CHS guidance notes A5 cover inside

Published by
CHS Alliance
The Sphere Project
Groupe URD
First edition
ISBN: 978-2-9701015-2-9

© All rights reserved. The copyright of the material contained herein is
held by CHS Alliance, the Sphere Project and Groupe URD. It may be
reproduced for educational purposes, including in training, research
and programme activities, provided that the CHS Guidance Notes and
Indicators is acknowledged. To translate or adapt all or any part of the CHS
Guidance Notes and Indicators, prior written permission must be obtained
by emailing

Staff: any designated representative of an organisation, including national,
international, and permanent or short-term employees, as well as volunteers and
Staff competencies: the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that
individuals develop in the course of their working life. Staff capacity considers

how these individual competencies work together to achieve organisational
Stakeholder: anybody who can affect or is affected by an organisation, strategy
or project.
Surge capacity: relates to the ability of an agency to scale-up quickly and to
respond to large-scale crises.
Transparency: refers to openness, honesty and communication. An activity,
project or organisation is transparent if information about it is open and freely
available to the public.
Vulnerability: the extent to which some people may be disproportionately
affected by the disruption of their physical environment and social support
mechanisms following disaster or conlict, resulting in an increased risk of
exploitation, illness or death. Vulnerability is speciic to each person and each
Whistle-blowing: when a member of staff reports suspected wrongdoing at
work. This includes the suspicion of fraud or misuse of resources, neglect of
duties or when someone’s health and safety is in danger.

CHS Guidance Notes and Indicators