T1__Full text Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Vocational School Teachers’ Perceptions Toward CodeSwitching Effect and Their Reasons of Using It T1 Full text

Vocational School Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Code-Switching
Effect and Their Reasons of using it
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Evan Januar Susanto




This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course

or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of
my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by
any other person except where due reference is made in the text.
Copyright@2016. Evan Januar Susanto and Rindang Widiningrum, M.Hum.
All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the
permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of
Language and Literature, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga.

Evan Januar Susanto



Cover ..................................................................................................................... i
Approval Page ....................................................................................................... ii
Copyright Statement ............................................................................................. iii
Publication Agreement Declaration ...................................................................... iv
Table of Content ................................................................................................... v

Thesis Body
Abstract........................................................................................................ 1
Key Words ................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
Literature Review ........................................................................................ 3
A. Code switching .................................................................................. 3
B. Perception........................................................................................... 7
Methodology................................................................................................ 10
A. Research Questions ............................................................................ 10
B. Context of Study ................................................................................ 10
C. Participants ......................................................................................... 11
D. Data Collecting Instruments .............................................................. 11
E. Data Collecting Procedure ................................................................. 11
F. Data Analysis Procedure .................................................................... 12
Findings and Discussion ................................................................................ 12
Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 20
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................ 22
References ............................................................................................................. 23
Appendix ............................................................................................................... 26


ocational School Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Code-Switching Effect
and Their Reasons of using it
Teachers often do code switching in teaching English especially in grammar
to help their students in understanding it. Because of that, this study is
conducted to find out about teachers’ perception toward code switching effect
and their reason in using it for teaching grammar. Three teachers in SMK N 1
Salatiga were interviewed as participants. After interviewing, the result of
interview were transcribed and categorized based on similar perceptions and
reasons. The results of the study found one code switching’ disadvantage, such
as the students having lack of efforts to learn new grammar and exposure of
target language. Besides that, there are two advantages of using code switching
such as make teaching and learning process more effective and can be used as
an aid to help student in learning the material. Then, based on participant’
answers, there are two effects in using code switching i.e: student can
comprehend the grammar lesson without meeting any difficulty and give
motivation support for students to learn grammar better. Also their reasons in
using code switching are because they want to help students’ understanding in

learning target language especially grammar and in presenting grammar so it
can be fully understood by students.
Keywords: code switching, teacher perception, disadvantage, advantage,

effects and reasons.

Nowadays, English has become one of international languages which is used and
taught globally in many countries. In Indonesia, English is taught as foreign language
because the main language or L1 is Indonesia. In the process of teaching and learning
English, teachers and students often switch from one language into other language to help
them in understanding English. This phenomenon can be called as code switching. Code
switching also can be used as one of alternative teaching and learning strategies for teachers
because teachers tend to use code-switching when students still cannot understand English.

By switching into L1, it can help students to understand it easily, especially for students
who have limited knowledge toward English.
Some studies about code switching especially related with participant’ perception
and reason, have been carried out in common senior high school but for participants in

vocational high school have not been done yet. For those studies, especially from Horasan
(2014) with the elementary level students and instructors as participant, found that
exceeded viewpoints from participants for code-switching because their certainty of code
switching’ advantages as an aid and concentration hook for novice learners but Hughes,
Shaunes, and Brice (2006) opposed it. They said that the existence of mother tongue only
exposes the inexperience and loss of reliability of the teacher in communication. However,
other researchers agreed with Horasan’ study that the productive language use in
competence in using L1 and L2 and could be strengthen by code-switching (Dahl, Rice,
Steffensen, and Amundsen (2010). Therefore, I am interested in finding out about teachers’
perceptions toward the effect of code-switching and their reasons of using it in teaching
grammar process in vocational high school.
Vocational school is a school or institution designed to aim the requirement’
qualification in certain profession or job (Kotsikis, 2007). SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga is one
of the vocational high school which still uses code switching in their English teaching. The
teachers in this school use that code switching because they want to help the students in
anticipating their struggling of learning English especially grammar patterns. In this class,
teachers often switch from English to Indonesian when the students don’t know some
difficult parts in English especially for grammar patterns because based on my teaching

