Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Registration Number: 2113321055


Situmeang, Tutwuri. 2113321055. The Effect of Peer Response Technique on
Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis. English
Department. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. 2015
This study deals with the effect of Peer Response Technique on students’

achievement in writing descriptive text. The objective of the study is to find out
whether Peer Response Technique significantly affects the students’ achievement
in writing descriptive text or not. This study was conducted by using experimental
design. The population of the study was the student of grade X of SMA NEGERI
1 Siborongborong in the academic year of 2014/2015, there were 12 parallel
classes of grade X. As the sample, two classes were selected by random sampling.
The experimental group (X-7) was taught by applying peer response technique,
while the control group (X-8) by applying lecturing method. The data of the study
was obtained from the students’ score of writing text. To determine the reliability
of the test, the writer use inter-rater reliability. The data calculation showed that
the coefficient of reliability of the test was 0.91. It shows that the test was reliable
and the reliability was very high. There were two sets of data used in this study,
they were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by applying t-test
formula. After analyzing the data, the result of the study showed that t-observed
(3.66) was higher than t-table (2.024) (t-observed > t-table) at the level of significance of
α = 0.05 and at the degree of freedom (df) = 38. It can be concluded that applying
peer response technique significantly affects the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text or in other words the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

Keyword: Peer Response Technique, Writing, Descriptive Text


All praises and the greatest thankfulness to almighty God who has blessed,
given time, opportunity, health, and mercy to the writer in finishing this thesis
entitled “The Effect of Peer Response Technique on Students’ Achievement in
Writing Descriptive Text” to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Sarjana
Pendidikan (S.Pd) at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
In the process of writing this thesis, so many people that always assist,
support, prayers, suggest, help, advice, and motivate the writer. Therefore, the
writer would like to express her thankful and her sincere appreciation that directed
1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department and as her Reviewers and Examiners who have given
suggestion and comments in completing the Thesis.
4. Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department and as her First

Thesis Advisor, who has given her precious time to give valuable advice
and guidance in the process of writing this Thesis.
5. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., S.Pd., M.Hum., the Head of English Education
Study Program.
6. Drs. Willem Saragih, Dip.Appl.,M.Pd., as her Second Thesis Advisor,
who has given many suggestion and guidance in the process of writing this
7. Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., as her Academic Advisor, Reviewer
and Examiner who have given suggestion and comments in completing the
8. Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., her Reviewers and Examiners who
have given suggestion and comments in completing the Thesis.
9. All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught and adviced
her during the academic years.
10. Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Mr. Pantes the administration
staffs of English and Literature Department who always helped the writer
during her academic year.
11. Her beloved parents Gunung Tua Situmeang and St. Dogmaida
Hutasoit, S.PdK who have given love, prayers, support, motivation,
financial support, and has struggled so much for her. And also for her

beloved brother (Adian Mahanaim Armando Situmeang, Polma Puji
Situmeang), her beloved twin Handayani Situmeang, S.Si and youngest
sister Veradina Situmeang for their love, help, motivation, pray and
support in finishing this Thesis.

12. Drs. Alpa Simanjuntak M.Pd., the Headmaster of SMA N 1
Siborongborong who has given the permission to conduct the research in
the school.
13. Jojor Tampubolon S.Pd., the English Teacher of SMA N 1
Siborongborong, for the supports, guidance, suggestions and motivation in
the process of completing this thesis. And all the teachers and students at
the school for the good cooperation.
14. Her beloved Sisters from her beloved second mother, Hesti Florawati
Siregar Amd. and Nurmiani Rapmahita Pakpahan Amd., thanks a lot
for always supporting and giving the great motivation to her during the
process of completing this Thesis.
15. All her beloved friends and also the part of her family in Medan (NHKBP
Pardamean Medan and Filadelfia Choir Unimed) for their love, help,
and prayers.
16. All her beloved friends in her boarding mate (Astri Panjaitan, Maria

Veronika Simanjuntak, Dian Lestari Pratiwi Purba, Kasih Butarbutar) for their motivation, help, and prayers. And also for the three boys
(Hermanto, Jentri, Roubin) who always give motivation and prayers.
17. Her friends of struggling for thesis, (Dyan Yosephin Hutagalung, Harni,
Okta, Shilvi, Putri, Mitha) and all her class members (2011), her friends
in PPLT 2014 SMP 4 Balige for the togetherness and experiences shared.
And also for those who cannot be mentioned one by one.
The writer admits that her thesis is still far from being perfect. It has the
weakness and mistakes. Therefore, she would be thankful to accept any
suggestions and corrections from anyone for the better writing. The writer hopes
this thesis will be useful for those who read it, especially for the students of
English Department.

