Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Teacher’s Method Used for Reading on Phonics Level to Young Learners

Teacher’s Method for Teaching Reading on Phonics Level to Young
This research aims at answering two research questions that related with phonics
method used for teaching young learners in TK-KB Bethany School Salatiga. Those
questions are: (a) What method(s) used in teaching phonics for young learners in TK-KB
Bethany School? (b) What does the teacher do in using that method? The participant in this
study is a teacher in kindergarten B. for this study, the researcher uses observation to collect
the data. The result of this study reveals the method that teacher use in the first semester of
this school and the description of procedural steps of using the method. At the end of this
study, the researcher found that teacher uses various methods in this semester to introduce
reading skill on phonics level to kindergarten B learners. Those methods are: phonics through
spelling, analytic phonics, onset-rime phonics and teacher’s own method. The teacher also
found to work on certain systematic steps when the teacher works with those various

Teaching young learners, Phonics level, Phonics method