Skripsi Mahasiswa Universitas Padjajaran




Reinissa Ramadhani. 210110080112 Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat Fakultas
Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjajaran, Hubungan Desain Interior Restaurant Steak
Karnivor Bandung Dengan Sikap Member Terhadap Restaurant. Penelitian ini dibawah
bimbingan Dr. Hj Hanny Hafiar, M.Si selaku pembimbing utama dan Priyo Subekti, S.Sos,
M.Si selaku pembimbing pendamping Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjajaran.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara desain interior
restaurant steak Karnivor Bandung dengan sikap member terhadap restaurant. Penelitian ini
Berpijak kepada teori persepsi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif
dengan analisis korelasional yaitu metode untuk mencari hubungan antara dua variabel atau
Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh member restaurant steak Karnivor Bandung
yaitu sebanyak 287 member yang kemudian dihitung menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel,
Simple Random Sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 74 sampel.

Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara
dua variabel, yaitu antara desain interior restaurant steak Karnivor Bandung dengan sikap
member terhadap restaurant. Adapun kesimpulan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor
fisik dan faktor emosional desain interior restaurant steak Karnivor dapat mempengaruhi
aspek kognisi, aspek afeksi serta aspek konasi sikap member terhadap restaurant. Adapula
saran yang dapat diusulkan antara lain adalah, diharapkan Karnivor mampu meningkatkan
kreatifitas desain interior sehingga lebih menarik perhatian anak – anak, diharapkan pula
Karnivor dapat memaksimalkan fungsi komponen interior yang terdapat pada faktor fisik
desain interior seperti, system sirkulasi udara yaitu ventilasi alam dan system pencahayaan
yaitu penerangan didalam ruangan restaurant serta lebih memperhatikan tata letak perbotan
sehingga dapat memaksimalkan pelayanan. Diharapkan pula Karnivor lebih memperhatikan
bentuk fisik restaurant dengan membuat logo dan papan nama restaurant menjadi lebih
menarik sehingga mampu menonjolkan identitas restaurant. Faktor emosional desain interior
restaurant sudah baik namun diharapkan Karnivor tidak cepat puas dan semakin
meningkatkan sisi emosional melalui pemilihan dan keselarasan warna pada restaurant.
Diharapkan Karnivor mampu memunculkan ide – ide baru yang inovatif serta berani
meningkatkan eksistensinya dengan membuka cabang restaurant di tempat lain, tentunya
dengan tema yang berbeda namun tetap menarik.

Reinissa Ramadhani – Hubungan Desain Interior Restaurant…

S1 – Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi © 2013


Skripsi Mahasiswa Universitas Padjajaran




Reinissa Ramadhani. 210110080112, student of Public Relations Padjajaran
University Faculty of Communication, “The Correlation between Karnivor Bandung Steak
Restaurant’s Interior Design and the Member’s Attitude Towards the Restaurant”. The
research was made under the supervision of Dr. Hj. Hanny Hafiar, M.Si as the main advisor
and Priyo Subekti, S.Sos., M.Si as colleague advisor.

The purpose of this research was to determine the correlation betwee ‘Karnivor’
Bandung steak restaurant’s interior design and the member’s attitude towards the restaurant.
This research based of perception theory. This research method used is the quantitative
approach with correlation analysis to find a correlation between two or more variables.
The research population were all the members of Karnivor Bandung steak restaurant
exactly 287 members and using Simple Random Sampling technique, 74 samples are
The result of these research show that there is a strong correlation between two
variables, wich is between Karnivor Bandung steak restaurant’s interior design with the
member’s attitude towards the restaurant. Analysis of researches have shown that Karnivor
Bandung steak restaurant’s interior design wich consists the physical factors and emotional
factors can affect the member’s attitude towards the restaurant wich consists the cognition
aspects, affective aspects and conation aspects. There is also a few suggestions to Karnivor
Bandung steak restaurant, Karnivor is expected to increase the creativity of interior design to
become more attractive to childrens. Karnivor is also expected to maximize the function of
the interior components in physical factors such as interior design, the air circulation system
of natural ventilation and the lighting system specifically indoor lighting and pay more
attention to the restaurant layout so it could maximize the service. Karnivor is also expected
to concern to physical factor such as logo and restaurant nameplate to becomes more
attractive to highlight the identity of the restaurant. Emotional factors of the interior design

is good but Karnivor is expected to not easily satisfied, and keep improving the emotional
side through color selection and harmony in the restaurant. Karnivor is expected to come up
with innovative new ideas and dare to increase its presence by opening a restaurant branch
in other places, of course, with different themes but still interesting.

Reinissa Ramadhani – Hubungan Desain Interior Restaurant…
S1 – Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi © 2013