Location, Border, Region, and The Effect in Living Nation and Country - Universitas Negeri Padang Repository

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contcmpo~-arysc~cinlsci~-.ntislsin Intlolicsin Ilavc cl.)ntl-hutctl!o a l i ~ ~ l \o~l r11aIio11

buililing ,:?I-ojcct.Thcy c!o argue that social scicnti:.t only can c v a l u ; ~

relation ancl social, politic and ecc)noiilic 131-oc.csfl-clrn outside tlic po\vcr ci:-clea~itl
thus give contribution to open a~itlplural clc\lclopment of' a socictc. 1 lit: ;.IIJO\.C
cxccrpt becomes a kind of



sting Iou'rds social -;cicntist tllose !lot only


their neutrality but also actively :o~?t~-ibutc
lo gii.2 a color to natic)~icllai~gcant1
even human civiliation globally.
The iclca is sign.ficant \vitli

:! mtional

behind a collal~ora!io!i th;lt ~lcvclol3

by Faculty of Social Science Uni\.w-sitas Negcri P lda~ig,Indonesia alitl St.hool of
Social Science Universiti hla1ay:;ia Sabali in Icota Kinab~~lu,
nations those growing ant1 fi~cing\r:~r.iousco~itclnp>~-a~-y
c l i ; ~ l l e ~ i ~~t cI. Srzl:\ ant to
both academ~cinstituti.)n.; to in~ensit'j.cli~ilogueancl cscli;lngc. itlc:~ to



concrete matters in a futi11.c.
Through this rc'lationslii!~, ;I discol~rse01' ;~eadcmi;~s
\~-oultlbc. al>lc to
provide objecti~..eand critical colnpl-clicnsio~~

of fenomenon of tlic nati )11sand
cxplore nltemativc s o l ~ ~ t i o nass a par3 of acliicvc


p a l ot- nation bl.~il(lil~g
,-Is ;I

first step both instiiutio~isan-ange a scienti!ic tbr-u~ntli~.ougl~
\vhicli by do so therc i.


space lo deliberrlte social sciencc recent c ' i s c o ~ ~ ~nnil

finclings in tlic institutuons. Mcet


a stl-ci~tureand speci3li:lion



science that tIe\.elop b!, Ille uni\.er>ities, this sen-inm- use :r sy~iipc)>iu~n
i11lc.1 iI:ltio~lal
wit11 empliasize to geo;;rnpIiy. hiitor->.,sociology ,.ln otIicr soci;~lscicnic suc~li ; I S ~x)l'fic;~I
s~ic11t:c..; ) ~ ~ l > l i c
adniinistl-ation, legal s4udii.s nntl c~lucatior~


c ~ ) r c17usinc.:;~i l l [ ' ? \ I '



l'cuc1ie1-'s Training College (1,P.I-'0
The main topic of' the ;cminar i > simplilic*tl b!
. ~ ' c ~ ~ ~ I ~ c . ((I ~.
( ( 9

C X G I ~ ; I I ~ ~ L C S I > C I - I C I ~ C L Y~111il t l ~ o ~ ~ 111
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lxtrtici j ~ n t s The
cliscussio~i~ ( - ) ~ 1 1fi~ci
1 I litarc

; I C ; I ( ~ C I I I~

I ~l i : ~ c u s ~~.cyl.cling

o I~

~ x o b l c ~ i a11d
i s Ident~l) thc i-olt. oI'\oci;~lxic.nccs in I o o k ~ n g!;)I-solution I I ~ ~ I \ \ ~ c ~ ~ I I
both countrics, Indonesia and r\~lala!,sia as \\ell as rclatcc' cnunt~-ics.I IoL~.~\-.:I-

;IS ;I

acatlcmic h r u m tlic cvcnt ~ v i l l~,l.o\.iclcco~ilrihutionto c n l i i ~ ~ ~social
c c scicncc..
1xtrticula1-ly in

gcogri~pliy. l i i s ~ r . ~ ) c l o l o g y . antl~rojx~log!.. it1tc1-n:1tio11;1I

relations. public ad~ninistl-at1011
;lncl civik- cclucntio~l.

'4s a tlisseminatinn tooi I~csiilcsas ac;~tlcmicaccountahilit~.ot'tlie s c m i ~ l n ~ - .

Faculty of Social Sciences tl~rolrgha sc~ilinarc c ~ m m i t ~ epublishes
1.cpo1-t 1111(I
sctninnr result that documentl:tl tlic c l i ' ; c o ~ ~ of'
~ w the sc~ninal-.It contluctc-cl ilnd

new pmgrcss of soci;~l scicnccs I,y

c:!tegoricaly based on focus



pt-ocecding that


topic and ~ ~ l take
s n into account a su\>jectmattcl-

a5 a analitical backgrounti of !lie papel-s.

