THESIS Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree in the English Department of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts


C 1306019


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Name : Oscar Margo Widyatno NIM

: C 1306019

Stated wholeheartedly that this thesis entitled The Analysis of Slang Words

Translation in the Movie Entitled “The Rocker” is originally made by the researcher. The things related to other people’s work are written in quotations and

include within the bibliography. If this statement is later proven false, the researcher willingly takes any responsibilities from the English Departments Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

Surakarta, The researcher

Oscar Margo Widyatno

C 1306019

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Thanks to JESUS CHRIST for HIS Blessing and Love in this thesis. I have a lot of help, suggestion, and support from many persons in doing this thesis and I would like to express my gratitude to many persons to whom I owe a lot of contributions.

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.ed the Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

2. Taufiq Al Makmun, SS, as my Academic Consultant.

3. A huge thank dedicated to Drs. Hendarto Rahardjo, M.A, as my Thesis Consultant. Thank you for your guidance and your patience in accomplishing this thesis and also your suggestions as well as advices.

4. Ardianna N, SS, M.Hum, thank you for your patience in answering every question relating to my thesis.

5. All lecturers in English Department Sebelas Maret University.

6. My beloved Mom for endless love, patience and pray.

7. My soul mate Hapsari Kurnia Harmastuti, thanks for all your sweet love, and support given to me.

8. Ario Wicaksono, B.Sc, M.Sc, Esther Richiyani Widiasih,, Ph.D., and Pak Heri Nababan, SS thank you for being my raters.

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Galuh, Yukal, Yungki, Rury, Rica and Ichwan Thanks for the great moment.

10. My pearl forum drum thanks for the greatest moments when I get stuck and need some musical relaxation.


Oscar Margo Widyatno

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Shoot for the Moon. Even If You Miss, You’ll Land among the Stars

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JESUS CHRIST My beloved Father My beloved Mom My beloved girlfriend

My friends

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A. Conclusion ............................................................................................


B. Suggestion .............................................................................................



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Oscar Margo Wiyatno, C 1306019, The Analysis of Slang Words Translation in the Movie Entitled “The Rocker” Thesis: Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. 2011

This is a descriptive qualitative research which focuses on the analysis of the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability and the classification in translating subtitle in the movie “The Rocker”

There are 82 data found by the researcher, dealing with the accuracy, the translation of most slang words expression in the movie entitled the rocker are accurate. Dealing with the acceptability, the translation of most slang words expressions classified into acceptable. And dealing with the classification, there are 5 classification of strategies used in translating the slang words. There are Translating slang words in SL into slang word in TL (10 data), Translating slang into common TL word (54 data), Translating by Omission (5 data), Translating by paraphrase (11data), and Translating by loan word (2 data)..

In term of accuracy level, 53 data (65.63%) are accurate, 24 data (29.27 %) are less accurate, and 5 data (6.10%) are inaccurate. Dealing with acceptability, 55 data (67.07%) are acceptable, 23 data (28.05%) are less acceptable, and 4 data (4.88%) are unacceptable.

In Conclusion the analysis of slang word expression in the movie entitled The Rocker is accurate and acceptable enough.


2011. Thesis: Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. This is a descriptive qualitative research which focuses on the analysis of the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability and the classification in translating subtitle in the movie “The Rocker” There are 82 data found by the researcher, dealing with the accuracy, the translation of most slang words expression in the movie entitled the rocker are accurate. Dealing with the acceptability, the translation of most slang words expressions classified into acceptable. And dealing with the classification, there are 5 classification of strategies used in translating the slang words. There are Translating slang words in SL into slang word in TL (10 data), Translating slang into common TL word (54 data), Translating by Omission (5 data), Translating by paraphrase (11data), and Translating by loan word (2 data).. In term of accuracy level, 53 data (65.63%) are accurate, 24 data (29.27 %) are less accurate, and 5 data (6.10%) are inaccurate. Dealing with acceptability, 55 data (67.07%) are acceptable, 23 data (28.05%) are less acceptable, and 4 data (4.88%) are unacceptable. In Conclusion the analysis of slang word expression in the movie entitled The Rocker is accurate and acceptable enough.

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A. Research Background

Entertainment is one of human needs and it becomes crucial for human life. People are requiring entertainment and enjoyment to reduce their stress after

working. Film is a common entertainment for the human life recently. Many

foreign films are performed in Indonesian theaters. Foreign films which are performed in Indonesian theaters are usually presented in foreign language and many foreign films we find in theater or television are usually available in English. Some people are able to communicate in English but they have different reception ability to absorb the information from foreign language, and it is closely related to the educational background of person. Thus, a translator is needed to facilitate this kind of problem.

