M ATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris NOM OR KODE SKS : DESKRIPSI SINGKAT : Bahasa Inggris merupakan mat a kuliah w ajib yang diberikan pada semest er I. M at a kuliah ini diberikan dengan t ujuan agar praja dapat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, khususnya mengenai Bahasa

  Inggris Pemerint ahan, sehingga praja menget ahui, memahami dan dapat menggunakan ist ilah-istilah pemerint ahan dalam Bahasa Inggris secara lisan dan t ulisan. STANDAR KOM PETENSI : Praja dapat memahami dan menggunakan istilah-ist ilah pemerint ahan baik secara lisan maupun t ulisan. TIM PENYUSUN : Dw i Indah Kart ika, S.Pd., M .Si dan M GS Ismail, S.Pd.

  No. Kompet ensi Dasar Pokok Bahasan Sub Pokok Wakt u KBM M edia Sumber Bahasan

  Pust aka 1. 1) Praja w ill know St at e. The comparison 100 menit

  1. Opening Whit eboard, (Out of t he vocabularies bet w een 3 big

  2. M ain Act ivit y board marker, t able) on St at e and able st at es.

  3. Closing Overhead t o use t hem in Project or oral and w rit t en (OHP), Tape t ext . Recorder, Lapt op and

  2) Praja w ill be able LCD Project or t o mast er all t he (in focus), vocabularies deal pict ures in w it h St at e. series, t ransparencies)

  2. 1) Praja w ill be able t o underst and, make comparison, explain and use all t he t ypes of English sent ences in good order and grammar.

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  100 menit

  Execut ive Branch Execut ive Branches in t hree st at es

  4. 1) Praja w ill be able t o ment ion w ho are t he execut ive branch and explain t he comparison of execut ive branches in t hree st at es.

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  1. Opening

  Sent ences Three t ypes of sent ences 100 menit

  Governance Syst em Types of Governance Syst ems 100 menit

  1. Praja w ill know and be able t o use t he vocabularies on Governance Syst ems orally and by w rit t en. 2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Governance Syst em


  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus),

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Educat ion pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  100 menit

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  100 menit

  Check and Balances in t hree st at es

  Check and Balances (Federal Cit izenship Text – U.S. Govt .

  7. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend t he mechanism

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  Judicial Branches in t hree st at es

  5. 3) Praja w ill be able t o ment ion w ho are t he execut ive branch and explain t he comparison of execut ive branches in t hree st at es. 4) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Educat ion

  St ruct ure, page 71-82) The St ruct ure and t he Appeals Process:71-75) The Supreme Court : 75-82

  Judicial Branch (Federal Cit izenship Text – U.S. Govt .

  6. 1) Praja w ill be able t o ment ion w ho are t he judicial branch and explain t he comparison of judicial branch in t hree st at es. 2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Judicial Branch.

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  100 menit

  Legislative Branches in t hree st at es

  St ruct ure, page 52-65) Congress: page 52-56) The House of Represent at ives: 57- 61) The Senat e: 62-65)

  Legislative Branch (Federal Cit izenship Text – U.S. Govt .

  Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead of check and balances in t hree st at es. 2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Check and Balances.

  St ruct ure, page 83-88)

  3. Closing Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  8. M id Term Test 4. 9. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend, make comparison, and explain t he different bet w een Federal government , Cent ral and Local Government ).

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Government .

  Government (Federal Cit izenship Text – U.S. Govt .

  St ruct ure, page 89-92) The Federal Government

  Cent ral and Local Government 100 menit

  1. Opening

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  10. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend analyze and explain Good Governance

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal

  Good Governance Good Governance in Indonesia

  1. Opening

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or w it h Good Governance.

  (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  1. Opening

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  Excellent Service One St op Service 100 menit

  13. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend analyze and explain Excellent Service

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  General Elect ion General Elect ion in Indonesia 100 menit

  11. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend analyze and explain Human Right s

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h General Elect ion.

