The Ability Of Using Conditional Sentences By The Students Of Sma Cahaya Medan


Skripsi yang berjudul “The Ability of Using Conditional Sentences by The
Students of SMA Cahaya Medan” merupakan skripsi yang menganalisa kemampuan
penggunaan kalimat conditional dalam mengisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
diberikan kepada siswa kelas XI SMA Cahaya Medan.
Tujuan dari skripsi adalah untuk mengamati bagaimana kemampuan siswa
kelas XI SMA Cahaya Medan dalam menggunakan kalimat conditional dengan
mengklasifikasikan kemampuan tersebut ke dalam beberapa tipe berdasarkan standar
kelulusan dari SMA Cahaya Medan yaitu ‘Very Good’ (90-100), ‘Good’ (80-89),
‘Average’ (70-79), ‘Poor’ (60-69) dan ‘Very Poor’ (0-59) dan masalah apa yang
dialami oleh siswa kelas XI SMA Cahaya Medan dalam menggunakan kalimat
Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi adalah deskriptif kualitatif
dan kuantitatif dengan melakukan riset lapangan di SMA Cahaya, memberikan
pertanyaan yang sudah dipelajari dan mencari referensi yang berhubungan dengan
judul skripsi.
Berdasarkan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa banyak siswa SMA Cahaya
Medan memperoleh kemampuan ‘Very Poor’ (68,3%) dan tidak ada siswa yang
memperoleh kemampuan ‘Good’ (0%). 1 siswa memperoleh kemampuan ‘Very
Good’ (1,7%), 5 siswa memperoleh kemampuan ‘Average’ (8,35) dan 41 siswa

memperoleh kemampuan ‘Poor’ (21,7%). Artinya, proses belajar mengajar bahasa
inggris di SMA Cahaya Medan belum optimal.



The thesis entitled “The Ability of Using Conditional Sentences by The
Students of SMA Cahaya Medan” is a thesis that analyzed the ability of using
conditional sentences by completing the test which is given to the students of grade
XI SMA Cahaya Medan.
The objective of this research is to find out the ability of students in grade XI
of SMA Cahaya Medan in using conditional sentences by classifying them into score
range based on KKM (Minimum Standart Scores) of SMA Cahaya Medan is 'Very
Good' (90-100), 'Good' (80- 89), 'Average' (70-79), 'Poor' (60-69) and 'Very Poor' (059) and to find out the problems of students in grade XI of SMA Cahaya Medan in
using conditional sentences.
The method which is used in the thesis is a qualitative and quantitative
descriptive by conducting field research in SMA Cahaya Medan, giving them a test
that have been learned and find references that relate to the title of the thesis.
Based on the research, it can be concluded that most students of SMA Cahaya

Medan are in 'Very Poor' ability (68.3%) and there are no students in 'Good' ability
(0%). 1 students are in 'Very Good' ability (1.7%), 5 students are in 'Average' ability
(8.35) and 41 students are in 'Poor' ability (21.7%). It means the process of teaching
and learning English in SMA Cahaya Medan is not optimum.
