BAHAGIAN A No Mark Scheme Sub Mark Total Mark 1(a)



TAHUN 2018




Kertas 2

Peraturan Pemarkahan

  Sub Total No Mark Scheme Mark Mark 1(a) State the meaning of velocity correctly

  Rate of change of displacement


  1 (b) (i) Tick the correct box

  Zero acceleration



  (ii) Show the correct substation

  1 s = (8+4) (2.0)


  1 Answer with correct unit 12.0 m



  4 2(a) Tick the correct box

  Longitudinal wave




  (b) (i) Mark the rarefaction region correctly X at correct place

  1 (ii) Calculate the wave length correctly


  1 λ = = 4.0 cm

  3.5 Show the substituition correctly (iii) v

  1 = f λ = 2 x 4.0

  Answer with correct unit

  • 1

  4 8.0 cm s


  5 3(a) Name the logic gate correctly

  OR gate


  1 (b) Draw the circuit diagram correctly 2 parallel switches

  1 Corrent arangement of light bulbs


  2 (c) Complete the output X corrently

  X = 0, 1, 1, 1 4 correct answer - 2 marks 2-3 corrent answer - 1 mark


  2 (d) State the electrical component correctly

  HDR / Thermistor




  8 I

  The higher the voltage, the higher the electric field strength


  3 (ii) Compare the electric field strength

  Diagram 5.1 > Diagram 5.2

  1 (iii) Compare the speed correctly

  Diagram 5.1 > Diagram 5.2

  1 (c) (i) Relate the voltage and the electric field strength


  1 (b) (i) Compare the voltage of the power supply

  2 (ii) Relate the electric field strength and the speed of the ball

  The higher the electric field strengt

  h, the higher the ball’s speed

  1 (d) Explain the observation correctly




  Diagram 5.1 > Diagram 5.2


  Mark Mark 4(a) (i) Draw the arrangement correctly




   (ii) State the wave phenomenon correctly

  Total internal reflection


  1 (b) (i) State the meaning correctly

  The angle of incidence in the denser medium when the angle of reflection is 90

  5 (ii) Calculate the critical angle correctly n =

  A region which a charge experiences an electric force

  1 sin

  c = 41.81


  1 (iii)

  Complete the ray and label the image, I, correctly


  7 5(a) State the meaning of electric field correctly

  • The bigger portion of the flame attracted to the negative terminal plate / plate Q -due to its higher mass of positive ions of air molecules.

  Mark Mark 6(a) State the meaning correctly

  Light with single colour // One wave length // One frequency


  1 (b) (i)

  Tick the boxes correctly

  1 Constructive

  √ Antinodal line




  1 (c) (i) Compare the distance correctly x

  1 < x


  1 (ii) Compare the wave length correcly

  Wave length of blue light < wave length of red light

  1 (iii) State the relationship correctly

  The smaller the distance between 2 consecutive bright fringes, x,


  3 the smaller the wave length (d)

  1 Arrange the value of x corrently

  1 x B , x G , x R (e) State the changes correctly

  Rainbow / light spectrum is seen




  7(a) (i) State the meaning correctly

  1 Elastic limit is the maximum applied force whereby the spring will return to its original length (ii) Show the substitution corrently



  2 K = = m

5 Answer with correct unit


  • 1


  0.4 N cm (b) (i) State the elastics limit and reason correctly

  Higher elastic limit

  1 Can support greater force

  1 (ii) State the stiffness of the spring and reason correclty

  Higher stiffness

  1 Higher spring constant

  1 (iii) State the diameter of the spring wire and reason correctly

  Larger diameter

  1 Higher spring constant/can support greater force




  Mark Mark 8(a) State the meaning correctly o Heat required to increase temperature 1 C for 1 kg of mass.


  1 (b) Show the correct direction


  2 (c) Explain the phenomenon correctly

  • Land has low specific heat capacity // Land heat up faster
  • Hot air less dense rises up
  • Cool air moves towards land Any 2

  2 (d) (i) State the stopper correctly

  Hollow plastic

  1 State the reason correctly Prevents heat from escaping the thermos flask.

  1 (ii) State the double wall correctly

  1 Vacuum

  State the reason correctly

  1 Less heat will lost through conduction.. (iii) State the space correctly


  1 State the reason correctly To prevent heat transferred out of the thermos flask through


  6 conduction and convection. (e) State the most suitable thermos flask correctly




  Sub Total No Mark Scheme Mark Mark 9(a)

  State the meaning of pressure correctly Force per unit area


  1 (b) (i) Compare the area of pistaons correctly The area of the piston B > piston A

  1 Compare the forces correctly The force acting on the piston B < piston A

  1 Compare the pressure correctly Pressure of liquid in the piston B = piston A 1 (ii) State the relationship between area and force correctly

  The larger the area of piston, the larger force acting on the piston

  1 (iii) Name the principle correctly


  1 Pascal’s Principle (c) Explain how the hydraulic jack can lift up a vehicle correctly M1 The force applied to the small piston produces pressure


  1 M2 Pressure transmitted equally throughout the liquid.

  1 M3 The area of piston A is lower than piston B.


  1 M4 A greater force is produced (d) (i) M1 State the size of tyre correctly Used large / chain steel tyre

  1 M2 State the reason for M1 correctly Lower pressure/ not easy to embedded in the soil 1 (ii) M3 State the strength of the shovel correctly