  12. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend analyze and explain General Elect ion

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  Human Right s Human Right s and it s applicat ion 100 menit

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Human Right s.

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Excellent Service.

  2) Praja w iil be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Educat ion

  16. Final Test

  6. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  5. M ain Act ivit y

  4. Opening

  100 menit

  Educat ion Comparison bet w een st udying abroad and in RI.

  15. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend analyze and explain Educat ion

  Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  3. Closing Whit eboard, board marker, Overhead Project or (OHP), Tape Recorder, Lapt op and LCD Project or (in focus), pict ures in series, t ransparencies)

  2. M ain Act ivit y

  1. Opening

  Globalizat ion M ac Donald 100 menit

  2) Praja w iil be able t o mast er all t he vocabularies deal w it h Globalizat ion.

  14. 1) Praja w ill be able t o comprehend analyze and explain Globalizat ion

  Sumber Pust aka:

  1. The Federal Cit izenship Text – U.S. Government St ruct ure 2. Cyssco, Dhanny R., 2009. Comprehensive English Grammar. Preparat ion for TOEFL. Kesaint Blanc:Jakart a, Indonesia.

  3. Nolasco, Rob., 1994. American WOW! . St udent Book IB. Oxford Universit y Press: England.

  4. Sw an, M ichael and Walt er, Cat herine. 1994. The New Cambridge Englsih Course. St udent 3 Int ermediat e. Cambridge Universit y Press:Great Brit ain.

  5. Woolcot t , Lyn. 1996. Go Ahead. St udent ’s Book. A Pre-int ermediat english Course for Adult s.Phoenix ELT, Hert fordshire, HP27EZ.

  6. Team. 2004. Bahasa Inggris 1. Unpublished. 7. ______. 2004. Bahasa Inggris 2. Unpublished. 8. ______. English Casset t e for List ening 1 and 2. Unpublished.

  9. LBI FIB UI. 2009. TOEFL Preparat ion. Unpublished.

  10. Yanni, Ferry. 2009. Learning English t hrough Fairy Tales Reading. The Great est Palace and Ot her St ories. Kesaint Blanc:Jakart a.

  11. Pilgrim , Dorot hy W, Hayden, Rebecca E and Haggard, Aurora Quiros. 1994. M ast ering American English. A Handbook-Workbook of Essent ial. Prent ice Hall Inc.

  12. Doft , Adrian and Becket Carolyn. 2005. List ening. St udent ’s Book 1. Cambridge Universit y Press. Reprint ed by Kanisius Print ing and Publishing House:Yogyakart a).

  13. Rini, Ayu. 2010. Be Smart and Fun w it h English Games. Kesaint Blanc:Jakart a.


  2) Vocabularies on St at e.

  1) Ask P t o make sent ence s using vocabular ies on St at e

  2. Bahasa Inggris 1, hal 1-9.

  1. Reading Text on St at e.

  5. Casset t e

  4. Tape Player

  3. Whit e board , boardmar ker, and eraser.

  2. OHP and t ranspare ncies.

  1. Reading Text

  3) P make

  1) Prajas (P) read a t ext on St at e. 2) P read and w rit e dow n all t he vocabularie s deal w it h St at e.

  1) A lect urer (L) asks prajas t o read a t ext on St at e. 2) L w rit es dow n t he vocabula ries deal w it h

  Requirem ent s of A St at e.

  Tujuan Pembelajara n Umum

  St at e. 1) St at e and t he

  of a St at e 3) Praja w ill able t o mast er all

  requirem ent s

  1) Praja w ill be able t o underst and t he definit ion of st at e. 2) Praja w ill able t o explain t he

  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1. 1) Praja w ill know t he vocabularie s on St at e and able t o use t hem in oral and w rit t en t ext . 2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he

  Kegiat an Praja

  M edia Sumber Evaluasi Kegiat an Dosen

  Kegiat an Belajar M engajar

  Sub Pokok Bahasan

  Pokok Bahasan

  Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus

  2) Asks P t o make a conversat ion on how t o int roduce vocabularie t he St at e. sent ences oneself.


  s deal w it h 3) L asks P using deals w it h

  St at e. t o make vocabularie St at e. a s on St at e

  4) Praja w ill sent enc able t o e using explain and vocabula all t he ries on

  vocabularies St at e.

  deals w it h St at e.