Scorang Inclonc!;i:~~i~.;
I-I:~lis Antlo\. tlalam I l a t l i ~tlnli I)li:~kitl:tc ( 7 0 0 ' > : ~i )\
mcngc\!nluasi pel-kcmb: Iigall kon1cl1ipol-cr Incloncsi:~nic-nyatitka~~


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( / ~ l / ~ l //71~~/lg~:i7~~/i.Yl.Y
.Y//~///.ang dimiliki c~lcll kCc.rl,l
L!ni\:cl-sitas, maka scminar ini 111cngn.nhilfoi-lil,~tsi~iil)osiu~ii
elengar) p u l c ~ k ; ~ r i , ~ ~ ~
kepada ilmu gcog!-ati, scla~-ali..;(.rsiolo:ri. :lrlrrc-)lx)logi,hubu~lgani1ite1-nosioli31rl;111
kebangsaan. T e ~ n akchangs;l;~~l

tl:~pattliclc-kati d e n g 1 1 peliclekatan ilnlu ~ o i i a I' : ~ i l l
iepel-ti illnu politik, atlmini,;t~-,~si
ncgnrn. illnu Iiukum (/(,yctl. s r l ! t / i ~ ~ . ~tl;111


s:lja ~ l m upentlidikrui scba?:~i (,o/-ct~lt.~irl~~.s.s
I ! N P sC'aku Leml)~lgi~
Tenaga Keguruan (LP?'Ierclasark:n thkus topik clan tanpa ~nen~nggnlk;tri
tlisiplin illnu yang sccal-a tcclr.etik;~l ~nelatarbclakangi analisih d:~ln~n\ c t i ; ~ l ~






Bidang: Geografi
Incorporating Immigrants in The Socio-Economic Development: The Case of
Inrmigrants in Semporna Islands of Sabah, East M d q s i a
Dayang Suria Mulia ........................................................................




Population Pressure of Agricultural Land IJse Changes in Town Padang
Iswandi U. ............................................. .:.....................................

23 - 32

Tourism and Urban Development: A Case Study of Kota Kinabalu City,
Ubong Imang ................................................................................

33 - 44

Boundaries of The City Planning and Development in Study of Regwnal
Fitriana Syahar ..............................................................................

35 - 50

Pertumbuhan PenduduR di Balik Migrasi Internal
P:~usIskarni ..................................................................................

51 - 38

Locaiion, Border, Region, And The Effect In lir.iving Nation And Counrry
Rahmanelli ...................................................................................

( 59 - 72

Reduction of Pollution in Terms o/hrationrrlity Love Marine Ecosystems
Widya Prarikeslan ...........................................................................
Charging Arlifcial Groundwater (Artificial Rechaqe) in Order to Overcome:
Landslide and Flood Groundwater Availabilig in Padang
Heifia Edial ................................................................................
in TThp Ef_fnri Imjlmving Agriculture in The We.d
-Tho OptiPmn!i~eAgro!im~!r
Ratna Wilis .................................................................................

'-__ _

73 - 84





-- 102

Ridang Politik Hukum

Transfonnasi Politik Mala-ysiu: Dari Konsenpatif he Politik Paru
FJur Azah binti Razali dan Ahmzd Nidzammuddin Sulaiman ........................

103 - - 130

~ ~ ~ l l t - i~. s\ ~r ~c ~t ~ ~ B
- oPr k~ M ~Ri(t11
L ~ L,.~J 1rt1
I I .Vlc1(1k(r: I'ro~~rorc!
.-t 11 (1 TOIII-I.\~
Ri,:lwan and tlabibal~.\hmacl... ....................................................................... 1 ? 1 - I -IS

Tlre Role of'Kr~o~r,lcrl~r
lrrrrl Cn~~rpletior~
(,f J1r111rat~
Rig1rt.s I~i'olrrrinrrsirr C'opi~rgII Ytlr
Co~rfliclLijk c$ Tlrc) h:rrtio~r
A1:lnal ..................... .
140 - 10.1
of' Crnn.rlsor,r-rirlgrI.s~~rct
ill Vis~rcrli~i~rg
Arie Yulfa ...................................................................................................




Pr~liricnlOppositinrr N rrd TI1P Prnspec~for .De~~rocr(rtizarior~
i t 1 ;\I(I/L~J,.T~(I
. .
Zalnr Othman .............................................................................................