practicum experience, most of the students in this school still have limited knowledge of
grammar patterns rather than other English language part.
Therefore, conducting the research about this topic is really siginificant because I
can get the perceptions and reasons from vocational high school teachers.That’s why the
reason of choosing this topic is I want to know about the conception from teachers towards
the code switching’s effect in the process of teaching and learning grammar and also their
reason for using it because teachers have their reason why they tend to use code switching
rather than English in classroom especially for grammar. Additionally, I hope this study
can give additional knowledge for teachers about the benefits and effects of code-switching
toward Vocational High School students and the result also can be used as an evaluation
for teachers to improve their ways of teaching by using code switching in the process of
learning and teaching grammar in Vocational High School.

Literature Review
Definition of code–switching

Trousdale (2010) defined that code switching is the alternative situation for speaker
to switch between two languages which have same meaning that is similar with MyersScotton's (2006, p. 239) general definition of code switching is “the use of two languages
varieties in the same conversation”. In addition, Hughes, Shaunessy, and Brice (2006, p.8)

argued that code-switching was “use of complete sentences, phrases, and borrowed words

from another language”. In other words, code switching is used as alternative language use
to switch words, phrase, sentence, and other part of language from one language into
another language based on the particular situations that affect code switching process.
People often use code-switching to give or instruct a certain purpose based on the situation
and individual itself as Jamshidi & Navehebrahim (2013) stated that “Code selection
depends on factors such as age, gender, proficiency levels and educational background of
the subject” (p. 186). Additionally, code-switching also can occur when someone has the
ability to communicate more than one language based on Bailey (2001) who defined code
switching as the exchange of two or more languages in one speech by bilingual or
multilingual speakers. So in my conclusion, code switching is the ability of borrowing
language parts from one language to another language depends on the situation and
participants (speaker and listener).
Based on Poplack (1979), as cited in Jalil (2009), divided code-switching into three
categories: tag switching, inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching. Tag
switching refers to “minimal syntactic restriction” and also this type of code switching is
simple because it doesn’t need a great command for both language to use it. The examples
for this type of code switching are I know, I mean and etc.

Then for inter-sentential switching, it is used to switch in clause or sentence level.
The example from this code switching can be taken from Poplack (2000) for example:
“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in Spanish y termino en español” (p. 589) (Sometimes I’ll
start a sentence in Spanish and finish in Spanish).


Last type of code switching is intra-sentential switching. This code switching is the
most complex rather than previous two types of code switching and this code switching
occurs in the clause or sentence boundary that more knowledge and fluency for both
language especially in grammar.
Advantages and disadvantages in using code-switching in classroom

Relates with the use of code-switching in classroom, it has two sides: advantages
and disadvantages. In advantages, with using code switching to the students’ L1, the
teacher can build a connection from first language (native language) to the target language
(new foreign language content) (Sert, 2005) so the lesson can be delivered to students
successfully which can make them understanding the information from target language
content easily. This statement also is supported by Amin (2009) who stated that the code
switching usage can hook student’ first language in producing effective sources in their

own language. Another advantage comes from Modupeola (2013) who said that code
switching can help students in their learning because their ability to grasp the teacher inputs
easily in classroom. Additionally, Buzkamm (2003) also stated that code switching has
some advantages such as gives some aids for learners in reducing their stress and frustration
when learning English and also can make friendly atmosphere in classroom so the task can
be carried out by learners easily in EFL classroom.
Then Qian, Tang & Wang’ (2009) finding also support the code switching
advantages especially in time efficiency. In their finding, the teachers were oriented in
using code switching for giving instructions such as L1 translation, explanation, and


repeating to make the time is enough to deliver the lesson. Also Jingxia (2010) claimed
that the positive side for the using of code switching in EFL classroom, it can make the
target language can be understood easily and it will give the impact to the students’ learning
also accelerated.
But in other side code switching is viewed negatively. According to PayawalGabriel and Reyes-Otero’s (2006) finding, it showed that code switching affects in student’
disorientation in understanding the lesson that supported with Shin’ finding (2005) who
noted that the student’ uneasiness when using and assigning code switching into their
language style. Furthermore, the use code switching in classroom also is regarded as the

bad process of lack competence as Martin (2005) reported that
“the use of a local language alongside the ‘official’ language of the lesson is a wellknown phenomenon and yet, for a variety of reasons, it is often lambasted as ‘bad
practice’, blamed on teachers’ lack of English-language competence… or put to
one side and/or swept under the carpet” (p. 88).
Additionally, from Sert’s (2005) argument who claimed that the students who always get
with the translated instructions into their L1 from their teacher, it will make the students
having limited exposure for target language that can make them depending on teacher’s
code switching very much.

