Increasing the Students Ability in Maste




Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts IKIP Gunungsitoli in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana in Education



Mendrofa, Erta Meysiska, 2016, Increasing the Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary

through Guessing Game at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai. Thesis advisors (1) Adieli Laoli, S.Pd., M.Pd. and (2) Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, M.Pd.

Key words : Vocabulary, Guessing Game

Vocabulary is a core component of languages and the basic for how the learners speak, listen, read and write. By mastering a lot of vocabularies are easier for the students to express their feelings, opinions, suggestions and impressions in oral and written form. Vocabulary mastery is the ability to use the words in conducting the communication and understandable the meaning of the words or phrases in English. The students’ problem in learning vocabulary was the difficulties to learn and got the meaning of new words. To solve the problem, the researcher implemented Guessing Game which the main procedure was asked the students to guess the new word from the explanation of the word itself. The game stimulated the students to be creative and active in learning process.

The purpose of the research is to increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary through Guessing Game at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai. To achieve the purpose, the researcher conducted CAR Method and it was applied into two cycles. Each cycle consisted of some phases such as planning, action, observation, and reflection. The instruments used by the researcher to collect the data were observation sheet, field notes and evaluation sheet.

In Cycle I, it showed that there were 2 students (7%) can be classified in “very good” level. There were 2 students (7%) in “good” level. There were 6 students (20%) i n “enough” level. There were 16 students (53%) in “less” level and there were

4 students (13%) cl assified in “fail” level. The result shows that some of the students were still unable to comprehend the text. Meanwhile, the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in Cycle II was there were 22 students (73%) classified in “very good” level. There were 8 students (27%) classified in “good” level. There were not

students who got enough, less and fail. The average of the students’ value was 90.33. Therefore, based on the average for the students’ value in the two cycles, it can be

categorized in very good level. Hence, Guessing Game can increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. Of the research, the researcher has some suggestions such as (1) the researcher

suggests the English teachers to use Guessing Game in teaching vocabulary to the studen ts. (2) The English teacher should build up the students’ interest in studying vocabulary. (3) The students should be brave in presenting their opinions. (4) The English teacher always remains to bring and use dictionary in learning vocabulary. (5) The Eng lish teacher should increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary through Guessing Game.


Praise to the Lord of His blessing and protecting to the researcher in finishing the thesis entitled “Increasing the Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary through Guessing Game at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai in 2016/2017”.

The researcher is very grateful for his parents (Mr. Emanuel Mendrofa and Mrs. Meritina Harefa) for their pray, supports, and advices so the researcher is so spirit in finishing her study. The researcher would like to thank for all their sacrifices in her study. Especially for her lovely father that always hard work to fulfill her needed since she is in IKIP Gunungsitoli. She simply has no words for how much their kindness to him. God bless them.

A million thanks for her siblings (Wintaulyna Mendrofa, Cici Febriyani Mendrofa, and Alberta Saputra Mendrofa) for their help, support and advices during finishing his study. She wants to thank for their effort to make her laugh and spirit when sometimes she got hopeless in finishing her thesis. She loves them very much.

The researcher would like to thank to Mr. Drs. Henoki Waruwu, M.Pd, as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli who always motivates and supports all of the activities of the students of IKIP Gunungsioli.

She would like to recognize and express appreciation for the guidance of two advisors (Mr. Adieli Laoli S.Pd, M.Pd and Ms. Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua S.Pd, M.Pd) in finishing the thesis writing. They have done the best


in correcting, revising and suggesting her. Especially for Ms. Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua S.Pd, M.Pd, thanks for the patience to correct and revise her thesis writing accurately and detail. The researcher feels inspired in her teaching methods when she teaches the students. For the researcher, she is the motivator and also good model to be a teacher in the future. From both of her advisors, the researcher feels have gotten many things and new experiences that are useful for her in the future. And the researcher would like to thank for teaching her how to teach others through example and for teaching everything that make her to be a good person. The researcher simply has no words how much she learned from them about teaching, learning, and caring of others.

The researcher’s sincerest appreciation goes to the Secretary of English Department and also her academic advisor (Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd, M.Hum) who is always ready in preparing many things of the researcher’s needs. He always gives advices and motivation for her, shares everything, repairs her weaknesses, always patient and humble when the researcher consulted everything. Sometimes, He got angry with her mistakes to make her better in the future. For the researcher, Mr. Afore is a parent and friend during studying in IKIP Gunungsitoli. God bless you.

