IMPROVEMENT OF MATHEMATICAL REASONING THROUGH SCIENTIFIC APPROACH WITH THE DISCOVERY LEARNING Peningkatan Penalaran Matematik Melalui Pendekatan Saintifik Dengan Model Discovery Learning Pada Siswa Kelas VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing ( PTK Siswa Kel

YEAR 2013/2014)

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements
for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education
in Mathematics Department

by :
A 410 102 016



YEAR 2013/2014)
Intan Tahmalia1), Nining Setyaningsih2),
1) Student of Mathematics Department of UMS
2) Lecturer Staff of Mathematics Department of UMS
The purpose of this research is to improve students' of mathematical
reasoning through scientific approach with the discovery learning models
on the students of grade VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing. This
research used a qualitative approach by the design of Classroom Action
Research (CAR). Recipient of the action is the subject of the students of
grade VIII E of MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing consist of 6 boys and 24

girls and given of action that is subject of mathematics teacher who
collaborate wiht researchers. The methods used to collect data are done by
observation, test, documentation and field notes. The technique of data
analysis consists of data reduction, data presentation and data conclusion.
Based on the research result it can be conclude that (a) the ability of the
students filed prior to the alleged act of as much as 30% (9 students),
before the action 50% ( 15 students) and the the last action 80% (24
students), (b) the ability of students to give reasons / evidence of the truth
before the action as much as 16.6% (5 students), before the action 26.6%
(8 students) and the last action 66.6% (20 students), (c) ability to find a
pattern of symptoms prior to the action as much mathematical 23.3% (7
students), before the action 40% (12 students) and the last 73% (22

: Scientific, Discovery Learning, Mathematical Reasoning.

In the history of the development of mathematical science is one of the
important science. Math is different from other sciences, because in mathematics

learning should be continuous, diligent practice and discipline. But in the field of
mathematics education is faced with the many problems that of low outcomes.
One reason is the students assume the math is a difficult subject. The students
think that math is very frightening of specter.
The problem-solving in the mathematics is a very important a part in the
learning of process. Having skill in the problem solving include of understanding
the problem, plan the problems, problems solving and rechecking of the results.
Because problem solving is one thing that is very important in learning so as to
encourage the students to think in the that. In addition to problem-solving ability,
one skills in the math learning are required of mathematical reasoning.
According Cholil in Sobur, (2010: 209) states that the reasoning is a
thinking activities to obtain a conclusion from the premises was known. In general
reasoning to grouped into two, namely inductive reasoning and deductive
reasoning. Inductive reasoning is reasoning that lead to the general conclusion
than of its statement, otherwise the deductive reasoning is reasoning whose
specific conclusions than of its statement.
The skills of mathematical reasoning students are essentially required to
think of creative learning at the time. Reasoning must be carried out on students,
because the reason the student can find out the results of their study. If students
have high of reasoning so that their results also high, but if the student have poor

of reasoning so that their result learning is low too.
Based on the observations in grade VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah of
Blimbing that the student’s skill of mathematical reasoning is very poor. That can
be seen from the failure of the indicators of mathematical reasoning. In interviews
with the mathematic teacher’s of grade VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing
that many students who have not reached of the KKM in the improving of
mathematical reasoning. And then of mathematical reasoning can be seen from
several indicators of mathematical reasoning as follows: a) the students were able

to ask the alleged (30%); b) the student is able to give a reason/ proof of
correctness (16.6%); c) the students were able to find a pattern of symptoms
mathematical (23, 3%). The low of mathematical reasoning ability graders VIII E
MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing caused by teachers in delivering lessons are
using lecture method. Teacher-centered learning causes be less-active of students
in learning. Students tend to listen to the teacher. The efforts to addressed the
problem in improving students' mathematical reasoning with the using of
approaches and models of learning. One using of approaches and models are
scientific approach with the discovery learning models.
According of the Kemendikbud (2013) stated that the scientific approach is
the approach to learning includes of digging through observation, questioning,

experimentation, and then process of the data or information, present of the data
or information, and then by analyzing, reasoning, then make of conclusions and
creates. The process of learning the scientific approach should be apply values or
scientific nature and avoid the values or attributes nonscientific. To get the most
the teachers do not just apply a scientific approach but also uses discovery
learning models. Discovery learning is a learning theory which is defined as the
process of learning that occurs when the students are not presented in its final
form, but it is expected that students are expected to organize themselves and to
improve student in the learning of mathematical reasoning.
Based on the introduction above are encouraged researchers to conduct
research on the improvement of mathematical reasoning through scientific
approach with a model of discovery learning in class VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah
of Blimbing.
The purpose of this research is to improve students' of mathematical
reasoning through scientific approach with the discovery learning models on the
students of grade VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing.