Teacher’s reason of using code-switching
In learning and teaching process, students and teachers often have their own reason
why they use code-switching in teaching and learning grammatical process especially in
EFL classroom that similar with study conducted by Khonakdar & Abdolmanafi-Rokni

(2015). In this study, they found the various teachers’ reasons toward the use codeswitching in EFL classroom relying on certain matters such as time, topic’ difficulty,
subject and so on. In addition, according Agneta & Ana (2010)’ study found that the
teacher’ reason in using code-switching is to help learners in order to gain useful EFL input
points in classroom.
Besides that, another teacher’ reason is to help in delivering a topic in English

lesson in classroom with focusing to important points and parts in the topic where the
students cannot understand it such as in grammar (Agneta & Ana, 2010).Then based on
Grosjean (1982) as cited in Kim (2006), found that some teacher’s reasons for using code
switching such as citing someone’ saying, specifying the target language to students’ native
language, and repeating the lesson that has been discussed in last events.
Furthermore, some researchers are recommended to use code-switching in any
situation with giving the expansion of students and teacher’ code switching usage is not
only in formal situation but also in informal one (Lin, 2013) because it can help to build
good communication between learner and teacher (Lin, 2013; Jingxia, 2010) and to make
classroom’ interaction more natural with allowing students to use code switching easily
(Cook, 2001).
Definition of Perception

The definition of perception can be found in Colman (2006) as the action of
observing something with using senses to obtain knowledge, or to understand a stimulus


from it. Another definition of perception also can be found in Searle as cited in Blake and
Sekuler (2006) with the perception’ definition is the person’ point of view towards certain
thing consciously or unconsciously which is proceeded in the brain. Also perception can
be explained with the process of selecting, organizing and defining something to create an
image with using senses (Kotler, 2000).
So, in my opinion, the definition of perception can be concluded as someone’s
viewpoint to something which is triggered by a stimulant with or without his/her awareness
in the brain through the senses.
Teachers’ Perception towards the effect of code-switching
According to Wagner (2007), teachers’ perception can be triggered by some
stimulants from inside and outside that involve sensory experiences in order to respond
those stimulants in learning and teaching process. So based on Wagner, discussing teacher’
perception is not simple because it discusses about teacher’ viewpoint towards teaching in
classroom that involves inside and outside stimulants.
In a study conducted by Bateman (2008), it showed that teachers as participants
believe that code switching can give inputs for students so students can understand the
material easily as much as possible in the classroom, give students some explanations for
certain difficulty terms, helps students in anticipating their struggling in teaching and
learning process and also discipline students in classroom that relates with classroom
management. Similar study comes from Abdolaziz and Shahla (2016), found that teacher’


perception in using code-switching can be used as a mean or alternative strategy in
delivering lesson in classroom.
Furthermore, Liu, An, Baek and Ahn (2004) showed teachers’ belief with the use
code switching is effective for several function such as greeting, instruction, comment,
question, grammatical and lexical explanation, anticipating the difficulty in
communicating with students, taking care of students’ behavior, and emphasize the
important point in teaching and learning process. It is similar with Levine study (2003)
who found that the teachers’ belief with the use code switching can give some encourage
for students in using L1 so they are motivated to learn English better and also to reduce
their anxiety in assigning it to target language (English) in the classroom. Additionally, Ma
(2009) study also showed that teacher and learner have same perception for the
effectiveness of L1 use in L2 classroom as an important pedagogical and inputs for the
In opposite site, some researchers think that from teacher’s view point that the code
switching also can bring negative effect for students such as from Sert (2005) finding who
found that the use of code switching in EFL classroom especially in teaching and learning
grammar will reduce and limit the students’ exposure for English. Then the finding from
Sert (2005) also is supported by Modupeola (2013) finding who found that some teachers
think the use code switching from one language to another language repetitively in same
time, it will make the process of target language (English) slowed down because the
students who already know and master the L1 delivering pattern, they will not take it

Therefore teacher’ perception about code switching is important because it will
affect the process of learning and teaching English.

