Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika




  Dear all students, The writer is a student of Faculty of Letters, Soegijapranata Catholic University whois conducting research as “A Correlation Study of Students’ Motivation in Learning English Language and Their GPA: A Study of Faculty of Letters’ Students at Soegijapranata Catholic University”. The aim of this questionnaire is to find the correlation between students’ motivation with their GPA, and also to find out how the motivation on Faculty of Letters’ Students in learning English Language is.

  All of information that has been given by the students will be kept by the writer. Because of that, the writer expects all of the students to fill in this questionnaire willingly. Thank you for your time and your cooperation.

  Writer, Christina Nur Nugroho

  NIM : _______________

  STATEMENT Read the statements below. Put a thick ( √) to the column of each statement that you consider as the right one. SD : Strongly Disagree D : Disagree N : Neutral A : Agree SA : Strongly Agree

  1. I wish I could speak many foreign languages perfectly.

  2. If Indonesia had no contact with English- speaking countries, it would a great loss.

  3. Studying English is important because it will allow me to be more at ease with people who speak English.

  4. I have a strong desire to know all aspects of English.

  5. Studying English is important because I will need it for my carrier.

  6. I feel very much at ease when I have to speak English.

  7. I would rather spend more time in my English class and less in other classes.

  8. I wish I could read newspaper and magazines in many foreign languages.

  Perpustakaan Unika

A. Favorable Statements STATEMENTS SD D N A SA

  9. I feel confident when asked to speak in my English class.

  10. I really enjoy learning English.

  11. I keep up to date with English by working on it almost every day.

  12. Studying English is important because it will make me more educated.

  13. I wish I could have many native English speaking friends.

  14. I would really like to learn many foreign languages.

  15. My English teacher has a dynamic and interesting teaching style.

  16. Native English speakers are very sociable and kind.

  17. I want to learn English so well that it will become natural to me.

  18. My parents are very interested in everything I do in my English class.

  19. I would like to know more native English speakers.

  20. Studying English is important because I will be able to interact more easily with speakers of English.

  21. I would like to learn as much English as possible.

  22. I really work hard to learn English.

  23. Studying English is important because other people will respect me more if I know English.

  Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika

  24. I would feel comfortable speaking English where both Indonesian and English speakers were present.

  25. I look forward to the time I spend in English class.

  26. I enjoy meeting people who speak foreign languages.

  27. I really like my English teacher.

  28. I love learning English.

  29. I wish I were fluent in English.

  30. English is one of my favorite courses.

  31. You can always trust native English speakers.

B. Unfavorable Statement Statements SD D N A SA

  1. I don’t get anxious when I have to answer a question in my English class.

  2. I would get nervous if I had to speak to a tourist.

  3. I never feel quite sure of myself when I am speaking in our English class.

  4. Knowing English isn’t really an important goal in my life.

  5. I hate English.

  6. I think my English class is boring.

  7. Speaking English anywhere makes me feel worried.

  8. The less I see of my English teacher, the better.

  9. It embarrasses me to volunteer answer in our English class.

  10. I sometimes daydream about dropping English.

  11. I would rather spend my time on subjects other than English.

  12. I put off my English homework as much as possible.

  13. It would bother me if I had to speak English on the telephone.

  14. It is not important for us to learn foreign languages.

  15. It worries me that other students in my English class seem to speak English better than I do.

  16. I’m losing any desire I ever had to know English.

  17. Learning English is a waste of time.

  18. I tend to give up and not pay attention when I don’t understand my English teacher’s explanation of something.

  19. To be honest, I don’t like my English class.

  20. I would feel uncomfortable speaking English anywhere outside the classroom.

  21. Most foreign languages sound crude and harsh.

  22. I would prefer to have a different

  Perpustakaan Unika English teacher.