The research was conducted in MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing on grade
of VIII E year 2013/2014, with totaling of 30 students. This study was conducted

from March 2014. Researches preparation, execution and analysis of data with
math’s teacher. The subjects are students as the subject of a class action and the
receive of math’s teacher of MTs Muhammadiyah Blimbing as giver of.
This research included classroom action research (CAR) is a collaborative
between teacher mathematics and researchers. The teacher's role here is as a
learning practitioner, while the designers and researchers as observers. Teacher
involved from the planning, implementation, observation until reflection.
According Aqib (2009: 19) action research is research conducted by the
teacher in the classroom or in the school where he taught with emphasis on
improvement or improve learning processes and practices. Action research is
characterized by the presence of continuous improvement so as to achieve the
objectives of the study. Improvements were made in each cycle designed by the
researchers. CAR is characterized by continuous improvements to the satisfaction
of researchers as a benchmark of the success cycle.
This study is an action research (CAR) based collaborative. A practical
study, based on conditional and contextual issues that arise in day-to-day activities
at the school. Teachers and researchers constantly strive to obtain optimal results
through methods and procedures so as to permit effective action with repeated
revisions to improve students' mathematical reasoning ability in learning

mathematics through a scientific approach to discovery learning models.
Action research will go through several stages, namely: 1) the initial
dialogue, 2) action planning, 3) implementation of the action, 4) observation, 5)
reflection, 6) evaluation and 7) inference.
Data collection techniques used in this research included : 1) observation
and interviews, 2) tests, 3) field notes, , and 4) documentations to get optimal

First, researchers done of observations and dialogue in MTs.
Muhammadiyah of Blimbing. That do about skill of mathematical reasoning in
grade VIIIE MTs. Muhammadiyah of Blimbing. First dialogue between

researchers and teachers of mathematics teachers which done in the office MTs.
Muhammadiyah of Blimbing. Based on the results of observations about, there are
a problem in mathematical problem-solving the research done with students and
teachers determine of indicators in mathematical reasoning. And then the results
of first in observations and dialogue is concluded that it’s not fully work on the
problems in the allegations filed. Most of the students are still confused about the
teacher, the students cannot fully speculate for the work on the problems. In

addition, the ability of students to give reasons / evidence is still lacking truth.
Many students are still confused and ask the teacher about the purpose of the. As a
result, many students who do not understand to give reasons / evidence of the
truth of the matter. So is the ability of students to find patterns in a mathematical
phenomenon is also less. Students need teachers to help determine how the pattern
on the matter, especially in the wake flat pattern drawing many students are still
confused how to draw the pattern.
Preliminary observations have been made in grade VIII E MTs.
Muhammadiyah of Blimbing obtain data about students' lack of mathematical
reasoning. The data includes the ability of students asking the alleged there were 9
students (30%), the ability of students to give reasons / evidence of the truth there
are 5 students (16.6%) and the ability of students to find the pattern there is a
mathematical phenomenon 7 students (23.3%).
From this observation and dialogue resulted in an agreement that: 1)
efforts to improve students' mathematical reasoning needs to be done, 2) identify
the problems that allegedly is the less in developing students' mathematical
reasoning, and 3) alternative learning practiced in efforts to improve students'
mathematical reasoning in grade VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing in
mathematics learning is through a model of scientific discovery learning