As we know, translation is also used for entertainment media such as movies. Movies can be enjoyed through TVs, Theatres, VCDs or DVDs, and they are already available with Indonesian language text (subtitle). Therefore, the translation in the form of text is needed to help the audience to follow the story of the film. According to Gottlieb in Baker (2000: 244) subtitles are “transcription of

film or TV dialogue presented simultaneously on the screen. Subtitles usually consist of one or t wo lines of an average maximum length of 35 characters”. He film or TV dialogue presented simultaneously on the screen. Subtitles usually consist of one or t wo lines of an average maximum length of 35 characters”. He

Hatim and Munday (2004: 4) define audiovisual translation (such as subtitle) as a written product which is read in conjunction with an image on screen (cinema, TVs, DVDs or computer game). Audiovisual translation encompasses sign language, intralingual subtitles, lip synchronization for dubbing, as well as interlingual subtitles (ibid, 2004: 6). It can be concluded that audiovisual translation is spoken translation in the form of written text which is read by the viewers as conformed to the gestures or movements on the screen. The translation of written text which is appeared on the screen is called subtitles, whereas the oral translation which is synchronized to the verbal language is called dubbing.

Below are the examples of translation slang words expression in the dialogue of the movie entitled The Rocker:

Bahasa Sumber

Bahasa Sasaran

1. Fish: And you rocked. Yeah!

Lex: Yeah!

Fish: Kau hebat sekali tadi Lex: Ya!

2.. Matt: I was actually just wondering

if you’d play with us at our prom?

Matt : apa paman mau main band bersama kami di


From the examples mentioned above, it indicates that the original slang words such as stick, rocked, are maintained in the target language text. In addition, the word Prom is translated into Sekolah. We may wonder whether Indonesian children to whom it is addressed will understand those original words. This is the From the examples mentioned above, it indicates that the original slang words such as stick, rocked, are maintained in the target language text. In addition, the word Prom is translated into Sekolah. We may wonder whether Indonesian children to whom it is addressed will understand those original words. This is the

The author also attempts to find and analyze the results of a translation from English into Indonesian language found in the subtitling text in the The Rocker movie in terms of their accuracy, acceptability and classification. The title of this study is the analysis of translation slang words in the movie entitled The


B. Research Limitation

In this research, analysis is restricted to the slang language used by the actors in the movie. There are three indicators to measure the quality of a translation; they are accuracy, acceptability, and readability. The researcher also limits the problem just on the translation classification and quality in term of accuracy and acceptability.

C. Research Questions

Based on the above background, research questions for this are as follows:

1. How is the Accuracy of slang expressions in The Rocker movie translated into Indonesian Language?

2. How is the Acceptability of slang expressions in The Rocker movie translated into Indonesian Language?

3. How is Slang Expressions in The Rocker movie translated into Indonesian Language?

D. Research objectives

1. To measure the accuracy of translation containing slang expression in The Rocker movie.

2. To measure the acceptability of translation containing slang expression in The Rocker movie

3. To identify the strategy used in The Rocker movie.

E. Research Benefits

The researcher expects that this study will be beneficial for:

1. Translators. The result of this study can be used as valuable input in translating slang words expression in the movies subtitles.

2. The students of the English Department. This research is expected to improve the ability of English Department Student in translating slang words.

3. Other communication researchers. This research is expected to add some information in the study of translation especially in the area of research that has similar topics on slang expressions.

The organization of the research will be as follow:

1. Chapter I


Research Background, Research Limitation, Research Question, Research Objectives, Research Benefits and Thesis Organization


Definition of Translation, Techniques of Translation, Translation Quality Assessment, Subtitling, Slang Word, and Synopsis of the Film


Research Type, Source of Data and Data, Sampling Technique, Method of Data Collection, Technique of Data Analysis, and Research Procedure


Research Findings and Discussion





A. Definition of Translation

The definition of translation has been defined by many experts,

According to Catford (1974:21), “The central problem of translation practice is that of finding TL translation equivalents. A central task of translation theory is

that defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalence”. In line with Catford, Kridalaksana also states that [menerjemahkan dapat didefinisikan sebagai memindahkan suatu amanat dari suatu bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dengan pertama-tama mengungkapkan maknanya dan kedua mengungkapkan gaya bahasanya]. (1989:11). That is the emphasis of natural equivalence in terms of meaning and style. Meaning and style are best to put together in translation. If a translator emphasizes only on expressing the style, a translator will fail to convey the idea of SL, as stated by Nida (1964:164),

