logical meanings that occur in the wedding speeches of the TBL text as a ST represented as they are in the English language text as a TT? The theoretical frameworks used in this research are based on the logico-semantic relation theory (Halliday, 1994) and the bottom-up translation approach (Manfredi, 2008). The research design conducted in this study is a qualitative research (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). The research subject is the Toba Batak people who have participated in the weeding party held in Balige in December 19th, 2011. The research object is the patterns of the logical meanings of 142 clause complexes of the ST. The technique of the data analysis follows the concurrent activities elaborated by Miles and Huberman (1984). The research findings are as follows: (1). the patterns of the logical meanings which occur in the ST are expansion, projection, and complex mixed pattern. Expansions are elaboration, extension and enhancement. Elaborations are specification, exemplification, commentary.

Extensions are extension “and”, extension “or”, and extension “but”. Enhancements are spatial enhancement, temporal enhancement, conditional enhancement, causal

  enhancement, concessive enhancement, and manner enhancement. Projections are locution projection, idea projection, idea proposition, and idea proposal. Complex mixed pattern are classified into complex mixed elaboration head, complex mixed extension head, complex mixed enhancement head, and complex mixed locution head; (2). the application of the bottom-up translation approach realizes the patterns of the logical meanings of the ST into TT as they are by five stages, i.e., (i). the analysis of the ST into clause simples and clause complexes, (ii). the analysis of the components of the clause simples of the clause complexes based on the transitivity system, (iii). the analysis of how the clause simples create the patterns of the logical meanings in each of the clause complexes based on the logico-semantic relation, (iv). the transfer of the pattern of the logical meanings of the ST into the TT by selecting the equivalent component from the TL to replace the component of the ST to represent the equivalent pattern of the logical meaning into the TT, and (v). the analysis of the equivalence of the patterns of the logical meanings between the ST and TT based on the transitivity system and logico-semantic relation; and (3). the reason why patterns of the logical meanings are realized from the ST into TT as they are because the translation approach used in the translation process make the linguistic behavior of the TT approach the linguistic behavior of the ST to keep the same message between the ST and TT by picking up the logical meanings of the ST, then selecting equivalent lexico-grammatical aspects from the TL to replace the grammatical aspects of the SL in the expression of the equivalent pattern of the logical meaning in the TT. Key words: Toba-Batak wedding speeches, logical meaning, functional equivalence, Systemic Functional Grammar Theory, and bottom-up translation approach

  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ialah tentang kesepadanan makna logis antara bahasa Batak Toba sebagai bahasa sumber (BSu) dan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sasaran (Bsa). Penelitian ini ialah sebuah studi kasus penerjemahan pola makna logis Wejangan Pernikahan Batak Toba sebagai teks sumber (TSu) ke bahasa Inggris sebagai teks sasaran (TSa). Masalah yang diteliti ialah: (1). Pola makna logis apa yang terdapat pada WPBT sebagai sebuah TSu? (2). Bagaimana pola makna logis yang terdapat pada TSu direalisasikan ke pola makna logis sebagaimana adanya pada TSa? (3). Mengapa pola makna logis yang terdapat pada WPBT sebagai TSu direalisasikan kepola makna logis sebagaimana adanya pada TSa? Kerangka teori penelitian ini ialah teori relasi semantik logis (Halliday, 1994) dan teori pendekatan penerjemahan bawah atas (Manfredi, 2008). Rancangan penelitian ialah penelitian kwalitatif (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Subjek penelitian ialah masyarakat Batak Toba yang terlibat pada sebuah pesta pernikahan di Balige pada 19 Desember 2011. Objek penelitian ialah pola makna logis dan sumber data ialah klausa kompleks TSu dan TSa. Teknik pengumpulan dan analisis data ialah mengikuti model yang dikembangkan Miles and Huberman (1984). Temuan penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: (1). pola makna logis yang terdapat pada TSu ialah expansi, projeksi dan pola campuran.

