STUDENTS’ SPEAKING PROBLEMS AND THEIR STRATEGIES (A Descriptive Study on the Eleventh Grade Students of Public Vocational High Schools in Banyumas District in the Academic Year 2013/2014) - repository perpustakaan


  (A Descriptive Study on the Eleventh Grade Students of Public Vocational High Schools in Banyumas District in the Academic Year 2013/2014)

  A Thesis Submitted to English Department As a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for S.Pd. Degree By: REZA ARDIANSYAH 1001050111 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH PURWOKERTO 2014



This thesis is dedicated to: My Beloved Mother, Laksmi Herawati, who always gives

  • support, affection, and prays for me. Thank you Mom.

    My Beloved Father, Agus Marnoto, who always
  • strengthens and believed in me. Thanks much Dad. My Brother and my little sister, Tommy Adrianto and
  • Azallea Laksita Devi. Thanks for give me a lot of happiness and comfort. My best friends, Herlina Puspitaningrum, Nurindah
  • Riovita, Yuli Sulistianingsih, and Eti Widianti. Thanks a lot for giving me support from the beginning till the end of my thesis, for strengthen me when I got frustrate with my thesis, for accompany me, and for everything you’ve done for me Thank you so much gals. Fara Citra Ghossani and Rezki Kartika Kurniaji who are
  • being my partner for discussing, thank you mas broo and mba broo.

  MOTTO “Man Jadda Wa Jadda”

  Barang siapa yang bersungguh – sungguh maka akan mendapatkannya . “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, Jadikanlah sabar dan shalatmu Sebagai penolongmu, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar”

  (Al-Baqarah: 153)

   “Dream, Believe, and Make it happen.”


  Bersyukur, Berdoa, Berusaha dan Tawakal



Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

  First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT, who has given mercy and blessing so that the writer can finish this thesis. This thesis is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to get S, Pd. Degree from Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  The writer would like to express her great apperception and gratefulness for:

  1. Drs. H. Syamsuhad iIrsyad, S.H, M.H, the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  2. Drs. Akhmad, M. Pd, the dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty who has given the permission to write this thesis.

  3. Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum, as the chief of the English Department who has given opportunity and agreement to conduct this study.

  4. Mrs. Lutfi Istikharoh, M. Pd, as the supervisor who gave given much attention, guidance, support, and suggestion so that the writer can finish this thesis.

  5. H. Slamet Sartono, S.P, M. Pd., as the headmaster of SMKN 1 Purwokerto for giving permission for the writer in conducting the research.

  6. Mr. Handoko, S.Pd and Mrs. Palupi Nilasari, S.Pd for giving permit and support for the writer during the research.

  7. All of the students of XI-Accounting 3 and XI-Office Administration 1 of SMKN 1 Purwokerto.

  Finally, the writer believes that this thesis has still weaknesses. Therefore, the writer would appreciate to invite criticisms and suggestions from the readers.

  Hopefully this thesis will be useful for English education especially for teachers and English learners.


  Purwokerto, July 12 , 2014 The writer


  TITLE ........................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION ...................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... v MOTTO ..................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEGDMENT ............................................................................................ vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURE ...................................................................................................... xii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I.


  A. Background of Research .......................................................... 1

  B. Reason for Choosing the Topic ................................................. 4

  C. Research Questions .................................................................. 5

  D. Scope of Study .......................................................................... 5

  E. Purpose of Study ....................................................................... 5

  F. Significance of the Study .......................................................... 6

  G. Clarification of Term ............................................................... 6

  H. Contribution of the Study ......................................................... 7

  CHAPTER II. LITERATURE/THEORITICAL REVIEW A. English Speaking Skill ............................................................. 8

  1. The Concept of Speaking .................................................... 8

  2. The Importance of Speaking ............................................... 12

  3. Types of Speaking ............................................................... 13

  B. Language Learning Problem ..................................................... 17

  1. Problems in Learning Foreign Language ............................. 17

  2. Problems in Speaking ........................................................... 19

  C. Language Learning Strategy .................................................... 20

  1. The Importance of Learning Strategy in Language Learning .............................................................................. 21