First Cycle
Plan of first cycle in class action was done on Monday, April 28th, 2014
and Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 in MTs. Muhammadiyah of Blimbing. Researchers

together to discuss math teacher about things that will be implemented during the
study. The results of this activity generates discussion: (1) grade math teacher VIII
E MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing as executor, while the researchers only aid
teaching and learning takes place when the observation, (2) class action activity
cycle 1 will be carried out in accordance with the lesson plan (RPP) which has
been made by researchers with the allocation of lesson time of 4 hours (160
minutes) with each meeting there is a 2 hour lesson. Planning a class action of this
first cycle will use a scientific approach to discovery learning models. The
material will be taught about the surface area of the prism and pyramid surface
area and (3) copies of field notes to record and describe the things that are not in
the observation sheet.
Implementation of cycle I was done at 2 meetings are on Monday, April
28, 2014 to 4-5 hours (9:35 to 10:45) and Tuesday, April 29, 2014 to 7-8 hours
(12:20 to 13:40). The numbers of students who attended the first meeting of the
29 students and 30 students in the second meeting of the 30 students. The results

of observations implementation cycle I use the scientific approach with a model of
discovery learning.
From the results of observations conducted by researchers at the first cycle
in grade VIII E MTs. Muhammadiyah of Blimbing with the totaling 30 students,
the data obtained the following: (1) students were able to question the alleged
there were 15 students (50%), (2) the student is able to give a reason / evidence
for the existing 8 (26.6), (3) students able to find a pattern of symptoms
mathematically there are 12 people (40%).

Second Cycle
The second class action planning cycle was done on Monday, May 12th,
2014 and Tuesday, May 13, 2014. The researchers together to discuss of math
teacher about things that will be implemented during the study. The second cycle
of class action activity will be conducted in accordance with the Lesson Plan
(RPP) which has been made by researchers with the allocation of 4 hours of
lesson time (160 minutes) with each meeting there is a 2 hour lesson. Planning a

class action of this first cycle will use a scientific approach to discovery learning
models. The material will be taught about the volume of the prism and pyramid

Based on the second cycle of reflection, mathematical reasoning of
students has increased. This is evident by an increase in indicators of students'
mathematical reasoning used by researchers, including (1) the students were able
to ask the alleged there were 24 students (80%), (2) the student is able to give a
reason / proof of the truth that there are 20 students (66.6 %) and (3) the student is
able to find patterns in a mathematical phenomenon there were 22 students (73%).
The learning process in the second cycle, students are used to using a scientific
approach to discovery learning models. It can be seen from the students who are
able to work on the problems given by the teacher. Students are also able to
propose doing about the allegations at the time, giving reasons / evidence to find
the truth and also a symptom of mathematical patterns. Because indicators of
mathematical reasoning has been reached and the application of learning to use a
model of scientific discovery learning approach has been running well, then the
researcher with the teachers took the decision that the application of the model of
scientific discovery learning approach ended in the second cycle.
Table 4.1
Improvement of Mathematical Reasoning of the Students


Ability to ask of
Ability to give reason/
evidence of the truth
Ability to find of pattern a
presumptive mathematic


Sum of Students
Cycle I

Cycle II

30 %

50 %

80 %

(9 students)

(15 students)

(24 students)

16,6 %

26,6 %

66,6 %

(5 students)

(8 students)

(20 students)

23,3 %

40 %


(7 students)

( 12 students)

(22 students)

Figure 4.1
Improved Mathematical Reasoning Students

Based on table 4.1 and figure 4.1 it can be concluded that the application
of the scientific approach to discovery learning models can improve students'
mathematical reasoning MTs. Muhammadiyah of Blimbing. It can be seen from
the increase in indicators of mathematical reasoning.
Discovery scientific approach to learning models that have been applied
more to improve students' mathematical reasoning. Mathematical reasoning skills
students have increased step by step, it can be seen from the prior action until the
second cycle. This can be shown by an increase in the indicators as follows:
1. The Students’ Ability to Asking of Presumption
The ability of students ask of presumption in the scientific approach to
learning through discovery learning model was seen at the time of the student
conduct group discussions and work on the problems of individuals. At the
time of group discussion with the students ask each other a group of friends to
the problems given by the teacher. Then the students gather the information
that has been obtained to try and make sense of. Students are able to guess