The researcher would like to thank for all his lecturers, for their amazing ability in dedicating their knowledge to her. They taught her many things that she did not know to be known and many others that related to the teachership profession.


The researcher would like to acknowledge for all examiners of the thesis who had guided, suggested and who had given final touch of the thesis writing, thanks for being patient and impute to the researcher.

The researcher wishes to thank for all her classmate and her closed friends

(Sinarwati Mendrofa, Srikurniawati Hulu, Yasaro Zega, Widya Kurniati Telaumbanua, Vivin Dewi Astuti Laoli, Hasratmin Citra Harefa, and Septin

Indah Riani Zebua,) for laughing with her and make colorful during her study in IKIP Gunungsitoli. Thanks for all beautiful moment that they already passed with her. They are friends to share everything, friends for hanging on when she has difficulties and friends who always did the “crazy” things together. The researcher always misses the good times since together with them. The researcher also gives a special thanks for her special one (Mr. Roman Satria Buaya) for his loves, pray, support and advices during finish her study, who did not want to meet her when she did not finishing the thesis, it is the best support for the researcher. May God bless you.

The researcher would like to thank for Dinas Pendidikan who allowed her in conducting the researcher in SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai. She wishes to thank for the Headmaster (Yuniaro Zendrato, A. Ma.Pd) and English Teacher (Asmani Mendrofa, S.Pd) of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai who had abided her in conducting the research in the classroom. She thanks for their help since she did the researcher at the school.


She would like to thank for all the students of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai especially for the eight-2 class who had participated in the research and helped her in doing the technique.

Finally, the researcher realized the thesis is far from being perfect. So he expects such as suggestion and criticism to make the thesis better and hopefully the thesis is useful for the readers. Thanks for everything and may God bless you.

Gunungsitoli, December 2016 Researcher,


Reg. number 122108038


A. Theoretical Framework ……………………………… 7

1. Vocabulary ………………………………………. 7

a. The definition of Writing …………………… 7

b. The Importance of Mastering Vocabulary ………………………. 8

c. Types of Vocabulary ………………………… .9

d. Teaching Vocabulary ……………………… 9

e. Vocabulary in the Syllabus of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai ………………………


f. Assessing Vocabulary …………………… 13

g. The Relationship between Vocabulary and Writing ………………….. 14

2. Guessing Game ………………………………… 15

a. The Definition of Guessing Game…………………………………………15

b. The Procedures of Guessing Game ……………………………………….16

c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Guessing Game..……..………………………18

d. The relationship between Vocabulary and Guessing Game.………...…………...……...19

3. The Latest Related Research Findings……………19

4. Conceptual Framework …………………………21




1. Conceptual of Research by Using Guessing Game...……………………..…22

2. The Procedure of Classroom of Action Research by Using Guessing Game



Tables Page

1. The Condition of the Students at the eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai

2. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary by using Guessing Game in the Second Meeting of Cycle I ………………………………………………………………… 55

3. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary by

4. using Guessing Game in the Second Meeting of Cycle II ……………………………………………………………….. 64

5. The Students’ Activities for all Cycles ………………………………… 66

6. The Researcher’s Activities for all Cycles …………………………….. 67

7. The Students’ Ability in Mastering Vocabulary after Applying Guessing Game ……………….…… ………………………… 68



Graphics page

1. Percentage of the Students Who Had been Done and Undone

the Activities in the First Meeting of Cycle I ……………………………. 48

2. Percentage of the Researcher’s Activities that Had been Done and Undone in Cycle I in the First Meeting ……………………………… 49

3. Percentage of Students’ Activities that Had been Done and Undone during Teaching and Learning Process …………………………………. 53

4. Percentage of the Researcher’s Activities that Had been Done and Undone in Second Meeting of Cycle I ……………………………………. 53

5. Percentage of the Students’ Activities in the First Meeting that Had been Done and Undone of the Cycle II ……………………………….. 58

6. Percentage of the Researcher’s Activities that Had been Done and Undone in the First Meeting of Cycle II …………………………………. 59