Medan, February 2016
The Writer

Tutwuri Situmeang
NIM. 2113321055


ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ vii
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. viii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1

A. The Background of The Study ..................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of The Study ........................................................................... 4
C. The Objective of The Study ......................................................................... 4
D. The Scope of The Study ............................................................................... 4
E. The Significant of The Study ....................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II. RIVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ....................................... 6
A. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................ 6
1. Writing Skill ............................................................................................. 6
a. Writing Process .................................................................................... 7
2. Genre

........................................................................................... 8

a. Descriptive Text ................................................................................... 8
b. The Example of Descriptive Text ........................................................ 11
c. Assessment of Writing Descriptive Text ............................................ 12
3. Approach, Method and Technique ........................................................... 13
4. Teaching Technique ................................................................................. 13

a. Peer Response Technique .................................................................... 13
b. The strengths of Peer Response Technique ......................................... 15
c. The Procedure of Peer Response Technique ....................................... 16
d. Response Sheet .................................................................................... 18
e. Lecturing ........................................................................................... 19
B. Relevant Studies ............................................................................................ 21
C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................. 22
D. Hypothesis ..................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER III. Research Methodology ......................................................... 24
A. Research Design ............................................................................................ 24
B. The Population and Sample ........................................................................... 25
1. Population .................................................................................................. 25
2. Sample

. ............................................................................................ 25

C. The Instrument of Collecting data ................................................................. 26
D. The Procedure of Collecting Data ................................................................. 26
1. Pre-test .......... ............................................................................................ 26
2.Treatment ....... ............................................................................................ 26`

. ............................................................................................ 28

E. The Assessment of Writing Text ................................................................... 29
F. The Validity of The Test ................................................................................ 31
G. The Reliability of The Test ........................................................................... 31
H.The Technique for Analyzing Data ................................................................ 32
I. Statistical Hypothesis ...................................................................................... 33

A. Data Description............................................................................................34
B. Testing Normality .........................................................................................35
C. Testing Homogeneity of data ........................................................................36

D. Data Analysis ................................................................................................37
1. Data Analysis by Using t-Test Formula ................................................. 35
E. Testing Hypothesis ....................................................................................... 38
F. Research Findings .........................................................................................39
G. Discussion


CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................40
A. Conclusion


B. Suggestion


REFERENCES ..................................................................................................41

Table 2.1 An example of descriptive text ........................................................ 11
Table 2.2 Peer Response Sheet ........................................................................ 18
Table 3.1 Research Design ............................................................................... 24
Table 3.2 Treatment for Experimental and Control Group .............................. 27
Table 3.3 Rubric Assessment of Writing Descriptive Text ............................. 29


Appendix A.The Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental and Control Groups ...... 43
Appendix B Students’ score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental and control
groups ............................................................................................... 44
Appendix C The Calculation of Reliability of the Test ........................................ 48
Appendix D Testing Normality in Experimental Group ....................................... 50
Appendix E Testing Normality in Control Group................................................. 54
Appendix F Test for Homogeneity of Variance of Pre-test in Experimental and
Control Groups ................................................................................. 58
Appendix G The calculation of t-test .................................................................... 60

Appendix H Percentage Points of the t Distribution ............................................. 64
Appendix I Table of Normality from 0 to Z ......................................................... 66
Appendix J Table List of testing Liliefors ............................................................ 67
Appendix K Lesson Plan ....................................................................................... 68
Appendix L Students’ Writing ............................................................................ 106


A. The Background of the Study
English as a global language in all over the world seems to be priority
for people to learn. It is because as social creatures, people absolutely need to
communicate in their daily life in order to socialize or to express their thought,
feeling, understanding, opinion, critic, and everything they want to share to others.
Nowadays, we live in era of globalization; full of challenges and
competition among other people either in or out of our country. Because of that, a
global language connecting all people around the world is needed. English is one
of the most common languages used by people having different native language.
The presence of English as a universal language makes everybody realize that this
language is needed to be learnt. Therefore, Indonesian government sets English as
one of the compulsory subjects at schools.
In learning English, there are four basic language skills that must be well
mastered by the students, namely speaking, reading, listening, and writing.
The researcher chose SMAN 1 Siborongborong because the researcher
has got the data from interview with the English teacher there. The researcher
found that the students’ writing achievement is still low. It happened because of
some factors, namely lack of knowledge, lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar,
and lack of motivation to write. They were not confident to use their own
language. Sometimes, they did not know how to develop their ideas when writing.

