













This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to

achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education











First of all, let me say thank to Allah SWT, the most merciful and powerful who has given me strength and patience to finish this thesis. Second of all, I never forget to give Shalawat and Salam to beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the stupidity to the cleverness.

Therefore, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to his first advisor Rahmawati Khadijah Maro, S.Pd., M.PEd and his second advisor Rinjani Bonavidi, Ph.D for their suggestion, invaluable guidance and advice during the consultation period, and their comments, valuable time, and correction during the completion of this thesis.

The last gratitude and special thanks goes to his beloved mother (Mrs. Omah) who gives spirit, motivation and pray, his beloved father (Mr. Mahmud) who always give advice, support, financial and everything related to his life, his brother, sister, wife and also for all his friends who cannot be mentioned one by one or their encouragement, love, care, motivation and pray so that he can finish this thesis.

Malang, 5 February 2015









CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study ... 1

1.2Statement of the Problems ... 4

1.3The Purpose of the Study ... 4

1.4Scope And Limitation of the Study ... 4

1.5Significance of the Study ... 5

1.6Definition of the Key Terms ... 6


2.2Learning Speaking ... 8

2.3Speaking Skill ... 8

2.4The Function of Speaking for EFL ... 9

2.4.1 Talk as Instruction … ... 10

2.4.2 Talk as transaction ... 10

2.4.3 Talk as performance ... 10

2.5The Problems of Speaking for EFL ... 11

2.5.1 Inhibition ... 11

2.5.2 Nothing to say ... 11

2.5.3 Low or Uneven Participation ... 11


2.6The Solution of Speaking Problems ... 12

2.6.1 Use Group Work ... 12

2.6.2 Use Activity Based on Easy Language ... 12

2.6.3 Make Careful Choice of Topic ... 12

2.6.4 Give Some Instruction or Training in Discussion Skill ... 13

2.6.5 Keep Students Speaking the Target Language ... 13

2.7Motivation ... 13

2.8Kinds of Motivation ... 14

2.8.1 Intrinsic Motivation ... 14

2.8.2 Extrinsic Motivation ... 14

2.9The Factors Affecting Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation ... 15

2.9.1 The Factor affecting Intrinsic Motivation ... 15 Self-Efficacy ... 15 Self-Determination ... 16 Expectancies and Values ... 16 Interest ... 17 Goal ... 17 Students’ Attributions ... 17

2.9.2 The factor Affecting Extrinsic Motivation ... 18 Reinforcement ... 18 Punishment ... 19 Rewards ... 19 Incentives ... 20

2.10 Motivation in Learning Speaking ... 20

2.11 Kinds of Motivation in Speaking for EFL ... 22

2.12 Teaching Techniques to Motivate the Student in Speaking ... 23



3.1Research Design ... 31

3.2Research Subject ………. ... 33

3.3Research Instrument ... 33

3.3.1 Observation ... 34

3.3.2 Interview ... 35

3.3.3 Questionnaire ... 36

3.4Data Collection ... 37

3.5Data Analysis ... 38


4.1.1 The Factors Motivating Basic Speaking I Students in learning Speaking ... 40

4.1.2 The Teachning Technique used by the teacher to Motivate the Students of Basic Speaking I in Speaking English ... 41

4.2 Discussions ... 43


5.2 Suggestions ... 46






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This chapter presents background of study, statement of the problem, purpose of the problem, scope and limitation, significance of the study and definition of key terms.

1.1. Background of Study

English is one of the international languages. It is used by almost countries in the world. Language can be a tool for sharing various aspects, for instance technology, science, economics, politics and education (Wood, 2002). In the world of education, English becomes priority that must be mastered by students to develop their foreign language competency.

Speaking is one of the language skills which is used to communicate and interact in daily life. According to Fulcher (2003),” Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others”. Based on that statement, speaking can build relationship between individual and another and share what they want in their lives. Meanwhile, speaking also might be difficult for some students because of some problems that have to be faced by them. Ur (1996) states that some problems related to the students in developing their speaking are things such as inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and mother tongue use. This statement ensures how complex speaking skill is, so that students should have high motivation to master it.

Motivation is something that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; it gets students moving, points them in a particular direction, and keeps them going (Ormrod 2003). Motivation can be caused by some factors that come from the external


personality (external motivation) such as reward, punishment or from the internal personality (internal motivation) such as self-improvement, self-efficacy, act. In education, motivation becomes one of the factors that determine the success and the failure of learning. Parson et al (2001) explains shortly that motivation is a crucial element of the learning process. This statement is supported by Brown (1994) that motivation is probably the most frequently used catch-all term for explaining the success and the failure of any complex task. He also claims that someone's success in any task is due simply to the fact that he or she is motivated.

In addition, other factors that determine the success and the failure of learning is teachers. Parson et al (2001) says that teachers have many roles in teaching such as instructional expert, pedagogical content knowledge, manager, and teachers-as-counselor. From the statement above, to be a teacher should not only give the material and knowledge but also give information, motivation and make the students interested in the learning process. If they can do that, the goal of learning process will be achieved easily.