“sacrifice of meaning for the sake of reproducing the style may produce only impression, and fail to communicate the message”

Weber (1984:3) presents further idea about translation that

“Translation is the transposition of a text written in a source language into a target language. The translated version must be absolutely accurate in meaning, contain “Translation is the transposition of a text written in a source language into a target language. The translated version must be absolutely accurate in meaning, contain

B. Problems Of Equivalence In Translation

Translator might find some problems in the process of translating as stated by Nababan, “ … kesulitan-kesulitan yang kerap timbul dalam praktek menerjemahkan, yang

disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, seperti perbedaan system bahasa sumber dan bahasa sasaran, perbedaan tingkat kemampuan penerjemahan dan tingkat kualitas tulisan bahasa sumber.” (1997:39)

The following are the explanation of other factors:

1. The different system of the TL and SL All language in the world has different system, either in terms of syntactical, lexical, or morphological structure. It is stated by Nababan, : “Akan tetapi, adalah kenyataan bahwa tidak ada satupun bahasa yang mempunyai system yang sama, baik ditinjau dari sudut struktur sintaks is, leksikal dan morfem.” (1997:39) For example: this must be modified to these before plurals, as in this tie, these ties. The word eat must be modified to eats after third singular person, as in He eats too much noodles. Meanwhile, Indonesian has no agreement in form of one word to another, The word ini would not change in form even it is placed after plurals, as in motor ini, motor- motor ini, either saya mandi, ia mandi.

2. The semantic and stylistic complexity 2. The semantic and stylistic complexity

3. The translators competence The capability of the translator in translating a text is different from one to another. Nababan states, “ si penerjemah adalah pelaku utama dalam proses penerjemahan, tingkat kemampuannya menjadi faktor penentu berhasil tidaknya penerjemahan itu dilakukan.” (1997:43) The beginner translator with limited competence and experience will get many problems. It is not enough for the translator to be fluent or to have knowledge, a translator should have good experience and knowledge in both SL and TL as well as their culture.

4. The quality of source language text The problems of translation may be due to the low quality of the

SL text like wrong grammar, ambiguous sentence, poor coherence within sentences or paragraph, punctuation, and so forth.( Nababan, 1997:43)

C. Translation Quality Assessment

Assessment of translation activity determines the quality of translation according to Newmark (1988: 184) “Translation quality assessment is very important in the process of translation and it becomes a significant link between

translation theory and its practice.” What is assessed is not the process of translation, but the product of translation. It sounds natural when the readers or

viewers read the translation product, but when it comprises to the source language there will be found some mistakes in the translation.

Translation quality assessment is relative depending on the person who evaluates the translation product (rater). The rater certainly should have practical experience in translation. He or she plays an important role in ensuring the validity of assessment. The translation quality assessment can be even more valid and objective when it involves respective people having competence and expertise in translation.

There are three terms which determine the translation quality i. e. accuracy, readability, and acceptability of the translation.

1. Accuracy “Accuracy is a term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original” Shuttleworth & Cowie (1997:3).

with how accurate the meaning or message are transferred by the translator. Simatupang (2000:131) states that in transferring the message from source text/language to target text/language, it must be avoided either loss or expand and changes. An accurate translation means a translation which transfers the message precisely into target text as well as its message.

Nida and Taber (1982:1 in Nababan 2007:18) states that the accuracy level can be determined by the readers‟ awareness in understanding the message whether accurate or less accurate. Meanwhile Pinto states that; “Accuracy or precision, it would give us an approximate idea of the success of the translator in dealing with the text overall, allowing us to check the adaptation to the source text and the inclusion, or omission, of extra- textual information” (2001:297)

To sum up, accuracy is the technical term in translation that focuses on the precise in transferring message. If the translator does not convey the precise messages from source language to target language it means that the translation is not accurate.

2. Acceptability Acceptability relates to the part of norms and values existed on the TT

culture. Every translation “occupies a position between the two poles of adequacy or adherence to the norms of the source system and acceptability or adherence to

those of the target system” Shuttleworth & Cowie (1997:2) Further, Nababan (2008:23) states that the messages in translation must be transferred in proper language to match the target reader‟s culture and norm.

Another statement comes from Even- Zohar (1990:46), he states “if, on the other hand, the translator subjects himself to the norms in the target culture, the result would be what has e qually been referred to as an ‟acceptable‟ translation”. In accordance with Zohar, Che Suh (2005:8) also states “Consequently, adherence to source norms determines a translation‟s adequacy as compared to the source text while subscription to norms originating in the target culture determines its acceptability”. Finlay (1971:2) states “Ideally the translation should give the sense of original in such way that the reader is unaware that he is reading a translation”.

