CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY, READING HABIT, AND WRITING SKILL (A Correlation Study Conducted on the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in the Academic Year of 2017/2018) - UNS Institutional Repository



  I would like to certify that the thesis entitled “Correlation between Students’ Creativity, Reading Habit, and Writing Skill (A Correlation Study Conducted on the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)” is really my own work. It is not plagiarism or made by others. Everything related to others’ work is written in quotation, the sources of which are listed on the Bibliography.

  If then, this pronouncement proves wrong, I am ready to receive any academic punishment.

  Surakarta, July 2017 Inna Umu Marfu’ah Examiners of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University.

  Approved by: Consultant I Consultant II Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd Dewi Sri Wahyuni, S. Pd., M. Pd NIP. 196212311988031009 NIP. 197808182003122002



  Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta and approved as the fulfilment of the requirements for getting undergraduate degree of English Education.

  Date: Board of Thesis Examiners 1.

  Chairman Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M.Hum NIP. 19730205 200604 1 001 2.

  Secretary Hefy Sulistyawati, S.S., M.Pd NIP. 19781408 200112 2 002 3.

  Examiner I Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd NIP. 19621231 1988031009 4.

Examiner II

  Dewi Sri wahyuni, S.Pd., M.Pd NIP. 19780818 200312 2 002

  The Representative of Dean



  Inna Umu Marfu’ah. K2210041. Correlation between Students’ Creativity,


Reading Habit, and Writing Skill (A Correlation Study Conducted on the

Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in the Academic Year of

2017/2018). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

Sebelas Maret University, 2017.

  The research focused on three questions to be analysed; (1) Is there any correlation between students’ creativity and writing skill?, (2) Is there any correlation between students’ reading habit and writing skill?, and (3) Is there any correlation between students’ creativity and reading habit simultaneously and writing skill?. The result of the research was used to find out its implication to teaching writing activity.

  The research used quantitative method that is correlation study. It was conducted in SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in the academic year of 2017/2018. The sample of the research was from class XI KI-1 of SMK Negeri 1 Sawit which was consisted of 30 students.

  In order to obtain the required data, the researcher used creativity verbal test to measure students’ creativity, questionnaire of reading habit, and writing test of recount text. For analysis of data, the researcher used Pearson Moment Product Correlation and Multiple Correlation.

  This result revealed that there was a significant positive correlation relationship between students’ creativity, reading habit, and writing skill. The result of the computation shows that the correlation coefficients (R ) between

  1 ), reading habit (X 2 ), and wiring skill (Y) is 0.5481 and

  students’ creativity (X after being consulted to the F value, it shows that the value of F (5.80) is higher than F t

  (2.27) for α = 0.01 is 5.49 and for α = 0.05 is 3.35. it means that there is a


  ), reading habit significant, positive correlation between students’ creativity (X


  (X ) simultaneously and writing skill (Y) of eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in the academic year of 2017/2018.

  Besides, the total effective contribution of two independent variables to the dependent variable is 30.04%. It means th at the increase of students’ creativity and reading habit will be followed by the increase of students’ writing skill. It also shows that students’ creativity and reading habit influence students’ writing skill of 30.04% while 69.96% of students’ writing skill is influenced by other factors.

  Keywords: students’ creativity, reading habit, writing skill



  “Don’t let negativity drag your down, use it as motivation to work harder” (anonymous)

  DEDICATION This thesis is whole-heartedly dedicated to: 1.

  My beloved mother, who always beside me and support me

  2. My beloved Father who supports me from the heaven, I love you Dad

  All my friends and relatives that sincerely helped me and accompanied me



  Praise Allah S.W.T who has blessed the writer in finishing this thesis as a In this occasion, the writer would like to express the special gratitude to those who have given their helps, guidance, and supports in the process of writing this thesis: 1.

  The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University.

  2. The Head of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education faculty for giving the writer permission to write this thesis.

  3. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd, the first consultant and Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd., M.Pd., the second consultant and Academic Consultant, who gave a lot of suggestion, comments, and support when the writer wrote and completed this thesis.

  4. All of the lecturers of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, for all of they have given to the writer.

  5. The Headmaster of SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in academic year 2017/2018 for giving permission to do the research.

  6. The English teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in academic year of 2017/2018 for helping while the writer did the research.

  7. The students of XI KI-1 class in SMK Negeri 1 Sawit in academic year of 2017/2018 for willingness to help the writer in collecting the data.

  8. Her beloved parents, Sunarni and Alm. Sukidi for everything given to the writer, the pray, help, and support when the writer wrote this thesis.

  9. Her beloved sister and brother who like my other father, for their great support and help.

  10. All friends in English Education Department 2010, who gave her amazing memories and experiences: Ayu, Azka, Esti, Haniva, Hestu, Ika, Fariz, and many others for their lively friendship and togetherness, valuable sharing, and sincere help.

  Agnes, Yasmin and Martha who always give support, encouragement and help every time she needed. Everyone who has not been mention yet who helped the writer to conduct the research and also to write this thesis.

