Seven Toxic Effects of Drug Companies

Seven Toxic Effects of Drug Companies
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While pleasing their shareholders, drug companies conduct business in ways
that can adversely affect patients.

drug company,sales,misrepresentation,valproic acid,divalproex,venlafaxine,bupropion,perphenazi

Article Body:
I’m the first to admire the strengths and virtues of the free-enterprise model as it applies t
1. When their drug that was wonderful last month is suddenly no good.

It’s been entertaining to watch the drug companies suddenly come up with new, patentable varia

This approach of reworking the old drug into longer-acting formats has worked for other drug c
2. When they make us forget that the older drugs work just fine.

Since 1954 we’ve had effective anti-psychotic drugs to treat schizophrenia, but beginning in t

The alleged superiority of the newer drugs was tested in the recently completed CATIE (Clinica
3. When they draw attention away from non-medication treatments.
Drug companies sell drugs. Therefore, when it comes to marketing their products, they have no
4. When they hook us on samples.

Doctors’ offices receive samples of patented (high mark-up) drugs and not of unpatented (low m
5. When they shape medical practice.

Drug companies aggressively court the thought-leaders, like faculty members at medical schools
For example, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is an expensive clot-dissolving drug approved
6. When the sales reps push unapproved uses.

Recently, a Pfizer sales rep told me that his company’s drug, pregabalin, is effective in prev
7. When doctors don’t think critically about what they’re doing.

This, strictly speaking, isn’t a deficiency of the drug companies. But because the only salesp
(C) 2006 by Gary Cordingley

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