7. Percentage of the Students Who Had Done and Undone Activities in Second Meeting of Cycle II ………………………………… 62

8. Percentage of the Researcher’s Activities that Had been Done and Undone in the Second Meeting of Cycle II ……………………………… 63

9. The Comparison of the Students’ ability in all cycles………………………………….……………………………………. 65



A. The Background of the Problems

In learning English there are four basic skills that should be mastered by students. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those skills are related and supporting each other. The students are expected to master those skills by learning them integratively. To master all the skills, the students should master some integrated competencies such us vocabulary because the vocabulary is the key or core of all the skills. Vocabulary really helps the students to share thoughts and feelings with others more effectively.

As written in Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2008:495) “Vocabulary is all the words that a person knows or uses; all the words in a language; list of words with their meanings ”. On the other hand, the students should be able to recognize the words. By recognizing the words the students can communicate with others easily, share thought in oral and written language clearly, understand all of the information from the certain text, and even can use language itself in daily life. Hence, the students need to master vocabulary in education field. Mastering vocabulary means that the ability of the students in mastering the meaning of words and using words to

write down the information or ideas from the student’s mind effectively. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a

fundamental language component which supports the students to master English skills proficiency. Therefore, vocabulary is very necessary to master by the students fundamental language component which supports the students to master English skills proficiency. Therefore, vocabulary is very necessary to master by the students

Writing is a skill of a writer to communicate information to the reader. According to Brown (2003:218) , “Writing skill, at least at rudimentary levels, is a necessary condition for achieving employement in many walks of life and is simply taken for granted in literate cultures ”. Furthermore, Ur (1991:163) states “The purpose of writing, in principle, is the expression of ideas, the conveying of a message to the reader so the ideas themselves should arguably be seen as the most important aspect of the writing ”. In other words, writing is a skill to communicate the ideas or the message to the reader effectively. So, based on the theories above the researcher concludes that vocabulary cannot be separated with writing. To convey or to express the ideas need to know many words. In other hand, both of them are closely related which is necessary to support each other.

Of KTSP 2006 in syllabus of Junior High School, especially for the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai, one of the competencies standard that should

be mastered by the students in writing skill is the students are able to express the meaning of simple essay form of descriptive and recount texts related to the environs. Then, the basic competence is the students are able to express the meaning of stages accurately, fluently, and acceptable to a simple essay related to the environs in the form of descriptive and recount texts. Furthermore, from the basic competence there is an indicator namely the students are able to write short simple descriptive text. Besides the competence standard and basic competence, the students also should achieve the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) that is 70. Thus, the researcher be mastered by the students in writing skill is the students are able to express the meaning of simple essay form of descriptive and recount texts related to the environs. Then, the basic competence is the students are able to express the meaning of stages accurately, fluently, and acceptable to a simple essay related to the environs in the form of descriptive and recount texts. Furthermore, from the basic competence there is an indicator namely the students are able to write short simple descriptive text. Besides the competence standard and basic competence, the students also should achieve the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) that is 70. Thus, the researcher

However, based on the researcher ’s observation in SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai especially eighth grade, the researcher found students’ problem; most of the students are less in mastering vocabulary in writing skill therefore they cannot

write the text based on the topic clearly, accurately, and detail. The problem appears because of many factors such as: First, the students’ participation is fewer in learning process. Second, the teaching-learning activities not fun for the students. Third, the

students’ vocabularies are limited. Fourth, it is difficult for the students to learn and get meaning of new words.

In order to solve the problems, the researcher is interested to apply Guessing Game to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. According to Dunlap (2013:4), “Guessing Game is a game in which the object is to guess some kind of information, such as word, a phrase, a title, or the location of an object”. Furthermore, Elliott et al (2013:86) states,

With the Guessing Game, the students can join to the activity and use the vocabulary in that activity. Teacher only needs a box that contains some words that related to the material, and makes several groups of the students. Each the leader of groups takes the word from the box and describes it to the member of group, and let them to guess the words. So, from this game the students more focus to guess the words that has related to the material and stimulate them to memorize the words directly.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to do a research entitled : “Increasing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary through

Guessing Game at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai in 2016/2017.

B. The Identification of the Problems

The identification of problems in the research as follows.