  4) P list en t o 4) L plays a t he

  3) List ening casset t e casset t e on (Greet ing, on

  Greet ing, Leave Greet ing

  Leave Taking, , Leave

  Taking, and Giving and Taking,

  Giving and Asking for and

  Asking for Personal Giving

  Personal Informat ion. and

  Informat io Asking n. for Personal Informat ion.

  5) P answ er 5) L asks P t he L’s about quest ions. w hat t he t ape player plays.

  6) P pract ices 6) L asks P t o t he pract ice conversat io t he n played on convers t he t ape at ion player. played by t he t ape player.

  7) L asks P 7) P make a t o make conversat io 4) Speaking a n on how

  (Int roducing convers t o One Self) at ion on int roduce how t o one self. int roduc e one self.

  2. 1) Praja w ill 1) Praja w ill be Sent ences

  1. Independent 1) L 1) P list en t o

  1. Whit eboar TOEFL

  1. L asks P be able t o able t o Clauses: explains L carefully.

  d, Preparat ion, p. t o make underst and underst and a. Simple t he boardmar 8-22. sent enc

  , make t ypes of Sent ence Types of ker and e using compariso sent ences.

  b. Compound Sent enc eraser. Type of Sent ence n, explain 2) Praja w ill be es.

  2. Lapt op Sent enc and use all able c. Complex 2) L asks P 2) P make 3. LCD es.

  Sent ence t he t ypes comprehend t o make sent ences Project or

  2. L asks P of English how t o

  2. M issing sent enc using Type

  4. English t o do Subject s, sent ences make es using of Grammar exercise in good sent ences Verbs, Type of Sent ences St ruct ure s. order and grammar. based on it s t ype.

  3) Praja w ill be able t o explain t ypes of sent ences. 4) Praja w ill be able t o make and use sent ences based on it s t ype.

  3) L asks P t o make sent enc es using vocabul

  4. L asks P t o make sent enc es using vocabula ries on Governa nce Syst em

  3. Song

  2. TOEFL Preparat ion, p:23-34.

  1. Reading Text on Governance Syst em.

  6. Caset t e.

  5. Tape Player.

  4. LCD Project or.

  3. Lapt op.

  2. Pict ure of St at e’s flags.

  d, boardmar ker and eraser.

  1. Whit eboar

  3) P make sent ences using vocabulari es on

  2) P re-w rit e dow n vocabulari es w rit t en by L

  1) P list ens t o L

  2) L w rit es dow n vocabul aries deal w it h Governa nce Syst em

  Object s and Complement s.

  1) Praja w ill be abl underst and t he Governence Syst em. 2) Praja w ill able t o different iat e bet w een Government and Governance. 3) Praja w ill be able t o explain kinds of Government Syst em.

  3. Clauses wit h

  There and It .

  4. Incomplet e Adject ive Clause.

  5. Incomplet e or missing

  Part icipial Phrases. sent enc es.

  3. 1) Praja w ill know and be able t o use t he vocabularie s on Governanc e Syst ems orally and by w rit t en. 2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Governanc e Syst em

  Governance Syst em

  1) L explains Governa nce Syst ems

  1. Classificat ion of Governance Syst em

  2. English Grammar and St ruct ure:

  a. Incomplet e or M issing Apposit iv e b. Incomplet e Adverb


  c. Incomplet e Noun Clauses

  3. List ening t o a Song

  5. L asks P t o do exercise on apposit i ve, adverb clauses and noun

  4) Praja w ill be “ What a aries on Governanc clauses. able t o Wonderful Governa e Syst em. make Word : Guy nce comparison Sebast ian” Syst em. bet w een 4) L 4) P list en t o President ial explains L syst em and Apposit i Parliament a ve, ry Syst em. adverb clauses, and noun clause.