In this chapter I will explain research questions, context of study, participants, data
collecting instrument that is used in this study, how to get the data and how the data will
be analyzed.
Research Questions

For this study, there are two research questions:
1. What are the teachers’ perceptions toward the effect of using code switching
for teaching and learning grammar?
2. What are the teachers’ reasons in using code switching for teaching and learning
Context of Study

The context of this study is in SMK N 1 Salatiga. I choose this vocational high
school because most studies were taken in common senior high school. Also I have
done teaching practicums in this school and observed these English teachers before
starting my teaching practicum.



In this study, the participants are 3 teachers. These teachers have taught English in
this vocational high school for a quite long time (more than 2 years). Also based on
my practicum observations, these English teachers often use code-switching in their
teachings. Looking at this fact, these teachers are suitable to become participants in
my study.
Data Collecting instrument

In this study, I use interview to collect the data from those teachers using recorder.
Nine questions were asked which consist of three questions about their background
including teaching experience and six questions about their perceptions and reasons
toward the use of code switching for teaching grammar. Also these nine questions
are in Indonesian language because to help them in answering those questions.
Data Collecting Procedure

I interview all of the participants two times which were carried out at 8th and 15th
October. Before I started my interview, I asked permission from those teachers
related about data collecting for my study. After getting their permission, I asked
when they could be interviewed. After making appointment with them, I tried to
explain the interview questions for them first so they could understand it. Then at
the first interview, I used English but after I listened the transcripts, some
participants’ answers were not relevant with the questions. So, I decided to
interview them again for the second time at the following week. In my second

interview, I tried to use Indonesia so they could understand my questions. After that
second interview had been carried out, I tried to listen those transcripts again and
my participants’ answer were relevant with those interview questions in this second
Data Analysis Procedure

In my study, I use qualitative method to analyze data from interviewing
participants. From data interview, I transcribe each participants’ recording and
analyze it by regrouping same perception and reason with its similarity. After
analyzing the similarity, I relate it with some theories in literature review part and
make conclusions from that data analysis.

Findings and Discussion
Based on my data interviews with three teachers in same school, I found some
perceptions toward the effect of code switching for students (including advantages and
disadvantages) and also their reasons of using it for teaching grammar.
The advantages of code switching

In my interviews with those three teachers, I found some advantages from their
opinions. First advantage is that code switching can make teaching and learning process is
more effective especially in grammar. This advantage is also supported by teacher B who
stated that;


Excerp 1
“The advantage of code switching is time efficiency for students to understand the
material which I give to them”.

From that excerp 1, I can see that teacher B thinks that code switching has
advantage side such as to make the time for study’s process is more efficient regarding the
time for English lesson is limited. Because of that limited time, students and teacher need
to use it effectively. Therefore, teacher B thinks that code switching is really helpful for
students to help them in giving instructions about the lesson in limited time that is in line
with Qian, Tang & Wang’ (2009) who stated that code switching can give time efficiency
for grammar instructions. So, based on that statement and finding, code switching can be
used as an alternative strategy to make the teaching time more efficient and not wasted
because the students can understand the lesson especially grammar.
Then second advantage is code switching can be used as an aid to help student in
learning the material in classroom. This advantage can be related with teacher C’ statement;

Excerp 2
“The advantage of code switching is students can understand what I am teaching to
them easily”.
Similar with teacher A’ opinion;
Excerp 3


“If I am asked about the code switching’s advantages, Of course, I will be included
in a group that think code switching has many advantages such as ease students’
understanding in learning grammar,….”.

I can find similarity from those excerpt 2 and 3 especially in helping students to
understand the lesson about grammar easily. From those teacher statements, they think with
using code switching, the students can know and get what the teacher is talking about. The
students can get important input from target language as Modupeola (2013) said that that
code switching can help students in their learning because their ability to grasp the teacher
inputs easily in classroom. So, it seems that code switching is really helpful for student to
understand and get what teacher is teaching in classroom especially about English
The disadvantages of code switching

Based on those interview data, I found one disadvantage from each teacher that is
quite similar each other. The disadvantage from these interviews is code switching makes
the students experiencing lack of efforts to learn new grammar and exposure of target
language just like teacher C’ statement:
Excerp 4
“If the students don’t know about new words or terms, they will ask the teacher
directly without attempt to look for the meaning of the new words or terms”.