From these experts‟ statement, it can be drawn that acceptability always relates to target the culture, language, and norms. Those aspects must be carried on the translation so that the target readers do not realize that they are reading a translation text.

3. Readability Readability refers to how naturally and easily a translation can be read.

Pinto (2001:298) states;

“One important measurement of quality should be the clarity and readability of the final product. There is no denying that the quality of the

translation is a perception that depends directly on the degree of satisfaction reached by its readers.”

Readability is also related to reading level since it is assumed that older and more educated readers can better understand material written in more complicated Readability is also related to reading level since it is assumed that older and more educated readers can better understand material written in more complicated

According to Puurtinen‟s statement above, the researcher decides to focus on two criteria they are accuracy and readability. Readability in subtitle is quiet

difficult to assess because it is affected by t he readers‟ capabilities and the features of reading situation.

D. Translation Strategy

The researcher used the strategy of translation proposed by Mona baker, because it deals with non equivalence at word level. Based on the theory of translation strategy proposed by Mona baker, the researcher focuses on the strategy of translation by paraphrasing, loan word and by omission. According to the mona baker (1992:26) gives the strategies used by the translators as follow:

1. Translation by more general words “Translation by a more general word (super ordinate) is one of the commonest strategies for dealing with many types of non equivalence, particularly in the area of proportional meaning. It works equally well in most, if not all, languages, since the hierarchical structure of semantic fields is not language- specific” (Baker 1992:26) In this strategy the translators should change the words in the source

Source text ( Kolestral super) Shampoo the hair with a mild WELLA-SHAMPOO and lightly towel dry. Target text Spanish: Wash Hair with a mild Wella shampoo and rub lightly with a towel.

From the example above, „shampooing‟ can be seen as a types of „washing‟ since it is more restricted in its use; you can wash lots of things but you can only shampoo hair” ( Baker 1992:28)

2. Translation by more neutral/ less expressive words In this strategy, the translator replaces some expressive words in other words having less expressive meaning, because some words in one language have no equivalent in other languages

Example : Source text (A study of shamanistic Practices in japan – blacker, 1975): The shamanic practices we have investigates are lightly seen as an archaic mysticism. Target text (back translated from Japanese): The shamanic behavior which we have been researching should rightly be considered as ancient mysticism.

From the example above, the translator could have used a Japanese phrase which means roughly. „Behind the times‟ and which would have

been too direct that is openly disapproving by Japanese standarts (Haruko been too direct that is openly disapproving by Japanese standarts (Haruko

3. Translation by cultural Substitution. “This strategy involves replacing a culture-specific item or expression with a target language item which does not have the same propositional meaning but it likely to have a similar impact on the target reader. The main advantage of using this strategy is that it gives the reader

a concept with which she/he can identify, something familiar and appealing” (Baker 1992”31) Example: Source text (A Brief History of Time – Haking, 1988):

A well known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russel) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. Target text (Back translated from Greek) Alice in Wonderland was once giving a lecture about astronomy. From the example above, Alice in Wonderland is apparently well known in Greece: the average educated Greek is clearly expected to know the story and to be familiar with the characters of Alice and the Queen, as well as the playing cards character” (Baker 1992; 32)

“This strategy is particularly common in dealing with culture- specific items, modern concepts, and buzz words. Following the loan words with the explanation is very useful when the word in question is repeated several times in the text. Once explained, the loan word can be used on its own; the reader can understand it and is not distracted by

further length explanations‟ (Baker 1992:34) Example :

Source text : (Fish) Listen, it‟s just hair. It‟s no biggie

Target text : (Fish ) Sudahlah, itu hanya masalah rambut. Itu bukan masalah yang


5. Translation by paraphrase using a related word “This strategy tends to be used when the concept expressed by the source item is lexicalized in the target language but in a different form, and when the frequency with which a certain forms is used in the source text is significantly higher than would b e natural in the target language” (Baker 1992;37) Example :

Source text (China‟s Panda Reserves) There is strong evidence, however, that giant pandas are related to the bears.

But there is rather strong evidence that shows that big pandas have a kindship relation with the bears.

6. Translation by paraphrase using unrelated words

“if the concept expressed by source item is not lexicalized at all in the target language. The paraphrase strategy can still be used in some context. Instead of a related word, the paraphrase may be based on modifying a super ordinate or simply on unpacking the meaning of the source item, particularly if the item in question is semantically complex”

(Baker 1992:38) Example : Source text (Chin a‟s Panda reserves): ….. the lower mixes broadleaf forest… are the areas most accessible to and disturbed by Man. Target text (back-translated from chinesse): ….the mixed broadleaf forest of the lowland area… are the places where human beings enter most easily and interfere most.