  Surakarta, July 2017 Inna Umu Marfu’ah



  PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................... ii APPROVAL OF CONSULTANTS .................................................................... iii LEGITIMATION ................................................................................................ iv ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... v MOTTO .............................................................................................................. vi DEDICATION ................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES AND PICTURES................................................................ xv LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xvii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ......................................................... 1 B. The Identification of the Problems .......................................... 3 C. Limitation of the Problems ..................................................... 3 D. Problem Statement ................................................................... 4 E. Objectives of the Research ...................................................... 4 F. Benefits of the Study ............................................................... 4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................. 6


  The Nature of Writing Skill ..................................................... 6 1.

  The Definition of Writing Skill .......................................... 6 The Purpose of Writing ...................................................... 8 3. The Process of Writing ................................................... 10 4. Aspect of Writing ………………………………………… 11 5. The Criteria of Good Writing …………………………….. 14 6. Type of Text ……………………………………………… 17 7. Writing as a Skill …………………………………………. 18 8. Assessing of Writing……………………………………… 18 B. Creativity ............................................................................... 24 1.

  Meaning of Creativity ....................................................... 24 2. Creative People ................................................................. 24 3. Aspect of Creativity .......................................................... 25 4. Measuring Verbal Creativity ............................................. 28 C. Reading Habit ........................................................................ 30 1.

  Definition of Reading ........................................................ 30 2. Reading Habit ................................................................... 31 3. Factor that Influence Reading Habit …………………… .32 4. Aspects of Reading Habit ................................................. 33 D. Related of Relevant Study ..................................................... 35 E. Rationale ................................................................................ 36


  Hypothesis .............................................................................. 38

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................... 39 Method of Research ................................................................ 39 B. The Setting of Research ......................................................... 40 C. The Subject of the Research ................................................... 41 1. Population .......................................................................... 41 2. Sample ................................................................................ 41 3. Sampling ............................................................................ 41 D. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................. 42 1. Variable of the Research ................................................... 42 2. Instrument of Collecting Data ........................................... 43 a. Questionnaire ................................................................ 43 b. Test ................................................................................ 44 3. Readability of Test Instruction .......................................... 48 4. Validity of Instrument ....................................................... 52 5. Reliability of Instrument ................................................... 53 E. Techniques of Analyzing the Data ......................................... 54 1. Descriptive Statistic .......................................................... 54 a. Mean .............................................................................. 54 b. Mode ............................................................................. 54 c. Median ........................................................................... 55


  Standard Deviation ....................................................... 55 e. Frequency Histogram ................................................... 55

  Frequency Polygon ....................................................... 56 2. Pre-requisite Test .............................................................. 57 a.

  Normality Test ............................................................... 57 b.

  Linearity and Significance of Regressions ................... 58 1)

  Linearity of Regression ......................................... 58 2)

  The Significance of Regression ............................. 59 3)

  Hypotheses Test .................................................... 59

  CHAPTER IV THE RESULT OF THE STUDY ............................................... 64 A. The Descriptive of The Analyzing Data ................................. 64 1.

  1 ) .......................................... 64

  Students’ Creativity Data (X


  2. ) .................................. 66 Students’ Reading Habit Data (X 3.

  Students’ Writing Skill (Y) ............................................... 67 B. The Pre-Requisite Test .......................................................... 70 1.

  Normality Test .................................................................. 70 a.

  Normality Test of Students’ Creativity ........................ 71 b.

  Normality Test of Students’ Reading Habit ................. 71 c. Normality Test of Students’ Writing Skill ................... 71 2. Linearity of Regression ...................................................... 71 a.

  1 )

  Linearity of Regression Test of Students’ Creativity (X and Writing Skill (Y) ..................................................... 72


  Linearity of Regression Test of Students’ Reading Habit (X

  2 ) and Writing Skill (Y) ............................................. 72 3.

  Significance of Regression................................................. 73 a.

  Significance of Regression Test of Students’ Creativity (X


  ) and Students’ Writing Skill (Y) ............................. 74 b. Significance of Regression Test of Students’ Reading

  Habit (X


  ) and Students’ Writing Skill (Y) ................... 74 C.

  Hypothesis Testing ................................................................. 74 a.

  First Hypothesis ................................................................. 74 b.

  Second Hypothesis ............................................................. 76 c. Third Hypothesis ................................................................ 77 D.

