Written as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Master Degree of English Education


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  (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Ta’ Mirul Islam Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)


  Written as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Master Degree of English Education commit to user

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  Ariani Rosadi, S891308005, 2015. Dialogue Journals: Enhancing Students’


Writing viewed from Writing Apprehension” (an Experimental research at the

Eighth Grade Students of SMP Ta’Mirul Islam Surakarta in the Academic year

of 2014/2015).A Thesis. First Consultant: Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd; Second

  Consultant: Dr. SlametSupriyadi, M.Pd; English Education Department, Graduate Progam, Sebelas Maret University.

  The aims of this research are to find out whether : (1) Dialogue Journals Method is more effective than Direct Instruction Method to teach writing; (2) The students having low writing apprehension have better writing skill than those having high writing apprehension; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ writing apprehension in teaching writing.

  This experimental research was conducted at the eighth grade of SMP Ta’Mirul Islam Surakarta.The samples were two classes, one class as the experimental group and one as the control group. The number of the students in each class is 20 students. Cluster random sampling technique was administered in this research to select the sample.Data of the research were collected through writing test and writing apprehension questionnaires. The data were, then, analyzed by descriptive statistics to describe the research data and inferential statistics namely multifactor Analysis of Variance ANOVA 2x2 and Tukey test to test the hypotheses.

  The findings of this research are: (1) Dialogue Journals Method is more effective than Direct Instruction Method to teach writing; (2) The students having low writing apprehension have better writing skill than those having high writing apprehension; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ writing apprehension in teaching writing. However, in the implementation of the method, a teacher must consider about the students’ level of writing apprehension. As proved in this research, writing apprehension influences the students’ writing skill. By considering students’ level of writing apprehension, a teacher can choose the method he/she uses properly in teaching writing to reduce writing apprehension in order to improve students’ skill in writing.


Keywords: experimental research, teaching methods, writing skill, writing


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“I wanna do something that matters, say something different,

something that sets the whole world on its ear, I wanna do something

better with the time I have been given and I wanna try to touch a few heart in this life”

  ( Lady Antebellum)


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  With deep profound love, this research is fully dedicated to: My beloved parents Drs. H.Abdul Gani. HM and Hj.Naniek Fauziatin, S.Pd.

  My lovely brothers Abang Ashadi, Abang Ahyar, and Abang Putra.

  My husband- would-be My almamater Sebelas Maret University


  The researcher would like to acknowledge her countless gratitude to the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, Allah swt. In addition, there are many individuals who have generously contributed in improving this thesis. So the researcher would like to express her deep gratitude to the following people:

  1. Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Sebelas Maret University for the permission to write the thesis.

  2. Head of English Education Department of Graduate Program for providing the facilities to complete the thesis writing.

  3. Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd, the first consultant for his guidance, advice, and patience during the writing process of this thesis.

  4. Dr. Slamet Supriadi, M.Pd, the second consultant for his guidance, advice, and patience during the writing process of this thesis.

  5. Head Master of SMP Ta’Mirul Islam Surakarta for the permission to conduct the research.

  6. Teahers of SMP Ta’Mirul Islam Surakarta, Ita Fatmawati, M.Pd dan Tina Handayani, S.Pd for her help and cooperation during the research.

  7. Eighth grade students of SMP Ta’Mirul Islam Surakarta in Surakarta in the academic year of 2014/2015.

  8. All friends and everyone who have helped the researcher in accomplishing this thesis.

  Hopefully, this thesis would give a positive contribution to the educational development and the readers.