  Strong Shovel

  1 M4 State the reason for M3 correctly Not easy to break / long lasting 1 (iii) M5 State the density of fluid correctly

  Lower density of fluid

  1 M6 State the reason for M5 correctly Good lubrication

  1 M7 State the characteristics of the fluid correctly Incompressible fluid

  1 M8 State the reason for M7 correctly Transfer pressure efficiently 1 (iv) M9 State the ratio of the area correctly

  High ratio of area output piston and small piston

  1 M10 State the reason for M9 correctly Higher output force.




  Mark Mark 10(a) State the physical quantity correctly



  1 Compare the velocity and the angle correctly (b) (i)

  M1 Velocity 10.2 ˃ Velocity at 10.1

  1 M2 Angle 10.2 ˃ Angle 10.1

  1 State the relationship between the velocity and the angle of (ii)

  deflection correctly

  The higher the velocity, the greater the angle of deflection

  1 State the relationship between the velocity and the rate of

  cutting of magnetic flux correctly

  The higher the velocity, the higher the rate of cutting of magnetic flux

  1 State the relationship between rate of cutting of magnetic

  flux and the magnitude of induced current

  The higher the rate of cutting of magnetic flux, the higher the


  5 magnitude of induced current (c) Explain the deflection of pointer of galvanometer correctly

  1 M1 Galvanometer pointer deflects.

  1 M2 When bar magnet is moved towards the solenoid, magnetic flux linkage occur/ cutting of magnetic field lines

  1 M3 Emf is induced in the solenoid.

  M4 Induced current flows in the circuit through galvanometer


  4 M1 State the thickness of diaphragm and reason correctly (d)

  Thinner diaphragm

  1 M2 State the reason for M1 correctly Easy to vibrate

  1 M3 State the elasticity of diaphragm and reason correctly

  1 High elasticity

  M4 State the reason for M3 correctly

  1 Easy to vibrate

  M5 State the thickness of voice coil and reason correctly

  Thick voice coil

  1 M6 State the reason for M5 correctly

  1 Low resistance

  M7 State number of turns of voice coil and reason correctly

  Greater number of turns

  1 M8 State the reason for M7 correctly Increase rate of cutting of magnetic flux// increase induced e.m.f.

  1 M9 State the strength of magnet and reason correctly Strong magnet/ High strength

  1 M10 State the reason for M1 correctly


  10 Increase rate of cutting of magnetic flux// increase induced e.m.f.


  No Mark Scheme Mark Mark 11(a) (i) State the meaning correctly



  10 (c) (i) Calculate focal length of f o and f e correctly

  f o =


  2.5 = 40 cm, f e =


  14 = 7.14 cm

  Calculate the distance between lenses correctly

  L = 40 + 7.14 = 47.14 cm



  5 (ii) Show the correct substitution and answer correctly

  Magnification = P e

  P o =


  2.5 = 5.6


  1 (iii) State the effect on the image correctly

  The final image is diminished




  Reciprocal of focal length / Power =

  M5 State the length of the optical path, L correctly L = f o + f e

  1 Focal length


  5 (ii) Explain the procedure correctly

  M1 Facing the convex lens on lens holder to a distant object M2 Placed a screen on the opposite side of the lens to object M3 The screen is adjusted forth and back until a sharp image is formed M4 Distance between screen and centre of the lens, f is measured M5 The power of lens =

  1 Focal length Max 4

  (b) M1 State the power correctly The power of objective lens should be low

  M2 State the reason for M1 correctly Higher magnification

  M3 State the diameter correctly Bigger diameter of the objective lens

  M4 State the reason for M3 correctly To receive more light rays

  M6 State the reason for M5 correctly So that the final image is formed at infinity


  M7 State the component between two lenses correctly Two right angle isosceles prisms

  M8 State the reason for M7 correctly Four times of total internal reflection occur // Smaller size of binocular

  M9 Choose of correct binocular Binocular R

  M10 State all the reasons for M9 correctly Combination of (M1, M3, M5, M7) // (M2, M4, M6, M8)







  Sub Total No Mark Scheme Mark Mark 12(a)(i) State the meaning of beta correctly

  High speed electron emitted from radioactive decay

  1 (ii) State the film correctly


  1 (iii) State the reason for (ii) correctly

  Beta particle penetrate into region P

  1 Beta particle can be blocked by aluminium and lead


  5 (b) M1 State the type of radiation correctly

  Gamma ray

  1 M2 State the reason for M1 correctly Can be detected from outside the body

  1 M3 State the state of matter correctly Liquid

  1 M4 State the reason for M3 correctly Easy and fast absorption into the blood stream

  1 M5 State the half life correctly Short half life

  1 M6 State the reason for M5 correctly Deplete faster from the body

  1 M7 State the type of detector correctly GM tube

  1 M8 State the reason for M7 correctly Better detector

  1 M9 Choose of correct radioisotop Radioisotop L

  1 M10 State all the reasons for M9 correctly Combination of (M1, M3, M5, M7) // (M2, M4, M6, M8)


  10 (c)(i) State the number of

  α-particles correctly


  2 (ii) Calculate the mass defect correctly

  • 27

  Mass defect = 0.005229 x 1.66 x 10 kg


  • 30

  = 8.68014 x 10 kg

  1 Calculate the energy released correclty

  • 30



2 Energy = 8.68014 x 10 x (3 x 10 )


  • 13

  5 = 7.8121 x 10 J