Ekspansi dikelompokkan atas elaborasi, ekstensi, dan enhansi. Elaborasi terdiri dari spesifikasi dan komentri. Ekstensi teridiri dari ekstensi “and”, “or”, dan “but”. Enhasi

  tediri dari spasial, temporal, kondisional, kausal, konsesif, serta manner. Projeksi ialah lokusi, ide, proposisi dan proposal. Lokusi ialah parataktik dan hipotaktik lokusi. Pola campuran terdiri dari inti elaborasi, inti ekstensi, inti enhansi, inti lokusi; (2). Aplikasi pendekatan penerjemahan bawah atas dalam merealisasikan pola makna logis dari TSu ke TSa mempunyai lima tahapan, yaitu: (i). analisis TSu menjadi klausa sederhana dan bertingkat, (ii). analisis komponen klausa sederhana klausa bertingkat TSu berdasarkan sistim transitiviti; (iii). analisis bagaimana klausa sederhana membentuk pola makna logis klausa bertingkat berdasarkan relasi semantik logis; (iv). transfer pola makna logis TSu ke TSa dengan memilih komponen sepadan dari BSa untuk menggantikan komponen BSu, dan (v). analisis kesepadanan pola makana logis diantara TSu dan TSa berdasarkan sistim transitiviti dan relasi semantik logis; (3) alasan mengapa pola makna logis TSu dialihkan ke TSu sebagaimana adanya karena pendekatan penerjemahan menyebabkan perilaku linguistik TSa mendekat kepada prilaku linguistik TSu untuk mempertahankan kesepadanan makna diantara TSu dan TSa dengan cara memahami makna logis yang terdapat pada TSu, kemudian memilih komponen klausa BSa untuk menggantikan komponen klausa BSu untuk mengungkapkan makna logis yang sepadan ke TSa.

  Kata Kunci: Wejangan pernikahan Batak Toba, makna logis, kesepadanan fungsional, teori tata bahasa fungsional sistemik, dan pendekatan penerjemahan bawah-atas


  Praise the Almighty God for His eternal love poured upon the life of the writer of this dissertation forever. It is His all blessing which strengthens him in the completion of this dissertation. Without His immense love, this dissertation will never come into such existence. Praise God the Lord forever!

  In this opportunity, the writer would like to express his thanks to some people who have given contribution for the completion of this dissertation. First of all, his sincerest and deepest thanks must be addressed to the commission of his promotor, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A. Ph.D., with co-promotors, Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M.Hum. and Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. for their sincere immense guidance and supervision during the process of writing this dissertation. It is their outstanding help which motivates the writer in the completion of this dissertation. His sincerest and deepest thanks must also be addressed to the examiner commission, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., Asruddin B. Tou, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP. It is their help in the improvement of the draft of this dissertation to become into this existence.

  Second, his sincerest and deepest thanks go to the rector of the University of Sumatera Utara (USU), Prof. Dr. dr. Syahril Pasaribu, DTM&H., M.Sc. (CTM)., Sp.A(K). It is his help to provide the opportunity for the writer to continue his study at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of the University of Sumatera Utara. His sincerest and deepest thanks must also be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of the University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. It is also his help to provide the financial supports during the writer‟s study at this post graduate program. His sincerest and deepest thanks must be addressed to the chairperson of the Study Program of Linguistics, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. It is her help to provide all the academic and official supports during the writer‟s study at the study program. His sincerest and deepest thanks must be addressed to all the teaching and administrative staffs of the University of Sumatera Utara, the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of the University of Sumatera Utara, and the Study Program of Linguistics. It is their invaluable help which enable the writer to complete this dissertation.

  Third, his sincerest and deepest thanks must be addressed to the Rector of Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan, Dr. Ir. Jongkers Tampubolon, M.Sc. It is his sincere help to provide the administrative recommendation to continue his study, and the financial support given to him during his study. His sincerest and deepest thanks must be addressed to foundation of Universitas HKBP Nommensen for the recommendation and financial support given to the writer to continue his study at the University of North Sumatera. His sincerest and deepest thanks must be addressed to all officials of Universitas HKBP Nommensen who have given care and support to the writer during his study at the University of North Sumatera and the completion of this dissertation.

  Fourth, his sincerest and deepest thanks are extended to his supervising professor in his Sandwich Program at National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Prof. Dr. Paitoon M. Chaiyanara. His thanks are also extended to late Prof. D.P. Tampubolon, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., Dr. Hilman Pardede, M.Pd., Dr. Pasaman Silaban, M.S.A, Drs. Bloner Sinurat, M.Hum., Dra. Selviana Napitupulu, M.Hum., Albert Lumbangaol, M.Pd., Apredo Simamora, M.Pd., Sabar Tampubolon, S.E., M.M., Kisno Shinoda, S.Pd., Aprida Sidauruk, S.Sos., Simon Sitanggang, S.E., Hutmin Hutagalung, Pdt. Julson Pasaribu, S.Th., late Jahata Sitohang, Tambos Parulian Siahaan, Laoranto Simanullang, Efendi Siagian and James Letbridge. It is their invaluable help which enables the writer to complete this dissertation.