  Surakarta, February 2015 Ariani Rosadi


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  2. Procedure of Dialogue Journals Method ........................... 23

  5. The Differences between DJ and DI method .................... 40

  4. Disadvantages of Direct Instructions Method ................... 39

  3. Advantages of Direct Instructions Method ....................... 38

  2. Procedure of Direct Instructions Method .......................... 36

  1. Definition of Direct Instructions Method........ .................. 35

  C. Review of Direct Instructions Method (DI) ............................ 35

  4. Disadvantages of Dialogue Journals Method ................... 33

  3. Advantages of Dialogue Journals Method ........................ 29


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  TITLE ..............................................................................................................i APPROVAL.....................................................................................................ii LEGITIMATION ............................................................................................iii PRONOUNCEMENT......................................................................................iv ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................v MOTTO ...........................................................................................................vi DEDICATION .................................................................................................vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................................................viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................ix LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xiii

  B. Review of Dialogue JournalsMethod (DJ).............................. 21

  6. Principles for Teaching Writing ...................................... 19

  5. Part of Writing Process ................................................... 16

  4. Reasons for Teaching Writing .......................................... 15

  3. Macro and Micro Skills of Writing................................... 13

  2. Aspect of Writing Skill ................................................... 11

  1. Definition of Writing........................................................ 9

  CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ............................................................. 1 B. Identification of Problems...................................................... 5 C. Limitation of Problem............................................................ 6 D. Research Problems................................................................. 6 E. Research Objectives .............................................................. 7 F. Significance of Study ............................................................. 7 CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW A. Review of Writing ................................................................. 9

  1. Definitions of Dialogue JournalsMethod .......................... 21

  D. Review of Writing Apprehension (WA) ................................. 41

  1. Definition ofWriting Apprehension........ .......................... 41

  2. The Role Writing Apprehension in Learning Writing ....... 42

  3. Aspects ofWriting Apprehension...................................... 43

  E. Review of Related Research................................................... 46

  F. Rationale ............................................................................... 50

  1. The Difference between DJ and DI method ...................... 50

  2. The Difference between Students Having High WA and Students Having Low WA................................................ 51

  3. Interaction between Teaching Methods and Students Writing Apprehension .................................................................. 52

  G. Hypothesis ............................................................................ 53

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Setting of Research ................................................................ 54 B. Research Method ................................................................... 54

  1. Research Variable ............................................................ 54

  2. Research Design .............................................................. 55

  C. Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique........................ 56

  1. Population ....................................................................... 57

  2. Sample ............................................................................ 57

  3. Sampling Technique......................................................... 57

  D. Technique of Collecting Data................................................. 58

  1. Writing test ...................................................................... 58

  2. Writing Apprehension Questionnaire ............................... 61

  E. Technique of Analyzing Data................................................. 63

  1. Descriptive Statistics ........................................................ 63

  2. Inferential Statistic ........................................................... 64

  F. Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................ 68

  CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. The Implementation of the Research ....................................... 71

  1. Initial Stage ...................................................................... 71

  2. Implementation stage ....................................................... 73

  B. Data Description...................................................................... 74

  C. Inferential Statistics ................................................................. 81

  D. Discussion of Findings ........................................................... 86

  CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion .............................................................................94 B. Implication and Suggestion.....................................................95


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APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 108


Table 2.1 General differences of teaching methods ............................................ 42Table 2.2 Indicators of Writing Apprehension.................................................... 48Table 3.1 Time Schedule.................................................................................... 57Table 3.2 Factorial Design 2x2........................................................................... 58Table 3.3 Scoring Rubric of Writing .................................................................. 62Table 3.4 Readability of Writing Test ................................................................ 64Table 4.1 The implementation of the research .................................................... 75Table 4.2 Frequency of Distribution of A .......................................................... 76



Table 4.3 Frequency of Distribution of A .......................................................... 77



Table 4.4 Frequency of Distribution of B .......................................................... 77



Table 4.5 Frequency of Distribution of B .......................................................... 78

  2 Table 4.6 Frequency of Distribution of A B ...................................................... 79



  1 Table 4.7 Frequency of Distribution of A B ...................................................... 80



  2 Table 4.8 Frequency of Distribution of A B ...................................................... 81



  1 Table 4.9 Frequency of Distribution of A B ...................................................... 82



  2 Table 4.10 Summary of Normality Test ............................................................. 83

Table 4.11 Summary of Homogeneity Test ........................................................ 84Table 4.12 The result of Mean Score.................................................................. 87Table 4.13 Summary of Multifactors Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 2x2 ........ 87Table 4.14 Summary of Tukey........................................................................... 89


