IN “THE YOUNG VICTORIA” MOVIE An Undergraduate Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree Tri Afitiana 1309010010 FACULTY OF LETTERS UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PURWOKERTO AUGUST 2017


  This is to certify that this undergraduate thesis entitled



  been approved by the advisor and the head of Faculty of Letters to be examined by the board of examiners.

  Purwokerto, 23 August 2017 Head of Faculty of Letters Advisor Fitri Rakhmawati, S.S., M. Pd. Ambar Pujiyatno, S.S., M.Hum.

  NIK. 2160513 NIK. 2160208




An Undergraduate Thesis



Tri Afitiana


has been examined and approved by the Board of Examiners as one of the

requirements for Sarjana Sastra degree on 23 August 2017


  Chairperson Secretary Khristianto, S.S., M.Hum. Widya Nirmalawati, S.S., M.A.

  NIK. 2160369 NIK. First Examiner Second Examiner Condro Nur Alim Ambar pujiyatno, S.S., M.Hum.

  Legalised by the Dean of Faculty of Letters Ambar Pujiyatno, S.S., M.Hum.

  NIK. 2160208


  The undersign, Name : Tri Afitiana Student Number : 1309010010 declares that the present undergraduate thesis is an original research undertaken for Faculty of Letters, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. Any theories, findings and research techniques which do not belong to my own have been acknowledged in the text. Theoretical contributions and findings in this thesis are my original works and the best of my knowledge, as well have not been submitted for any degree in this or any other universities. Any referenced- quotations are shown in the arrangement of citations and bibliography. If later it can be revealed that this undergraduate thesis contains partly or wholly plagiarised pie ces of others’ intellectual works of any kinds, the researcher will be ready to accept the consequence established by the university on the matter.

  Purwokerto, 23 August 2017 Tri Afitiana

  MOTTO Hasbunalloh wani’mal wakil, ni’mal maula wanimannasir.


  This thesis is proudly dedicated to:

  My father, Pak Sutarjo & My mother, Ibu Disah. that have been giving me mercies and blessing so I can finished this undergraduate thesis as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for Sarjana

  Sastra degree in Faculty of Letters, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.



Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, first of all I would like to thanks Allah SWT

  I would also like to express gratitude for the people besides me who have been so inspiring and motivating, giving so much knowledge and advices in finishing my undergraduate thesis. Without them, I could not be that excited to finish this research.

  • Ambar Pujiyatno, S.S., M. Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Letters as well as my great supervisor who has already given guidance, help and supports. “Thank you for patiently spending your time in guiding me finish this thesis, Sir”.
  • All the honourable lecturers and staffs of Faculty of Letters who have already helped me to gain so much knowledge, help me to open my mind widely in accepting knowledge. Thank you for guiding me during study in this faculty.
  • The most beautiful and inspiring lady in the world who always taught me to be a better person, Mama and my super-man who always keep me flying high and higher and never let me down, Bapak.
  • My beloved sisters and brother: Umi Widiani, Dwi Murtanti, Muhamad Alwi Khoerul Mufti and Panca Agushya I.P, thanks a bunch dears. Keep supporting each others, having you guys as my siblings are the greatest gift ever.

  • My Grandma, hope God put you in the best place there, I miss you so much.
  • My friends in Faculty of Letters Academic Year 2013, Kumpul Kebo Group: Tri Sulistyani (Gicul), Wiwit Rahmawati (Sagit), Ajeng Candrakirana, Joko Sadewo, Elsa Pradita Anjani (Eca), Wafa Nurhidayah, Sandra Wibowo, Asri Tri Andriyani, Farida Tri Ulfah Wulandari, Fina Adilah (Pina), Muhamad Ghiffari, Bhyant Angger and Afnan Al Qorni, “thanks for colouring my life, thanks for acting like everything was perfect when we were having so much pains, thanks for stories we made, you guys so annoying and I love it much! Love you to the B imasakti galaxy and back guys!!” Mas Bayu Adi Sulistyo, “Emm, thank you for the time, Mas Bayu”.

  My cutest niece, Ifa Widiani. “Do not grow so fast dear”.