1 77


9 81



Bidang Sejarah dan Kebangsaan
Pc~rrdirlikrrrtSivik clrrtr Pr~t~rhitinurr
Etos R(rligsu: Knjin~tKc ,-1fcr.s .fillunr~ii
Prngrar~rLatihrtti Khidttiar ~Vegnrrr
Mohd. Mahadee Haji Ismail ............................................................................

185 - 2 16

Perbn~tdirtganDemokrnsi AS I'ersus Den1 okra.si I~rdnne.sin~IrrlrrttiPerrccrr-irr~r
Solrrsi Trrhrrdap Ma.saln11 Kebnt~gstron
Asni Dewi Syahriani Blsllry clan Rallmadhona Frtri I-Ielnli ............................... 2 17 - 170
Peranrrn Det?rokrasi di Jn(hnes~rr.Sch(rg~iJ I I I ~ ~ C I ~ I P rlrrlrrt?r
I I ~ C I .. I~f c~ ~ ~ c ( r.%llr.si
Terltarlnp Mnsalnh Kehutr,,- S ~ IO U I I
Rahmadhona Fitri H c l ~ n clan
Asni Dewi Syah!-iani Rishry ............................... 23 I - 24-1

Bidang Sosiologi Antropologi

C~erukrrti,\rlrrhn.si.s)v(r /l~ftrl(r)~.si~r
:Kritikntr tlar-i Pcr.spc~l\
tif 7;,nri Kritiv
. .
hlohd Fir-daus Zolkrllr ..................................................................................

.:!7(.)- :OO

Role c!f'Sociolo,q- Edrrc~rriorri r r r l f i r l t i c ~ r / t ~Socictl.



- 354

of' Cirpitrrli.vrrrr -1 ,VC, Colorri.srrtior~tic~lrir~d
I )f '
/ndone.virrrr Socic!,?
L)clmil-a Syafrini ............................................................................................. 0
Brtrtt%s: Figrrrcrtio!~o f Erlrrctrtio~rDisproporriori
Eka Asih Febriani .................................... :...................................................... -'1 .,3-




Pcngqjarort Sej(rrrr11c l t r r ~P~~ttrbirrrrtrrr
Etos Borrg.srr: Ktrjitrrr Pc.evcysi Pclt~jtrr
Urril~c.rsitiTc.rl~crd(rpBrrlirr 7i.A.s Sc.jnr.rrlr

Khail-ul Gh~iSrailBin Kaspin ...........................................................................
Tlrc G1obtrli:crtiorl I r r t h rrtrd I l o ~ lIl'c Ctrrr Llsc


.3-'0 - -304

to Ifr~proscrI ~ ~ t c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t i o r ~ t r l

Alia Azmi ....................................................................................................

30.5 - 400

Iderr titos Arn.viorrt r l .9fcInlui CIr trrrrctcr Rrrildirr'y ~ I Nhi'h~rdtrj'oott

Erda Fitriani .................................................................................................


1.l.i.r~He Prr.shsd or Dicl f / .Irltrrp:
Clloice rrrrd Strrrcrrrrtrl /rttl,r-rsn irr

Mansor Mohd Noor ......................................................................................

4 13

Proceeding Makolah Seminar

By: Rahmaneffi
Lecturer at Geography Education Department UNP

This paper is aimed to explain about the meaning of location, border
and region concepts which have an effect on societies, countries and
nations. Mostly, interpretations on locations, borders and regions
could deliver disputes such as between and even within countries. I W t
is the meaning of location, border and wide concepts? Why is it
important? Is there any policy issue2 about location and border of a
region? How do location and border aflect in nation and society? I W t
can we recommend as solutions? These questions are used to guide
discussions in this paper.
Key Word: Location, Border, Wide, Eflect, Sclution

The first time western nations came across the archipelago waters, territorial sea
boundary has not become an important issue, because the sea was still a territoy free
waters. However, boundary issues to ke anything serious when Western nations began
to gain victories in conflict with local forces. Western nations then determine h e
boundaries of the sea without considering the interests of local communities in both
economic and political.
Most of the conflicts in the countries of the world due to the unclear boundaries,
both land boundary, and boundary waters. Boundaries are not obviously caused a
prolonged conflict for the country concerned, among others; Israel - Palestine, India I'akistan, Indonesia - Malaysia, Australia, Vietnam - Cambodia. 3'0 date, the conflict
has not been realized in the form of a real. this is due to the coordinated developnlent of

border areas between countries with sub-regional economic cooperation.

