Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Perbedaan Minat Beli Konsumen Alfamart berdasarkan Tingkat Pemahamannya terhadap Kantong Plastik Green Label

High levels of environmental pollution as a result of the use of plastic bags
in shopping activity prompted many retailers to switch to using plastic bags that
are environmentally friendly. However, not all consumers understand the
environmental friendly plastic bags. The big difference in the level of consumer
understanding of eco-friendly plastic bags can have an impact on consumer
buying interest difference. This study was conducted to obtain a picture of the
proportion of consumers buying interest seen from an understanding of the green
plastic bag and label the objects used in this study is Alfamart as one of the
outlets that have used a green plastic bag label.
The data in this study is primary data. Sources of data in this study were
obtained through questionnaires to the respondents who selected as the study
sample. The analysis technique used is the cross-tabulation (crosstab) using chisquare analysis.
The results showed that, 1) there are differences in consumer buying
interest because Alfamart using plastic bags labeling based on an understanding
of green consumers that plastic bags eco-friendly Green Label. 2) there are
differences in consumer buying interest because Alfamart using plastic bags
labeling based on an understanding of green consumers that green plastic bags
labeled safe for wrapping food and beverages. 3) there are differences in
consumer buying interest because Alfamart using plastic bags labeling based on
consumer understanding of green plastic bags Green Label that has a variety of

pack sizes. 4) there are differences in consumer buying interest because Alfamart
using plastic bags Green Label based consumer understanding about the
durability of plastic bags Green Label. 5) there are differences in consumer
buying interest because Alfamart using plastic bags Green Label based consumer
understanding of green plastic bag label as a whole.
Keywords: Buying interest, understanding, Green Label

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