  • All of the Faculty of Letters’ students from all semesters keep shining for our
  • faculty guys!! The researcher realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect.

  Nevertheless, hopefully this undergraduate thesis can give contribution for Faculty of Letters, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

  Purwokerto, 23 August 2017 Tri Afitiana


  Afitiana, Tri 1309010010, 2017: The Speech Acts of Disharmonic Family in “The Young Victoria” Movie. Undergraduate Thesis for Sarjana Sastra Degree, English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

  This research belongs to the pragmatics area. The aim of this research is to identify the most common speech acts used in disharmonic condition in “The Young Victoria” movie based on Searle’s Speech Acts theory. This is qualitative research; the data are written data taken from the conversation among characters and the researcher only focus in the disharmonic part of the movie. After the analysis had been done by the researcher, it is found that there are 31 utterances consisting of 15 Directives speech acts, 9 Representatives speech acts,

  3 Expressive Speech Acts and 4 Commissives speech acts. Directives speech acts become the mostly used to represent the disharmonic condition of the movie. It is shown through the characters that mostly ordering others rather than expressing something, commit to do something or represent something.

  Keywords: Pragmatics, Speech Act, Disharmonic Family, Directive Speech acts.



  Afitiana, Tri 1309010010, 2017: Tindak Tutur dari Keluarga Tidak Harmonis dalam Film “The Young Victoria”. Skripsi. Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Muhammadyah Purwokerto.

  Penelitian ini termasuk dalam area pragmatic.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tindak tutur yang paling sering digunakan dalam kondisi tidak harmonis dalam film

  “The Young Victoria” berdasarkan teori tindak tutur

  menurut Searle. Ini merupakan pnelitian kualitatif; menggunakan data tertulis yang di ambil dari percakapan antar tokoh dan peneliti hanaya focus pada bagian tidak harmonis dari fim ini. Setelah analisis dilakukan oleh peneliti, di temukan bahwa terdapat 31 ucapan yang terdiri atas 15 tindak tutur direktif, 9 tindak tutur representative, 3 tindak tutur ekspresif dan 4 tindak tutur komisif. Tindak tutur direktif merupakan yang paling banyak digunakam untuk merepresentasikan kondisi tida harmonis dari film ini. Hal ini ditunjukkan melalui para tooh ynag lebih sering memerintah daripada mengekspresikan sesuatu, berniat melakukan sesuatu di waktu mendatang atau merepresentasikan sesuatu. Kata Kunci: Pragmatik, Tindak tutur, Keluarga tidak harmonis, tindak tutur direktif.



COVER PAGE ........................................................................................ i APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................ ii

  VALIDATION SHEET .............................................................................. iii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................... iv MOTTO ................................................................................................ v DEDICATION ........................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ x

  INTISARI .............................................................................................. xi CONTENTS ........................................................................................... xii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.1 Background of the Research ..............................................................

  1 A.2 Problems of the Research ..................................................................

  4 A.3 Objective of the Research ..................................................................

  4 A.4 Significance of the Research ..............................................................

  5 A.5 Limitation of the Research ................................................................

  5 A.6 Organisation of the Research ............................................................


  CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW B.1 Theoretical Framework .......................................................................

  7 B.1.1 Definition of Pragmatic ....................................................................

  7 B.1.2 Speech Acts ......................................................................................

  8 B.1.2.1 Direct and Indirect Speech Acts ....................................................

  13 B.1.2.2 Literal and Non Literal speech acts ...............................................

  15 B.1.3 Context ............................................................................................

  16 B.1.4 Disharmonic Family .........................................................................

  17 B.2 Review of Related Research ...............................................................

  19 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD C.1 Type of Research ................................................................................

  23 C.2 Data And Source of Data ....................................................................

  24 C.3 Method of Collecting Data .................................................................

  25 C.4 Method of Analysing Data ..................................................................

  25 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS D.1 Data Description .................................................................................

  26 D.2 Data Analysis ......................................................................................

  28 D.3 Discussion ...........................................................................................


  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION E.1 Conclusion ..........................................................................................

  59 E.2 Suggestion ..........................................................................................

  59 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................

  61 APPENDICES ........................................................................................