In particular, Lndonesia as an archipelago stretching along the equator, consists
of thousands of islands has its own character and style. Indonesia as a maritirnt: country

should have to protect the territorial integrity of the natural resources contained within
its boundaries. All the islands and the sea around the islands in Lndonesia shoukl be a
Seminar lnternasional llmu Sosial, FIS UNP, Pcngemn Beach Hotel. 21 November 2012

unified whole. Therefore, the Indonesian people should be aware that the position or
location of strategic temtory, territorial boundaries that overlap with its neighbors,


well as the vast temtory that stretches from Sabang to Merouke, is a challenge for
Indonesia to maintain the integrity and stabiltas state.
Coordinating the management of border areas involving many agencies, both
at the central and local levels have not been well established. As obsened in the border
area between East Malaysia to Borneo with Malaysia Socioeconomic Coowralion
Committee Indonesia (Malindo Socio-Economic KK) and Brunei Darussalnm,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines East Asean Growth Area (BJMP-EAGA), and with the
develo~mentplan Integrated Economic Development Zone (EXPET) Sanggau in West
Kalimantan and East Kalimantan KAPET S a m b a .
Based on the above facts, it should he an explanation of the importance of the
location of a country, clear boundaries, and the laws that govern the boundaries of a
country, whether the limit on sea, Imd and air. How efforts to resolve conflicts between
countries in order to ensure the stability of the state and the nation. Security and defense
policy at the border, should be increased to achieve safe conditions along the borders
between countries are able to ensure the fulfillment of national interests at the boreer.
Therefore, the implerr~entationof state defense on the border has a role and a function to

maintain the existence of Indonesia from any threats and harassment.

A. Location, Wide, Borders, and its Jmpact the Life of The Nation

I . Location
The location of is the position or lie within the state on the map or globe based on the
reality on the field. Location, boundaries, and broad is a unity that can not be separated,
because each other infitiid srrpport. Aspects of the positior, of a corntqr czm &ect


physical, social, political, and economic development of a countq. Similarly, the wide.
a country that possess


wide area provides an opportunity has abundant natural

resources. Beyond the limits of a country or region is essential for the existence of stzzte
power and law. Instead location, boundaries, nnd area can be a threat if the state can pot
afford to manage the intepity of its territory.
In the life of the nation, the state is "A politics Geographic Region" which
country are the basic components (basic component) of political life which has its own
Seminar lnternasionol llmu Sos;al, FIS UNP, Pongeron Reach Hotel, 21 November 2012


Proceeding Makalah Seminar

uniqueness. Uniqueness is a refledon of the geographical conditions of each area of
physical, social, economic, or cultural. The uniqueness of a region or


country is

closely related to the interests of the state and the nation, as a space to move in the
political life of other countries in thc world.
Location and form factor are the principal factor in analyzing a country's
"Space is the integrating factor in geography" Location factor is the most important
factor among other factors, due to the location of the state of a county can be
interpreted, potential and development pssibilities. Location factors can be evaluated
fi-om the absolute location and relative location.
The absolute location based on location a country's astronomical. The location
is astronomically a place or state in terms of latitude and longitude. The I2titude is an
imaginary line on a map and globe there connecting point the west with an caytern point
parallel to the equator. Number 180 " latitude consists of 90 " north latitude and 90


south latitude. Lines of longitude are imaginary lines on a map and globe connecting
the north pole to the south pole. The line consists of 360 " longitude is divided into west
longitude (180 ") and 180

" west longitude. The location a region or country

astronomical longitude based on the division of time is closely related to the earth.
Being the location of a region or country based on latitude closely related to the
distributior, of the earth's climate as a tropical climate, sub-tropical, moderate ,and polar
Climate affects the activity and vitality of the population, and the possibility of
agricultural activities, livl:stock, construction of network M i c . In fact, almost all the
countries located in temperate sub-tmpical or temperate (riddle latitude) is developed.
On ihe "[her ilanj lies is"p;cd;e-"eli,p;i,6
-- --"-.-.-.-.--- r?.'---.-p'- 'vh' y is
LOULILI IC> "1 ~ I I C ,dlc; :c3s I", L U L I O L L . :



that? Under Koppen climate classification climate "Af' in tropical mean temperatiire
and high humidity is also high, because they will 3ccelerate soil ero5ion damage and
other factors. Meanwhile, the extreme climate in the polar regions will limit r~ormallife
Another fact, that most of the mine spread in temperate regions. and there is
also a huge industrialization in temperate regions. It was concluded that the location