about when working, this way students are more easily imagine what way do
the problems. In the first cycle, an indicator of the ability of students does not
meet expectations because the students are not familiar. But after teachers use
scientific approach with a model of discovery learning students filed
indicators gradually increasing suspicion. It is seen from the students who are
able to work on the problems of teacher correctly. This is supported by the
results of the study Sari (2014) which states that the ability of students in
filing prior to the alleged act of 31.25% and 71.88% after the action becomes.
2. The Students’ Ability to gives of reason / evidence of truth
The ability of students to give reasons / evidence of the truth of the
scientific approach to learning through discovery learning model was seen at
the time of the student conduct group discussions and work on the problems of
individuals. At the time of the discussion group students were able to try to
give reasons / evidence of the truth of the matter or issue that is given by the
teacher. In the first cycle, many students are wondering how to give a reason /
proof of truth, but after getting direction from the teacher using a scientific
approach to discovery learning model of the students have been able to give a
reason / evidence for the increase. It is seen from some of the students who are
able to give a reason / proof of the truth of the matter correctly. This is
supported by the results of the study Sari (2014) which states that the ability of
students to give reasons / evidence for the action prior to 21.80% and 78.13%
after the action becomes.
3. The students’ Ability to give of presumptive mathematic of patterns
The student conduct group discussions and work on the problems of
individuals. In the first cycle, many students who have not been able to find a
pattern in the matter, the visible lack of teachers in providing guidance on
learning. After using a scientific approach with a model of discovery learning
invites students to be able to find a pattern of presumptive mathematically as
independent. So students can easily find patterns in the problem given by the
teacher. This proves that using the model of scientific to discovery learning
can enhance students' ability to give of a symptoms mathematic of pattern.

In the second cycle of class actions, indicators mathematical reasoning
of students has been reached, of 24 students (80%) were able to submit
allegations, 20 students (66.6%) were able to give a reason / evidence of the
truth, and 22 students (73%) were able to give a presumptive mathematical of
patterns. This shows the scientific approach to give learning models can
improve students' mathematical reasoning.
The conclusion is supported by previous studies, Sari (2014)
concluded that the application of problem based learning strategies can
improve the ability of reasoning and student learning outcomes. The results of
the study by Beny Yosefa, Elis Nurjanah (2013) concluded that mathematical
reasoning ability junior high school students are getting the learning method
Quantum Teaching using Mind Mapping is better than reasoning ability
junior high school students who get expository mathematics learning.
Based on the above explanations that support the research and the
researchers conducted based formulation of the problem that has been
formulated by the investigators concluded that the use of the scientific
approach to discovery learning models can improve students' mathematical
reasoning in grade VIII E MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing Year 2013/2014.

This study is an action reasearch on the aplication of the scientific
approach with the discovery learning model to improvement of mathematical
reasoning the students on grade VIII E of MTs Muhammadiyah of Blimbing
year 2013/2014.
Students' improvement of mathematical reasoning through scientific
approach to discovery learning models can be seen from the following
indicators: (a) the ability of the students filed prior to the alleged act of as
much as 30% (9 students), after the first cycle of the action contained 50% (
15 students) and the second cycle of 80% (24 students), (b) the ability of
students to give reasons / evidence of the truth before the action as much as
16.6% (5 students), after the first cycle of the action contained 26.6% (8

students) and the second cycle of 66.6% (20 students), (c) ability to find a
pattern of symptoms prior to the action as much mathematical 23.3% (7
students), after the first cycle of the action contained 40% (12 students) and
the second cycle 73% (22 students).


Aqib, Zaenal. 2009. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas: Krarna Widya.

Cholil, Hasan Wahyu. 2013. Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Hasil
Belajar Matematika Melalui Strategi Problrm Solving . Surakarta: Skripsi

Kemendikbud. 2013. Menteri Pelatihan Kurukulum 2013. Bandung: PT. Remaja
Rosdakarya Offset.

Sari, Gresi Putri Mayang. 2014. Peningkatan Penalaran dan Hasil Belajar
Matematika Melalui Strategi Problem Based Learning . Surakarta: Skripsi
Yosefa, Beny., Elis Nurjanah. 2013. “Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Quantum
Teaching Dengan Menggunakan Mind Mapping Terhadap Kemampuan
Penalaran Matematis Pada Siswa SMP Kelas VIIII”. Jurnal Pendidikan vol.
18, no. 2. 2013.

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