Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Analisis Sistem Rekrutmen dan Seleksi pada Perusahaan Keluarga : Studi Kasus pada PT. Mekar Armada Jaya (New Armada) Magelang


This research conducted to determine how the system analysis of recruitment and
selection of family business which in practice become public concern because the impression
a rouse is it become a place for corruption, collusion and nepotism practice. This kind of
impression will always appear when in the recruitment and selection activities are not
carried out in a transparent and professional manner. Issues that were the focus of this
research is: the philosophical basis in the process of recruitment and selection of employees,
the system of recruitment and selection of employees, the problems that occurred in the
system of recruitment and selection, ways to overcome constraints in the system of
recruitment and selection. This research uses qualitative research methods. Data collection
is done with the interview techniques. The results showed that in the implementation of the
system of recruitment and selection of employees, PT Mekar Armada Jaya based on three
philosophical basis, namely the determination of employee needs, sources of recruitment and
compensatory approach. The implementation of recruitment and selection system includes
four aspects, namely inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback. In the development of the
implementation of the system, many obstacles occur, which can be addressed by applying the
openness and professionalism of management organization, cost planning and cooperation
between departments.
Keywords : System, recruitment, selection, constraints, how to overcome obstacles


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana analisis sistem rekrutmen dan
seleksi karyawan pada bisnis / perusahaan keluarga yang dalam pelaksanaanya menjadi
perhatian masyarakat karena kesan yang timbul adalah menjadi ajang korupsi, kolusi dan
nepotisme. Kesan semacam ini akan selalu muncul bilamana dalam kegiatan rekrutmen dan
seleksi tidak dilakukan secara transparan dan profesional. Pokok permasalahan yang
dijadikan fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah: landasan filosofis dalam proses rekrutmen dan
seleksi karyawan, sistem rekrutmen dan seleksi karyawan, kendala-kendala yang terjadi
didalam sistem rekrutmen dan seleksi, cara mengatasi kendala-kendala dalam sistem
rekrutmen dan seleksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
dalam pelaksanaan sistem rekrutmen dan seleksi karyawan, PT. Mekar Armada Jaya
berpedoman pada tiga landasan filosofis yaitu penentuan kebutuhan karyawan, sumber
perekrutan dan sistem kompensasi. Implementasi sistem rekrutmen dan seleksi mencakup
empat aspek yaitu input, proses, output, dan umpan balik (feedback). Dalam perkembangan
pelaksanaan sistem tersebut, banyak kendala yang terjadi, yang dapat diatasi dengan
menerapkan keterbukaan manajemen dan profesionalitas organisasi, perencanaan biaya yang
baik serta kerjasama antar departemen.
Kata Kunci : sistem, rekrutmen, seleksi, kendala, cara mengatasi kendala