  5) L plays a 5) P list en t o song t he song and asks carefully. P t o list en t o it carefull y. 6) L asks P 6) P t o complet e complet t he e t he incomplet incompl e song et ed lyric. song. 4. 1) Praja w ill 1) Praja w ill Execut ive

  1. Execut ive 1) L (Federal be able t o able t o Branch Branch: explains Cit izenship Text ment ion ment ion t he President and t he – U.S. Govt . w ho are holder of Vice Execut iv St ruct ure, page t he Execut ive President e 35)

  Executive Branch: execut ive Branch.

  2. Execut ive Branch President & VP, branch and 2) Praja w ill Branch: 2) page 35-39) explain t he able t o Cabinet


  compariso underst and

  3. English Cabinet n of t he Grammar and Page: 40-43) execut ive Execut ive St ruct ure: branches in Branch.

  a. Apposit iv t hree 3) Praja w ill be e st at es. able t o

  b. Adverb 5) Praja w ill explain t he Clause be able t o Execut ive c. Noun mast er all Branch out Clause t he of t heir vocabularie mind. s deal w it h 4) Praja w ill be Educat ion able t o underst and apposit ive, adverbial clause and noun clause.

  5) Praja w ill be able t o different iat e apposit ive, adverbial clause and noun clause. 6) Praja w ill be t o make sent ence using apposit ive, adverbial clause and noun clause. 7) Praja w ill be able t o explain how t o use apposit ive, adverb clause, and noun clause. 8) Praja w ill able t o use apposit ive, adverb clause and noun clause. 5. 1) Praja w ill be able t o ment ion w ho are t he execut ive branch and explain t he compariso n of execut ive branches in t hree st at es. 2) Praja w ill be able t o

  Legislative Branch

  (Federal Cit izenship Text – U.S. Govt .

  St ruct ure, page 52-65) Congress: page 52-56) The House of Represent at ives : 57-61) The Senat e: 62- 65) mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Educat ion

  6. 1) Praja w ill Judicial (Federal be able t o Branch Cit izenship Text ment ion

  • – U.S. Govt . w ho are

  St ruct ure, page t he judicial 71-82) branch and The St ruct ure explain t he and t he Appeals compariso Process:71-75) n of judicial The Supreme branch in Court : 75-82 t hree st at es. 2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Judicial Branch.

  7. 1) Praja w ill Check and (Federal be able t o Balances Cit izenship Text comprehen

  • – U.S. Govt . d t he

  St ruct ure, page mechanism 83-88) of check and balances in t hree st at es. 2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Check and Balances. M id Test 8. Semest er

  9. 1) Praja w ill Governme (Federal be able t o nt Cit izenship Text comprehen

  • – U.S. Govt .

  d, make St ruct ure, page compariso 89-92) n, and The Federal explain t he Government different bet w een Federal governmen t , Cent ral and Local Governme nt ).

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h

  Governme nt . 10. 1) Praja w ill Good be able t o Governanc comprehen e d analyze and explain Good Governanc e

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Good Governanc e. 11. 1) Praja w ill Human be able t o Right s comprehen d analyze and explain Human Right s

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Human

  Right s. 12. 1) Praja w ill General be able t o Elect ion comprehen d analyze and explain General Elect ion

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h General Elect ion. 13. 1) Praja w ill Excellent be able t o Service comprehen d analyze and explain Excellent Service

  2) Praja w ill be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Excellent Service. 14. 1) Praja w ill Globalizat i be able t o on comprehen d analyze and explain Globalizat i on

  2) Praja w iil be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Globalizat i on. 15. 1) Praja w ill Educat ion be able t o comprehen d analyze and explain Educat ion

  2) Praja w iil be able t o mast er all t he vocabularie s deal w it h Educat ion

  Final Test 16. Sem est er