SAP Komunikasi Bisnis

Komunikasi Kepegaw aian
Oleh I do Priyono Hadi
Materi kuliah Program Studi Manajemen Perhotelan UK Petra 2000/ 2001

Definition of Résumé
A persuasive summary of your qualifications

Preliminary Steps
1. Assess your qualifications.
– Communication skills
– Interpersonal skills
– Technical skills
– Team experience
– Leadership experience
– Computer literacy

Focus on

Preliminary steps, continued
2. Research Company and Position
– On-Line Sources

– Employees in Company
– Annual Report/Directories
– Newspapers, magazines, trade journals
How Employers Use Résumés
1. Employers use résumés to decide whom to interview.
2. The search committee skims résumés.
3. Employers assume that your letter and résumé represent your best work.

How Employers Use Résumés, continued

Interviewers usually reread your résumé before the interview to refresh their memories.
After the search committee has chosen an applicant, it submits the applicant’s résumé to
people in the organization who must approve the appointment.

A Resume Must Contain
• Name, address, and phone
• Education
• Experience

A Résumé May Contain
• Career Objective
• Summary of Qualifications
• Special Skills
• Honors
• Activities
• Volunteer Work
A Résumé May Contain, continued
• Presentations/ papers delivered
• Publications
• Certifications and Licenses
• References
• Any other category you need!
Guidelines for Résumés
• Fill at least one page.

Longer is OK if you have a diverse background or have worked for several years.

Always put the most important information on the first page.

Guidelines for Résumés, continued
• Emphasize information that

Is relevant to the job you want
Is recent (last three years)
Shows your superiority to other applicants

Guidelines for Résumés, continued
• Stress key points by

Putting them in headings

Listing them vertically
Providing details
Using emphatic order

Guidelines for Résumés, continued
• Use concise, dynamic language:
– Use sentence fragments punctuated like sentences
– Use “action verbs”
– Use -“ing” verb forms

Types of Résumés
• Chronological Résumé:
– Emphasizes what you did, in reverse chronological order
– Emphasizes
• Degrees
• Job Titles
• Dates

Chronological Résumés, continued
• Use when

– Your education and experience are a logical preparation for the position.
– Your work history is continuous.
– You have impressive job titles, offices, honors.
Skills Résumé
• Emphasizes the skills you have used, rather than your job titles or employment history.
• Use when
– Your education and experience are not the usual route to the position.
When to Use Skills Résumés, continued
– You want to combine experience from paid jobs, activities, courses, etc.
– Your recent work history may create the wrong impression.
How to Avoid Common Problems
• Create good visual impact
– Condense long sections
– Eliminate complete sentences
– Consider using lists
– Change format to maximize use of white space
How to Avoid Common Problems, continued
• Make “Career Objective” specific, or delete
• Emphasize transferable skills, whatever type of resume you do
• Emphasize achievements

• Quantify whenever possible
How to Avoid Common Problems, continued
• Use hyphenation, abbreviations, and punctuation consistently
• Edit to ensure parallelism in lists and descriptions of job responsibilities
• Use dynamic, action-oriented language

Creating a Web Résumé

Include an e-mail link at the top of the résumé under your name.
Omit your street addresses and phone numbers.
Consider having links under your name and e-mail address to the various parts of your résumé.
Consider having links to other pages that provide more information about you.

Creating a Web Résumé, continued
• Put your strongest qualifications immediately after your name and e-mail address.
• Specify the job you want.

• Specify city and state for educational institutions and employers.
• Use lists, indentations, and white space to create visual variety.
Tips for Writing Scannable Résumés

Use keywords appropriate for your field
Use industry buzzwords
Be specific and quantifiable
Use as many pages as necessary
Avoid unusual typefaces, underlining, and graphics
Use 10- to 14-point type; avoid fonts that have touching letters

Tips for Scannable Résumés, continued

Use smooth white paper Put your name on the first line of page one
Use plenty of white space
Avoid double columns
Avoid folding or stapling
Use abbreviations carefully

Sumber :
PowerPoint Slides to Accompany Chapter 2
Business and Administrative Communication
Fifth Edition, by Kitty O. Locker
Prepared by Jayne A. Moneysmith
Kent State University Stark Campus