  The Contribution Analysis ...................................................... 78 E. The Discussion of Research Finding ...................................... 79

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION AND SUGGESTION ............ 81 A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 81 B. Implication .............................................................................. 82 C. Suggestion ............................................................................... 83 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 84 APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 87



Table 2.1 Writing Process ................................................................................... 11Table 2.2 Indicators of Writing .......................................................................... 14Table 2.3 Scoring Rubric of Writing................................................................... 20Table 2.4 Indicators of Creativity ...................................................................... 27Table 2.5 Indicators of Reading Habit ............................................................... 34Figure 3.1 Relationship between Variables ....................................................... 42Table 3.1 The Scoring Rubric of Verbal Creativity Test ................................... 45Table 3.2 Scoring Rubric of Writing................................................................... 45Table 3.3 The Scoring Rubric of Writing .......................................................... 48Table 3.4 Questionnaire of Writing Test Readability ........................................ 49Table 3.5 Questionnaire of Creativity Test Readability ..................................... 51Figure 3.2 the Example of Histogram ................................................................ 56Figure 3.3 the Example of Polygon .................................................................. 57

  1 ) .............................................. 64

Table 4.1.1 the Data of Students’ Creativity (X


  1 ) ................. 65

  4.1.2 the Frequency Distribution of Students’ Creativity (X

Figure 4.1.1 Histogram of the Frequency Distribution of Students’ Creativity . 65Figure 4.1.2 Polygon of the Frequency Distribution of Students’ Creativity .... 66


  2 ) ....................................... 67

  4.2.1 the Data of Students’ Reading Habit (X

  2 Table 4.2.2 Frequency Distribution of Reading Habit (X ) ................................ 67

Figure 4.2.1 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Reading Habit ............... 67Figure 4.2.2 Polygon of the Frequency Distribution of Reading Habit ............. 68

  Table 4.3.1 the data of Students’ Writing Skill (Y) ............................................ 69

Table 4.3.2 Frequency Distribution ................................................................... 69Figure 4.3.1 Histogram of the Frequency Distribution of Writing Skill ............ 70Figure 4.3.2 Polygon of the Frequency Distribution of Writing Skill ............... 70Table 4.4 Normality Test .................................................................................... 71Table 4.5 Linearity of Regression Test Data ..................................................... 73Table 4.6 Significance of Regression Test Data ............................................... 74Figure 4.4 the Polygon of Correlation between Creativity and Writing Skill ... 76Figure 4.5 the Polygon of Correlation between Reading Habit and Writing Skill

  ............................................................................................................... 78

Table 4.7 the Contribution Analysis of the Variables ........................................ 80




  2. The List of Students Code Try Out .......................................................... 88

  3. Blue Print of Writing Test ........................................................................ 89

  4. Instrument of Writing Test ....................................................................... 90

  5. Questionnaire of Writing Instrument Readability .................................. 91

  6. Analytic Scale of Writing Assessment ..................................................... 92

  7. Answer Sheet of Students’ Writing Test .................................................. 95

  8. Blue Print of Verbal Creativity ................................................................. 96

  9. Instrument of Verbal Creativity Test ....................................................... 97 10.

  Questionnaire of Verbal Creativity Test’s Readability ......................... 101 11. Students’ Worksheet of Creativity Test ................................................. 102

  12. The Blueprint of Questionnaire of Reading Habit (Try Out) ............... 105

  13. Questionnaire of Reading Habit (Try Out) ............................................ 106 14.

  Students’ Worksheet of Reading Habit Questionnaire (Try Out) .......... 110 15. Students’ Worksheet of Reading Habit Questionnaire (Test) ................ 113

  16. The Statistic Calculation of Each Test ................................................... 116 17.

The Main Data of Students’’ Creativity, Reading Habit, and Writing Skill

  ................................................................................................................ 117

  18. Validity Reading Habit Questionnaire .................................................. 118

  19. The Data Description of Creativity Test Result (the Mean, Mode, Median, and Standard Deviation of Reading Habit) ............................................. 119

  20. The Data Description of Reading Habit Questionnaire (the Mean, Mode, Median, and Standard Deviation of Reading Habit) .............................. 123

  21. The Data Description of Writing Test (the Mean, Mode, Median, and Standard Deviation of Writing Test) ..................................................... 127

  22. The Computation of Normality of Students’ Creativity Test ................ 132

  23. The Computation of Normality of Reading Habit Questionnaire ......... 133

  24. The Computation of Normality of Writing Test .................................... 134


  25. The Main Data of X Y ............................................................................ 135

  26. The Computation of Significance and Linearity of Regression of Students’

  Creativity (X

  1 ) and Writing Skill (Y) ................................................... 136


  27. The Main Data of X Y ............................................................................ 138

  28. The Computation of Significance and Linearity of Regression of Reading Habit (X

  2 ) and Writing Skill (Y) .......................................................... 139

  29. The Computation of Multiple Regression ............................................. 141

  30. The Computation of Correlation Coefficient between Creativity (X

  1 ) and

  Writing Skill (Y) ................................................................................... 143

  31. The Computation of Correlation Coefficient between Reading Habit (X

  2 )

  and Writing Skill (Y) ............................................................................ 145

  32. The Computation of Multiple Correlation ............................................. 147

  33. The Computation of Relative and Effective Contribution ......................... 148

  34. The r-Table ............................................................................................ 150

  35. The Standard Normal Distribution Table .............................................. 151

  36. The Lilliefors (L) Table ......................................................................... 152

  38. The t-Distribution Table ........................................................................ 154

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