Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number : 2113321006



Utami, Dessy Putri. 2015. The Effect of Think Pair Share Technique on Students’
Achievement in Speaking. A Thesis. Medan : English Department, Faculty of Languages
and Arts, State University of Medan.
This study aims to find out whether Students’ Achievement taught by using Think Pair Share
Technique has significant effect than taught Dictation Technique in Speaking. The research was
conducted by Experimental research using in two groups. They are experimental used Think Pair
Share Technique and Control used Dictation Technique. The subject of this research are the
students of SMAN 6 Medan class X-2 and X-3 consisted of 38 students for each class. The data
was taken from speaking test. After analyzing the data, it was found that the value of t-observed
was 3.982 with degree of freedom (df) 38 at the level of significance p (0.05) = 2.024. It means
that t-observed is higher than t-table. It was found that Students Achievement in Speaking taught
by Think Pair Share Technique has significant effect than Dictation Technique.
Keywords: Think Pair Share Technique, Speaking Achievement, Dictation Technique.


First of all, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT., for
uncountable blessing, loves, opportunity and strength given to the writer during her study and in
completing this thesis which entitled: “The effect of Think Pair Share Technique on Students’

Achievement in Speaking”. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree
of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan (UNIMED).
In completing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced some problems and she had
received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and
moral support from many people. Hence, the writer would like to express her gratitude and
special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as the Rector of State University of Medan.
Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English and Literature Department
and also as her Advisor of Thesis.
Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., M.Hum., as the Head of English Department Program,
Faculty Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as the Academic Advisor.
Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., her Reviewer and Examiner.
Dr. Zainuddin, DIP,. TEFL,. M.Hum,. her Reviewer and Examiner.
All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and advised her
throughout the academic years.
Mam Euis, as the Administration Staff of English Department, for her attention,
assistance, and information in completing it.
Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pd., as an English Motivator for the assistance, guidance,
support, suggestions and comments in the process of completing this thesis.
Liza Insyirah, S.Pd., as a Mentor for the guidance and suggestions in the process of
completing this thesis.

Zulaifa, S.Pd., as a Mentor for the guidance and suggestions in the process of
completing this thesis.
Her beloved father, Ramli, S.H., her lovely mother, Hj. Endang Sri Mulyani,
S.Sos., and her beloved brothers Brigadir. Khair Maulana Wibowo, S.H and Emir
Faisal Ramadhan, S.Sos., for their support and suggestions to the writer.
The writer’s friends, from her classmates of Extension A 2011, from the Islamic
Association of University Students of FBS Unimed, the community of Building
English Club (BEC), from PPLT SMAN 1 Galang 2014, her foreigners’ friends

Christine Lewis, MA,. TESOL., Tracey Cordle, Andrew McReynold and some
others, and also from the Strong Girls’ Community, for every single helps,
supports, suggestions and loves that was so means a lot for the writer.

The writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, she conveniently welcomes any
suggestions, comments critics, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. She
hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who are read and interested in the field of
this study.


July 2015

The writer,

Dessy Putri Utami
Reg. No. 2113321006

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... vii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1
A. The Background of the Study .............................................................. 1
B. The Problem of the Study .................................................................... 4
C. The Objective of the Study .................................................................. 4
D. The Scope of the Study ........................................................................ 5
E. The Significance of the Study .............................................................. 5

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................ 6
A. Theoritical Framework......................................................................... 6
1. Students’ Achievement in Speaking .................................................... 6
2. Speaking ............................................................................................... 7
a. Types of Speaking .......................................................................... 8
b. Assessment of Speaking .................................................................. 10
3. Think Pair Share (TPS) ........................................................................ 13
a. Steps and Concepts of Think Pair Share (TPS)............................... 14
b. Principles and Characteristics of Think Pair
Share (TPS) .................................................................................... 15
c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Think Pair
Share (TPS) ..................................................................................... 16
4. Dictation .............................................................................................. 16
a. Step and Concept of Dictation ....................................................... 17
b. Principles and Characteristics of Dictation .................................... 17
c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Dictation…………… ............. 18
B. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................ 19
C. Hypotheses ........................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................... 22

A. Research Design................................................................................... 22
B. Population and Sample ........................................................................ 22
1. Population ..................................................................................... 22



2. Sample........................................................................................... 23
The Instrument of Collecting Data ...................................................... 23
Assessment and Scoring of Speaking ................................................. 24
The Procedure of Treatment ................................................................ 25
The Validity and Reliability of the Test .............................................. 27
1. Validity of the Test ........................................................................ 27
2. Reliability of the Test..................................................................... 28
The Technique for Analyzing Data...................................................... 30

The statistical Hypothesis .................................................................... 31

CHAPTER IV : DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION.......................... 32
A. The Data ............................................................................................... 32
B. The Data Analysis ................................................................................ 35
1. Testing the Reliability of the test .................................................. 35
2. Analyzing the Data using t-test ..................................................... 35
a. The Calculation of the t-table........................................................ 35
b. The Calculation of the t-observed ................................................. 36
3. Testing Hypothesis ........................................................................ 38
4. Discussion ..................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION............................... 40
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 40
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 40
REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 42
APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 44





Advantages and Disadvantages of Think Pair Share ................... 16


Advantages and Disadvantages of Dictation ................................. 18


The Research Design ....................................................................... 22


Rubrics of Scoring ........................................................................... 24


The Procedure of Treatment .......................................................... 26


The Result Score of Experimental Class ....................................... 33


The Result Score of Control Class ................................................. 34


T-Distribution .................................................................................. 36






Scores in the Experimental Group ...............................................43