  23. I get nervous when I am speaking in my English class.

  24. I think that learning English is dull.

  25. I have hard time thinking of anything positive about my English class.

  26. I feel anxious if someone asks me something in English.

  27. My English teacher doesn’t present materials in an interesting way.

  28. I am sometimes anxious that the other students in class will laugh at me when I speak English.

  29. To be honest, I really have little interest in my English class.

  Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika A.2.1 Mean of Favorable Data Descriptive Statistics

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Favorable_Data


  3.03 4.45 3.8261 .38265 Valid N (listwise)

31 A.2.2 Mean of Unfavorable Data

   Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Unfavorable_Data


  2.90 4.53 3.7152 .40583 Valid N (listwise)

29 A.3 Mean of Favorable Data and Unfavorable Data


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Favorable_Data_and_U




4.53 3.7725 .39464 nfavorable_Data Valid N (listwise)



  15 x22 4,13 ,834

  15 x51 3,47 ,516

  15 x50 3,53 1,060

  15 x49 3,73 1,163

  15 x48 3,73 1,163

  15 x47 4,07 ,594

  15 x46 4,27 1,100

  15 x45 3,73 ,799

  15 x41 3,27 ,704

  15 x36 3,27 1,033

  15 x33 4,20 ,775

  15 x31 3,80 ,775

  15 x29 3,80 ,775

  15 x26 4,07 1,100

  15 x24 4,07 ,704

  15 x21 3,27 ,594

  VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY A.4.1 Validity and Reliability for Data Favorable Reliability Case Processing Summary N % Cases Valid

  15 x17 4,00 1,069

  15 x15 3,13 ,990

  15 x12 4,07 ,799

  15 x11 3,87 ,743

  15 x10 3,93 ,961

  15 x9 4,53 ,640

  15 x7 3,93 ,961

  15 x6 4,33 1,113

  15 x5 4,27 ,799

  31 Item Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N x1 4,67 ,617


   Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

  15 100,0 a Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

  15 100,0 Excluded(a) ,0 Total

15 Perpustakaan Unika

  x52 3,80 ,775 15 x56

  4,13 ,743

  15 x58 4,60 ,737

  15 x61 4,20 ,862

  15 x63 3,07 1,033

  15 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale

  Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total

  Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted x1 116,27 324,924 ,458 ,960 x5 116,67 315,667 ,676 ,959 x6 116,60 300,543 ,874 ,957 x7 117,00 316,429 ,531 ,960 x9 116,40 315,829 ,847 ,958 x10 117,00 316,429 ,531 ,960 x11 117,07 319,495 ,581 ,959 x12 116,87 319,410 ,541 ,960 x15 117,80 314,171 ,579 ,960 x17 116,93 304,924 ,788 ,958 x21 117,67 318,667 ,777 ,959 x22 116,80 318,171 ,559 ,960 x24 116,87 318,552 ,655 ,959 x26 116,87 304,124 ,786 ,958 x29 117,13 321,838 ,470 ,960 x31 117,13 316,410 ,671 ,959 x33 116,73 321,781 ,472 ,960 x36 117,67 312,667 ,596 ,959 x41 117,67 317,952 ,679 ,959 x45 117,20 317,457 ,611 ,959 x46 116,67 305,095 ,760 ,958 x47 116,87 321,267 ,652 ,959 x48 117,20 302,600 ,780 ,958 x49 117,20 306,457 ,680 ,959 x50 117,40 302,971 ,851 ,957 x51 117,47 325,410 ,527 ,960 x52 117,13 315,410 ,708 ,959 x56 116,80 318,600 ,616 ,959 x58 116,33 322,667 ,464 ,960 x61 116,73 310,352 ,803 ,958 x63 117,87 306,838 ,763 ,958

   Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items 120,93 335,495 18,317

31 Perpustakaan Unika

  A.4.2 Validity and Reliability for Data Unfavorable Reliability Case Processing Summary 15 100,0 ,0 15 100,0 Valid

