Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Politeness Strategies Employed by Popular-Issue Based Talk Show Host T1 112010106 BAB V1



really grateful e ause I a fi ally o plete

y thesis

given by my Super isor Christia Rudia to M Appli g. This assig

ithi o e a d a half year
e t also a ’t e o plete

without the touch of my second reader Dr Elisabet Titik Murtisari, M. TransStud who guide and
encourage me in finishing this thesis till the last day. I would like to express our gratitude to my
friends for the support and willingness to spend sometimes in helping completing my thesis.
Especially to Vincentius Yudhistira, Ratna Putri Sanjaya, Melanie for being my best alarm in doing
my thesis so I can finally finish it.