  Last but not least, his sincerest and deepest thanks must go to the members of his family, they are his beloved mother, Pintauli Lumbangaol, his beloved wife, Diana Lumbangaol, his beloved children, they are Gomgom Basar Lolo Siahaan, Fine Eirene Siahaan, Dippos Partungkoan Siahaan, Johannes Hotmatua Siahaan, Leoni New Mercy Siahaan, his nephew, Siska Anggita Situmeang, his brothers, they are Josua Hamonangan Siahaan, Rolas Humisar Siahaan, Tanda Haposan Siahaan, sisters-in-laws, Nelly Tarigan, Lumbangaol, Deria Manik, and his sisters, they are Dermi Flora Siahaan, and Sondang Hotmauli Siahaan, brothers-in-law, Lanto Situmorang, Demak Manalu, Robinson Hutagalung and Anni Siahaan. It is their constant love, care, and support which strengthen the writer in the completion of this dissertation. May God the Almighty bless them all! Medan, October 2013 The writer, Sanggam Siahaan


  ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ........................................................... i DIAGRAMS ................................................................................................... ii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... iii ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ ix

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

  1.1 Background ............................................................................................... 1

  1.2 Research Focus ......................................................................................... 12

  1.3 Research Problems .................................................................................... 12

  1.4 Research Objectives .................................................................................. 12

  1.5 Research Scope ......................................................................................... 13

  1.6 Key Terms ................................................................................................. 14

  1.7 Research Significances ............................................................................. 15

  CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................ 17

  2.1 Theoretical Review ................................................................................... 17

  2.1.1 Linguistics and Translation Study ......................................................... 17 SFL-Based View of Language, System and Realization .................... 19

  2.1.2. Translation Theories ............................................................................. 20 Definition ............................................................................................ 20 Translation as a Process ...................................................................... 21 Translation as a Product ...................................................................... 21 Translation Equivalence ...................................................................... 22 Translation Strategy ............................................................................ 25 Manfredi‟s Study ............................................................................. 25 Venuti‟s Study ................................................................................. 27 Kring‟s Study ................................................................................... 28 Loescher‟s Study .............................................................................. 28 Cohen‟s Study .................................................................................. 29 Bell‟s Study ...................................................................................... 30 Jaaskelainen‟s Study ........................................................................ 30 Seguinot‟s Study .............................................................................. 33

  2.2 The Previous Studies ................................................................................. 33

  2.2.1 Lubis‟ Research (2009) .......................................................................... 33

  2.2.2 Silalahi‟s Research (2009) ..................................................................... 34

  2.2.3 Johnson‟s Research (2006) .................................................................... 36

  2.2.4 Guo‟s Research (2011)........................................................................... 37

  2.2.5 Burgos et al‟s Research (2007) .............................................................. 38

  2.2.6 Zhang‟s Research (2011) ....................................................................... 40

  2.2.7 Aghagolzadeh‟s Research (2012) .......................................................... 41

  2.3 Theoretical Framework………………………………………………….. 43

  2.3.1 Logical Meaning .................................................................................... 43

  2.3.2 Expansion ............................................................................................... 45

  2.3.3 Projection ............................................................................................... 51

  2.3.4 Text ........................................................................................................ 56

  2.3.5 Context ................................................................................................... 60

  2.3.6 Theoretical Construct………………………………………………….. 63

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................... 65

  3.1 Research Design ........................................................................................ 65

  3.2 Research Subject ....................................................................................... 67

  3.3 Research Object ........................................................................................ 68

  3.4 Data and Data Source ................................................................................ 70

  3.5 Technique of Data Collection and Data Analysis ..................................... 71

  3.5.1 Procedure of Technique of Data Collection ........................................... 72 Data Collection of ST ......................................................................... 72 Data Collection of Patterns of Logical Meanings ............................... 73 Data Collection of Translation Process of Patterns of Logical Meanings from ST into TT ................................................................. 78 Data Collection of Equivalence between ST and TT .......................... 79

  3.5.2 Procedure of Technique of Data Analysis ............................................. 80 Data Analysis of Patterns of Logical Meanings ................................. 80 Data Analysis of Process of Translating Logical Meanings from ST into TT ................................................................. 84 Data Analysis of Functional Equivalence between ST and TT .......... 87

  CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS OF PATTERNS OF LOGICAL MEANING OF TBWS ................................................................................... 91