  2. Learning Strategies in Speaking .......................................... 22 1) Direct Learning Strategies .............................................. 23 2) Indirect Learning Strategies ............................................ 25

  CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Method of Research ................................................................. 34 B. Place and Time of the Research ................................................ 34 C. Population ................................................................................ 35 D. Sample ...................................................................................... 36 E. Sampling Technique ................................................................ 36 F. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................. 37 G. Technique of Analyzing Data .................................................. 40 H. Inter-rater Reliability ................................................................ 42 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Result ........................................................................................... 43 B. Discussion ................................................................................... 74 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ................................................................................... 84 B. Suggestion .................................................................................. 85 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES



Table 2.1 Summary of Speaking Strategy ................................................................. 27Table 3.1 Schedule of Research ................................................................................ 35Table 3.2 The Indicators of Research ....................................................................... 39Table 3.3 Scheme of Analyzing Data ....................................................................... 42



Figure 4.1 Memory Strategy ............................................................................. 52Figure 4.1.1 Chart of Question 1 .......................................................................... 53Figure 4.1.2 Chart of Question 2 .......................................................................... 54Figure 4.1.3 Chart of Question 3 .......................................................................... 54Figure 4.2 Cognitive Strategy ........................................................................... 55Figure 4.2.1 Chart of Question 4 .......................................................................... 55Figure 4.2.2 Chart of Question 5 .......................................................................... 56Figure 4.2.3 Chart of Question 6 .......................................................................... 56Figure 4.2.4 Chart of Question 7 .......................................................................... 57Figure 4.2.5 Chart of Question 8 .......................................................................... 57Figure 4.2.6 Chart of Question 9 .......................................................................... 58Figure 4.3 Compensation Strategy .................................................................... 58Figure 4.3.1 Chart of Question 10 ........................................................................ 59Figure 4.3.2 Chart of Question 11 ........................................................................ 60Figure 4.3.3 Chart of Question 12 ........................................................................ 60Figure 4.4 Meta-cognitive Strategy ................................................................... 61Figure 4.4.1 Chart of Question 13 ........................................................................ 61Figure 4.4.2 Chart of Question 14 ........................................................................ 62Figure 4.4.3 Chart of Question 15 ........................................................................ 62Figure 4.4.4 Chart of Question 16 ........................................................................ 63Figure 4.4.5 Chart of Question 17 ........................................................................ 63Figure 4.5 Affective Strategy ............................................................................ 64Figure 4.5.1 Chart of Question 18 ........................................................................ 64Figure 4.6 Social Strategy ................................................................................. 65Figure 4.6.1 Chart of Question 19 ........................................................................ 65Figure 4.6.2 Chart of Question 20 ........................................................................ 66

  STUDENTS’ SPEAKING PROBLEMS AND THEIR STRATEGIES (A Descriptive Study on the Eleventh Grade Students of Public Vocational High

  School in Banyumas District in the Academic Year 2013/2014)


  A Descriptive Study, entitled Students’ Speaking Problems and The Strategies was conducted to find out students’ speaking problems and their strategies in coping with them.


  The subject of this research was 62 students of 11 grade of SMK N 1 Purwokerto in the academic year 2013/2014. The data were collected by using questionnaire, interview and observation. Questionnaire was used to find out students’ opinion about their speaking problems and their strategies in coping with them. The information about students’ problems in speaking, and their strategies in coping with speaking problems were also provided in detail by giving interview to the teacher. Observation was conducted to know what are the problems that faced by the students and the real fact when speaking strategies used by the students to overcome their speaking problems.

  This study found that many students had more than one speaking problems. The language elements were the main problem faced by the students (46.87%); the next problems mostly happen were self confidence and learning motivation. In order to minimize those problems, students applied some speaking strategies. This study found that almost all of the students used compensation strategy (82.62%) to overcome their speaking problems.Other strategies were applied only as an alternative. However, by applying those strategies, students could speak up in English confidently and fluently.

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