In this present study, the writer not only investigates the kinds of motivation that motivate the student but also what the teachers do to motivate student in speaking. So, to compare this present study, the writer provides two previous studies which are related to this study. The first study was conducted by Dian Ika Rusita (2007) who investigated the students’ motivation in learning Speaking at Akademi keperawatan Blambangan Bayuwangi. She found that students who had good motivation such as active and participating in teaching and learning process would be


easier to develop their communication to catch the information from the sources and knowledge.

Another study was conducted by Nany Dwiana (2007) who studied students’ motivation in learning English of second year student of MTS Al- AMANAH Besuki Situbondo. The result showed that the intrinsic motivation was more influential than extrinsic motivation. The factors of intrinsic motivation are; needs, intention, and self-improvement.

The difference between those previous studies and this present study is that those research focus and explain about students’ motivation in learning English, while in this present study, the writer does not only focus on students’ motivation and the kinds of motivation that motivate the basic speaking I students in learning speaking but also look for what the techniques used by the teacher to motivate the students in learning speaking.

The writer chooses Mahesa English Course as the object of this study because Mahesa English Course is one of the famous English courses in Pare Kediri. It provides many programs such as; General English Course (GEC), Grammar (basic grammar I, basic grammar II), Speaking (basic Speaking I, basic speaking II, active speaking), Conversation, Translation, Writing, Listening and then TOEFL. In addition, the writer also had ever studied there in basic speaking I program. Before the writer studied at Mahesa English Course, he could not speak English well. He only spoke so little conversation such as; May I ask some questions?, what do you say “buku” in English?. After he finished studying there, he could speak English and interacted with others although his speaking was not fluently as the native speaker of


English. Based on his experience, the writer wants to investigate other students’ motivation in learning speaking and what the teachers of Mahesa English Course do to motivate them in learning speaking.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

1. What factors motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English?

2. What teaching technique is the teacher used to motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English?

1.3. Purpose of the Study

1. To investigate the factors motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English.

2. To analyze what teaching technique is used by the teacher to motivate the basic Speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English. 1.4. Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the students’ motivation in learning English speaking skill. This research takes place at Mahesa English course and the subject are the Basic Speaking I students of Mahesa English Course. The limitation of this study is focused on the kinds of motivation motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English course and the techniques are used by a teacher to motivate the basic Speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English.


1.5. Significance of the Study

This present study is beneficial theoretically and practically for the lecturers of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also for English Teachers of Mahesa English Course Pare, students of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also students of Mahesa English Course Pare, and other researchers.

The first, this present study is beneficial theoretically for the lecturers of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also for English Teachers of Mahesa English Course Pare. With reading this research, They will get the benefit not only to obtain additional information about the student's motivation in teaching and learning process but also the various opinions of the experts on motivation that will add their insights in motivation. Besides, this present study will contribute to the students of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and students of Mahesa English Course Pare by giving them the understanding of motivation, how motivation plays so important in their learning and what motivation they have. Moreover, this present study is also aimed at giving contribution to other researchers to do the related research topics in deeper then they known.

The second, this present study is also beneficial practically for the lecturers of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of


Muhammadiyah Malang and also for English teachers of Mahesa English Course Pare. They will know how they should teach students with various motivations, and how to motivate students to be more active and interested in learning to get a satisfactory learning achievement. Furthermore, this present study will contribute to the students of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also student of Mahesa English Course Pare by giving them knowledge of how to manage and apply their motivations in their learning. Then, this present study is also beneficial for other researchers by giving them the example how to construct thesis.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms

1. Motivation is something that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; it gets students moving, points them in a particular direction, and keeps them going (Ormrod, 2003).

2. Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others (Fulcher, 2003).

3. Basic speaking I is one of the programs at Mahesa English Course. It is for beginners in learning English. The learners should have to understand and communicate in daily conversation, including asking questions and providing information as master of English vocabulary (http://mahesainstitute.co.id/).



This chapter presents background of study, statement of the problem, purpose of the problem, scope and limitation, significance of the study and definition of key terms.

1.1. Background of Study

English is one of the international languages. It is used by almost countries in the world. Language can be a tool for sharing various aspects, for instance technology, science, economics, politics and education (Wood, 2002). In the world of education, English becomes priority that must be mastered by students to develop their foreign language competency.

Speaking is one of the language skills which is used to communicate and interact in daily life. According to Fulcher (2003),” Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others”. Based on that statement, speaking can build relationship between individual and another and share what they want in their lives. Meanwhile, speaking also might be difficult for some students because of some problems that have to be faced by them. Ur (1996) states that some problems related to the students in developing their speaking are things such as inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and mother tongue use. This statement ensures how complex speaking skill is, so that students should have high motivation to master it.