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Table 4.1 Frequency of Distribution of A 1 ............................................................ 76Table 4.2 Frequency of Distribution of A 2 ............................................................ 77Table 4.3 Frequency of Distribution of B 1 ............................................................ 78Table 4.4 Frequency of Distribution of B 2 ............................................................ 79Table 4.5 Frequency of Distribution of A


1 B

1 ........................................................ 80

Table 4.6 Frequency of Distribution of A


1 B

2 ........................................................ 81

Table 4.7 Frequency of Distribution of A




  1 ........................................................ 82

Table 4.8 Frequency of Distribution of A




  2 ........................................................ 83



Appendix 1 Syllabus ............................................................................................. 108

Appendix 2 Lesson plan of Experimental Class ................................................... 118

Appendix 3 Lesson plan of Control Class ............................................................ 139

Appendix 4 Instrument of Writing Apprehension Questionnaire ......................... 160

Appendix 4.1 Blueprint of Writing Apprehension Questionnaire ........................ 160

Appendix 4.2 Instrument of Writing Apprehension Questionnaire (tryout)......... 161

Appendix 4.3 Validity of Writing Apprehension Questionnaire .......................... 166

Appendix 4.4 Calculation of Validity of Writing Apprehension Questionnaire .. 170

Appendix 4.5 Reliability of Writing Apprehension Questionnaire ...................... 172

Appendix 4.6 Calculation of Reliability of Writing

Apprehension Questionnaire................................................................................. 175

Appendix 4.7 Valid instrument of Writing Apprehension Questionnaire ............ 176

Appendix 5 Writing test ........................................................................................ 178

Appendix 5.1 Blueprint of Writing test................................................................. 178

Appendix 5.2 Instrument of Writing Test ............................................................. 179

Appendix 5.3 Rubric Scoring of Writing test ....................................................... 180

Appendix 5.4 Readability of Writing Instruction ................................................. 182

Appendix 6 Readability result Writing Test ......................................................... 183

Appendix 7 Students’ Writing Apprehension score.............................................. 184

Appendix 7.1Students’ Writing Apprehension score of Experimental Class ....... 184

Appendix 7.2 Students’ Writing Apprehension score of Control Class ............... 185

Appendix 8 Writing Scores................................................................................... 186

Appendix 8.1 Post Test Students’ Writing Scores of Experimental Class (A 1 ) ... 186 Appendix 8.2 Post Test Students’ Writing Scores of Control Class (A

  2 )............. 187

Appendix 9 Students’ writing Apprehension and Writing Scores ....................... 188

Appendix 9.1 Students’ writing Apprehension and Writing Scores of (A )......... 188

  1 Appendix 9.2Students’ writing Apprehension and Writing Scores of (A ).......... 189

  2 Appendix 10 Descriptive Statistics ....................................................................... 190

Appendix 11 Normality Test................................................................................. 198

Appendix 12 Homogeneity Test ........................................................................... 206

Appendix 13 ANOVA 2x2 Multifactor Analysis Variance.................................. 207

Appendix 14 Result of Tukey Test ....................................................................... 208

Appendix 15 Table of Critical Values for t Distribution ...................................... 209

Appendix 16 Table of Standard Normal Distribution........................................... 210

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Appendix 17 Table of Critical Values for Liliefors( Normality Test) .................. 211



Appendix 18 Table of Chi Square Distribution ( Homogeneity )......................... 212

Appendix 19 Table of Critical Values for F distribution ...................................... 213

Appendix 20 Table of Critical Values for Tukey Test.......................................... 214

Appendix 21 Example of Students’ writing.......................................................... 216

Appendix 22 Pictures of Students’ activity........................................................... 219

Appendix 23 Letter of Research Permission......................................................... 220

Appendix 24 Letter of Having conducted Research ............................................. 221

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