Similar with teacher A who said that;
Excerp 5

“If code switching is used too frequently, it will make the students’ will and desire
to learn English become low because they will depend on the teacher”

And teacher B also argued that;
Excerp 6
“The disadvantage of code switching is the students will ask teacher directly
without searching in dictionary and also it will make students will depend on

From those excerp 4, 5 and 6, I can find some similarities for code switching
disadvantage such as students will ask teacher directly and they will depend on teacher. If
this condition still continue, the students will become lazy to learn new things especially
for grammar which will make them experiencing lack of target language exposure. The
result of this lack of target language exposure is the students will depend on teacher’s code
switching very much. As Sert (2005) said that the students who always get with the
translated instructions into their L1 from their teacher, it will make the students having
limited exposure for target language that can make them depending on teacher’s code
switching very much.
In other words, if teacher use code switching too much, the students will not get
target language exposure very much and this may effect on their lack of knowledge towards
target language and also make them depending on their teacher.
The effect of code switching in teaching grammar


Based on my interview, I found two teachers’ perceptions toward the effect of code
switching in teaching grammar. First effect is with using code switching, the student can
comprehend the grammar lesson without meeting any difficulty that is supported by teacher
A’s statement;
Excerp 7
“If I use code switching in teaching grammar, the students can understand and grasp
clearly so my words can be accepted and memorized easily”.

Also teacher C had same thought that;
Excerp 8
“With using code switching, the students can understand what I teach to them”.
Related with those excerp 7 and 8 toward their effect of using code switching, I can
find a similarity between them. The similarity from those statements is the teachers think
that with using code switching, the students can understand about the grammar that is being
taught in classroom easily. Of course, it can happen because code switching are able to
give some helps for students to overcome their difficulties in learning grammar which can
give positive effect for students in understanding the English grammar easily. Also it is in
line with Bateman’ (2008) finding that teacher believe that code switching can give inputs
for students so students can understand the material easily as much as possible in the
classroom, give students some explanations for certain difficulty terms, helps students in
anticipating their struggling in teaching. So, it seems that code switching can give assistants
for students which can make positive effect for students to learn grammar easily.

Then second effect is code switching can give motivation support for students to
learn grammar better. This effect relates with one of the teacher B’s statement who said
Excerp 9
“The effect of code switching can motivate students to learn grammatical harder”.
From that excerp 9, it seems that code switching can encourage students when they
are learning grammar. Of course, it can give morale boost for students to learn better
because when students learn English grammar, they can meet some difficulty terms that
can make them struggling and frustrated. So, teacher can use code switching to motivate
them as Levine’ (2003) study finding that code switching can give some encourage for
students in using L1 so they are motivated to learn English better and also to reduce their
anxiety in assigning it to target language in the classroom. So, this code switching also can
give another positive effect with encouraging the students to learn harder when they are
facing their struggling and difficulty in learning grammar.

Teacher reason of using code switching for teaching grammar

Based on the transcript data, I found two reasons why these teachers use code
switching for teaching grammar. First reason is to help students’ understanding in learning
target language especially grammar that as teacher A said;
Excerp 10


“Teaching English grammar is different with teaching Indonesian grammar, so I
need use code switching to teach English grammar because I hope that my students
can learn English grammar easily”.
Similar with teacher C’ opinion;
Excerp 11
“I think my reason of using code switching is to make students can understand what
I am teaching to them easily”.
Related with those teachers’ statements in excerp 10 and 11 about their reason of
using code switching, I can find a similarity between them. The similarity from those
reasons is the teachers want the students can understand about the grammar that is being
taught in classroom easily as Agneta & Ana’ (2010) found out teacher’s reason in using
code switching because it can help students to gain useful EFL input points in classroom.
Of course, based on Agneta & Ana’ finding, teaching and learning process will be useless
if students cannot get what the teacher is talking about. Also toward those reasons, the
finding from Kumar and Narendra (2012) can support it that showed the teacher’ reason in
using code switching for grammar because code switching are able to hook L1 student’s
grammar knowledge toward target language that can help them in learning it. In other
words, the reason of teacher in using code switching because it can help students to get
what the teacher is teaching in classroom especially for grammar.
Then second reason is the material about grammar can be presented and fully
understood by students. It can be proven by teacher B who said that;