  4.1 Expansion .................................................................................................. 91

  4.1.1 Elaboration ............................................................................................. 91 Specification ....................................................................................... 91 Paratactic Specification .................................................................... 92 Hypotactic Specification .................................................................. 93 Exemplification ................................................................................... 96 Paratactic Exemplification ............................................................... 96 Commentary ........................................................................................ 99 Paratactic Commentary .................................................................... 99 Hypotactic Commentary .................................................................. 100

  4.1.2 Extension ................................................................................................ .104 Extension “and” .................................................................................. 104 Paratactic Extension “and” .............................................................. 104 Extension “or” ..................................................................................... 107 Paratactic Extension “or” ................................................................. 107 Extension “but” ................................................................................... 110 Paratactic Extension “but” .............................................................. 110

  4.1.3 Enhancement .......................................................................................... 111 Spatial Enhancement ........................................................................... 111 Paratactic Spatial Enhancement ....................................................... 112 Hypotactic Spatial Enhancement ..................................................... 113 Temporal Enhancement ...................................................................... 114 Hypotactic Temporal Enhancement ................................................. 114 Conditional Enhancement ................................................................... 116 Paratactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................... 116 Hypotactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................. 118 Causal Enhancement ........................................................................... 123 Paratactic Causal Enhancement ....................................................... 123 Hypotactic Causal Enhancement ..................................................... 128 Concessive Enhancement .................................................................... 130 Hypotactic Concessive Enhancement .............................................. 131 Manner Enhancement ......................................................................... 135 Hypotactic Manner Enhancement .................................................... 135

  4.2 Projection .................................................................................................. 136

  4.2.1 Locution ................................................................................................. 136 Paratactic Locution ............................................................................ 136 Hypotactic Locution ............................................................................ 140

  4.2.2 Idea ......................................................................................................... 145 Paratactic Idea ..................................................................................... 146 Hypotactic Idea ................................................................................... 147

  4.2.3 Idea: Proposition .................................................................................... 151 Paratactic Idea: Proposition ................................................................ 151 Hypotactic Idea: Proposition ............................................................... 155

  4.3 Complex Mixed Pattern ............................................................................ 157

  4.3.1 Complex Mixed Elaboration Head Pattern ............................................ 158

  4.3.2. Complex Mixed Extension Head Pattern .............................................. 168

  4.3.3 Complex Mixed Enhancement Head Pattern ......................................... 177

  4.3.4 Paratactic Complex Mixed Locution Head Pattern ............................... 189

  4.3.5 Hypotactic Complex Mixed Locution Head Pattern .............................. 203

  CHAPTER V DATA ANALYSIS ON TRANSLATING EXPANSION AND PROJECTION OF TBWS ..................................................................... 222

  5.1 Translating Expansion .............................................................................. 222

  5.1.1 Translating Elaboration .......................................................................... 222 Translating Specification Elaboration ................................................. 222 Paratactic Specification Elaboration ................................................ 222 Hypotactic Specification Elaboration .............................................. 224 Translating Exemplification Elaboration ............................................ 229 Paratactic Exemplification Elaboration ........................................... 229 Translating Commentary Elaboration ................................................. 234 Paratactic Commentary Elaboration ................................................ 234 Hypotactic Commentary Elaboration............................................... 236

  5.1.2 Translating Extension ............................................................................ 242 Translating Extension “and” ............................................................... 242 Paratactic Extension “and” .............................................................. 242 Translating Extension “or” ................................................................ 248 Paratactic Extension “or” ................................................................. 248 Translating Extension “but” ................................................................ 253 Paratactic Extension “but” ............................................................... 253

  5.1.3 Translating Enhancement ....................................................................... 255 Translating Spatial Enhancement........................................................ 255 Paratactic Spatial Enhancement ....................................................... 255 Hypotactic Spatial Enhancement ..................................................... 257 Translating Temporal Enhancement ................................................... 259 Hypotactic Temporal Enhancement ................................................. 259 Translating Conditional Enhancement ................................................ 263 Paratactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................... 263 Hypotactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................. 265 Translating Causal Enhancement ........................................................ 275 Paratactic Causal Enhancement ....................................................... 275 Hypotactic Causal Enhancement ..................................................... 286 Translating Concessive Enhancement ................................................ 290 Hypotactic Concessive Enhancement .............................................. 290 Translating Manner Enhancement ...................................................... 294 Hypotactic Manner Enhancement .................................................... 294

  5.2 Translating Projections ............................................................................. 298

  5.2.1. Translating Locution ............................................................................. 298 Paratactic Locution ............................................................................. 298 Hypotactic Locution ............................................................................ 306

