Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Investigating Students' Writing Anxiety: A Study at English Teacher Education of Satya Wacana Christian University

As a foreign language, English often made English Teacher Education of
Satya Wacana Christian University students felt worried. Especially in writing, the
students have to pay attention to some things when they were writing in English such
as grammar, content, etc. In doing the practice of writing, learners are very possible
to face problems such as anxiety. The purposes of this study are to find out what type
of writing anxiety experienced by English Teacher Education of Satya Wacana
Christian University students and to investigate what extent the students experience a
particular type of writing anxiety. The data was obtained by distributing 56 closeended questionnaires and by doing interview to 15 participants. The result shows that
Cognitive Anxiety is the most common type of writing anxiety experienced by the
students. In addition, this study also found some factors that cause the students felt
anxious, such as the perception from teacher and classmates, writing class that they
have never experienced before, writing skills are lacking, the pressure from the
teacher, writing under time constraint, and the writing teacher who really focuses on
Key words: EFL, writing, type of writing anxiety, factors cause the students felt

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