  15 y17 3,67 ,816

  15 y31 3,53 1,060

  15 y30 3,33 ,816

  15 y29 3,93 ,799

  15 y28 4,20 ,775

  15 y27 3,00 1,134

  15 y26 3,13 1,060

  15 y25 3,93 ,704

  15 y24 3,67 1,047

  15 y23 4,07 ,704

  15 y22 3,73 ,884

  15 y21 4,40 ,632

  15 y20 4,07 ,704

  15 y19 3,40 1,242

  15 y18 4,20 ,775

  15 y16 3,73 ,961

  Excluded a

  15 y15 3,40 1,121

  15 y14 4,33 ,976

  15 y13 3,53 ,990

  15 y11 4,20 1,014

  15 y10 3,53 1,302

  15 y9 4,00 ,756

  15 y8 4,27 1,033

  15 y7 4,13 1,356

  15 y4 4,13 1,060

  29 Item Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N y2 4,13 ,915


   Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items


  Total Cases N % Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

  15 y33 Perpustakaan Unika y34 3,80 1,014 15 y37

  4,13 ,990

  15 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale

  Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total

  Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted y2 106,73 382,638 ,728 ,965 y4 106,73 374,352 ,831 ,964 y7 106,73 376,352 ,596 ,967 y8 106,60 373,543 ,875 ,964 y9 106,87 388,267 ,695 ,965 y10 107,33 366,667 ,826 ,964 y11 106,67 379,238 ,741 ,965 y13 107,33 381,667 ,695 ,965 y14 106,53 383,981 ,644 ,966 y15 107,47 375,124 ,764 ,965 y16 107,13 376,981 ,848 ,964 y17 107,20 391,171 ,548 ,966 y18 106,67 384,381 ,809 ,965 y19 107,47 378,552 ,609 ,966 y20 106,80 387,600 ,774 ,965 y21 106,47 387,124 ,885 ,965 y22 107,13 381,552 ,788 ,965 y23 106,80 393,886 ,543 ,966 y24 107,20 385,029 ,570 ,966 y25 106,93 392,924 ,578 ,966 y26 107,73 381,924 ,640 ,966 y27 107,87 380,267 ,633 ,966 y28 106,67 385,952 ,756 ,965 y29 106,93 394,210 ,464 ,967 y30 107,53 388,267 ,641 ,966 y31 107,33 375,952 ,790 ,965 y33 107,60 384,686 ,587 ,966 y34 107,07 373,067 ,905 ,964 y37 106,73 379,924 ,742 ,965

   Scale Statistics Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items 110,87 409,552 20,237

29 Perpustakaan Unika

  A.5 DATA OF STUDENTS’ GPA Data of Students’ GPA in Faculty of Letters UNIKA Soegijapranata


  1. 04.80.002x 2,42 2. 04.80.004x 2,05 3. 05.80.000x 2,76 4. 05.80.002x 3,19 5. 05.80.003x 2,34 6. 05.80.004x 2,31 7. 05.80.004x 2,16 8. 05.80.004x 2,41 9. 06.80.000x 3,35

  10. 06.80.001x 3,64 11. 06.80.003x 2,93 12. 06.80.003x 3,42 13. 06.80.003x 2,66 14. 06.80.004x 2,04 15. 06.80.004x 2,92 16. 06.80.004x 2,91 17. 06.80.005x 2,86 18. 06.80.005x 3,08 19. 07.80.000x 2,99 20. 07.80.000x 3,08 21. 07.80.000x 3,52 22. 07.80.000x 3,21 23. 07.80.000x 3,53 24. 07.80.001x 2,78 25. 07.80.001x 2,23 26. 07.80.001x 3,08 27. 07.80.001x 2,70 28. 07.80.001x 3,43 29. 07.80.001x 3,13 30. 07.80.001x 3,02 31. 07.80.001x 3,63 32. 07.80.002x 2,99 33. 07.80.002x 2,72 34. 07.80.003x 3,10 35. 07.80.003x 2,88 36. 07.80.003x 3,62 37. 07.80.004x 2,51 38. 07.80.004x 3,09