Excerp 12
“The reason of using code switching for teaching grammar is the lesson can be
delivered to students successfully”.
Based on that teacher B’ reason in excerp 12, I can see that another teacher’s reason
in using code switching for teaching grammar is the grammar lesson can be delivered to
students successfully because the successfulness of the material delivering can be
determined from the students understanding toward the material. It may be accepted
because students’ understanding about the lesson is also important for teachers. So teachers
use code switching to help him/her to deliver it to students that is in line with Agneta &
Ana (2010)’ argument that the reason of using code switching is to help in delivering a
topic in English lesson in classroom with focusing to important points and parts in the topic
where the students cannot understand it such as in grammar. From that statements, it seems
that the reason of using code switching because it can be used as a useful tool to deliver
English grammar to students in classroom.


The aims of this research are to find out about the teacher perceptions toward effect
of code switching for students (including advantages and disadvantages) and also their
reasons of using it for teaching grammar. In conclusion, I found one disadvantage, two
advantages, two effects of using code switching and two reasons from based on the
participants’ perceptions.
The first finding is advantages. From the finding of the research, there are two
advantages. The first advantage is code switching can make teaching and learning process
is more effective especially in grammar. Then the second one is code switching can be used
as an aid to help student in learning the material in classroom.
The second finding is disadvantage. Based on the finding, I can find one
disadvantage. That advantage is code switching makes the students experiencing lack of
efforts to learn new grammar and exposure of target language because they depend on
teacher’ code swithcing too much.
Next finding is the effect of code switching. In this research, I can find two teachers’
perceptions toward the effect of code switching in teaching grammar. The first effect is
with using code switching, the student can comprehend the grammar lesson without
meeting any difficulty. Then the second effect is is code switching can give moral support
for students to learn grammar better.
Then the last finding is about the teacher’ reasons in using code switching for
teaching grammar in classroom. The first reason is those teachers use code switching

because to help students’ understanding in learning target language especially grammar.
Then the second reason is the material about grammar can be presented and fully
understood by students.
This research can give contribution for teacher to give additional knowledge about
the benefits and effects of code-switching toward vocational high school students and the
result also can be used as an evaluation for teachers to improve their ways of teaching by
using code switching especially in teaching grammar in vocational high school. But this
research still had limitations. First, this research was only involved three teachers as the
participants and might not represent the majority of the teachers in that school. Second,
this research only used interview as data collecting instrument. So, further study is
suggested to explore more about teachers’ perception toward code switching’ effect and
reason of using it through another data collecting instruments such as open ended


It is a genuine pleasure to express my deep sense of thanks and gratitude to the God
Almighty for the good health and wellbeing that were necessary to complete this study.
I owe a deep sense of gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs. Rindang Widiningrum,
M.Hum. Her good advices and smart approach have helped me to a very much to finish
this research. Then I wish to express my sincere thanks to my examiner, Mrs. Maria Eko,
M.Hum., for her feedback, valuable guidance and encouragement for my study.
I am also grateful to teachers of SMK N 1 Salatiga who have been cooperative in
completing this study. I also thank to the entire Department faculty members for their help
and support.
Besides that, I also give my thanks for my parents, for their love and constant
encouragement throughout my study period. Also, I am extremely thankful to all my
friends who always supported and gave moral motivation to finish my study.


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Interview Questions
1. How old are you?
2. How long have you taught English in this school? 2 or more than 2 years
3. What is your beackground teaching experience?
4. What do you think about the use of code switching in classroom?
5. In what situation when you use code switching for teaching grammatical?
6. Why do you use that code switching in your classroom especially for teaching
grammatical in classroom?
7. How do you use that code switching when you are teaching in classroom especially in
teaching grammar? Can you explain it?
8. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of code switching in your
9. What do you think about the effect of code switching for students especially for teaching
and learning grammatical process?


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