1. The students’ participation was fewer in learning process.

2. The teaching-learning activities not fun for the students.

3. The students’ vocabularies were limited.

4. It is difficult for the students to learnt and got meaning of new words.

C. The Limitation of the Problems

The researcher limited the problem of the research namely increasing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in descriptive paragraph especially

describing thing through Guessing Game at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai in 2016/2017.

D. The Formulation of the Problems

Based on the limitation of the problems, the researcher formulated the problem “How does Guessing Game increase the students’ vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai in 2016/2017 ?”

E. The Purpose of the Research

The purpose of the research was to increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in descriptive paragraph especially describing thing through Guessing Game at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai in 2016/2017.

F. The Significances of the Research

The results of the research are signified for:

1. The researcher, to encourage her to apply Guessing Game in teaching vocabulary for the students if she becomes the English teacher later.

2. The students, to increase their vocabulary mastery.

3. The English teachers, as guidelines for them in applying Guessing Game in teaching vocabulary to the students.

4. The next researchers, as a comparative reference in doing relevant researches.

5. The readers, stimulating them in learning English.

G. The Assumptions of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher had some assumptions, namely:

1. Vocabulary is a core component of language that should be mastered by the students.

2. Guessing Game is one of games in teaching-learning process that stimulate the students to be active in teaching-learning activity.

H. The Limitations of the Research

The limitation of the research as follows.

1. Subject of the research was the students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai, Class VIII 2.

2. The object of the research was vocabulary in writing descriptive paragraph especially describing thing.

3. The researcher applied Guessing Game in teaching vocabulary for the students.

4. The researcher focused to teach writing vocabulary.

5. The researcher used Classroom Action Research in conducted the research.

I. The Key Terms Definitions of the Research

The key terms definitions in the research are:

1. Vocabulary is total numbers of words that uses and has meaning. It is a core component for the students to master four skills. Moreover, mastering vocabulary helps the students to express their ideas and thoughts onto the paper clearly.

2. Guessing Game is a game in teaching vocabulary in classrooms. Guessing Game helps the students to memorize some words from the steps of Guessing Game that is fun and joyful. To increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary, the researcher implements the steps of guessing game and stimulates the students to memorize some words, makes them to be active in learning process and also improve the st udents’ motivation in learning English.


A. Theoretical Framework

1. Vocabulary

a. The Definition of Vocabulary

Hanson and Jennifer (2011:5) say, “Vocabulary refers to words we use to communicate in oral and print language”. Furthermore, as written in Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (2008:495), “Vocabulary is all the words that a person

knows or uses; all the words in a language; list of words with their meanings ”. Additionally, Diamond & Gutlohn in Ferreira (2007:11) suggest “Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and their meanings ”. Or in other words, without establishing a strong vocabulary base first, comprehension and use of a language will not be achieved. In addition, the students should be able to recognize words, and know their meaning as well.

According to Bishop, Yoop and Yoop (2009:5), “Vocabulary is a good predictor of academic success”. Supported by Richards and Renandya (2002:255), “Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basic for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write”. On the other hand, vocabulary is an important component of language and it has relation to the English skills, because without vocabulary, the students cannot master the four English language skills.

As already noted on the previous page, the researcher concludes that vocabulary contains words in a language which is meaningful that should be mastered by the students to get success in four English language skills.

b. The Importance of Mastering Vocabulary

Mastering vocabulary in English is very important. It is a basic item in a language. In learning language, the students learn all about the language included the vocabulary of the language. Then, mastering the basic item in the language can influence the students’ language skills.

Good vocabulary mastery is important for anyone who learns the language used to express thoughts in communication. Bishop, Yopp and Yopp (2009:16) state, “Vocabulary enables us to communicate our needs, increasing the likelihood that we get them met, and it enables us to understand the needs of others”.

Mastering vocabulary also has a significant for the students to be mastered in four skills. As stated by William (1994:14), “Developing the students’ language skills

in listening, speaking, reading and writing the learners must master vocabulary ”. The knowledge of vocabulary is very significant for understanding the language itself. Mastering vocabulary well, the four skills in that language will be understood.

Thus, it can be concluded that the mastering vocabulary help the students express their thought and ideas in writing media. The students cannot express their thoughts clearly without using appropriate and rich vocabularies.

c. Types of Vocabulary

According to Wren (1999:45), there are some types of vocabulary, namely:

1) Reading vocabulary Reading vocabulary is a sum of vocabularies which getting when someone read the text. Most of those vocabularies recognize through reading activity.