  Perpustakaan Unika

  39. 07.80.004x 3,27 40. 07.80.004x 3,50 41. 07.80.004x 3,60 42. 07.80.004x 2,69 43. 07.80.005x 3,09 44. 07.80.005x 3,16 45. 07.80.005x 2,99 46. 07.80.005x 2,50 47. 07.80.005x 2,62 48. 08.80.000x 3,36 49. 08.80.000x 3,21 50. 08.80.000x 3,75 51. 08.80.000x 3,05 52. 08.80.000x 3,44 53. 08.80.001x 2,84 54. 08.80.001x 2,87 55. 08.80.001x 2,74 56. 08.80.001x 2,84 57. 08.80.002x 2,96 58. 08.80.002x 2,63 59. 08.80.002x 3,30 60. 08.80.002x 3,13 61. 08.80.003x 3,85 62. 08.80.003x 2,41 63. 08.80.003x 3,06 64. 08.80.003x 2,64 65. 08.80.004x 2,77 66. 08.80.004x 2,54 67. 08.80.004x 3,61 68. 08.80.004x 3,19 69. 08.80.004x 2,82 70. 08.80.004x 3,31 71. 08.80.004x 2,48 72. 09.80.000x 3,84 73. 09.80.000x 3,85 74. 09.80.000x 3,81 75. 09.80.000x 3,57 76. 09.80.000x 2,76 77. 09.80.000x 3,63 78. 09.80.001x 3,21 79. 09.80.001x 2,93 80. 09.80.001x 3,08

  Perpustakaan Unika

  81. 09.80.001x 3,14 82. 09.80.001x 2,58

  Perpustakaan Unika

  83. 09.80.001x 2,19 84. 09.80.002x 2,60 85. 09.80.002x 3,91 86. 09.80.002x 3,03 87. 09.80.002x 1,91 88. 09.80.002x 2,38 89. 09.80.003x 2,16 90. 09.80.003x 3,05 91. 09.80.003x 3,29 92. 10.80.000x 3,82 93. 10.80.000x 3,50 94. 10.80.000x 3,95 95. 10.80.000x 2,50 96. 10.80.000x 3,55 97. 10.80.000x 3,05 98. 10.80.000x 3,36 99. 10.80.000x 3,82

  100. 10.80.001x 3,36 101. 10.80.001x 3,14 102. 10.80.001x 1,91 103. 10.80.001x 3,23 104. 10.80.001x 3,73 105. 10.80.001x 3,64 106. 10.80.001x 2,55 107. 10.80.002x 2,82 108. 10.80.002x 2,82 109. 10.80.002x

  4 110. 10.80.002x 1,86 111. 10.80.002x 2,91 112. 10.80.002x 2,78 113. 10.80.002x 2,50 114. 10.80.003x 3,86 115. 10.80.003x 3,36

  Source: UNIKA Soegijapranata Verified by:

Gerardus Majella Adhyanggono, SS., MA

Kaprogdi S1

  Perpustakaan Unika



Data of Students’ GPA and Motivation in Faculty of Letters UNIKA Soegijapranata

Result No. NIM GPA Motivation GPA Motivation



  1. 04.80.002x 2.42 L H

  3.7 2. 04.80.004x 2.05 L H

  3.5 3. 05.80.000x 2.76 L H

  4.0 4. 05.80.002x 3.19 H H

  4.2 5. 05.80.003x 2.34 L H

  3.8 6. 05.80.004x 2.31 L H

  3.7 7. 05.80.004x 2.16 L H

  3.6 8. 05.80.004x 2.41 L H

  4.1 9. 06.80.000x 3.35 H H

  3.9 10. 06.80.001x

  3.64 H H

  3.9 11. 06.80.003x

  2.93 L H

  4.0 12. 06.80.003x

  3.42 H H

  4.1 13. 06.80.003x

  2.66 L H

  4.0 14. 06.80.004x

  2.04 L H

  4.1 15. 06.80.004x

  2.92 L H

  3.7 16. 06.80.004x

  2.91 L H

  3.7 17. 06.80.005x

  2.86 L H

  3.4 18. 06.80.005x

  3.08 H H

  3.6 19. 07.80.000x

  2.99 L H

  3.8 20. 07.80.000x

  3.08 H H

  4.0 21. 07.80.000x

  3.52 H H

  3.8 22. 07.80.000x

  3.21 H H

  3.1 23. 07.80.000x

  3.53 H H

  3.5 24. 07.80.001x

  2.78 L H

  3.7 25. 07.80.001x

  2.23 L H

  4.4 26. 07.80.001x

  3.08 H H

  4.2 27. 07.80.001x

  2.70 L H


  28. 07.80.001x


  3.8 L H 46. 07.80.005x


  3.9 L H 47. 07.80.005x


  3.6 L H 48. 08.80.000x


  3.8 H H 49. 08.80.000x


  4.3 H H 50. 08.80.000x


  3.5 H H 51. 08.80.000x


  3.5 H H 52. 08.80.000x

  3.7 H H 53. 08.80.001x

  3.3 H H 45. 07.80.005x


  3.5 L H 54. 08.80.001x


  4.1 L H 55. 08.80.001x


  3.5 L H 56. 08.80.001x


  4.3 L H 57. 08.80.002x


  2.5 L H 58. 08.80.002x


  4.1 L H 59. 08.80.002x


  3.7 H H




  3.9 L H 36. 07.80.003x

  3.1 H H 29. 07.80.001x


  3.5 H H 30. 07.80.001x


  3.7 H H 31. 07.80.001x


  3.4 H H 32. 07.80.002x


  3.7 L H 33. 07.80.002x


  3.6 L H 34. 07.80.003x


  3.7 H H 35. 07.80.003x



  3.3 H H 44. 07.80.005x

  3.6 H H 37. 07.80.004x


  3.7 L H 38. 07.80.004x


  4.5 H H 39. 07.80.004x


  3.2 H H 40. 07.80.004x


  3.6 H H 41. 07.80.004x


  3.7 H H 42. 07.80.004x


  3.6 L H 43. 07.80.005x


  Perpustakaan Unika

  60. 08.80.002x


  3.1 H H 78. 09.80.001x


  4.0 H H 79. 09.80.001x


  3.8 L H 80. 09.80.001x


  4.3 H H 81. 09.80.001x


  3.5 H H 82. 09.80.001x


  4.3 L H 83. 09.80.001x


  4.4 L H 84. 09.80.002x

  3.1 L H 85. 09.80.002x

  3.8 L H 77. 09.80.000x


  3.7 H H 86. 09.80.002x


  3.6 H H 87. 09.80.002x


  4.0 L H 88. 09.80.002x


  3.8 L H 89. 09.80.003x


  4.3 L H 90. 09.80.003x


  4.2 H H 91. 09.80.003x


  3.7 H H




  3.8 H H 68. 08.80.004x

  3.9 H L 61. 08.80.003x


  3.5 H H 62. 08.80.003x


  3.8 L H 63. 08.80.003x


  3.7 H H 64. 08.80.003x


  3.9 L H 65. 08.80.004x


  4.2 L H 66. 08.80.004x


  3.6 L H 67. 08.80.004x



  4.0 H H 76. 09.80.000x

  2.9 H H 69. 08.80.004x


  4.6 L H 70. 08.80.004x


  3.4 H H 71. 08.80.004x


  3.9 L L 72. 09.80.000x


  3.3 H H 73. 09.80.000x


  4.6 H H 74. 09.80.000x


  4.2 H H 75. 09.80.000x


  Perpustakaan Unika

  92. 10.80.000x


  4.0 H H 106. 10.80.001x


  3.7 L H 107. 10.80.002x


  3.1 L H 108. 10.80.002x


  3.7 L H 109. 10.80.002x


  3.3 H H 110. 10.80.002x

  3.9 L H 111. 10.80.002x

  4.1 H H 105. 10.80.001x


  3.8 L H 112. 10.80.002x


  4.6 L H 113. 10.80.002x


  3.4 L H 114. 10.80.003x


  3.8 H H 115. 10.80.003x


  4.1 H H




  3.7 H H 98. 10.80.000x

  3.8 H H 93. 10.80.000x


  3.7 H H 94. 10.80.000x


  3.5 H H 95. 10.80.000x


  4.1 L H 96. 10.80.000x


  4.3 H H 97. 10.80.000x



  3.7 H H 104. 10.80.001x

  4.4 H H 99. 10.80.000x


  3.3 H H 100. 10.80.001x


  4.2 H H 101. 10.80.001x


  3.6 H H 102. 10.80.001x


  3.4 L H 103. 10.80.001x


  Perpustakaan Unika

  Perpustakaan Unika Total GPA = 347. 85 347 .

  85 Total Mean GPA = 115


  3.05 The Result = 3.05 > 3 = HIGH


  1 ,299** Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 N 115 115 y1 Pearson Correlation ,299**

  1 Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 N 115 115

  • . Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 il d)