7. Translated by omission “This strategy may sound rather drastic, but in fact it does no harm to omit translating a word or expression in some context. If the meaning conveyed by a particular item or expression is not vital enough to the development of the text to justify distracting the reader with lengthy 7. Translated by omission “This strategy may sound rather drastic, but in fact it does no harm to omit translating a word or expression in some context. If the meaning conveyed by a particular item or expression is not vital enough to the development of the text to justify distracting the reader with lengthy

Source text : (Fish) : hi dude, what are you doing? Target text : (Fish) : halo , kamu sedang apa?

E. Subtitling

Dialog handles an important role in a movie. It is used to communicate the actors thought and senses. In basic terms, the translator has to transfer the dialogue from verbal speech into written form. According to Szarkowska

“subtitling is supplying a translation of the spoken source language dialogue into the target language in the form of synchronized captions, usually at the bottom of

the screen” ( ) accessed on july

20 2011. According to Gottlieb in Baker (2000: 244) subtitles are “transcription of film or TV dialogue presented simultaneously on the screen. Subtitles usually

consist of one or two lines of an average maximum length of 35 characters”. He also adds that the subtitles have to run and synchronize the situational dialogues

between characters, the visual image on the screen and the timely flow of subtitles in order to catch simple message to the audiences. The audiences should do a lot between characters, the visual image on the screen and the timely flow of subtitles in order to catch simple message to the audiences. The audiences should do a lot

(in Orloff, 2007:1) argues, “there are certain ideas, lifestyles, manners that may be too culture-specific or unique to the original speech community and thus, are

impossible to translate, let alo ne explain, in film subtitles”. Moreover, in subtitle, the subtitler‟s duties are more difficult, because he must deliver the message from

the ST (Source language) into TT (Target language) in short time. Given the limited time in subtitling, it stimulates the subtitler then to reduce some words. This process is commonly called as condensation. In the process of condensation, subtitler will attempt to adapt the original text without losing the message that is essential for the viewer (Kolstra, 2002:328). For example, the English dialogue „Oh my god, it is really black hummer can be transferred into „Wow, ini black hummer!‟ (Wow, it is black hummer). The ST informed that the character is

amazed about the black hummer, while the subtitler condenses the dialogue into three words without losing the information about the appearance of black hummer.

In subtitling, subtitler puts the translation on the screen to translate the dialogues of the characters. Moreover, subtitler has to note also the context of situations that mutually appear with the subtitling. The context of situation of the film will influence the translation on the screen. For example:

SL :

TL : Lex: Ini pasti akan luar biasa.

This conversation happens between Lex, Kerr and Trash in informal situation. They try to run from fish after their band got a deal with Record Company but they had to fire fish as their drummer and replace him with the nephew of new boss in Matchbook Record.

F. Slang word

Slang is informal language and it usually involves some kind of variety of linguistics items such as pronunciations and vocabulary. As non- standard language, slang sometimes are added by users. And as the informal language, slang signals the membership of particular group (youth, teenager, and college student) and the users avoid using slang expression in formal circumstances. This happens when the speaker uses slang in a formal setting, the speaker can be evaluated negatively.


Datum 6 /TR/CD1/SL/00:07:48,960

CS:. Aziz buy the new album of Vesuvius and try to tell everyone in the office.

baru, Teman-Teman

Skala Keakuratan

Skala Keberterimaan



Datum 7 /TR/CD1/SL/00:08:01,360 CS:. Aziz promoting his new cd of vesuvius

Bahasa Sumber

Bahasa Sasaran

Aziz: ..But then they came back...And blew the doors off with Gabble‟s Nursery.

Aziz: Tapi mereka kembali dan menggebrak lewat album

“Gabble‟s Nursery”

Skala Keakuratan

Skala Keberterimaan



There are different social groups at different times that develop

their own slang implying there is not just one type of slang but many varieties or dialects of slang. Slang usually renews especially its vocabulary, the creation of slang is a kind of process of exclusive expression so that those who are not part of the group will remain unable to understand the slang. According to (www.wikipedia .com accessed on 19 july 2011) slang functions as a way to recognize members of the same group and to differentiate that group from the outsiders of society at large. Slang terms are often particular to a certain subculture, such as musicians, skateboarders, and drug users.