2) Listening vocabulary This type of vocabulary recognizes through listening the speech. This vocabulary can recognize through native speaker when making conversation.

3) Writing vocabulary Writing vocabulary is all the vocabularies that someone applies in writing form. In writing activity, someone can express feeling by using varying vocabulary.

4) Speaking vocabulary Speaking vocabulary is all the vocabularies that someone uses in speaking activity. To conveying something, someone is necessary to vocabulary to express the opinion or feeling.

5) Vocal vocabulary Vocal vocabulary is a specialized set of terms and distinctions that is particularly important to a certain group; those with particular focus of experiences of activity.

As already noted above, the researcher choose the writing vocabulary because the researcher wants to make the students have strong and rich vocabularies in writing activity by using Guessing Game.

d. Teaching Vocabulary

A good English teacher has a big responsibility to find a good way or strategy in teaching English in order to make the students know what they do not know before. It is included in teaching vocabulary. Teaching vocabulary means that teaching the students to know, master, and use vocabulary to convey their ideas, feelings, opinions, and knowledge to the others especially in written form.

Richards and Renandya (2002:265) state some steps to teach vocabulary in the classroom, as follows,

1) Meaning-focused input The learning from meaning-focused input strand involves learning from listening and reading.

2) Meaning-focused output. The learning from meaning-focused output strand involves learning through speaking and writing.

3) Developing fluency The fluency development strand of a course aims at helping learners make the best use of what they already know.

4) Language-focused instruction Language-focused instruction occurs when learners direct their attention to language items not for producing or comprehending particular message, but for gaining knowledge about the item as a part of language system. Language-focused instruction includes focusing pronunciation and spelling of words, deliberating learning the meaning of a words, memorizing collocations, phrases and sentences containing of a word, and being corrected for incorrect use of a word.

In addition, McCarten (2007:20) states how to teach vocabulary in class, as follows,

1) Focus on vocabulary Give vocabulary a high profile in the classroom so that students can see it is important and useful for them.

2) Offer variety Teacher use different ways to present vocabulary including pictures, sounds, and different text to achieve the impact of materials.

3) Repeat and recycle Review vocabulary as often as possible in activities that have students actively recall words and produce them rather than merely see or hear them.

4) Provide opportunities to organize vocabulary Organize the new vocabulary in some way that allows students to “notice” and bring together the target words as the basis for communicative activity or to have a clear record for review purposes, or both.

5) Make vocabulary learning personal Provide opportunities for students to use the vocabulary meaningfully, to say and write true things about themselves and their lives.

6) Don’t overdo it Not to overload students, allow them to choose which items they want to prioritize.

7) Use strategic vocabulary in class. It’s important to include in lesson the strategic vocabulary.

Regarding to the statements above, the r esearcher’s role is to focus on the most useful vocabulary, to provide strategy for the low frequency vocabulary, to ensure that vocabulary learning has a chance to occur in all parts of a course, and to help the students take control of their own vocabulary learning.

e. Vocabulary in the Syllabus of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai

In the English syllabus of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai at the eighth grade, there are four skills that should be mastered by the students. Especially in writing skill, the competence standard is the students are able to express the meaning of simple essay form of descriptive and recount texts related to the environs. Furthermore, the basic competence is the students are able to express the meaning of stages accurately, fluently, and acceptable to a simple essay related to the environs in the form of descriptive and recount texts.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher focused on writing text about descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text that gives specific information about person, thing or place.

1) Generic Structure

a) Identification; identifies a particular thing to be describes.

b) Description; describes pats, qualities and characteristic.

2) Language features

a) Using action verbs

b) Using noun phrase

c) Using adjectives

d) Using Simple Present Tense

e) Using general and abstract noun


My House

I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is

a small house; but I like living in here for wasting my spare time. When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with only three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer reading a novel in this room. My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room there is a night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a computer. When being bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my friends via Facebook and so on. Next to my bedroom is my mother's. I do not know what is inside because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the living room there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I need when I get hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks, the smell fills my whole house.

I know it is a very small house; but it is the best place I have ever seen.

