The world of education today is getting a very sharp spot with regard to the demand to produce qualified human resources

The world of education today is getting a very sharp spot with regard to the
demand to produce qualified human resources, which are human resources capable
of "living" in the 21st century (Degeng, 2001: 1). Education as a human resource
should receive continuous attention in an effort to improve its quality. Improving the
quality of education also means improving the quality of human resources.
One of the obstacles often experienced by teachers in the school in the
process of learning in the classroom are: (1) there is still very limited books and
supporting books, (2) the very limited biology learning media available in schools,
(3) students are eager to follow Biology lessons, (4) there is still a very limited
number of Biology teachers to apply various approaches or models of learning
Biology is fun, (5) most junior high school students are still very tense in following
Biology subjects, (6) very few parents students who want to be directly involved in
controlling the completion of their child's homework assignment.