“Slang expression - informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or “Slang expression - informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or

G. Movie synopsis

This movie is directed by: Peter Cattaneo and Starring by Rainn Wilson, Christina Applegate, and Teddy Geiger in 2008. The Rocker tells the story of a failed drummer who is given a second chance at fame. Robert "Fish" Fishman is the passionate drummer for the eighties band Vesuvius. At the first, Fish and his bandmates from Vesuvius are in full '80s glory. It is supported by knocking out songs, sporting big hair, scarves, and tight leather pants. He is living in the rock n' roll dream until he is unceremoniously kicked out of the band. Now, this extraordinary ex-drummer who lived, ate, breathed, slept and even, sweated - rock This movie is directed by: Peter Cattaneo and Starring by Rainn Wilson, Christina Applegate, and Teddy Geiger in 2008. The Rocker tells the story of a failed drummer who is given a second chance at fame. Robert "Fish" Fishman is the passionate drummer for the eighties band Vesuvius. At the first, Fish and his bandmates from Vesuvius are in full '80s glory. It is supported by knocking out songs, sporting big hair, scarves, and tight leather pants. He is living in the rock n' roll dream until he is unceremoniously kicked out of the band. Now, this extraordinary ex-drummer who lived, ate, breathed, slept and even, sweated - rock

A.D.D . is looking for a new drummer. They unexcitedly make him the newest member of the band. They give him a chance to get back the rock again. In short, Fish is a broken man who stuck in crisis. But when he learns that Matt's band,

A.D.D. is searching for a new drummer, Fish volunteers. Fish is over two decades

older than his new band mates, but he completes A.D.D which consists of the brooding, handsome singer Curtis; the awkward supernerd Matt; the ironic post- modern punk girl Amelia and now the ancient rocker, Fish.

Great luck on the internet, Matt‟s sister upload their performance on YouTube bringing hit new nickname "The Naked Drummer", then A.D.D

becomes an internet sensation. They have the road for their first big tour. (Taken from 2011)


A. Type of Research

This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Bodgan and Taylor (in Moleong , 1994:3) state that “qualitative research is a research procedure resulting descriptive data in form of written word or verbal through the observed subject (human and behavior)”. According to Moleong (1994:6), the data that emerged from a quality study are descriptive; those are word and picture not the numbers. Hadi (1983:3) says that “A descriptive research is collecting data, analyzing data and making conclusion of those data, but not a general conclusion”.

The researcher focused on the valuable data rather than the numbers. This study is conducted to describe the accuracy, acceptability, and possible technique that are applied by the subtitler to transfer the Slang word forms from English into Indonesian in film the rocker.

This research is an embedded case study because the researcher only analyzed the specific aspects of a particular case they are; the translation techniques used by the translator in translating the Slang word in the film the rocker, and their effect on the translation accuracy and acceptability.

B. Data Source and Data

1. Data Source The data source of this research are the film the rocker and the raters. According to Arikunto (2002: 107), source data is the subject from which the data

(source of data which serves signs like letter, number, picture, etc.).

2. Data The data of the research are slang word in the utterances employed by characters of the film the rocker and their Indonesian subtitle. And the data are the scores and comments drawn from the raters / respondents. This research involved

3 respondents.

The respondents assessed the accuracy and acceptability of the slang words in the dialogues of the film. The researcher disseminated the questionnaires to the raters to collect the data. The raters of this research must meet some criteria. The criterias for the raters are:

1. Mastering English and Indonesian languages

2. Having competency and experience as a translator

3. Having adequate knowledge about translation

4. Willing to take part in the research.

A. Sampling Technique

In this research, the researcher used two types of sampling techniques. They are total sampling technique which is used to determine all the slang word forms as the primary data and purposive sampling technique which is used to select the informants as the secondary data. Sutopo (1998:26) says that purposive sampling is when the researcher tends to choose informants which are considered competent in case and they can be trusted to be source of data. The researcher took the slang words forms in the dialogues of the film entitled the rocker as the primary data of

The respondents were taken purposively and they must meet some criteria.

C. Method of Data Collection

The research applied three kinds of method of data collection; document analysis, questionnaire, and interview. Document analysis was used to collect the primary data, while questionnaire was used to collect the secondary data from the rater, and the interview was used to validate the data.

1. Document Analysis Moleong (1994:161) states that documents could be written sources or film. In addition, Yin (1987) says that document record is also called as content analysis. In content analysis, the researcher not only notes the explicit messages but also notes the implicit meaning of the document (in Sutopo, 2002:69). In accordance to the statement above, the researcher not only highlight the subtitle as the primary concern, but also notify the context of situations that mutually appear with the subtitling.

a. Questionnaire

Beside document analysis, the researcher also used questionnaire. Questionnaire was used to gain information from the raters about translation accuracy and acceptability. This questionnaire used in this research was functioned as instrument of quality assessment.