Descriptive text gives clear description about something. So, descriptive text must be contained generic structure and use language features to give a clear description about particular something.

f. Assessing Vocabulary

Evaluating is very important after teaching-learning vocabulary. The purpose of evaluating is to know the ability of the students in learning vocabulary process. As Brown (2004:3) states “Evaluating is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain”. By evaluating, the researcher can conclude the students are successful in learning particularly vocabulary in this case. Based on the result of the evaluation, the researcher can improve the weaknesses of the students and also the students can increase their motivation in learning. There are many kinds of evaluating vocabulary as Coombe (page 116) says that there are four kinds of evaluating vocabulary such as multiple choice, matching test, sentence completion or fill gap items and translation. In this evaluation, the researcher used matching test. Matching test is one of tests to measure the students’ ability in vocabulary. Matching questions usually present the student with two columns of information. The student’s task is to find the matches between the two columns.

Items in the left-hand column are called premises and the items in the right-hand column are called options (Coombe, page 118).

In other words, matching test is appropriate to measure the students’ comprehension to the material or English words which they have learnt before. Matching test format will stimulate the students to think carefully what the best answer from the options in other column. It also useful for teacher how well the students do on material being assessed and checked for any discrepancies between expectations and actual performance. This information may indicate how well the students are learning or if they have mastered the material. In this case, the researcher In other words, matching test is appropriate to measure the students’ comprehension to the material or English words which they have learnt before. Matching test format will stimulate the students to think carefully what the best answer from the options in other column. It also useful for teacher how well the students do on material being assessed and checked for any discrepancies between expectations and actual performance. This information may indicate how well the students are learning or if they have mastered the material. In this case, the researcher

students’ answer will not be appropriate with the key answers so they do not get the score but when the students fill correctly so they get score. Sudjono (2009:303) states

the percentage degree of ability as follows.


Which: S = Score R = Right answer

Then, the researcher applies the formula suggested by Cartier et al in Brown (1991: 1-8), as follows.

g. The Relationship between Vocabulary and Writing

Vocabulary and writing skill have close relation. Mastering vocabulary helps the students to express the ideas, thought, and opinion clearly. As Greenwood (2010:92) says “A strong vocabulary provides the writer with the tools to get a richness of thought onto the paper ”.

Writing activity does not mean just write some words in writing media. Writer should have real artistry to express the creativity onto the paper. The real artistry means the ability of the writers using the right or exact words to convey a particular Writing activity does not mean just write some words in writing media. Writer should have real artistry to express the creativity onto the paper. The real artistry means the ability of the writers using the right or exact words to convey a particular

Regarding to the explanation above, it can be concluded that when the students write a text, in the same time they suppose learning about vocabulary too. Learning vocabulary can help the students in writing something. So, the students suppose to learn vocabulary in teaching writing.

2. Guessing Game

a. The Definition of Guessing Game

According to Dunlap (2013:4), “Guessing Game is a game in which the object is to guess some kind of information, such as word, a phrase, a title, or the location of an object”

Guessing Game is useful to develop the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching (ITILT) (2011:32) states

“Guessing Game in teaching vocabulary was effective and brings a good effect on vocabulary achievement of the st udents”. Furthermore, Dunlap (2013:4) says “Guessing Game makes the students to be more memorizing the words which have introduced. Guessing Game will improve the students’ motivation in learning English and will improve their vocabularies”.

Regarding to the theories above, it can be concluded that Guessing Game is a simply game in which to increase the students’ motivation and vocabulary in teaching


b. The Procedure of Guessing Game

According to Elliott et al (2013:86), there are some steps to apply Guessing Game as follows.

1) Teacher provides a box that contain of some words that relate to the material.

2) Teacher makes several groups of the students.

3) The leader of each group takes the word and describes it to his or her group.

4) Let the members of group guess the words.

In addition, Wilskfuyzi (2004:17) states there are some steps to apply Guessing Game, as follows.

1) Four students are asked to come to the front of the classroom. One of them is selected to draw a slip from a box which contains words related to many different categories.

2) The student who has drawn a slip from a box which contains words related to many different categories.

3) The other members of the class try to guess the word on the slip which has been drawn from the box. They take turns asking first about the category, “is it word for food? For furniture? For transportation?” the four students who have seen the slip take turns answering “No, it isn’t” until

the right category has been guessed.