Scores in the Control Group .........................................................44


The Calculation of t-table ..............................................................45


The Calculation of t-observed .......................................................45


The statistically Analysis for the Reliability ................................47


The Calculation of Reliability of the test......................................48


Lesson Plan .....................................................................................50


The Background of The Study
Language is the most important thing for people as a mean of

communication in this world. It is basically a means of both oral and written
communication. As we know English is the number one of the international
languages. It is also needed by young learners until adult learners, specifically for
students in Indonesia. Students have to implemented language as skills that has
been divided into four skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.
These are the main goals that should be achieved in teaching and learning
According to my Preliminary Data in SMA Negeri 6 Medan ,There is using
KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) which still be able implement that
curriculum as a united for education in that school. I also have been interviewed
the English teacher about the ability of students in English subject that still have
many problem with students’ ability in English especially in speaking skill.
Students acquiring second language is that they may imply something that
they don’t wish to communicate. Students be able to communicative in learn
English to determine some aspects needed in teaching learning process
specifically teaching speaking, student think that speaking is very difficult to

Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others.
Halliday:1985 states that the purposes which we wish to communicate with others
are so large that they are innumerable but speaking nevertheless differs from
written language in a number of respects.
Maxom (2008:183) states that speaking is the most important skill in
English language teaching to be mastered in school. Through speaking, students
express their ideas, feelings and desires to others. In school, the students learn
how to speak English easier because there are teachers and friends who can be
their facilitators and pairs to practice speaking in English.
School as a formal institution to gain knowledge upon graduation students
are for sure should be proficient in speaking. Infact, students can’t pass English
skills very well , it has been proved by their scores in English skills which is not
achieve enough to the KKM ( Minimal Passing Criteria) for the English subject is
75.It happened of the students who do not study hard in learn English subject
because of English is very difficult for them.
In line with the reason above, students must increase their ability in
learning English subjects. In speaking, students can develop their ideas by their
critical thinking about something happens and also it will be more important to
make their self more confidence while transferring any information to the
Many teachers agree that students should learn to speak English by
interacting with others. Reminding that the students’ in Indonesia have

weaknesses due to their ability in speaking is not good, they feel shy and not have
self confidence in their ability.
In this case, students should master several speaking components such as ;
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. In brief, English teacher should
be creative to develop their ability in speaking English.
Moreover, researcher needs a technique to overcome this problem for
students’ in Senior High School, to improve their speaking ability. Researcher
opted Think Pair Share as a technique as a way to make students’ improvement.
Think Pair Share (TPS) is a cooperative learning technique that encourages
individual participation and it is applicable across all grade levels and class sizes.
These can be viewed as a family of three-step techniques. (a) Students work
individually. (b) Students take turns to tell or describe with their partner. (c)
Students discuss and report to the class. They share what they have learned with
group members (Lyman, 1992). According to previous researcher, Think pair
Share is one of the cooperative learning technique could built the students’ ability
in speaking.
In line with the analyses of teaching speaking and students’ speaking
ability, the researcher is very much interested in discovering whether the use of
Think Pair Share (TPS) has an effect on students’ speaking achievement. Besides
of that, Think Pair Share (TPS) technique has the strength in improve the
students’ ability in speaking, the strengths are making students aware that
speaking is easier than they think, by Think, they can develop their ideas by
producing their words into sounds that giving a meaning from that.

By pairing, students can make a discussion with their friend about collecting
the words and arranging the words into one structural conversations and probably
for them to make a dialog based on what they want to criticize means like a latest
issues or topic, and also it would make exchange their ideas with their pair. And
then Share, after they discuss about the topic that they want to share about, it
might be to share their result’s discussion to the audiences or to the whole classes
which is can make evaluation for their discussion by comment or suggestion from
others respondents.
That is the reason why the researcher would like to conduct a study on
students’ speaking ability by choosing Think Pair Share (TPS) as the technique to
achieve students’ ability in speaking.

B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the Background of the Study, the problem is formulated as follows :
“Is there any significant effect of Think Pair Share on the students’
achievement in speaking?”

C. The Objective of the Study
In relation to the problem of study, the objective of the study is to investigate
the effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) technique on Students’ Speaking

D. The Scope of the Study
There are many ways to create the Teaching Learning process that teacher can
do to improve students’ achievement especially in teaching English. Specifically
this study focused on students’ achievement in speaking is Think Pair Share (TPS)
technique. In other words, the study is concentrated on the speaking. The material
is Asking and Giving Opinion in a topic about preferably a social issue, for
example Environment, Politics, Education, Corruption, etc.

E. The Significance of the Study :
The findings of this study will be useful


For the English teachers to improve their skills in teaching speaking
using Think Pair Share Technique.


For the English students to apply and practice speaking materials by
using Think Pair Share Technique.


For other researchers who will conduct the research at the same area with
the new creativity in develop this technique.


A. Conclusion
This study dealt with speaking ability. The problem was whether teaching speaking by
Think Pair Share (TPS) technique was significant effect than by using dictation technique. To
answer this problem , a hypothesis was stated as follows : Teaching Speaking by using Think
Pair Share technique was significant effect than by using dictation technique in students’
speaking achievement. So Think Pair Share technique is better used to improve the students’
speaking achievement than Dictation technique.

B. Suggestion
In the relation to the conclusion above , the researcher some suggestion as following
1) It suggested to the English writer to apply Think Pair Share technique in improving the
students’ speaking with giving the interesting explanation, good motivation and giving
much time for the students to practice it.
2) It suggested to the students to be brave and want to try practice to speak up in English

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