There are two kinds of questionnaire: open and close questionnaire. Open and close questionnaire is a questionnaire in which every single question was There are two kinds of questionnaire: open and close questionnaire. Open and close questionnaire is a questionnaire in which every single question was

Indicator of accuracy Scale Description

3 Accurate, the meaning of English slang words are perfectly conveyed into Indonesian based on the context of situation.

2 Less Accurate, the meaning of English slang words are less perfectly conveyed into Indonesian language.

1 Inaccurate, the meaning of English slang words are not conveyed into correct Indonesian meaning. It is not appropriate with the context of situation, i.e. it is omitted or deleted.

Table 2 Indicator of acceptability

Scale Description

3 Acceptable, the translation of English slang word sound natural and appropriate with Indonesian‟s culture based on the context of situation.

They almost do not feel like translation.

2 Less Acceptable, the translation of English slang words sound like translation. There are some displeasing terms and it sounds less natural 2 Less Acceptable, the translation of English slang words sound like translation. There are some displeasing terms and it sounds less natural

1 Inacceptable, the translation of English slang words extremely sounds like translation and is unacceptable for Indonesian‟s culture.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

Moleong (1994:103) states that the technique of data analysis means the process of sorting and organizing the data into several categories, patterns and description unit, so that the subject problem can be revealed and the working hypothesis can be formulated. From the statement above, it can be concluded that the priority of data analysis is to organize the data into good arrangement. The data which had been collected then were analyzed in the following ways:

1. The researcher collected the data from the film The Rocker. And the subtitles.

2. The researcher categorized the data based on their type and coded the data, i.e. data number, slang word, title, name.

3. The researcher analyzed the data to determine the translation techniques used by the subtitler and the accuracy and acceptability level then divided it into five classifications, they are translating slang word in SL into slang word in TL, translating slang word in SL into common TL word, translating by omission, translating by paraphrase, translating by loan word

4. The researcher drew the conclusion.

E. Research Procedure

1. Collecting the data 1. Collecting the data

2. Classifying and coding the data

The researcher classified the data into each type of slang words and then coded the data in order to make the data classification and the data analysis easy to understand.

Example: 004/TR/CD1/SL/00:11:24  „004‟ refers to the number of datum in the classification. TR

: title of the film (The Rocker)

 SL

: Slang Words

 CD refers to the current CD played number.  „00:11:24‟ refers to hour: minutes: seconds when the data appear.

3. Analyzing the Data The primary data were analyzed to describe the translation techniques of the slang words in the subtitle of film The rocker. The researcher also analyzed the accuracy and acceptability of translation quality on film subtitle based on data which are got from the informants.

4. Drawing conclusion. Based on the data analysis and the research findings, the researcher drew the

Data Analysis

A. Introduction

Chapter IV presents and discusses the findings of this study with regard to the quality of translation resulted by subtitling technique. This research focuses on quality of subtitles of Slang word expressions in term of accuracy and acceptability level in the film entitled The Rocker. The next part of this chapter discusses the analysis of the data related to the strategy in translating the slang words into Indonesian in the subtitle of the movie entitled The Rocker. Based on the data, there are five classifications used. They are: Translating slang words in ST into slang word in TT, translating slang word in ST into common TT word, translating by omission, translating by paraphrase and translating by loan word.

B. Translation Quality of Slang Word Expression In The Movie Entitled The Rocker.

This sub chapter will discuss the quality of subtitles of Slang word Expression in term of accuracy in the film entitled The Rocker. The researcher involves three raters who have certain qualifications to assess the accuracy of the translation.

the raters. The three raters were asked to rate the accuracy of the translation. In the questionnaire, firstly, the raters rated the accuracy of the translation by giving score to the translation and then, secondly, they might give their comments or suggestions in the accuracy of the translation

The scales of Accuracy Levels

Scale Description

3 Accurate, the message of English slang words are perfectly conveyed into Indonesian based on the context of situation.

2 Less Accurate, the message of English slang words are less perfectly conveyed into Indonesian language.

1 Inaccurate, the message of English slang words are not conveyed into correct Indonesian meaning. It is not appropriate with the context of situation, i.e. it is omitted or deleted.

Table of Accuracy level


Data Number

Total Percentage Accurate

Less Accurate 6, 13, 14, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28,

In the table above, the number of data are 82 which consist of, 53 data or 64.63% that are classified in classification A or accurate, 24 data or 29.27% classified in classification B or less accurate and 5 data or 6.10% classified in classification C or inaccurate.

(64.63%) considered to be accurate. It means the message of English slang expression are perfectly conveyed into Indonesian based on the context of situation.