4) After the correct category has been discovered (transportation, for instance) members of the class continue to ask Yes/No question: “Is the

word bus? Is it taxi? Is it train?

5) The one whose guess is correct may draw a slip from the box the next time the game is played.

Based on the theories above, the researcher modifies these procedures in teaching vocabulary in the classroom at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai, as follows.

a) The researcher distributes the text to the students.

b) The researcher asks the students to read the text carefully.

c) The researcher asks the students to identify the new words from the text in a piece of paper and collect to the researcher.

d) The researcher chooses 10 words from the students’ papers that contains of words related to many different categories especially about things, and write each words on the cards.

e) The researcher makes several groups of students.

f) To explore the students’ mind, the researcher asks the students to think all of things around them to build their prior knowledge.

g) The researcher asks the leader of each group to take a card that contains one word from the box.

h) The leader of group tries to describe the word from the card by giving the

definition or the characteristics of the word to the member of his or her group.

i) The members of groups try to guess the word by using Yes/No question form. To makes it easy, they ask first about the category. j) The leader of group answering “No, it isn’t” if the category is false or “yes, it is” if the category is true, until the true category guessed. k) After the correct category has been guessed, member of group continue to ask all of things about the category, until the right answer guessed. l) The researcher repeats the procedure until the students guess all of the words in the box. m) The researcher shows 10 new words that have guessed by them previously with each meaning. n) The researcher asks them to write the words and its meaning on their book.

o) The researcher shows the words randomly and the students says the meaning (close book) until they mastering meaning of 10 new words. p) The students practice to make a simple sentence of 10 new words.

c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Guessing Game

1) The advantages of Guessing Game According Elliott (2013:86), the advantages of Guessing Game, as follows.

a) It can be applied in the classroom in the limited time.

b) It builds up the students’ interest and more focus to the material.

c) It can be played by all of the students in the class. Furthermore, Dunlap (2013:4) states the advantages of Guessing Game are:

a) It makes the students to be more memorizing the words which have been introduced.

b) It improves the students’ motivation in learning English.

c) It improves the students’ vocabularies.

2) The disadvantages of Guessing Game The disadvantages of Guessing Game are:

a) It spends much time if the members of group cannot guess the word quickly.

b) It needs enough and appropriate vocabularies to describe the words that they want to guess.

d. The Relationship between Vocabulary and Guessing Game

Guessing Game has a close relationship in teaching vocabulary. According to Interactive Technologies in Language Teaching (ITILT) (2011:32), “In guessing

game someone knows something and the others must find out what it is”. In other words, the procedures of Guessing Game stimulate the students their selves to guess the words that wanted. It makes the students think what the best answer. Directly, the students can memorize the words and give a good effect on vocabulary achievement.

Regarding to the expert’s opinion above, it can be concluded that Guessing Game is appropriate in teaching vocabulary in the classroom because the game is designed to build up the students’ vocabulary. Moreover, the game stimulates the

students to take part in order to understand what others say and also makes them to express their own point of view or information.

3. The Latest Related Research

Generally, vocabulary is a core component in language. So, there are many researchers doing the research but they do in different methods. Actually, this has been done a research by Sucipto entitled “Improving English Vocabulary through Guessing Game to the Elementary School of the Fourth Grade at SDN Kowang 1

Semanding”. He says that Guessing Game is appropriate in teaching vocabulary. Furthermore, when implemented the game, he did some procedure such as, he prepared some words and clues. After that, he asked her students to guess the words based on the clues. And then, wrote the answer on the whiteboard. Finally, he asked Semanding”. He says that Guessing Game is appropriate in teaching vocabulary. Furthermore, when implemented the game, he did some procedure such as, he prepared some words and clues. After that, he asked her students to guess the words based on the clues. And then, wrote the answer on the whiteboard. Finally, he asked

From the latest related findings above, the researcher found the relationship with the research. The researcher implemented the procedure by using some steps were same with the latest related research, such as; asked the students to guess the words that are already prepared by the researcher using the definition or the characteristic of the word, and finally asked the students to write a paragraph about describing thing. The researcher did the research two cycles, in the Cycle I, there were 2 students (7%) can be classified in “very good” level. There were 2 students (7%) in the “good” level. There were 6 students (20%) in “enough” level. There were

16 students (53%) in “less” level and there was 4 students (13%) classified in “fail” level. The result shows that some of the students still unable to learn vocabulary

mastery. Meanwhile, the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in Cycle II, there were 22 students (73%) classified in “very good” level. There were 8 students (27%) classified in “good” level. There were not students classified in “enough” level also

less and fail. The average of the students’ value was 90.33. So, it can be concluded that the procedure of Guessing Game is appropriate in teaching vocabulary in the classroom and bring good effect to the students on vocabulary achievement.

4. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary is an important element in language. By mastering vocabulary, the students can master a language. The English teacher hopes her or his students are able to master vocabulary well in order that the students can express their ideas, feeling and experiences in English.

In the research, the researcher as a teacher taught the students about vocabulary especially in writing skill. The researcher hopes the students are able to master vocabulary well in order to be able to write a descriptive text.

The syllabus of writing at the eight grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai

1. The students shy to participate in

learning process because they are afraid

of making mistakes.

2. The teaching-learning activity not fun for

3. the students.

The students difficult to remember vocabularies.

4. The limited of students’ vocabulary to

express the ideas in writing activity.

Guessing game

a) The researcher distributes the text to the students.

b) The researcher asks the students to read the text carefully. c) The researcher asks the students to identify the new words

CAR from the text in a piece of paper and collect to the researcher.


d) The researcher chooses 10 words from the students’ papers that contains of words related to many different categories

Observation Reflection especially about things, and write each words on the cards.


e) The researcher makes several groups of students.

f) To explore the st udents’ mind, the researcher asks the students to think all of things around them to build their prior knowledge.

Mastering g) The researcher asks the leader of each group to take a card that

Implementing the

procedures of Guessing Game


h) contains one word from the box. The leader of group tries to describe the word from the card by giving the definition or the characteristics of the word to the

member of his or her group.

i) The members of groups try to guess the word by using Yes/No

Writing Descriptive text question form. To makes it easy, they ask first about the

j) category. The leader of gr oup answering “No, it isn’t” if the category is false or “yes, it is” if the category is true, until the true

category guessed. Test

k) After the correct category has been guessed, member of group continue to ask all of things about the category, until the right answer guessed.

l) The researcher repeats the procedure until the students guess all of the words in the box.

Increasing the students ability in

mastering vocabulary

m) The researcher shows 10 new words that have guessed by them

previously with each meaning. n) The researcher asks them to write the words and its meaning on their book. o) The researcher shows the words randomly and the students says the meaning (close book) until they mastering meaning of

10 new words

Figure 1: The Conceptual Framework of increasing the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary.


A. The Object of the Action Research

In reaching the purpose of the research, the researcher conducted Classroom Action Research (CAR). As Singh (2006:261) says “Action research is a method for improving and modifying the working system of a classroom in school”. In other words, CAR is a reflective research that is used by the teacher which is its result can

be used as an equipment in developing curriculum, developing school, developing students’ achievement and also develop teacher’s teaching ability. Therefore, the

research is very useful in teaching-learning process. In addition, according to Sagor (2000:3), “Action research helps educators be more effective at what they care most about their teaching and the development of

their students”. In other words, the teacher may be seeking the solution to problems of classroom management, instructional strategies, use of materials, or student

learning to make the improvement of working system in classroom. Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that action research is a kind of research which can help the researcher to overcome or to improve the problems which happen in the classroom.

Regarding to the explanation above, the researcher chooses Classroom Action Research in conducting the research because the researcher wants to develop the student’s ability in mastering vocabulary through Guessing Game. In the research, the

In the research, the object was the student’s ability in mastering vocabulary through Guessing Game at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai in 2016/2017.

B. The Setting and Subject of the Research

The setting in the research was SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai. The school was located in Lolofaoso village, Hiliserangkai subdistrict, Nias regency. It is about 20 kilometers from Gunungsitoli town. The total numbers of teachers were 17 teachers and the English teachers were 3 persons. The total number of the students in the eighth grade were 74 persons and consisting of 3 classes.

Table I


Source: Office of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai

The subject of the research was the students at the eighth grade especially (VIII-2) of SMP Negeri 2 Hiliserangkai. The researcher chooses the class as the