  5.2.2 Translating Idea ..................................................................................... 316 Paratactic Idea ..................................................................................... 316 Hypotactic Idea ................................................................................... 318

  5.2.3 Translating Idea: Proposition ................................................................. 325 Paratactic Idea: Proposition ................................................................ 325 Hypotactic Idea: Proposition ............................................................... 328


  6.1 Translating Complex Mixed Elaboration Head Pattern ............................ 333

  6.2 Translating Complex Mixed Extension Head Pattern .............................. 354

  6.3 Translating Complex Mixed Enhancement Head Pattern ......................... 373

  6.4 Translating Paratactic Complex Mixed Locution Head ............................ 395

  6.5 Translating Hypotactic Complex Mixed Locution Head Pattern.............. 424


  7.1 The Patterns of the Logical Meanings of the TBWS ................................ 466

  7.1.1 Expansion ............................................................................................... 466 Elaboration .......................................................................................... 466 Specification .................................................................................... 466 Paratactic Specification ................................................................. 466 Hypotactic Specification ............................................................... 467 Exemplification ................................................................................ 467 Paratactic Exemplification ............................................................ 467 Commentary ..................................................................................... 467 Paratactic Commentary ................................................................. 467 Hypotactic Commentary ............................................................... 468

  7.1.2 Extension ................................................................................................ 468 Extension “and” .................................................................................. 468 Paratactic Extension “and” ............................................................. 468 Extension “or” ..................................................................................... 468 Paratactic Extension “or” ................................................................. 469 7.1.2.

  3 Extension “but” ................................................................................... 469 Paratactic Extension “but” ............................................................... 469

  7.1.3 Enhancement .......................................................................................... 469 Spatial Enhancement ........................................................................... 469 Paratactic Spatial Enhancement ....................................................... 470 Hypotactic Spatial Enhancement ..................................................... 470 Temporal Enhancement ...................................................................... 470 Hypotactic Temporal Enhancement ................................................. 470 Conditional Enhancement ................................................................... 470 Paratactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................... 471 Hypotactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................. 471 Causal Enhancement ........................................................................... 471 Paratactic Causal Enhancement ....................................................... 471 Concessive Enhancement .................................................................... 472 Hypotactic Concessive Enhancement .............................................. 472 Manner Enhancement ......................................................................... 472 Hypotactic Manner Enhancement .................................................... 472

  7.1.4 Projection ............................................................................................... 472 Locution .............................................................................................. 473 Paratactic Locution .......................................................................... 473 Hypotactic Locution ......................................................................... 473 Idea ...................................................................................................... 473 Paratactic Idea .................................................................................. 474 Hypotactic Idea ................................................................................ 474 Idea: Proposition ................................................................................. 474 Paratactic Idea: Proposition ............................................................. 474 Hypotactic Idea: Proposition ............................................................ 474

  7.1.5 Complex Mixed Pattern ......................................................................... 475 Complex Mixed Elaboration Head Pattern ......................................... 475 Complex Mixed Extension Head Pattern ............................................ 475 Complex Mixed Enhancement Head Pattern ...................................... 476 Paratactic Complex Mixed Locution Head ......................................... 476 Hypotactic Complex Mixed Locution Head Pattern ........................... 477

  7.2 Translating the Patterns of the Logical Meaning of TBWS…………….. 477

  7.2.1. Translating Expansions of TBWS ........................................................ 477 Elaboration ......................................................................................... 478 Paratactic Specification .................................................................... 478 Hypotactic Specification .................................................................. 478 Paratactic Exemplification ............................................................... 479 Paratactic Commentary .................................................................... 479 Hypotactic Commentary .................................................................. 480 Extension .......................................................................................... 480 Paratactic Extension “and”............................................................ 480 Paratactic Extension “or” .............................................................. 481 Paratactic Extension “but” ............................................................ 481 Enhancement ....................................................................................... 481 Paratactic Spatial Enhancement ....................................................... 482 Hypotactic Spatial Enhancement ..................................................... 482 Hypotactic Temporal Enhancement ................................................. 483 Paratactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................... 483 Hypotactic Conditional Enhancement ............................................. 484 Paratactic Causal Enhancement ....................................................... 484 Hypotactic Concessive Enhancement .............................................. 484 Hypotactic Manner Enhancement .................................................... 485

  7.2.2 Translating Projection of TBWS ........................................................... 485 Paratactic Locution ............................................................................. 486 Hypotactic Locution ............................................................................ 486 Paratactic Idea ..................................................................................... 486 Hypotactic Idea ................................................................................... 487