Based on syllabus of Curriculum in the Curriculum of Educational
Stratified Level or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP 2006) for Grade
X of Senior High School, there are some kinds of text genre. The students are
expected to be able to understand and write narrative, descriptive, recount, report,
and procedure text. In this study, the researcher only deals with writing
descriptive text. Descriptive text is the important genre. It can help students
clarify their understanding of new subject matter material, this genre not only
about how to put words in written but also how to describe something to the other
people. A descriptive text is structured with general identification and followed by
clear description.
There were many reasons that cause the students’ achievement low in
writing, and did not pay attention to the writing task. They do not know how to
recognize their ideas in writing. They are frequently being confused of what to
write and how to start writing. For students, writing is difficult because it is
complex subject that involves the organization of thought, the usage of English
language, and imagination. This condition affects the students’ achievement in
writing descriptive text.
Sriwiyanti (2013) showed that many students had difficulties in writing
report text, for example in finding ideas. They had difficulties to find and organize
their ideas, and this research found out that the students’ ability in writing report
text was improved by using peer response technique. Peer response technique is
useful, interesting, and easier than by applying the other technique to increase the
students’ achievement in writing. Peer response technique focuses on teaching

students about how to revise and edit their writing by using their peer’s eyes in
order to get deeper insight and improvements about what they have written.
Guntar (2013) showed that the students still got confused how to deliver their
ideas. They were lack of idea and confuse to use their own language. Al-Jamal
(2009) found out that the problem of their writing such as their grammar is not
good, they also do not have enough vocabulary.
In order to solve this problem, it needs some creative techniques to make
the writing class more effective and interesting. It means that the teachers must be
creative in applying various techniques to solve the problem. In fact, there are
some ways which can help students to increase their achievement in writing
descriptive text, such as Peer Response Technique, Clustering, Group Mentoring
Technique and so on. From those techniques, the writer proposes “Peer Response
Technique”. Peer response technique can be used either in the forms or pairs or
small groups. In peer response activity students are assigned to write a
composition or essay when they finish their writing work; and exchange their
writing with their peers. Peers read and make comments on the writing first draft
so that those students can improve their own written work (Nelson & Murphy,
Peer response shows that readership does not belong exclusively to the
teacher, since in this type of response, students are enjoined to share their writings
with each other (Richards 2002). Elbow (1992) believes that when students write
only for their teacher (which usually means for a grade), they often fall into
certain bad habits, treating writing as an empty school exercise and attempting

simply to just “get it right” or “give teachers what they want”. When students
write for their peers, they become very concerned about what they say and how
they say it.
Based on the explanation above, the writer focused on conducting a
research in order to investigate the effect of peer response technique on the
students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the previous explanation, the problem is formulated as follows:
“Is there a significant effect of peer response technique on students’ achievement
in writing descriptive text?”

C. The Objective of the Study
In relation to the problem above, the objective of the study was to found
out the significant effect of peer response technique on students’ descriptive
writing achievement in SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong, Tapanuli Utara.

D. The Scope of Study
Based on syllabus of Curriculum for Grade X of Senior High School, the
student are expected to be able to understand and write narrative, descriptive,
recount, report, and procedure text. In this research, the writer focuses on the
procedures of teaching descriptive text in part describing a place using peer
response technique.

E. The significance of the Study
The findings of this research are expected to be useful for:
1. Theoretically, the result of this study can be the reference for other teacher
so it can enlarge and develop their knowledge about peer response
technique for teaching writing, especially writing descriptive text.
2. Practically, for the teachers as an reference to use peer response technique
in teaching writing descriptive text, for other researchers who are
interested in this study to give them information about strategy in teaching
writing, and for the students to increase their ability in writing descriptive
text by using this technique.

A. Conclusion
The result of calculation t-test showed that the score of t-observed (3.662) >
the score of t-table (2.024). It means that peer response technique significantly affects
the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. Thus, it can be concluded that
the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
B. Suggestion
As the result of the study, it is suggested that:
1. The English teachers are suggested to apply peer response technique in
teaching learning process, especially in teaching writing because it can help
student become easier in understanding the material as their friend can help
them and also improve their self-confidence in writing a good text.
2. Since this research is limited to the investigation of Peer Response Technique
on writing and how the Peer Response Technique can be developed is not
known, it is suggested that a research should be done on writing development.

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