Motivation is something that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; it gets students moving, points them in a particular direction, and keeps them going (Ormrod 2003). Motivation can be caused by some factors that come from the external


personality (external motivation) such as reward, punishment or from the internal personality (internal motivation) such as self-improvement, self-efficacy, act. In education, motivation becomes one of the factors that determine the success and the failure of learning. Parson et al (2001) explains shortly that motivation is a crucial element of the learning process. This statement is supported by Brown (1994) that motivation is probably the most frequently used catch-all term for explaining the success and the failure of any complex task. He also claims that someone's success in any task is due simply to the fact that he or she is motivated.

In addition, other factors that determine the success and the failure of learning is teachers. Parson et al (2001) says that teachers have many roles in teaching such as instructional expert, pedagogical content knowledge, manager, and teachers-as-counselor. From the statement above, to be a teacher should not only give the material and knowledge but also give information, motivation and make the students interested in the learning process. If they can do that, the goal of learning process will be achieved easily.

In this present study, the writer not only investigates the kinds of motivation that motivate the student but also what the teachers do to motivate student in speaking. So, to compare this present study, the writer provides two previous studies which are related to this study. The first study was conducted by Dian Ika Rusita (2007) who investigated the students’ motivation in learning Speaking at Akademi keperawatan Blambangan Bayuwangi. She found that students who had good motivation such as active and participating in teaching and learning process would be


easier to develop their communication to catch the information from the sources and knowledge.

Another study was conducted by Nany Dwiana (2007) who studied students’ motivation in learning English of second year student of MTS Al- AMANAH Besuki Situbondo. The result showed that the intrinsic motivation was more influential than extrinsic motivation. The factors of intrinsic motivation are; needs, intention, and self-improvement.

The difference between those previous studies and this present study is that those research focus and explain about students’ motivation in learning English, while in this present study, the writer does not only focus on students’ motivation and the kinds of motivation that motivate the basic speaking I students in learning speaking but also look for what the techniques used by the teacher to motivate the students in learning speaking.

The writer chooses Mahesa English Course as the object of this study because Mahesa English Course is one of the famous English courses in Pare Kediri. It provides many programs such as; General English Course (GEC), Grammar (basic grammar I, basic grammar II), Speaking (basic Speaking I, basic speaking II, active speaking), Conversation, Translation, Writing, Listening and then TOEFL. In addition, the writer also had ever studied there in basic speaking I program. Before the writer studied at Mahesa English Course, he could not speak English well. He only spoke so little conversation such as; May I ask some questions?, what do you say

buku in English?. After he finished studying there, he could speak English and


English. Based on his experience, the writer wants to investigate other students’ motivation in learning speaking and what the teachers of Mahesa English Course do to motivate them in learning speaking.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

1. What factors motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English?

2. What teaching technique is the teacher used to motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English?

1.3. Purpose of the Study

1. To investigate the factors motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English.

2. To analyze what teaching technique is used by the teacher to motivate the basic Speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English. 1.4. Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the students’ motivation in learning English speaking skill. This research takes place at Mahesa English course and the subject are the Basic Speaking I students of Mahesa English Course. The limitation of this study is focused on the kinds of motivation motivate the basic speaking I students of Mahesa English course and the techniques are used by a teacher to motivate the basic Speaking I students of Mahesa English Course in speaking English.


1.5. Significance of the Study

This present study is beneficial theoretically and practically for the lecturers of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also for English Teachers of Mahesa English Course Pare, students of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also students of Mahesa English Course Pare, and other researchers.

The first, this present study is beneficial theoretically for the lecturers of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also for English Teachers of Mahesa English Course Pare. With reading this research, They will get the benefit not only to obtain additional information about the student's motivation in teaching and learning process but also the various opinions of the experts on motivation that will add their insights in motivation. Besides, this present study will contribute to the students of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and students of Mahesa English Course Pare by giving them the understanding of motivation, how motivation plays so important in their learning and what motivation they have. Moreover, this present study is also aimed at giving contribution to other researchers to do the related research topics in deeper then they known.

The second, this present study is also beneficial practically for the lecturers of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of


Muhammadiyah Malang and also for English teachers of Mahesa English Course Pare. They will know how they should teach students with various motivations, and how to motivate students to be more active and interested in learning to get a satisfactory learning achievement. Furthermore, this present study will contribute to the students of English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also student of Mahesa English Course Pare by giving them knowledge of how to manage and apply their motivations in their learning. Then, this present study is also beneficial for other researchers by giving them the example how to construct thesis.

1.6. Definition of Key Terms

1. Motivation is something that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; it gets students moving, points them in a particular direction, and keeps them going (Ormrod, 2003).

2. Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others (Fulcher, 2003).

3. Basic speaking I is one of the programs at Mahesa English Course. It is for beginners in learning English. The learners should have to understand and communicate in daily conversation, including asking questions and providing information as master of English vocabulary (http://mahesainstitute.co.id/).