Some of the data are presented below: Example 1: Datum 36/TR/ CD1/SL/00:39:22,640

SL : David Marshal: Over million hits and counting TL: David Marshal : Lagu kalian diunduh jutaan kali dan masih berlangsung

The context of situation and context of culture In this scene, David Marshal as the manager from the matchbook record

wants to make proposal record dealing with ADD band personnel. The conversations happen in informal situation. The word hits represent accurate and totally appropriate to Indonesian because the word hits is commonly used by internet (YouTube) user. It is accurate because the message of the slang word expression “hits” is perfectly conveyed into target language as “diunduh”.

Example 2: Datum 44/TR/ CD2/SL/00:00: 57,841

SL : Fan: You guys are so sweet.

Example 3: Datum 45/TR/ CD2/SL/00:001: 08,361 SL: Fish: It was better than good. It was sweet. TL : Fish : Ini lebih dari hebat, Ini luar biasa.

Example 4: Datum 46/TR/ CD2/SL/00:01: 15,121

SL: Amelia: Yes. Yes! Our band is sweet.


Amelia: band kita hebat sekali.

The context of situation and context of culture These dialogues happen between the fan of ADD and the band personnel

after their first appearance in a night club. In datum 58, the word sweet is translated literally into “manis sekali” meanwhile in datum 59 the word sweet is translated into “luar biasa”. In line with the previous data, the word sweet in

datum 60 is translated into hebat sekali. Although the translator represent the word sweet in different meaning but it still can be categorized as accurate because the

1.2 Classification B: Less Accurate Translation

All data classified in this classification are less accurate. There are 24 data of 82 (29.27%) considered to be less accurate. It means the message of English slang word expression are not perfectly conveyed into Indonesian based on the context of situation. Some of the data are presented below:

Example 1: Datum 66/TR/ CD2/SL/00:16: 22,561

SL : Fish: well, you know, I got a date back at the club with a couple of shorties , so… TL: Fish: aku ada kencan di klub dengan beberapa gadis cantik . Jadi….

Example 2: Datum 68/TR/ CD2/SL/00:19: 06,881

SL : Fish: Shorties and I decided to call it early night tonight. TL: Fish: gadis pendek, sudah selesai The context of situation and context of culture

In this scene, dialogues happen between Fish and Kim. Fish explains that

he did not join the after show party because he got a date with a couple of

(accessed on august, 21 2011) is “Shorty: A young person or an attractive

female” Actually it should be more accurate if translator translated the word shorties into “gadis muda” not “gadis cantik” or “gadis pendek”

1.3 Classification C: Inaccurate Translation

All data classified in this classification are inaccurate. There are 5 data of

82 (6.10%) considered to be inaccurate. It means the message of English slang word expression are not conveyed into Indonesian at all based on the context of situation.

Example 1

Datum 31TR/ CD1/SL/00:32:27,560 SL : Fish: Nothing, nothing. You’re bad cookie TL : Fish : - (deletion)

This dialog happen when fish tries to ask Amelia for some hand toast and Amelia denies that. Translator did not translate this dialogue because on the movie, Amelia shows the mimic of disagreement.

According to cookie means a person that is dishonest, not trustworthy, has bad influence on

Example 2 Datum 4 /TR/CD1/SL/00:04:37,960

CS:. Lex pointing out examples of similar situation from different band

Lex: Whitesnake, man. Dude, I love that band Lex: Whitesnake/Aku suka band itu

( deletion)

This dialogue happens when Billy as the manager asks Lex and Vesuvius to opening the Whitesnake band as the guest star. Translator did not translate the word dudes. It will more accurate if the translator translates the word dude into bung or teman.

B.2 Acceptability

The acceptability of the translation is analyzed based on the score given by the raters. The three raters were asked to rate the acceptability of the translation. In the questionnaire, firstly, the raters rated the acceptability of the translation by giving score to the translation and then, they gave their comments or suggestions in the acceptability of the translation.

3 Acceptable, the translation of English slang word sound natural and appropriate with Indonesian’s culture based on the context of situation.

They almost do not feel like translation.

2 Less Acceptable, the translation of English slang words sound like translation. There are some displeasing terms and it sounds less natural for Indonesian’s culture.

1 Unacceptable, the translation of English slang words extremely sounds like translation and is unacceptable for Indonesian’s culture.

Below is the classification table of acceptability of Slang word Expression. Table 2. Table of Acceptability level


Data number


Percentage Acceptable

2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

12, 17, 19, 20, 22, 26,

27, 29, 33, 36, 37, 38,

41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,

47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,

53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,

59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67,