T1 852011701 Daftar Pustaka


A. Sumber Tercetak
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Burton, Anthony. A Performance Guide To Music of The Classical Period. London: The
Associated Board of The Royal School of Music, 2002.
Burton, Anthony. A Performance Guide To Music of The Romantic Period. London: The
Associated Board of The Royal School of Music 2002.
Mc Neill, Rhoderick J. Sejarah Musik 1. Jakarta : Gunung Mulia, 2000.
Mc Neill, Rhoderick J. Sejarah Musik 2 : Musik 1760 Sampai Dengan Akhir Abad Ke-20,
Jakarta : Gunung Mulis, 2000.
Mc. Neill, J. Rhoderik. Sejarah Musik 1 & 2. BPK Gunung Mulia.
Pier, Karl – Edmund. Sejarah Musik Jilid 2. Jogyakarta: Pusat Musik Liturgi, 1993.
Sadie, Stanley. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Volume 2 Second
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B. Internet